(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Kome, oh no.. poor Anver. I hope he'll get well soon. Lot's of Hugz for Anver.

Ya, some elderly are like that. At one point they can tell you A and then after that they tell you B. And when you confront them, they can tell you they where got said A.... My Dad is like that too. Urgh...

You finish getting all the accesories from IKEA already? If not perhaps you can get them during lunch time at the IKEA Alexandra branch?

This is what I would do if I need something urgently from IKEA. Seach for the item I need from IKEA's website: http://www.ikea.com.sg/homepage/home.asp

Then add that item to "My shopping List" and print it out. Bring it along to IKEA Store and jus grab the things according to the list. Each item has article number so even if you can't find that item jus ask the store assistance for help. I usually do this at the alexandra branch since it's only few bus stops away from my workplace. Jus a suggestion, hope it helps.

Kome ...

Dun sad lar ... our parents are at the end of the day human ... they oso v tired. Maybe postpone the renovation for a week or so ... target to move in by Xmas/New Year/CNY heehee ... quite nice to have a new start during the festive period

Or tell your mum that you take the #1 out and she just need to help with Anver lor ... since Anver just recovered am sure she wont wan him to go out and expose himself to potential virus etc

She blame you cos she is the maincaretaker and she heartache to see her grandchild fall sick mar ... my mum oso always call me over the weekend to ask me abt the kids and scold me abt the BM *arrrgggghhhhh* even though she already see them like 5 days hahahaha they scold scold but in the end will help one lar ...

Dun sad k

Asura ...

Sorry didnt go down yesterday cos SH was super cranky ... must be that 2 teeth!!! Hope that your bb like the sinlac heehee
They had done blood test, took his nose mucus and urine test for him. All the test report does not said anything lor. No bacteria nor virus inside and miracle he recovered after staying 2 days in KK without medicine. Now i suspected that he might have got a cold as i might had kept him too warm in a blanket and he sweat. When contact in the air-con room might be too cold for him already.

Thanks. Had got the things already yesterday. i cannot search online first as hubby was the one who took the measurement and wanted to see the actual thing. Actually, hubby was the one looking at the things while i am taking care of the 2.
Ya, i do understand that she heartpain about my kids. Thats why i don't want to argue back with her. I don't think contractors can do the reno slowly lor, coz this will delay their payment also. Actually most of my things, we just find it ok than we grab it already. Did not really go check this and that which will be quite time consuming.

Haha.....in actual fact Anver is the one very difficult to look after. My #1 is quite old already so she don't mind to look after him.
Kome, ah.. that's good. At least you had cleared one thing from the "To do list" already. I'm sure you'll feel great satisfaction when the reno is done! ;o)

As for Anver, hopefully you can find the cause of the Fever soon so that you can minimise the chances of getting it again. Yes, the immuse sys. of our little ones are not matured sometime a slightest change in the temperature can make them sick. We just have to be really careful and alert all the time.
Still got fridge, TV, washing machine and doors for my toilets and kitchen have not buy yet. Really don't know how she we go and shop for it with Anver like this. After getting all this things, the rest of small small things can get slowly already.
Haha.....maybe too warm. Coz his clothes abit wet behind. :p Hope this time will recover fast after a day rest at home.

No prob.. paiseh wasnt able to go up cos 6:30pm, my MIL going out, i need to rush to pick up my gal and after that with gal a bit mafan to park and go up to get it. I got to wait for her current cereal to finish before i give her the sinlac. Hope she likes it too..
Re: Teething
My boy has a upper teeth and lower teeth coming out. Has been a little cranky, especially at night only. He's generally an active & happy baby in the day.

Wanted to ask you about the teething tablets. I tried popping 1 tablet before he sleeps but it doesn't seem to work. I applied dentinox gel & he will smile and go to sleep.
Kome, for Fridge and washing machine hor you better decide fast coz you need to tell the contractor the exact measurement before they fix the cabinets in the kitchen. Last time when we did our reno, we were too late giving the measurement and the contractor gave us a small platform for the washing machine. We ended up having VERY little choice of washing machines to choose from....

Yaya... small small things can slowly get. Can try to adopt my method. heehehe...
Jasmin ...

I pop 2 ... 1 not enough i think heehee ... its bet 2-3 per time ... but so far max is 3 =)

Kome ...

You can just go and see at shopping ctr and call up some supplier to check on their price. They are usually cheaper than Best Dekin, Courts, Harvey Norman etc cos they only accept cash and you can bargain one heehee

I always order from Sweetson Electrical Trading

Places for cheap electrical appliances
Prominent Impex (S) Pte Ltd
195, Lavender St, #02-13, Eminent Plaza
6292 4648

Goh Ah Bee
9 Kaki Bukit Industrial Park
6748 7655 / 62803

Iberna Pacific Pte Ltd
Blk 258, Pasir Ris St 21, #02-329, Loyang Point
6585 3733

Sweetson Electrical Trading
Blk 258, Bukit Batok East Ave 3, #01-363
6563 2308, 6566 8150

Raffles Home Audio
81, Genting Lane, #02-03, Everich Industrial Building
6744 5018
8 Jln Kilang Timor, #02-02, Kewalram House (off Jln Bt Merah)
6270 0766

Parisilk Electronics & Computers
7 Transit Road (near Nee Soon Camp)
6452 1593

Kong Tai Electrical Trading
Blk 504 Jurong West St 51 #01-221 Singapore 640504
Tel : 6565 8924 / 8970

Hong Liang Electrical Enterprise
Blk 123 Bukit Merah lane 1 #01-70
Tel : 6278 3331 / 6273 6109 / 6273 2269

112 EAST COAST ROAD # B1-03/11
Tel: 63487998

Lee Meng
We are not doing any platform so still ok. Had asked them to leave about 80cm of space to put the fridge also.

Yes, definitly will need to try out your method.
Woww.....Seabreeze, you really got alot of lobangs. Thanks, really need this info. Heehee....go call them up and check the prices after my lunch. :D
Kome ...

I kept this list since the time i got married hahahaha but you need to give them the brand n model number so that you can compare. Sometimes q hard to call thr cos alot of ppl call n ask for price ...
Ok, thanks. Made use of your list and go check out. I got some model number with me, can go ask them first.
hello mummies, my youngest daughter has fever, doctor says that it's viral infection. she's so super cranky now..

yesterday i fed my girls spinach and they poo green pieces of poo out. seems that it has not been digested well, can still see the bits and pieces in her poo. Mil not happy and ask me y i fed my girls spinach.. anybody has encountered this b4?? the green bits in poo?
fireangel & ivy,

Thanksfor advice on Protein intorduction. when do you mommies give your babies protein as in which week aftr they are weaned and at what age are they weaned?

I am still trying bree on the vege during lunch. so far she is ok with sweet potato, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower but don't like brocolli and parsnip.

some times she finished everything.. sometimes not.. its like she is not really stable with her food intake yet.. that's why i donlt know if i should go ahead with introducing protein..

Tried to feed her a bit of baby yoghurt today.. the one with banana flavour.. She doesn't seem to like it.. maybe its sour? ..

poor bb Zac ..I hope Zac is feeling better.. i am actually surprised that he is allergic to fish. I read and that asian babies are more adaptable to fish than western babies who are advised to introduce fish after 8 mths.
my mum just called during lunch to complain abt SH ... say that he super fussy with food and v hard to feed =p

but i rather think that cos he is teething ... I actually can see 1 of the teeth cutting out from the gum that he is more fussy and dun wan to eat ...

think its just a bad timing to intro solid food when he is teething ... poor fellow

My BB ever poo carrots bits also for 2days.
My mil say it ll takes 3days to clear their system..i guess it's normal for such things to happen.

MIL juz like to nag.....................................................
Hi Moms, any recommendation on brand of cereal for 6+ months old baby? I've been feeding mine the Nestle one (free sample) and she loves it but not sure if too sweet/processed. If there is a healthier choice that would be my preferred.

for me it's a matter of just observing bb as opposed to watching the exact no. of days/weeks that have passed since xxx was introed i guess.. as u know some bb's more adaptable than others when it comes to food. he just turned 7 mths, but i started introing purees at 5 mths, and over 3 weeks established him to half his meals being semi solids three times a day. decided to intro protein as he seems to be making constantly "chewy" movements with his mouth/tongue, and was able to take much thicker consistensies already. what was more he had already tried and proven to be ok with a good range of fruit/vegs/tastes, so decided to try him with the fish/meat mixed in with his lunch just as a matter of a new texture and taste. he is also the eczematous/running nose in dusty conditions type (just hope he doesn't inherit his father's asthma when he gets older), but so far no reactions to any foods.

one's instinct is better at telling one when it is a good time to intro what to bb than the time table i feel, but of course within reasonable limit lah

my boy opp fr urs. at least urs will take milk? mine has totally rejected it but still quite happy with the solids. thing is add milk to his food also not enough to cover the 500 mls that he normally consumes in a day.. sigh..
A.Fireangel ...

The 'problem' is that he is playing with the teat of the milk bottle ... my mum says that he will fill up his whole mouth with milk then purposely open the corner of his mouth and let the milk leak out *faint* - my precious BM!!!

But if i latch on then no such problem ... so strange lor ... my #1 who is q a fussy eater had no problem at all when we started him w solid. Cant imagine if SH is even more fussy than the brother ...

haha he does the same!!! he plays with the teat on the pretext of sucking, and then doesn't.... won't take from doidy, nor from the spouted cup (altho last night we had a breakthru and he did... but only that one time). my mil this am spoonfed him milk to see if it is really the case he no longer wants milk.. but he took it from the spoon.


i am finding my girl difficult to feed too. think at this stage, i am not suspecting that she is growing her pearlies though...

really stressed up when i am feeding her everyday.
Lenny, yup, even PD say usually Asian babies r fine with fish. But we conclude he is more likely to b allergic cos he had history of eczema. Now told to stop fish till 10mths then eggs only after 1 yr lo. Poor boy, cranky whole day. Poor helper too, carried him 1 whole day.
fireangel sea breeze lenny...

my boi oso responds more positively to semi solids as compared to milk...read somewhere tat there will come a time where they lose e forward thrust motion as they learn how to swallow?

now he takes like 3-4 oz of milk...as opposed to 6-7 oz in e past...but invariably e semi solids he can take 5-6 oz...(using e milk scoop to prepare e semi solids)

or is it due to teething pains...? haiz...

losing tongue thrust reflex doesn't affect sucking mechanism. it just means bb won't push the spoon out of his/her mouth when u put it in. supposed to be a sign of readiness for weaning...

think it's combi of factors - teething / changing taste preference and temperament.

at least he managed to drink from the teat again at bedtime, although much less than his usual bedtime volume, but better than none at all..... sigh, those 4 front teeth on top that are sitting on the edge of the gum halfway cutting thru for the last 2 weeks super jialat....
SB, no prob, glad you like it! Thanks for the mooncake too! And the banner, as long as I have it for A's 1st birthday should be fine. Mad mummy planning 1st birthday already.

Hey just want to say this because I don't want any misunderstanding. For those who I bought the stuff from Paris for: I earned very very little 'milk money' in the end. Barely enough to cover my babycook purchase. Reason being that car rental was very expensive, about 100 euros. Tax refund also amounted to 10% although their VAT is 19.6%. After all the admin fees charges by Global Refund, Amex etc, it went down to only 10%! Plus I queued a lot to get them. I think you'll find the prices cheaper than any spree out there.

I am happy to do this for the mummies here as long as it's a good bargain for you and you enjoy using the bags. If you don't like the bag in the end though, I'd appreciate if you can let me know as some of the mummies/friends outside of the forum who I didn't manage to get the items for may want it. Fair enough?

Ok back to household chores. I have a viewing appointment today. Hope the apartment is what I'm looking for. There seems to be a sudden surge in prices recently!!
Pseed, talk abt mooncake, I put aside a double yolked for u!
Property prices hv gone thru the roof la, I went to view a 1400sqf plc at ulu Sengkang n they asked for 820k! Their purchase price 5 yrs back was only 500k!!!
P.seed ...

Hope you like the mooncake ...

Yar i know the effort to lug the items back and stuff ... so no worries ... i still wan my medium beige ET bag heehee if anyone one give up i will grab it k ...

yes the property price has gone UP UP UP ... q tempting to sell my place cos it can get a good price but i wonder where can i stay then?? so in the end just think think only ....
Ivy thanks!!! How to collect from you? Let me know where you live/work k?

goodness! Good news if you purchased property a while back, bad news if you're looking now.
P.seed ...

My hubby saw the bag and asked how much ... of cos round down and said $100++ but in sg limited edition is easily $250 and abv. ... then I told him that the beige colour oso v nice ... and i actually ordered the smaller one but OOS ... and he rolled his eyes hahahahaha but he wont nag lar cos i am paying heehee *heng*

Yar the mooncake from Cassia @ Capella Sentosa ... 1 box of 4 (assorted) + tea is $98 ... but then i got it as a gift from the sales team heehee q yummy i must say but i wont pay that much for mooncake
i still hvn't collect the bag fr sportyger... keke
anyway still thk u for the effort to bring the bag back for us =)

u wanna sell yr unit??
Hello mummies, very desperate. Did anybody's company participated in the Hewitt's TCM (Total Compensation Management) Study 2009??

Pls let me know..
sunshinebaby ...

My fren is an agent and she say potentially can get $1M but i think that she kidding lar ... if my house can get $1M (low floor, no view but 1300++sqft) then i cant imagine those high floor, nice view n same size ... think she just tempting me to sell my unit =p

I am thinking whether to sell and rent a place and wait till the price cool down and look for a freehold unit ... but then again even with $1M in my pocket ... i dun think i can get something similar to what i have now ... good size n central location lor ... all the new condos are q small

So in the end ... say n say only ... i am not worried abt the selling but more of where can I stay at next ... plus with 2 kids ... need a house with good size ... where to find
omg mooncakes are really so expensive!

sunshinebaby, quick collect! No worries

SB, Um for $1M, can't get you much better than what you alr have. Well, cross finges my viewing goes well today. It faces some construction but if I turn on A/C 24/7, it may be fine
P.seed ...

I think that mooncake is over-priced but its to maintain their hotel image of been a 6 star hotel in sentosa thats all ... though i must say that the size of their room is really impressive ... but too bad my mgt didnt choose to stay there for the event cos too 'atas'

Yap i agree with you ... $1M used to be able to get a decent condo but now its not enough ... i really cant imagine those fresh grad who are planning to get married and start a family ... think can only stay in new flats from punggol and jurong

Air-con 24/7 oso not a good solution ... u need some fresh air ... why are you moving ar??

ur condo def is 1m cos a old exec mansionatte in St 23 is already 750k!

we can do lunch next week with whoever is interested bah!
