(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Gd to hear Anver no fever now. Hope all goes well.

Hope his result will be fine and all is well. Do update us.

I see that u have intro 4 types of food to Bree in 2 wks, did u observe the 4 day rule for intro new food? Am eager to let my boy try more new food, but with this rule, can only intro 2 new food at most in a wk. So far he has tried pumpkin, butternut squash, avocado, apple.

Hi Mummies,
Really thanks for your concern to my boy. He has discharge from KK on 4 Oct afternoon with temperature of 37 degrees.

During his stayed at KK, he was very active and playful. When he was inside his cot, he will crawled towards the bar and uses both hands to hold on the bar and look at you like so "kelian" like that. He was the youngest one in the ward and yet he was the most quiet one.

Ok, back to update. His 3 days stay does not have fever higher than 37.6degrees lor. Hubby said he just wanted us to spend money for him to stay in "Hotel". :p

Anyway just felt so happy that his temperature had gone back to normal.

Really thanks for praying for Anver. Really appreciate that.

Yes its the baby yoplait.


I gave the yoghurt straight from the fridge. I don't think personally that yoghurt is to be taken warm. I add fresh banana to it. To me cold food helps to soothe the gums esp during teething period now.


Glad bb anver is fine. U are a strong mummy.
Glad Anver is well!

Hope Keenan's report will be clear .

Wow....luckily bb Bree... get so many variety of purees.. Me lazy to do... so far only gave bb k healtly times puree.... might be starting her on porridge next week when she's better from her diarrhoea. Her buttocks now so red n seeing it would think it hurts but she has no complains though
Thanks all. But i still quite tiring coz my hubby always sleeping and he do not gave me a chance to sleep lor. Still i am the one waking up at night. So angry with him. Don't care gonna make him look after Anver tonight while i go sleep inside my younger brother's room.
Why guys are like that? Want us to give birth but don't want to help out. I warn him if he want 3rd child than he have to look after him/her himself. I won't help at all. :p
Kome, lol..! Menz...
Maybe this will work for your man too?
It used to be only me who coax my girl to sleep at night. My man always said girlgirl didn't want him at night she cried for mummy only when tired. So he happily left that duty to me. Then his sister lectured him. My sil said bb tend to be closer to the one who takes care of her; the one who bathe her, feed her, coax her to sleep. For a baby to sleep in one's arm, she/he has to trust that person. If he were to keep on leaving that duty to me, sooner or later my girl will be closed to only me and next time she will only share her secret to someone she trusts. Then he scare lah... He scares his baobei daughter not close to him so he made the effort to coax her to sleep at night. At least now I'm not so tired. But the waking up in the middle of the night part is still me coz I'm a light sleeper. Usually I wake up first when my girl cries...
kome, lizy
lucky my hb willingly to help... mayb i still BFing, see me so tired, he actually wakes up at night to give my boi pacifier or carry him to me for latch on if he's hungry...
but i'm gg to stop BFing soon... now slowly reducing the amount liao...
Sun, lucky you!
My man is "immused" to any sound at night and will only wake up when shake vigorously. Rather than shaking him, I might as well give my girl the pacifier myself since the time taken is almost the same. :p
kome, glad anver is doing better. Hang in there!!

mangogal, your church is within walking distance of my place. If you don't mind, I'd love to pop by for the dedication. I know what a miracle child she is for you.

sinmey, the blanket thing is not for me, it's my friend who wants to import them.

Japanese wedding - the one I attended was not the traditional shinto style one but definitely an eye opener. The way they dress up, how polite and formal they were is so cute! We didn't get many pictures though as there were some times when photography was not allowed except for the official photographer. Food was excellent as always.

Park Hyatt Tokyo - amazing place to stay in. Prob the best I've ever been to, and we were in the standard room. Heard that they host many movie stars during premiere season. I'll post pic on FB with more details but ladies if you ever go to Tokyo, try and stay here. They views from the room, restaurants etc alone make it worth it.
and yes, I am back in Singapore for a while. Won't be travelling again til Dec. So please come and collect whatever you need. Drop by for tea too
Gotta bear with my messy place while I unpack. Not sure why I am taking to long to get things organised.
Sun, you're stopping Bfing soon? I'm still aiming to stop at 1yo... But I find that it's getting more and more challenging for me to maintain the milk flow... Not sure how long I can sustain....
That won't work for my hubby. he don't care if his boys close to him or not. He will said at least they close to mummy can already. Maybe daddy tend to love his gal more while not to boys.

Yes, you are right. Better we wake up ourself to look after bb ourself rather than have to spend the time to wake him up while bb is still crying hard.

You are 1 lucky person.
actually i wanna skip the pumping during office hrs... i'll see how lor... i'll try to express aft i reach hm, b4 bed and let my boi latch in the morning...
if the ss base on 3 pumps daily are ok, i might continue for another 3 mths or mayb 6 mths...
somemore my AF came liao, ss dun noe still gd anot...

wow... faster post yr pic in fb...
i want to see!!!
Sun, I tried to skip the session in office too. But the interval between after I reach home and b4 bed is too short for my body to produce another same amt of milk.
sportyger did mention in her last post that its still on because we already booked the sessions... so cnt move...
i guess she is really busy with her work as well... so no time to post?

wow... monday and the page didnt even move! jialat...

you mummies are quite adventurous when it comes to feeding ur lil ones huh! such a long list of stuff.. lol!

i knw daph cros feeds ugin yoplait but nt sure if cold or room temp...

i dont think im doing the right thing but heck... im actually feeding kirs the FM stage 2 already... since i have many samples... im jus going to give all and see which one works best for her... LOL!!! =x but prolly not Nan becos my mum says it has one smell... as kids we hated it.. LOL... so prolly wont give to her... will give to Oli Oli Oli! =P currently feeding her Mamil... Then i still have Promil... But I might stick to Hipp Organic... My Mum says kirs seems to like Hipp... plus after starting her on hipp, her face is getting a little fuller... heh heh.. thats becos i realised it's quite oily! hmmm see how ba... have asked Patrick(love for earth) order $100 can get free delivery.. one box is $33 so order 3 boxes and order other stuff can liao.. heh...

Pseed - is A stil on Hipp?
re: yoplait

oh just a reminder not to feed the berries and strawberry flavour cos now will still trigger allergy ... my #1 took when he was 8mth old n had rashes on his neck ... the rest of the flavour are ok

the 4 day rule applies to bb that are weaned before 6 mths..

For bb who are already 6mths old, their digestive system is more matured and they need to be introduced to food faster being that theri iron and nutirents stored in their body from us during pregnancy is depleting fast.... 2 days rule is recommended.. but i play safe.. i do 3 days..

the portion that i first start with is 1 teaspoon then next day.. 1.5 teaspoon then 3rd day.. 2 tsp mixed with bb rice cereal, sweet potato or anu other squash..

hehe.. actually i went to buy a lot of earth's best purees... those that i cannot find.. i make..

i tend to buy purees for fruits.. cos some fruits if not ripe enough or sweet enough.. diff to control consistency..

as for vege.. i will puree... now thinking of how to make my chicken casserole for week 4... got to get a lot of ingredients.. getting organic ones are a pain in the butt when hubby is overseas. hahah..

not planning to start on porridge till later stage.. i don;t know if i am right about it.. to me .. porridge are plain carbo and starch and has high glycemic Index.. better to give food with low GI.. this applies the same to us adults as well.

this is my own personal analogy:
If our babies can only take 100ml of food... 100ml of bb cereal vs 100ml porridge.. i would choose the former as its fortified with 45% iron.. but must gives lots of water/ food with hig fibre to prevent constipation la..
just wanna scream for joy! tomorrow will be getting out of singapore! woohoooo! hope baby will enjoy the super long flight, 6hr transit and hot weather. heeheehee can't stop smiling. =D

Thought gi index dun really matter to growing bbs cos they need the carbo/fat for devt and for energy, not like us adults who always consume more than we burn LOL.

Went to weigh the boy today. Am glad he is growing fine despite his reluctance to drink milk. He seems to be accepting more textured food now so taking the opp to add pureed chicken/fish into his lunchtime thick veggie soups. He like cannot be bothered liddat. Hahaha!

hehehe... i was hoping for bree not to be overweight or underweight.. hehehe

she is weighing 7.6kg on her 6th month.. i suppose still ok ba..
missycandy, wow that's good that LFE will deliver for above $100. If you are ordering soon, I have $20 worth of items to add to your order for free delivery. Then can pass to me when you see the bag. A is on this Swiss brand organic milk that I got from the friend, same friend I got the Nestle cereals from. When she finishes, I think I will go back to Hipp.

Yeah, I am also lazy when it comes to new foods. They get introduced when we're out and it's on the table. But today I'm going to pop by Eat Organic to get some fruit and veg to try in my Babycook! So exciting.

Lenny, I am the other way around. Those that I find easy to make, I'll buy fresh fruit and veg and mash/blend. Those that are difficult to make or find, I'll get the jar form.
Most organic shops do delivery. I am so tempted to order from Supernature. They d a lovely farm box. But it's a bit ex and I don't think I can finish they whole box. Would be nice if I had a neighbour to share with. Inya, interested?? :p

donroxxx, where are you going?

babydreams, agnes chew, jojo, jasmine, vernice, wishaboy, fatfish, please check e-mail by end of today for confirmation of amount to be topped up/refunded/other.

For the rest who I bought Longchamp bags for, please arrange to collect from me at my place. I don't live near MRT and prob won't be going out for the rest of the week. So, can't meet you outside.
Hi P.seed,

i saw the one that u mentioned too.. it comes in a farm box.. really too much to consume in 6 weeks.

i put my corns and peas on hold as i am on standby to fly back home. Apparently my grandma has been flown over to Jakarta and warded. They had to buy 12 air ticket seats to accomodate her as she is not able to walk and sit up. It might be more accessible for me and Bree to go over to visit as compared to Jambi.

what i prepared in the freezer might got to waste if i am really gonna go there. no choice..

Asura, P.seed, jtho, alfafa.
for our baby's passport photo.. any requirements for bb? like what to wear etc.?
P seed,

Speaking abt nestle cereal. Bb C loves the cereal i bought from u. Wonder if the normal nestle brand taste the same.. lol. But i findit a bit sweet so i mix with healthy times oat cereal.
Thanks for replying to Jasmin, has been busy, no time to post.

Jasmin and the rest of mummies who have signed up for the music class, pls be reminded that the class is on this coming sat and sun at 10am and 1115am. I cant seem to find the list from the archive, if any one can find the list, pls help to repost the list here again thanks. Anyway was pretty pissed off with gymboree. I have been calling them and they took ages to return my call. And when they do reply me, they told me cannot change cos it has been fixed.
asura, great! I haven't tried it yet. Just finished Organix (I like this one). Still have Earth's Best, Plum, Holle (2 types), Nestle Cereal and Nestle Sinlac.
Oops, overboard mummy.
It's sweet cos it has milk added already? I add my BM to those that are not sweet and plain water to those that are sweet.
someone recommended certain brand blender, can i know the brand n model again... wanna find one easy to operate one... kakaka
I'm using HR1361 (the bottom left hand corner one). Cheap (<S$50) n easy to use. Easy to wash somemore. Think a few mommies here using the same one.

u feed chicken to ur boy? How do u feed him chicken? u pureed it? Chicken is quite tough for bb even after it's cooked.. My boy still bo gey (no teeth)..

Pray for ur granny.

Great to hear Little Anver is fine. Hope he drink more milk milk n be happy n healthy!

How's Keenan??

Thanks, sportyger! C u n Marissa Ann tis sat!

Gymboree HarbourFront

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 10am

2. sunshinebaby
3. babe kazooie
4. Seabreeze
5. wintertime
6. minnie24
7. fatfish
8. mangogal
9. babystarlet

Date: Sun 11th Oct
Time: 10am

1. prosper
2. jaszho
3. missycandy
4. jtho
5. Asura
6. keron&amp;jeris
7. queenie
8. cindy
9. jojo
10. idlecat

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 11.15am

1. Blurgal
2. YiYi123
3. ST
4. pinksorbet

can't make it
1. Blurjen
Can i take up the slot for 10 Oct one?

Gymboree HarbourFront

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 10am

2. sunshinebaby
3. babe kazooie
4. Seabreeze
5. wintertime
6. minnie24
7. fatfish
8. mangogal
9. babystarlet
10. Kome

Date: Sun 11th Oct
Time: 10am

1. prosper
2. jaszho
3. missycandy
4. jtho
5. Asura
6. keron&amp;jeris
7. queenie
8. cindy
9. jojo
10. idlecat

Date: Sat 10th Oct
Time: 11.15am

1. Blurgal
2. YiYi123
3. ST
4. pinksorbet

can't make it
1. Blurjen
I plan to feed my boy 2x cereals a day now as my BM boderline at satisfying his milk intake. He is currently taking cereal once a day, with milk intake same as bf cereal intro. Not sure how i shld up his cereal intake and reduce his milk intake slightly. Sounds silly, but need some advise here. Thks!

Thks. Didn't know after 6 mths can be more relax with the 4 day rule.
thks but how to operate huh??? just throw in the food, press n hold to activate it??
did u try using it to blend vege???
Sorry to intrude. I have 3tins of 900g Enfapro to let go. Overstocked and bb has decided to switch formula. Letting go at $35 each. Get all 3 at further discount.
Oh.. a couple of weeks ago, there was a post on toys.. which toys is good and highly recommended.. anyone still remember?

I steam veg n put in the bowl. Press the ON button and blend the veg.. Only need to blend 2-3 times, can get the puree texture.. I have used it to blend sweet peas, brocolli and fish porridge (but my boy dun like the pureed porridge, he likes it in thick gruel)
