(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi Mummies,

hehe.. i was about to post about the fitti promo too..

well.. the information for the promo:


Don't know if i should buy cos i still have 1 more carton of size M.. Bree is pretty petite.. now at 6.5 mths still weighing at 7.5kg and size M. Pd said during weaning talk that bb's weight gain will slow down after 6mths.. and average weight of a 1 yr old is between 9 - 10kg.

Bree is pooing a lot for the past 2 weeks.. 3 - 5 times a day. will monitor and see usage.. then decide if i wanna stock up ;)

My darling although 8+kg is already using size L of Pamper & Mamy Poko ...

BTW, those who bought playmat, do you actually buy 2? i.e. 1 for home use, 1 for caregiver house?
I just bought another new playmat, then realise my mum seldom use the current one! Haiz...

Now i dunno whether to sell it while still BN or leave it???
What's the number for the Fitti? I had it before but deleted.

Northvirgo, good job keeping sane! The rest of us are struggling sometimes with just one but you have 3 lol

And if anyone still wants the Babycook, I'm submitting the order next week. But please consolidate among yourselves. I am busy busy these few weeks.
wait till next week then pay me la.

i had 2 pc of playmat cos my mum do use it. Maybe ask your mum to just lay it on the floor?
I realised u missed out chicken? Hmmm....
Can try stock chicken with broccoli, stock chicken with normal potato, pumpkin with chicken, plain potato and carrot and corn porridge, corn with chicken porridge, pork with potato porridge, pork with carrot. But be careful not to give too much carrot or pumpkin a week cause they are full of coloured pigments, so bb might turn colour if take too much. Heh. Hope this helps.
my boi taking 4.5 x tbsp of cereal 2 times daily... my mum gauge accordingly one... initially she'll increase slowly until the amount my boi can take w/o too full...

ic... mayb i'll slowly intro porridge to my boi... thks for yr feedback!!!

Fitti M size oso small for my boi...
oohh.. fitti promo still on.. but zac cannot fit in M le.. luckily i'd order the last round L size, now still got 6 packs at home.

Oh ya.. just to announce my little venture here.
Me and my aunt started out a small biz... selling some handmade items like handstitch key pouches, taggies and more coming up. I've added some of the mommies in FB to my biz's account. Thanks for confirming my friend's request at FB. For those who did not have FB, here's my little webby.
Please support! Thanks in advance!
actually tot of sharing the order w u one... but so sad M size a bit small for him...
now hb said wanna try huggies... dun noe huggies size tend to be same or bigger than fitti...
hey mummies, April mummies are ordering babycook in bulk, hee heart itchy want to buy, it will be very good for busy working mums like us but can only use for a few months cos by then babies can take solid food and my gal is teething..turning 7 months old liao..hmm cost justify?
i'm oso tempted to buy babycook but hb said no coz too exp n somemore use for few mths then will chuck at 1 corner... =(
mangogal ...

IF you ask me ... its better to use the money to buy a steamer and a blender seperately ... cos the steamer can use to steam fish, mince meat etc next time

And blender can blend fruit juice, make ikan bilis powder etc

I buy those ice cube mode with cover to freeze my puree, afterwhich store in lock lock box.

You can buy the mini blender from philip so that you can blend small portion each time
the babycook is fun and easy to use. If you have #1 only then can buy and keep for #2..then it makes it more worth the while.
for me, i think i will stick with whatever i have now cos i have closed shop! lol.
Seabreeze & Ivy, I actually hv slow cooker, steamer and blender at hm...hee

Chk wif both of you since 2nd time mummies: If using slowcooker to cook, the nutrients is still there right?
I intend to blend vege fish and ,meat etc...then pour into slow cooker wif porridge and cook together.
My mum intend to boil 'shang4 tang1' wif the slow cooker as well...
mangogal ...

What i usually do is that I cook the plain porridge with vege ... and I can cook 2 portion (lunch and dinner).

When its time for lunch ... I will portion out and put in the slice fish and minced pork into the porridge and cook + ikan bilis powder ... and the frozen soup base.

Should be ok since you dun pour or throw away anything ... so no nutrients lost in that way ba
The fish & meat can be cooked together with porridge with the stock to give it a sweet taste but don't need blend them. As for vege, think better to just add in when porridge is almost ready since vege nutrients get lost easier. When all is ready, just blend all together.
we cook fresh each meal with the slow cooker but mine is the mini size one, v small. Dun think got lose nutrients cos everything is inside.
If your bb is ok with the texture of the porridge, then don't need to blend the porridge. I will just blend the ingredients (fish, potato, vege) together cause I find vege, potato still quite big pc even after mashing.
u r talking abt cooking vegetables for porridge... Wat veg are they? Brocoli,sweet potato, pumpkin, potato,carrot, or green veg like spinach, heng cai?
northvirgo, sun96, jazho, minnie24,crazyfrog

thanks for sharing! I'm really glad i'm not he only one having such a fussy bb who doesn't sleep well.. sigh.. jia you! hope all babies will be able to sleep through the night soon! we'll b able to get our beauty sleep then! haha.. thanks a lot!
i also use the abovementioned vegs except spinach. For veg like pumpkin/sweet potatoes etc, I steam first n mash it. Then add in just before the porridge is ready. For heng cai, i just wash, chop into small bits n add into the porridge 5-10 mins before serving.

I have to blend the mashed potatoes porridge too. After cooking, the mashed potatoes becomes small lumps..

Im a lazy bum.. I put the remaining portion into the food thermos flask. Still hot for dinner..
mangogal:: i always try to only cook for one meal to ensure freshness. UNLESS i am going out for whole day then i will put into thermos flask like jassy. haha!! and if i am going to keep to consume for some time later, i will not cook those type with veges.. cause some veges turn colour after a few hrs, and mil say don't let bb take. haha!and, i don't cook la. she cook. so she say what, i anyhthing goes.

i don't know about the nitrates stuff. but if we keep the water and blend together will be too watery, hence have to filter away the water..
sun: my boy seemed to be bigger in size than bryan n i only changed his huggies ultra size to 'L' recently but havent use yet...mamy poko still using 'M'...nepia also 'M'..huggies is gooooood cos also no leakage for overnight so far...no ammonia smell though i prefer MP(but strong urine smell)...
Hi mummies and babies,

How's everyone doing? I am back from my hectic tight schedule finally... Got a maid... still new need training... at least lighten my load for 40%. 50% go to kids and 10% food problem. I am thinking of sourcing tingkat service, wonder which caterer to use???

Any advise mummies???
wah sassy.. how come u come in so later... heee... i also just changed maid.. lesser headache... good luck for maid.. i tink for tingkat.. ever heard Lenny has the contacts if i m nt wrong

Yes... the water from spinach got nitrates so best not to use it. By the way, for the beaba babycook, does the distributor bring in the spare parts? I am thinking of getting spare parts, esp the blade, in case they blunt.

Hope ur new maid is good.
For tingkat, it depends on ur budget leh... Mom's cooking is good but expensive.
hi sassy!!!
must come in often... miss u lei...

spinach is it heng cai?? i'm quite confuse on their names... kakaka
I need some help in wetbags here.
I saw two BP, One from Joann and one from Mummycent. Which one is better?

Also the size, I need one that is able to fit in a towel and swimsuit cos #2 will be having a pool session in school every thursday, so wanna get one for her to put the towel and swimsuit in rather than using plastic bag. Which size is more suitable for me? M or L?
Hi Sassy,

I am currently on a 10 days trial with Mom's cooking.

I find their food ok in the sense of presentation. it wets your appetite when you see the dishes. I do find them expensive which i believe a lot of the cost we are paying goes to the printing of nice paper food containers and their printed plastic bags. They claim that they do not add MSG.. hmm.. i find myself thirsty after dinner though. i will continue till hubby gets back and for the month that he is in town to let him try.. we might drop them and get someone else.. cos they are charging 100% more than market rate.. i dun mind paying if they are really worth it..

I have tried the following tingkat dinner caterers so far recently:

1. Select Catering
- too much MSG.. apart from being very thirsty the whole night after dinner and waking up in the middle of the night kept drinking lotsa water.. my ears swell. think i am allergic to MSG.. if i had too much. my ears swell..

2. Hilltop Hong kong cafe.
- a friend of mine actually went down to try their food before we both commit to their tingkat. although fish were given everyday.. i had 3 nights where the fried fish given was stale..
freaks the hell of out me.. menu repeats after a few days.. 2 - 3 nights in a week.. you will get 2 out of 4 dishes cooked with same sauce.. *faint*

same case.. i felt thirsty after dinner.. they claim that they do not use MSG but use Chicken essense powder.. oh well.. MSG is one of the main ingredients in chicken essense powder though.. Duh....

3. Cafe in Action
was initially impressed by their idea of serving multinationalities tingkat dinner.. sometimes italian, western, korean, japanese and local..

but in my ten days trial.. i had 4 nights of cabbage.. and the menu does not really live up to their ideas..

food comes in platic containers.. sometimes i do receive them in plastic bags ans tied up.. like what we get when we buy Mee pok from food centres.. it kinda puts me off.. lost my appetite after seeing this.

Their staff are really nice and friendly.. tries to accommodate by giving me slightly more food.. the first night.. portion is really too little.. they apologised and give me a free dinner for 2 free.. meaning extend from 10 days to 11 days.
cos i bf.. eat alot.. hahah

*i could not try four seasons cafe.. i use their service 10 yrs back.. and find them not bad.. i was told that they do not delivery to Jurong area.

If memory serves me right, there are a few mummies who have ordered from Neo Graden, you might want to get their feedback.

if i am not wrong.. Neo garden started out from a Zi char stall in Jurong west market.. i ordered from them.. back in 1997.. from my memory .. not as good as Select Catering and four seasons.. so i dropped them.

Bcak then.. MSG is not so bad in Select Catering.. haiz...

there is another one that i want to try.. Ban heng teochew restaurant.. but same thing.. they dun deliver to Jurong as well..
Thanks! Lots of recipes to try

Nope. Spinach is not heng cai. Spinach is "bo cai".

I got mine from Joann and am using the M-size for myself when I go swim. Can fit in a swimsuit & towel.

Oh.. one more thing about Mom's cooking...

Portion is kinda little.. again.. maybe its cos i am Bf so.. i did feedbcak for more.. so its nice that they accomodate to give me slightly little more..

they told me.. many clients feedback the portion too much and had to throw away,..

Hubbuy ask me to tell them.. since other ppl find it too much.. give us la.. so they dun throw and waste food.. muahahaha...
