(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Gymboree HarbourFront

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 10am

2. Yoda
3. babe kazooie
4. wintertime
5. minnie24
6. fatfish
7. mangogal
8. babystarlet

Date: Sun 11th Oct
Time: 10am

1. prosper
2. jaszho
3. missycandy
4. jtho
5. Asura
6. jojo
7. idlecat

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 11.15am

1. Blurgal
2. YiYi123
3. ST
4. pinksorbet

can't make it
1. Blurjen

This class is actually signed up previously with the other gymboreee class so u cant join the class, so sorry. Hope to see you and Anver soon ok

As previously, some of the mummies were not able to make it, so this shd be the new updated list.

did u add any water to the vege when u blend? u mentioned 2-3 times blending to get puree texture mean on/off 2-3 times huh? if continuous blend it will get tat texture too??
any mummies want to take my slot fo this sat?

Kome, thk God Anver is at hm liao n no more fever, hurray!

Starflower, pls update us, been praying

P Seed, welcome back! Hope u hv a good trip

Oh that is so nice of u coming for the dedication ceremony! Well I can update u the time n venue on Friday..
Gymboree HarbourFront

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 10am

2. Yoda
3. babe kazooie
4. wintertime
5. minnie24
6. fatfish
7. mangogal
8. babystarlet

Date: Sun 11th Oct
Time: 10am

1. prosper
2. jaszho
3. missycandy
4. jtho
5. Asura
6. jojo
7. idlecat
8. Babydreams

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 11.15am

1. Blurgal
2. YiYi123
3. ST
4. pinksorbet

can't make it
1. Blurjen
u can continuous blend it too... yes, i on n off to 2-3 times to get the texture my boy likes.. I usually dun add water coz i blend the veg straight after steaming. U can add BM/water to get ur own fave texture. Can trial n error.. Have fun making purees for Lil' Bryan!
I used it to make red bean paste 红豆沙for dessert for HB n myself..=p useful..

If I'm not wrong, Lizy went for Play n Learn II rt? Didnt see her on the music list.
Gymboree HarbourFront

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 10am

2. Yoda
3. babe kazooie
4. wintertime
5. minnie24
6. fatfish
7. mangogal
8. babystarlet

Date: Sun 11th Oct
Time: 10am

2. jaszho
3. missycandy
4. jtho
5. Asura
6. jojo
7. idlecat
8. Babydreams

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 11.15am

1. Blurgal
2. YiYi123
3. ST
4. pinksorbet

can't make it
1. Blurjen

I take out my name cos i also nv go for the previous class.
Ohh.....ok. Next time than. Thought can bring Anver out to play since he had stay at home for so long already. You ladies enjoy.

Really thanks that he is well now. Was so worry last time, but he is quite scare when left alone. He want people to be with him.
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula 700gm to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010 brought at NTUC at $29.95. give me your best price..
brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. self collect at hougang. thanks..

I dont know if there's milk added to it cos I cant read the packaging. Oops.. i have been adding BM to it.. oh well, since she like it, i wouldnt bother.. not too fussy if there's milk actually. Hee..

U might want to check with gymboree on whether can transfer or not. Just in case Kome takes over and find that she has to pay additional there and ur slot gets cancelled.

Matter of trial+error. U got offer the same vol of cereal as the vol of milk he takes per feed? Eg if he normally drinks 200ml bm do u offer approx same vol of cereal too as a full meal replacement? Or u offer cereal and then bm at the meal? If the latter u can try and increase the solid portion and rduce the milk one. Remember to offer mouthfuls of water in vetween spoons of solids esp if bb start to fuss - just helps wash it down, esp if bb taking full meal replacement with solids, like we need to drink water when we are eating too

When/what time u wanna offer second bowl of cereal entirelky up to u. Just do the same as u do with the first bowl.

Also worth seeing if cereal is good consistency. Too liquid bb wun be as full.
hee today I am on site, opp GWC, u guys hv anything want me to check? SMS me hor??

Asura, oki thks...Kome & I will sms each other n chk the calss slot
u chk whether got FIRST PRUNES for me...
tink they hv another branch in TAKA B2... i'm gg down tis sat coz TAKA got additional 15% off fr 8 oct - 11 oct...
not sure lei... tink FSM hving 15% off their organic groceries now at their branches, not sure can enjoy tis promo at taka side...
Sunshine, Mangogal,

I just went to four seasons market at great world city yest...

no first prunes.. 1st stage only carrots is available..

i bought quite a lot of stage 2 in case i need to go off to jakarta to visit grandma..

Vitakids told us there will not be shipment for earth's best cos the company is reformulating their products. the earliest is Jan next yr.. *faint*
yep.. i know that earth's best have 1st stage prunes... its their new intro and thier squash too.. apparently, i haven;t seen any..

Ivy managed to get their peas though.. dun remember she got them from where.. got to ask her wor...

So far for their 1st stage.. i only got carrot, apples, pears and sweet potato..

since u are in UK... do u have any challenges in giving bb rice or porridge? if yes.. what alternatives do u take? care to share?

i heard form my aunt who is staying in UK that rice is pricy.. but that was sometime back
thks for yr info... hv to wait till next yr jan... oh my god...

they posted the info in their fb yesterday... u can go chk it out...
<font color="aa00aa">Dear Mummies, Guess What, it was a Contaminated sample after all!!!! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS! My nightmare is over, tonite i can sleep! No no, tonite i can SNORE liao :p He was just teething 4 BIG TOOTH at 1 Go !!! So maybe that kicked in the sore throat all, but still gotto finish his mild antibio so hoping he'll recover from all that soon. Once again, Thanks You So Much For all Your Prayers, *BIG BABY HUGS from Baby Keenan TO ALL MUMMIES HERE MUAKS MUAKS*</font>
hurray Starflower!! Praise The Lord that Keenan is teething so gt the fever,hehe, I feel relief for u too :D

BTW I bought Ballamy porridge, gng to intro and add some carrot or pumpkin with it



Tbh i haven't started giving him any rice porridge yet. He is on western weaning diet for now hehehe (ie cereal, fruit/avocado, veggie +/- meat or fish or chicken soups and purees), but that i am sure will change when it's my mum's turn to do nannying/babysitting duties in november hehehe. Rice is ex compared to sg but not so inaffordable that it can't be bought to cook for bb lah. Can get 10kg sack fr chinese supermarkets for like less than 20 pounds.

I gave shredded chix cut into fine bits.


Relief to hear that. So bb has 4 teeth now?


Organix brand is so cheap in uk..
asura, oh yeah. Need me to translate?

Used the Babycook to make broccoli and pumpkin puree today, it was a success! Such fun to use. My friend had to help me out with attaching the cover during blending though. A ate one portion and I froze 2 for a lazy day.

If anyone wants me to help them make puree or try out my Babycook, just let me know. Novelty of a new toy :p

Oh for Earth's Best, I got their stage one peas, carrots and some other veg before from Eat Organic. But they are also OOS now. Bought the Bellamy's pasta from them just now to try. So ex!

Is ok lah... she almost finishing a box already and looks quite happy with it.. so i would just stick to the same method until she finishes both the boxes. LOL.

Oh... the cover, yah.. i forgot about it initially too... hhaha... I try not to freeze my puree, bb C's tastebuds are quite sensitive, she actually show us that the frozed purees are not as nice by giving us a funny look.. hhahaha... So now i try to stick to 3 portions and put in the fridge for immediate consumption in the next few days. If there's more than 3 portion, i would put in the freezer. I tried parsnip puree yesterday, nice! BUt i dont know whether bb C likes it, would ask my MIL tonite. Broccoli and pumpkin goes well together? Cool..bb C din like broccoli on its own. What's ur proportion?

Dont think it is novelty lah... i started using my babycook about 4 weeks ago and still very enthu about it.. i think i find novelty in the variety of food that i can make for her compared to the boring jars.. lol.. now the jars are standby for days when i am too busy to make or when it is a hassle to bring the pre-made puree out.
oh yah!

U can try giving bb the water that collects after steaming fruits. So far, i have tried the apple water and pear water. Both are very frangant and not so sweet!
Hi Moms, my girl developed fever (39 degrees) yesterday afternoon...went up to 40 degrees...the down a bit when she slept. This morning 39 degrees again. Bad thing is she refused the Paracetomol that we fed her thru syringe and threw up. Maybe that's why she doesnt get better. Brought her to the doctor yesterday who said probably viral fever and just ordered Paracetomol and sponging.
if she is still taking milk, maybe can mix medicine into milk? check with doc if this is ok. I know my mum does that for my nephew.
There is another type of medicine which is for 38.5 degree and above one. Its a bullet pill to put in thru their backside.

Yes, another alternative way is by putting inside their milk. I did that for both my sons. You do take care.
Nancy, hope ur baby recover soon frm fever!

Asura &amp; P. seed, what babycook are you gals talking abt? It sound so fun!
Hiaz..lazy mummy,i only intro Avocado, apple &amp; pumpkin puree so far to Caroline.

So prep 3 days portion n put in baby cubes to chill it, dun need to freeze?


the babycook is the same one u saw at my house during the gathering at my place. yah.. no need to freeze cos she would eat 1 portion immediately, so finish in the next 2 days. If i make on weekday, then i would freeze 1 portion and chill the rest. But how many portions i makde depends on the size of the fruit/veg.
