(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Oh man donroxx
you are awake too!

envy the weather there
Jon, Gracie and I are freezing our ass off here in "sunny" california. Under 10degrees at night.

yah, gracie has some red patches on her cheeks too. I tried mustela cream but it didn't seem to work as well as calendula. Anyway, she is all rugged up and so am I. Can feel the dryness on my skin already. aiyayayaya

Baby food here is so cheap. Beechnut brand baby jar (170ml) for stage 3 only cost 63cents (85cents sgd thereabouts) each. Woooohoooooo

Diapers are expensive according to my hubby. I guess he would know better. everything else is cheaper though.

we were so fortunate to get a full row of 3 seats on the 6hr flight to seoul, then 2 rows of 3 seats (6 altogether) for the 11hr flight from seoul to Frisco. heheheh SQ service was fabulous. I recalled joking with my hubby about requesting for hot milo, or teh terik or kopi si etc ... laughed about it and I even said that hey I bet in business class they would even give you a dinosaur milo. Of course when the steward reached our seats we only asked for the usual orange juice. And guess what, 10mins later the very same setward served us hot milo (with heaps of milo powder on top) with a straight face. Hahahahahahaha what a lovely chap! love that guy.

You are so brave and so strong. He is your elixir in life indeed. God bless. *hugs*

hubby calling me to rescue him now. Gracie is too hyper for him to handle alone.

see ya all!

Hi Wintertime,

I got the toyogo high chair too. But brought it to Babysitter's place for BAby to use. But i think it's still too big for him. So she left it one side....:] Also got it at $15 from toyogo warehouse.

Hi all,

Baby Hong Yi is down with flu..and a little cough. Just took half day leave to bring him to the PD. Spend $48 on med and consultation.
Now i myself feel abit feverish..dunno why..
I m reading ur post on train now n u made me lol with ur Milo Dino story!!! must write in to praise our national airline hor. Started shopping yet?

I m gog taka again tml too!!
Was there around 12-5pm. Had lunch and shopped!

Keep warm over there! Now you wish for hot weather, yea?!

Happy bargain hunting.
Alfafa.. heyhey! yes saw the papers today. cali is freezing. glad to know you had empty seats beside you. i went for the bassinet and the seats beside us were full. had lots of kids on board so it was a wonderful orchestra of crying babies for 18hrs.

Have great fun in cali n seoul! =)

I tried mustela on my bb's face when in US, the skin became cornified. Same for my friend's bb. I used Cetaphil moisturizing cream on her and it was cured! Do try if u really need.

U checked out LUVS brand? When i was there i bought LUVS, i bought mega pack.. so for size 1, it works out to be about S$0.18 per pc for me then. Thought it was cheaper than the pampers/mamypoko that i got in SG. Ermms.. i forgot, u get huggies at discounted price.. hee
hehehe babes, morning morning. aghhhh morning here lah. 8.03am fri. Yah boy california is freezing. wonder wat to do today ... hehehe maybe make a quick trip from san jose to san fran union square. This weekend is the colombus Day day so good fr shopping! Planning to visit H&M at union square ... or hit the factory outlet. Whatever it is, hubby and I are despereate for clothes. Both of us brought minimal clothing.

ivy, yah yah no kidding. He really tried to make a milo dinosaur for us. One heck of a guy. Really really happy with the service. I felt like I was singled out for special attention by the crew on both the seoul and san fran legs.

Donroxx, was the bassinet a good idea? I am flying back on my own for 20hrs on the trip back and have nt decided whether it would be better to request for bassinet ot empty seat. Gracie is very tall, so I'm worried that the bassinet seat would be too cramped for jher. Besides, I am going for the cheap Northwest airline for my return trip. Not sure how that would work out.

oh man 18hrs of orchestra! Well in a way, at least that takes the pressure off you. Hahahaha

Asura, oh yes I am planning o check it out. But my SIL told me that she buys huggies in bulk at Cosco, works out to USD20plus cents a piece. hmmm I like the sound of the luvs pricing. Maybe I will buy some Luvs for day time and huggies for night. No lah, Rp for huggies here is usd30plus cents a piece, which makes it very expensive by singapore standard liao.

Donroxx, is there cosco at austin? How long will you be there for btw? My sil shops at cosco for family necessities like diapers, toiletries, wet wipes etc. She says it is really cheap cos they buy in cases. :p

oh cool. I might gt some from my brother then. He has heaps. Is it cheaper buying here btw?

oh yes. Now I look out for the sun. Hahahhabrings to mind my student days in perth. But I have to say, the sun here is actually quite brutal. :p

got to start planning activities and route for the rest of the day. GPS is a godsend!

see ya all again!
babystarlet - thanks thanks... hee hee i found it in the thread and have emailed her le... kekeke

alfafa - woooooooo having fun!!! lurve the seoul photosss!!!! *Envy envy!!!*

LUVS is sufficient... it can last 12 hrs also.. hahah.. at least for me.. i only change 3 diapers a day in US.. in SG change more cos my MIL just change whenever she feel like it.

Costco is gooooooooooooood!!!!!! hhhahaa... i went there like every weekend.. lol..
Asura.. Thanks for the tip! Found another rough spot on his elbow and leg. The spots on his face are getting better. Been rubbing in calendula cream. Poor boy does not like cream on his face and keeps licking my finger when it goes near his mouth.

Alfafa.. my boy is 68cm tall. When i put him in the bassinet, there is 2 inches before he "max out". the baby in the next bassinet is 11 month old and curled up in his bassinet with little fuss.

my boy was fussy during flight so most of the time i carried him or let him sleep on my chest. bassinet was used for 4-6hrs out of 18hrs flight. i felt it was great as he could lie down flat but had to take him out when there was turbulence which was disruptive to his sleep.

re Cosco. not too sure have to check. have not been very adventurous heehee. thanks for the heads up =)
Hi donroxx and alfafa, sounds like you are having fun there!! If mustela not working, def try others like calendula and aloe vera etc. I did mention before, Mustela does not CURE dry patches, it only prevents in my opinion.

Cosco sounds awesome. Good luck with the HUGE portions of everything. Will alfafa be able fatten up in her 2 months there? I am interested to find out lol.

A is enjoying the FP piano and drum very much.

Taka: My mum bought Ralph Lauren stuff for A. On top of the 30-50% discount, there was additional 20% for 2 or more pieces OR 30% for 4 or more pieces, plus additional 15% for Taka card holders.
Got frying pan, luggage with TSA lock, thermos cooker and flask for porridge and hot water too. Savings paid for our lunch and transport so quite worth it.
It was really crowded on a weekday arvo so I can't imagine what weekend will be like. I'd say go first thing in morning when the store opens so you get fresh stock, less queues and less mess. Have fun mummies!
I copy and paste from what I typed to other mummies. This is my own research based on the products mentioned by some mummies here.

Food processors/blenders. Here is what I have found out so far:

PETIT TERAILLON - steamer, blender/processor, steriliser, warmer.
Good portable size to make and heat up one meal. Bottle warmer function works only for smaller bottles. Retails here for $199 but always goes on sale to about $139-$159.
Good price, good for travel/portable.

BEABA Babycook
Most popular in Europe, all in one steamer, blender, warmer. Makes 1-3 batches of food. Idea is that you make fresh food easily each time, so no need to make big batches to freeze. Can make chunkier textures, pasta and meats too.
Retail $289, can get bulk disc for mummies here.
Expensive but best for busy mummies to make purees daily

BABYMOOV Delice Food Maker
Similar functions as the rest but I heard feedback that it is not as user friendly.
Not avail here yet.
Retails around 75 euros (S$160) - good price!
For the budget conscious

PHILLIPS AVENT steamer/blender
New on the market so no reviews yet.
For those comfortable with Phillips range of products

With regards to how long you can use it for.
I think this depends largely on what diet you intend to feed your baby.
If the main component is porridge, then you may not need these processors. Unless you steam and blend the vege/meat then mix into plain porridge. Steaming retains more nutrients than boiling.

I chose the Babycook because I wanted to make fresh puree daily. I did try the normal blender but it ended up in me having more dishes to wash (lazy mummy). So I decided to spend a bit more and am so happy with it!

Our diet is a mix of chinese and western so I can forsee us still blending chunky carrots, broccoli, meats etc for some time. What convinced me was that our relative was still using their Babycook when we visited them last month. They used it from 6 months to now when baby is 1 yr old.

Ultimately it's your own choice. I see us mummies spending hundreds on beanies, clothing, shoes for baby. Why not on something that makes fresh food for them. At this age, they are growing so fast, if I can give a healthy diet, hopefully, she will continue to enjoy the taste of fresh food and not rely on fast foods.
omg! the thread is not moving at all? wow... something's happened leh...

pseed - thanks for the reviews and comparisons of the diff machines... i was considering the phillips one as well but i guess have to go to the shops to check it out.. still considering babycook as pricewise is really an investment i guess... i havent asked HB yet... think he'l hit the roof! hahaha!

Love ur pics posted on FB...Keep us update on ur trip...Enjoy...


HELP! I can't seemed to find Heinz Organics Plain Rice cereals at most supermarkets...

Have tried NTUC Tampines & Simei, Giant Tampines/, Cold Storage Tampines, Mustafa...

Heard from Nana that it might be re-called from the shelves by AVA, but dunno if it is Heinz Organices Rice Cereals or other Heinz Products...Does anyone knows?

Jerlynn only loves this Rice cereals...she is running out fast on it....Help Help Help...she will make a big fuss if there is no lunch of Rice Cereals for her...she is too used to it...
Btw mummies,ll baby reject milk during teething period? Mine ever reject milk few months ago but seems ok Liao but recently start again! I jus bought a carton of her milk, hope it's not e milk tat she dislike



Not tried yet...today will be busy with Fren's wedding... think no time, unless rush over and see after hubby's working hours tmr which is 8pm...so scared later dun have again...


Oh dear, dun dare to try "might have" places...I dun used to have problem finding it...also noticed that non-organics Plain Rice Cereals which I wanna try for substitute is OOS too at the places I went to..."sigh"

Wow, 4 teeth liao...wonder how it feels to be bitten by ur baby..heehee...

Jerlynn one tooth also dun have, yet teething problems so many months liao...hmmmmm
oh cute keenan. Thought that day i told you i saw his upper gum got 2 small teeth coming out. and see it's real. I nv see it wrongly. heheheheh

So thoughtful of you. Thanks for the info.

AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww too cute!! My boy 2 mths have the 2 lower teeth (also ca£e out at same time) but since then teething symptoms on/off and the upper canines on both sides (as opposed to the front 2 incisors - weird) like just sitting there biding their time.


YES. Mine is like that. Before was just halving his intake. Now on/off drink only a few mouthfuls fr the whole bottle of 150-210 mls. Then when the teething over he feeds like nobody's business. However since ystd again have this problem but now is total milk/teat rejection. Solids no prob. Give ia cup he will take if really hungry/thirsty, or will even accept water thru teat, but milk thru teat- no way. Super headache...
Starflower, aiyo Keenan so cute with his teeth!
Poor boy suffer becos of that...but most impt he is happy now!
So u mean b4 he is toothless and now at one go 4 grow out??

Caroline also gt her 1st pearlie yest!
thanks for e info , wow if every tooth like tat jia luck Liao.
She always like to drink water also. Now dun wan milk also headache, I wait til she really hungry then let her drink

I ask my fren to go carrefour and see tmr cos I ll be in bedok today, too late to go shopping Liao. I was trying my luck At those provision shop but no luck! Haha
anyway did u try e supermarket in bedok? I can go later

bb is cute! Mine got one coming now

mummies think I saw some of u mention about the yogurt for bb?where to get?
gingal, is it the green color one? i saw it at United Square Cold Storage today..

starflower, keenan really looked cute with the 4 little teeth!!

prosper, my kayla also nothing leh.. no teething problems like what mommies described here yet, eg. cranky, sleepless nights, fever, etc. so i tink will have to wait patiently for her little diamonds to appear..

areya/pigpig, my mom told me when bb teething, they will reject milk bottle becos their gums are uncomfortable, so best to feed semi-solids, but not forgetting you might want to add milk into the semi-solids eg. cereals, so that they will still get the nutrients which they needed.
<font color="0000ff">gingal..
my boy was also so used to the heniz cereal till it went oos from the shelf 2-3wks agoes.. now i feed my boy earth best n i think is about the same cos he love it 2... cos tried others brands too but he didnt like it... jux back from carrfour n i hv check they dun hv the heniz so i stock up on earth best since 15% disc.. n 15% disc for four seaon market till 18th oct only.. so for those of u wan buy quick go grab b4 the offer is off..</font>
<font color="0000ff">starflower... yr boy so cute with the 4 little teeth...my boy stii toothless..

oh ya irnya.. nice meeting u.. so sorry didnt talk to u much cos my boy was so cranky...</font>

yes he has been taking pureed boiled cod / chicken breast since 2 weeks ago. see how comf u are with it lah.

yah that's what usually happens, but i think my boy is also generally playing up lah. give him via cup ie no need to suck on teat also refusing to drink. oh well.
Hi pigpig (gin)/keron&amp;jeris,

Thanks gin...haven try Bedok yet...but maybe will try Cold Storage at Parkway since keron&amp;jeris say it's available at Cold Storage United Sq...
Maybe will try earthbest also if still cant find Heinz...United Sq too far for us to go...since PrincessInDreamland say her boy also like it...

Thanks All!!!
Lenny, if Bree is a sensitive baby, btr delay the fish. We gave zach fish porridge on sat. Sun morning he wake up with bad rash on the leg, arms. Then body n face! This morning I noted that his calf is still rashed n seems swollen. Now q-ing at PD to double chk. But I do think it's a adverse reaction fr the fish. Sigh.
tat yogurt specially for babies? Ll go and search tmr, it's actually ok to feed cold stuff to bb? Dunno my mil ll nag anot

her usual morning ist feed cfm is milk lo , now only see her mood. Hope the teeth faster come out

no prob let u know later if bedok ve
keenan powerful wow... 4 at one go!!! =)

thks for the additional info on the steamer/blender... my hb said babycook very exp, he said no need to get such a exp items... juz get a norm philip blender will do... *hmpf*
Keenan look so cute. At least you know the reason for his fever, but my Anver still not sure the reason for his fever till now.

Today abit upset.
My poor Anver last night got fever again lar. Not sure is it yesterday we had brought him to Ikea and he had catch a cold. Got scolded by my mum this morning again for bringing Anver out. ;(

Haiz......need to do reno and at the same time cannot bring Anver out. How to do get all the accessories and curtain railing for my contractors to put up for me? Really don't know what to do. On 1 hand my mum said wanted us to move out quickly and this morning she scolded and said you so urgent wanted to move in meh? I was like huhh.....move out quickly also you said and now said i so urgent want to move out.

Even if i not moving into my house first, i still need to get those accessories for my contractors to put up for us mah..........

Now only hopes that Anver can get well soon.

Ladies.....so sorry that early in the morning have to rant out here. Hope i did not spoit all of your mood.
Keenan so adorable with his 4 teeth!! sorry didnt chat with u on sat, coz already late for gymboree class...

Anver's fever is puzzling... Hope u'll find the cause soon.
Starflower ...

Arrrrhhh the 4 culprits are finally out ... so cute lor heehee SH is oso teething can see his lower 2 teeth coming up and its giving me hell these few nights and the silly me forgot abt the teething tablets (to think I org the spree!!) and quickly pop in his mouth ... he gave me a stunned look and then smile aft the tablet dissolve ... so late last night same thing ... cry n cry ... pop 2 more tablets then he quietly went back to zzzzzz

pumpkinseed ...

thanks for helping me buy the bag ... i love it heehee and my hubby keep asking why i never buy when i was there last yr *faint* cos last yr dun have mar ... hope that you can help me get the smaller beige one when you go in dec k heehee

and remind me to pass the party curtain to you the next time we meet ... kept in so nicely in the cupboard that i forgot ALL about it ...

Kome ...

If bb just recover from fever and cough ... try not to bring him out ... cos he is still weak ... moreover Anver's fever q long ler .... no choice lar ... we got to 'REN' and stay at home or ask your mum to take care while you and hubby go and run errands?!?

Hope that he gets well real soon too ...
Haha.....don't think able to find out the reason so easily. Cause had done so many tests for him already still no use.

Haha.....i thought he had recovered for 1 week already and so poor fellow like that had to stayed at home everyday, so wanted to bring him out with us.

Haiz.....my mum won't be able to help me lor. Cause she said she was very tiring and said that her duties should have already ends for the day lor. Thats why i have to bring both kids out lor. So sad leh.....i want to go out and get something also like very difficult. Want to do this and that also cannot even thought i don't mind to bring both of my kids out. Anything happened to my 2 kids, my mum always blame me. *sad sad* I felt so restricted.
