(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

i wan beige effiel tower but long handles .. let me know if u have !

u r already a millionaire !! just u have not encash only .. haha
hmm, seriously, i don't really think the price for the private property will come down a lot as the demands will continue to surge especially after the IR open. U might see the $1Mil like a lot, but u might regret later when u realise your $1M can't even get the unit that u had earlier. The good location unit is now easily >$1kpsf.

u got the unit at the block that you want liao ?

wish you the best on your viewing. Which location that you are looking for now ?

i am still working hard to close more deals ..
Deepavali coming & i will be back to malaysia tomorrow (long weekend holiday) .. YEAH !!!
Anyone tried Healthy Times brown rice cereal on your bb? I tried on my boy, and tasted it myself and I find it really bland and tasteless as compared to Nestle's rice cereal. So I added 2 tea spoon of Heinz custard banana into the brown rice cereal give it some taste. My boy don't like it, scream for me to stop...hiaz..I will try again this weekend, if still don't like it, I will have to discard already.

Apart from Healthy times, what other organic rice cereal is good and tasty? I would like to stop giving Nestle's cos got transfat and very sweet, don't want him to develop sweet tooth
hi, i'm from aug mtb thread.. i have 2 boxes of Pigeon Sterilizing Tablets for sales. brought at $6.70 each selling at $5 per box. brought too many boxes and i'm leaving US already and i do hav a sterilizer over there so dun need the tablets le. if interested do PM me k!
my boy tried HT brown rice and Bellamy rice cereal. He is ok with both, maybe becso I started him on these bland cereals right from the start. Once he has tasted something sweet, quite hard to get him to take the bland ones. Organic ones are usually bland cos no added sugar/salt or preservative. I have also bot Earth Best brown rice, but yet to try
mummies who tried bellamy cereal, does the cereal look like bread crumbs? they look so diff from the nestle cereal which is more powdery. was wondering is it like that?
sinmey ...

Yes thats exactly what I am afraid of ... if i sell my current unit ... even with $1m ... i might not be able to get something similar back =p

So will look for a unit to buy before i sell ... but then again no urgency cos we are v happy staying where i am now heehee
Wow.. so many babies are teething and some got 4 tooth le… so cute..
Zac’s tooth has not come out yet. He’s been drooling a lot though.
my boy tried HT brown rice and Bellamy rice cereal. He is ok with both, maybe becso I started him on these bland cereals right from the start. Once he has tasted something sweet, quite hard to get him to take the bland ones. Organic ones are usually bland cos no added sugar/salt or preservative. I have also bot Earth Best brown rice, but yet to try
Irene ...

Frankly its the location thats nice ... and if high floor then the view is good .. BUT BUT the finishing is q terrible ... q a number of stuff are falling apart and cracks are showing all over the house =(
hi all..my baby has 2 lower teeth now and she is coming to 7 months 2 weeks old...she gave me lots of problems on our trip to perth last week..wa...come to think of it, how did i get through that haha...but it was a good trip with lots of cute photos ;)

i cant remember which mummy is going to perth in december...but the weathers great! let me know if you need any info

hi mummies!

need help! anyone's baby still waking up 2 to 3 times a night for feeds or wake up screaming?
I'm already feeding my girl semi solids for 2 feeds a day. Cereal during the day and porridge in the evening. Any advice for a sleep deprived mummy? TIA!
BEABA Babycook: Distributor has replied. To get 20% disc, need to have min 5 units of Babycook ($289)and above. They have other Beaba feeding products for sale too. I have been told that this will be the best price you can get as it will be price-controlled in the stores.
If you girls are interested, can go ahead and consolidate on your own and I'll forward the order to her. Sorry but I don't have time right now to do it.
pseed, gina,jojo,pei,yvonne,

your gap/on reach me. let me sort out the items n email u.

i think i ordered for some one else but i forget who liao! refresh me pls?
good morning!

It's mid-week... grrr... i hate mid-week cos got after working for 2 days, there's another 2 days ahead..
Ivy thanks! Let me know how much ok? I will either pass to you next week during lunch or tt at one go. I normally gather all my transactions and tt togethr.
Me too, my baby still waking up 2 to 3 times a night for feeds and cry.
I also feeding my girl semi solids for 2 feeds a day. Cereal during the day and porridge in the evening... now very sleepy.

My girls are still waking up twice nightly for their feeds. The worst is my youngest girl, she will cry with her eyes shut every few hours. My eldest girl very guai, basically just feed her and she will fall asleep.
kat, serene
my boi norm sleep ard 8pm+ and will give him last feed ard 12 or 1am+ depend wat time his previous feed... then he'll wake up ard 5am+ for milk or sometimes ard 3 or 4 plus+ depend...
he's on semi solid x 2 too n wondering can he sleep thru w/o giving him his last feed... so i can sleep thru too w/o getting up to give him milk...

thks!!! btw, the $289 is b4 20% or aft?

i'm n leave 2day... resting at home...
need to work for 2 days then wkend lor...
how old is yr ger? u already giving her porridge huh? i'm wondering when i can start giving my boi porridge...
My boy will sleep at 8pm+ and will have his feed before he sleeps. He will wake up at 12+ and I used to give him his feed but I realised that he will only drink 60ml or less and goes to sleep. So, I tried giving him water and he will go back to sleep and only wake up at 5+ 6am.
Too sleepy and tired.

Almost everynight 3am-8am, 1-2hrs on-off my girl will cry with her eyes close must carry her and pat then sleep.

My girl now is 7th months two weeks plus.
I feeding my girl cereal when she was 4th months old. For porridge she start on 6th months plus.
Because we are staying with mil, so have to listen to her. Anyway my girl enjoy eating porridge.
Serene, Kat
If ur gers dun want her feed and still cry, she might be teething... I experienced that two weeks ago, feel so helpless. This week I started giving my boy teething tablets, he can sleep through the night. His last feed at 8pm, sleeps at 9pm n wakes up ard 8-8.30am next morning.

Feeding semi solid
Mommies, how u gauge how much ur LO eat? ie rice cereals - no. of tbsp/tsp of rice cereal u use to make the cereal, or how much u fed him... purees in tbsp u feed or u give?
My gal start eating porridge when she is 4mths+, of cos it's mil who intro tat though PD suggest to intro after 6mths

my BB ll take 1-2times of porridge and the rest ll be milk with cereal also.
she ll sleep ard 8-9+ and @ times make noise ard 2-3am but we juz give her water and she ll zzz again
could it be she got too excited while playing in e daytime tat makes her like tat @ night?

My ger also wakes up 2 to 3 times at night for milk. Didnt improve at all.

Already started giving porridge to her at 6mths 1wk. My PD told me to go ahead. So I give her fish/veg/meat porridge and she is taking well.. After she takes the porridge, she no longer likes the cereal.

Her milk consumption still the same (120ML) for every 2.5 to 3hrs and 2 meals porridge.
Gosh NOrthvirgo, how do u cope with 3 babies wanting their milkfeeds in the middle of the nigth? *hat salute* seriously, wow, you are one wonderful mummy ! With my one little rascal, my eyeballs are alreayd popping out of their sockets already :p
starflower, no lah. I'm not so wei da. My maids help me in the night feeds. If not I sure die.

My girls need to sleep in separate rooms, if not they sure wake each other up when they cry. then laggi more sian with 2 crying bbies at night.

i have no guts to start them on the cry it out routine even though i desperately wish that they can sleep through the night. When oh when will they sleep thru the night?!
how do u cook the porridge until is soft enough for our bbs? need to soak the rice first or not?
if not, how to cook until soft?

I use the slow cooker to cook the porridge. For me, i just wash the rice/brown rice, put the ingredients like minced fish/veg/meat and hot water (small bowl) into the slow cooker for app 4 hrs (8am to 12pm). The texture turns out to be very soft. Just in time for lunch and save the remaining portion for dinner.

her menu is minced cod fish/veg porridge, stock from the pork with potatoes porridge (I throw away the meat) , sweet potatoes or butternut squash pumpkin porridge. My PD asked me to mix sweet potatoes or pumpkin with porridge.

Im getting sick of the menu. any mummies to share new receipes?
Hey mummies, mumcentre Fitti promotion still on, but only for sizes, NB, S and M only

Must buy 1 carton (6 packets) for $60, free delivery to your doorstep, COD.

the 6 packets can be split into 2 sizes, i.e. 3pkts S and 3pkts M. I just ordered 1 carton(6 pkts) of M size
Just email to [email protected]
elina - i grind my rice into powder... then i put into the slow cooker with meat n veg for 1-2hrs... very fast done.. texture is excellent too! my veg is already pureed and cooked.. so i add it in after the porridge is done... then leave it too cool and feed baby... the meat i cook together with the porridge...

pseed - maybe try and call them to ask if can? being kiasi.. i ordered L together with the M the last time round... i ordered 3M and 9L... lol... finished M... now finishing up huggies M... then will try fittis L... the M cutting a bit small.. i saw at kiddy palace they are selling for 12+ per pack...
