(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Thanks Teddy, Kome, Mangogal! Just tried putting 2ml paracetomol in her milk but she only finished half of the milk. At least better than nothing..

Hi, I'm fr Feb thread
tis is not for profit or business.
jus wanna gather orders to hit $250 so can share the 15% off. hv gathered orders around $100+ now.
Hope to send orders to HT by tis weekend. will stop once hit $250. Pls help.
PM me if keen


collection: Redhill (by appt)
Bukit Batok, Old Airport Rd(on some sundays, date & time to b confirm)
If you wanna put the medicine inside her milk, try to make lesser milk for that feeding with medicine. It is best to let her finish up her milk.
u can try mix with little glucose water. My PD taught me but ensure it's really sweet, to mask the paracetamol smell. If u put in milk n bb drank half btl, it's almost like din take the med.
Hi Nancy,

Just to share, feeding bb medicine via syringe is the best. just tilt the bb's head backwards and get another adult to hold the bb still, aim and inject 2 or 3 intervals into bb's inner mouth close to throat. usually works for me

Try to catch your bb by surprise, no time to reject it :p just sharing... coz it works well for my 2 babes.
Feeding baby medicine,
i have stopped using syringe cos i think my boy got traumatised by it. to the extent that there was a period where he got paranoid whenever i put him in my arms to feed him milk cos he tot its medicine time again! what i practise now is mix it with some plain water and feed using a bottle. works for me. good luck!

i am also thinking if i should wean Bree on Western menus..

i am not so worried about her taking asian food, which i plan for it later stage..

i am more keen on her to eat her veges now.
thanks for the advice on the cream, Dentinox works with my BB!

My bb loves Avocado and ate a lot !!! strange she doesn't take apple & banana much... only a few teaspoons. also funny thing is that she sleep through the nite when I give avocado hah hah

Also, she showed the brand preference on the cereal. loves Earth's best, doesn't like ballamys. funny.... Any BB like that?
Heya Everyone! Hubbie, Baby and myself has safely reached Texas. 28hours with a baby is no joke. Hub n i hardly slept. Baby was all good til the cabin lights were dimmed and he went nuts. crying, fussing, screaming for 3 whole hours. Felt so sorry for the other passengers.

US customs seemed more relaxed compared to last yr. they allowed 6 full baby cubes, 2 bottles of baby meds and 100ml of water in his bottle (100ml is allowed).

Baby is how happily screaming and ripping magazines on the hotel bed. My turn to shower now. happy happy!

Asura, the weather was warm when i landed just now. sg shopping center was cooler loh haha.

Pumpkinseed, i'm in texas now. will be in la on monday. figuring out how to burn time in texas =P

Ok lah. He is on this diet cos my mil makes the lunch soups for him. I only ask for different tastes/textures so he gets used to a variety instead of the same/similar thing everyday. U know grandmas lah-see bb like something will keep giving the same thing.. The change to asian food will be for the same meal when it's my mum's turn. Otherwise morning fruit and afternoon cereal will remain pretty much constant..

Eh i only now noticed in ur post the cost of the hipp formula, and nearly had a heart attack. It is about £9 here in a big supermarket. But not a lot of ppl here like to give hipp formula so i guess price reflects the demand..

Actually i did the same as u a few weeks back cos the formula he usually takes tastes and smells like rotten cheese. Then the other 2 major brands i tried also smell awful and worse, were so bubbly he was producig more foam as he drank and also swallowed lots of air! So it's now back to the original one he was on. at least it's not gassy :p

Think it's just me not liking the smell of the milks ba..
thanks minnie, irene, mango, lenny, fireangel, thanks for all your prayers and well wishes *mummy group hugs*

speaking of foodie, went to 4seasons GWC yday also, they're having promo starting yday to 30Oct for all the baby food items (except fresh food like apples etc). I picked up some jar food and packet purees for lazy days. Keenan is eating well, hope to plump him up after the 200g weight loss :p
starflower, what promo are they having?

For those interested in Aden&Anais muslin cloths and sleeping bags, can go to LFE to check them out. They're huge muslin cloths, extremely soft and light. Lovely prints too. Multi-use but my fave usage is to throw over the car seat or stroller hood to shade from sunlight. Breathable still as it's very thin and 'holey'


wishaboy, I am going to Paris again in Dec, date unconfirmed. But not sure if I can shop again this time. Shopping during Christmas time is mad. People are packed body to body like sardines.
donroxx, oh are you there for vacation? 28 hour flight wow, kudos for managing it!

asura, good idea to let baby drink the water. SO far, I have reused the water to make the puree.
erm i dun tink shooting the syringe with med into baby unaware is a gd method... it might traumatize them... you can try use the small medicine cup to feed bit by bit... if not then mix with milk... holding them still will be a challenge at this stage.. they wiggle like wormsss!!!! tough tough tough! might also choke on the med...
Hello mummies

Can I join you all? My ger is born on 02 03 09. Any mummies baby here born on the same day as my ger or anyone stay at jurong west near me?Any mummies baby still on total breastfeeding?
hi mummies: can i check if u warm the purees that is bought off the shelves before feeding yr LOs...i always mix with a lil hot water but its still cold...is it ok to feed it cold? i so far only tried applesauce by gerber...n my boy finished e whole bottle...wat else can i try? n wat brands do u mostly give n any diff between organic n normal?

For fruits, i dont use the water for puree cos already quite watery. For vegetables, i normally throw the water away cos i read somewhere on nitrates in the water for vegetables... cant remember which veg, so i just throw all the water from veg away.

I guess season changing soon bah.. my friends in IDAHO tell me it is quite cold now.. 13 degrees most of the time.. and raining quite often. hee hee... i prefer heat to rain actually. U go US for holiday?
I give my girl healthy times organic which you can get from carrefour or cold storage. I hv bought gerber non organic ones but yet to try. Organic a not think iits up to indiviual preference.
Btw you started yr training??

Welcome! Think Lenny , misscandy and Daphne stays in the west. Do join us for outings.
Hi enmum,

are you the mommy who is in seoul for sometime?

yep, missy is right.. i am staying in Jurong West.

Welcome to our thread.. or welcome back to SG?
they listed at taka B2... i'll chk it out on sat...

so happy for u tat keenan is ok now... my boi oso teething, can see white thing at below gum...

u gg taka huh... can chk whether those bb pdt eg, Avent, pigeon etc etc got discount anot...

aboard, enmum!!!

norm i'll warm the puree b4 giving my boi... the usual way of warming my EBM...

did u manage to find the contact tat selling the babycook?

one more day to WKEND!!!
fr 2day till sun, taka hving additional 15% off for taka card members to celebrate their 16th anniversary...
re: c-sect
any mummies tat deliver thru c-sect?? wanna chk anything to take note b4 or aft c-sect?? my gf need to go for c-sect due to bb still in upright position...

think bb Elixir is 3 days difference with Bree on their birthday..

about the purees form jars.. its actually ok to serve it direct.. cos our breast milk temperature also about the same.. If u prefer, u can warm it as well.. when its rainy outside, i transfer a portion out into baby cubes then warm it before i give it to Bree.. i don't add water into it else its too watery..

currently, i am feeding bree on her semi-solids twice a day. working to increase her food a little every 3 - 4 days depending on how she adapts.

1. 11.00am - sweet potato / baby rice cereal mixed with EBM then plus vege puree
2. 5.30pm - 6.00pm - bb rice cereal mixed with EBM plus fruit puree..

apart from these, i am still lacthing on breastfeeding at:

1. 7.00am
2. 11.30am - after semi solid
3. 2.30pm
4. 4.00 - 4.15pm
5. 7.00pm
6. 10.30pm (sometimes - depending on how much Bree takes in for her semi-solid dinner)

Yep.. i am still breast feeding

oh ok.. but i dun have taka discount card.. sort of cancelled .. too many cards.. i don't know if taka discounted prices are really discounted? really lost touch liao..

re: c-sect..
i went thru c-sect.. pre-csect.. i didn't prepare much cos it came to me suddenly that i have to c-sect..

Post c-sect..
must take care, cos wound recovers slower than natural birth.. i was advised to avoid seafood for at least 3 mths..

i avoided it totally cos of bree's eczema, she is on TBF so cannot take..

there are days that i broke the rules.. so punishment is... i end up having itch around the wound and bree's skin got flared up..

after c-sect.. really need to rest well.. if ur gf wants to bf.. better do it lying down.. cos i did it sitting up with a breast feeding pillow initially.. its really painful when pain killer wears off.. i "key Kiang" try to avoid pain killer so can feel the weight pressing down..

next day after c-sect.. must try to get down and walk.. think her gynae will advise her on the precautions.. no need to worry so much..
ann,sun,lenny: tks for the advise on purees...think i'll go down to carrefour tdy to buy e purees...

sun, i also went for cect n mine is unplanned one so nth much to prep for it..however like wat lenny said, post-csect, must avoid seafood n also get the binder after the op to support the wound n try to walk for faster healing...1st day is bedridden one only the next day, nurse will ask u to get down n walk...can also bf after tat...think e pain depends on the threshold too..for me, i can walk the next day but very slowly...hths..
lenny, demoness
ic... both of u opt for TBF aft labour right??
and both of u still got 'shower' during confinement??

u put on the binder immediately aft ops or at home huh?? even u put on the binder u still can BF in sitting position right?

i got taka card n will be gg down on sat... if u need anything, i can meet u there to shop shop =)
the 15% discount is on top of watever discount given, applies to comestic n bra too...
Yup, doing trial & error now. Tried feeding him semi solids 2x 2 days ago.

Happy for u & ur boy that all is well

When u at taka FSM, can help check if 15% taka discount is on top of FSM discount? thks!
yep.. i opt for TBF after labour.. but i only bf second day. i reacted very badly for the epi infused.. kept vomitting.. and had blur vision.. only had memory of me being wheeled to my ward.. then hear sounds and voices of my parents and hubby.. then i knocked out liao

2 hrs later.. when Bree is brought to me.. i heard the nurse talking to hubby.. but i cannot bring myself to wake up and feed her.. so hubby decided for her to stay in nursery for the night so i can rest..

i actually went to the bathroom and took a shower the next day when i could go down and walk.. ahahah... my mum cannot tahan me..

Thanks for offering.. heheh.. paiseh.. bree hates crowded places.. making her very cranky.. i normally go weekdays.. haiz...

send my regards and hugs to bb bryan.,.. hehe.. little moo moo..
Mine also c-sect. Actually i can walk at night already but gynae want me to put on drip for 5 pkts first before letting me down to walked. Lay on bed untill my back pain.

Yes yes......do remembered to ask her to avoid seafood for 3 months at least.
I opt for c-sect. Think the pre c-sect is abt the same as normal delivery.. No food (forgotten how long b4) before surgery. Nurse prep me for surgery ie make sure pubic area n tummy is clean shaven. Ask if i clear bowels or not...

Post c-sect
Gynae make me walk the next day.. Nurse say wear binder, can walk.. With binder not painful for me. of coz that's subject to one's pain threshold. Like all the mommies say, pls refrain from seafood for 3months. I din shower the next day, Just got a wipe down by the TMC nurse.. BF ok for me.

Welcome!! I stay at Jurong West too!
Hi mummies

My menses came back...does that mean i'm losing my milk supply?

I'm having menses cramps....v sianzzzzzzz....wanna go back home....sobz...at work now...
sun: i delivered my boy in e morning n bf him at night...mine was GA so was still not able to bf him immediately...binder is put on after the op but i did not put on any thruout cos save money..haha..n i did all my bf in sitting posn just tat the wound area is very sensitive..avoid talking too much cos when ur throat gets dry, u'll cough n thats the worse part...hb kept making me laugh n the wound area felt stressful due to e jerks from my laughs...i showered during my confinement days cos theres a plaster over the wound area...

lenny: me no more sahm...currently working temporary as a waitress near my place to support my boy...while waiting for the IR job to commence..start work at 4pm..

mummies: just some saddening updates abt me...i'm in e process of seperation with hb cos i found out that he's been cheating on me again few months back when i was a sahm looking after my boy...happen to see those smses on his hp n also he is very reluctant to help in looking after my boy..since birth till now, not even once he had fed him, changed his diapers or bathe him...so i decided after a painful struggle n for the best of everyone...i have to be strong for elixir n thus gotta get some job now for financial support...sorry to wash dirty linen yet again but i think i have to let it out...no worries, i'm fine now, the worse times are over n i'm back on my feet again...probably i should have realised when he refused to attend all the gatherings with my n elixir then...anyway glad to know tat i'll always have u mummies around...
So sad to hear about what had happened, pls take care and you have been such a strong gal. Continue to be strong for Elixir ok, you will always have our support, if u need any help, feel free to let me know ok, whether for chit chat or anything. "hugz"

saddened to hear such news n the way things end up for u. You are a strong gal n a very good mommy. Now you have to be strong for Elixir. You still have us, just let us know if u need any help.. **Hugz**
