(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Anyone interested to take over my opened box of Bellamy's toothiepegs? Only used up one peg. Just bought it but realised the pegs are really hard

I'm staying in Sengkang. Self collection. PM me if interested.
hi mummies, little update. Had to bring A to KKH last night as she purged everything she ate/drank during the day. She has been slowly dehydrating but so far exhibits only a few of the signs below.

Symptoms of dehydration:
- dry lips
- dry mouth
- not enough wet nappies
- poorer sense of balance than normal
- sunken eyes
- sunken fontanelle

There is no way to treat the virus directly, baby's body needs to create own anti bodies and their bodies continue to purge over a few days.

Basically we need to ensure
- Balance of input and output (esp water).
- Feed little but often as body rejects too much in one go.

We're trying to give 40-60ml every hour but she's not really taking it all. Gave some probiotics to help clear the gut. I do breast feed as well so I hope she is getting something at least. No more purging today but nappy still too dry, even overnight. Monitoring very closely for now. We decided to stay home and monitor although doctor said he wanted to observe in hospital. DH took half day leave though so we've been taking turns to watch her and give her liquids.
P.Seed - hope Baby A recovers soon! Its tiring on the parents too, having to take care of little one day and night...u take good care of yourself also...

Scrumpee - i thought the pegs were soft, but they are realli as hard as rock...also think like quite hard to dissolve also...my mil was complaining about the pegs...i tink she won't want to give them to my boy la...
hope bb A gets well soon... u oso must take care...

saw u last sat @ gymboree... u attending the music class huh??

i didn't sign up... y? u interested?
Teething Pegs,
actually i tot the pegs are supposed to be hard so that the baby can't bite them off and become a choking hazard? also i think the hardness is supposed to soothe their discomfort, for them to gnaw on .. but i must say its really damn hard even for other brands like Heinz..

I bought a pack of the toothpegs too and find that its really hard. Thats y up to now havent give my girl yet as I cant imagine her being able to eat lor when its so hard.

Hope baby A get well soon, it must have been tough on you too "hugs"
sun - ya its the music trial class lor, supposed to attend with three other mar mummies on 11Oct but then that day last min cannot make it cos kyan was fussing while drinking milk...so we postpone one week later, which was 18th. Why were u at Harbourfront? thought u also attending class but when i came out i never see u liao...
Annt - u got a point there, but i was thinking how long can baby finish the whole peg since its so hard to dissolve?

Sportyger - yalor dunno leh...can the baby eat such a rock hard thing? hehe...
Pinksorbet - hee i don't think the baby will ever be able to finish it .. most of the time,i dump it once it gets too messy with saliva dripping all over. i think getting a teether is probably more useful so will not be replenishing my current stash.

Big sayang to BB A. Hope she gets better with pushing oral fluids, but if she doesn't or is still peeing very badly, then best she goes to hospital. By the time bb reaches the last 3 signs of dehydration on your list, they will need iv fluids pretty urgently. Best if A doesn't even get there. You and DH take care too - it is very physically and mentally tiring to look after an ill bb.

about gymboree, i am trying tolet Bree has some class to go.. like once a week.. i am not sure yet.. if i sign up will likely be at tanglin mall cos the current Play and Learn Stage 2 class at HarbourFront on Friday are babies who are already 10mths old.. and they are moving to stage 3. even if bree join n.. she will be left out.

Julia Gabriel classes are full this term..we can only waitlist for term 1 2010.. again.. availability depends on venue and timing as if there are drop outs from current group. They used to have trials but no longer organise them.. need to discuss with hubby but he is not in town till 4th Nov.. we'll see about that.
u still manage to get it?

i bought it aft heinz was oos...

my ger only likes heinz n bellamy rice cereal n with water not fm...

she is giving me hard time on weaning her. dont like brown rice, dont like oatmeal cereal, dont like potato, sweet potato and taking a bit of pumpkin and starting spinach now... i cooked rice into porridge for her she eat sometimes only.. sigh..

I bought mine from Tanglin Mall. But was told that currently Bellamy is OSS too. Saw Bellamy's products at Carrefour organic on Sun though.

Sometimes baby will not be receptive the first time you introduce her a new food. But keep trying and subsequently she might grow to like it.
my maid boil the porridge for almost 2 hours on v small fire. find it a waste of resource. and we cook half scope of similac scope of rice and cook every meal. she is taking 3 meals a day. 9am, 12pm and 3pm. either 2 scope of white rice cereal or half scope of boiled porridge with side like new veg and fm60ml or bf an hr aft meal.
wow, the 12 boxes should be able to last your baby for a very long time then!!

I haven't fed my baby porridge yet. Haven't decide when to start yet.

So how much milk is your baby drinking now? My baby loves her solids but her milk intake has dropped quite a bit
abt 2-3 months..
i understd that mini still need to drink 500ml a day.
i dont know how much. she zzz average 7pm and midnight woke up to drink. and wakes up abt 7am. then eat and drink at 9am, 12pm and 3pm, and 7pm drink fm120ml with bf.

oh dear. fussy eater? have u tried other things like fruit/avocado/veggie purees on its own. keep introing a wide variety so u dun encourage more pickiness. ganbatte!!!
i introd potato, pumpkin, sweet potato n just started spinach today.
i haf 1 tin of nestle rice cereal wo milk, bellamy porridge, HT cereal lying in the cupboard...
she can cry and cry and spit out her food and refuse to close her mouth.. faintz.
my bb jumps like crazy...as if he has springs, not muscles for his legs haha...

he jumps w one foot on e grd n e other tiptoes...my hb oso like tat when young, as told by my mil...talk abt dejavu...

e Teethie pegs r a tad too hard...bought by my mil...well my boi rejected them left rite front n back...tink its meant for sucking, cant b chewed or eaten...oso tink itz kinda messy as e saliva jus rests on e sticks...qite gross...i rather use teething biscuits or rings or teething gel...sometimes, new stuff may not b e best leh...

last but not least, p seed, may bb A get well sn...sounds like serious..u rest too yar...keeping our fingers crossed over ur child's condition...hug hug her more ...
p seed,

Oh no! Hope that bb A is better. It is really very heart pain to see bb sick and need to go hospital. U take care of yourself too, need to be strong and healthy to look after bb.

Re: Swimming lessons.
I am also keen.. its for bb ya?

Your baby is doing good.. her schedule is pretty stable.. and taking 3 meals aday already at this age..

About weaning:
I am having the same problems with Bree.. it pretty much depends on her mood.. sometimes she does finish all her lunch.. sometimes.. 5 baby spoons.. she turns away and cry for milk..

as for dinner.. her intake is like 4 - 6 tablesppon of bb cereal mixed with oat meal plus 1 tablespoon of fruit. she even refuses fruit sometimes.. i leave her to play on her own then bathe her.. after about an hour or so.. i latch her on then she goes to bed around 7pm as well

i just let her be.. don't wanna force her.. Meal time should be happy and fun..

if we force them to eat now.. they might reject all the more.. i had friend who have to battle to feed their babies.. Haiz.. dun want that.. for sure..

Re: Milk..
Babies do need milk even though they are on solids.. till 3 yrs old..
Ya, many places OOS for Bellamy rice cereal. Managed to get them at GWC Four seasons org mkt.

My boy milk intake is really bad these few days. When giving him EBM, he takes at most 3oz. Incl latching, he drinks 4x BM a day, worse, during last feed, he drinks only 1-2 oz only. All in less than 500ml a day, been on going for a few days. But otherwise, he is ok. He is fed semi-solid 2x a day. Usually brown or white rice cereal mixed with veg puree like pumpkin/sweet potatoe/avocado etc. AM giving him 3-4 tablespoon of rice cereal + abt 2 tablespoon puree each feed. Am I giving him too much solids that he is not drinking?
hi ladies

i have a new tin of frisocrem wheat-based milk cereal bought at $6.90 willing to let go at $4.50
PM me if interested
donroxx: Hi hi.. I've started on pork and chix in my boy's diet.. mince the lean meat.. =] and also some bigger piece jus for the taste to be in the porridge...

Anyone tried the multigrain (wu gu)?? a bit harder to mince so have to use blender..
hmmm... hello jtho.. hahaha!

everyone keeps on talking abt weaning diet and food... guess not everyone has much to comment so thread is dying liao =P
Hi missycandy: no time no "see"
hahaha... miss u all.. any gathering?? missed the 6th mth bash.. sob sob.. fully booked up..
Anybody plan to bring baby along for tour?
I was discouraged to bring baby along as worry about falling sick easily and also unable to enjoy ourselves as always need to attend to baby, etc etc... but I think my mind will always be on my bb if didn't bring along! Hmm....
janbebe - think no one organising any gathering at the moment.. heh heh heh... it org wil be big scale.. dont anyone wans to volunteer to do so la... =P where do u live? maybe some of the mummies who live near u might wan to meet up. heh heh heh...

idlecat - im nt sure abt tour but u cn ask some of the mummies here who have brought their little ones for trips... 1 great example wil be alfafa who is currently in US... hee hee... plus asura who went few mths ago, pseed and jtho who went back to france... babe who went to aust... donroxx also jus came back frm US... think some other mummies too... hee hee... if u need advise, you might wan to scroll back to archives... i believe Asura did give great advise when travelling with baby... posted over a few posts... and i think pseed also added in some details...
