(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

For BEABA Babycook and the accessories (cookbook, food storage cups, highchair etc), I have asked for special pricing for Feb/Mar.Apr mummies. She will send e-mail and I will post it up here when I receive.
pumpkinseed, replied yr pm...

dun worry mummies, i have bite the bullet n managed to be back on my feet once again therefore m active agn in the forum...dun worry, my boy is named Elixir for i believe he is my elixir of life...will definitely keep myself gg strong just for him...tks very very much for all e support..will try to catch up soon...
noted... will advise my gf to put on binder aft the ops...

i oso wanna avoid the crowd so will go early morning... kekeke

kome, minnie
thks for yr advise... will let my gf noe...

FSM - four season market... organic market...

my menses reported last wk... tink ss will be low when u've yr menses, else norm time will be norm... as advised by some mummies here...

my gf oso opt for GA... she's not brave to be awake thru the whole process... kakaka
sad to hear abt yr separation... *hugz*
hope we can meet up again for fried durian!!! starflower n asura oso love it!!!
thks a lot!!! but the price a bit steep hor...

how much u get in france huh??

wat abt u? how much u get fr states??
pinkdemoness - your boy is named for u and himself ok...be strong....its always hard to accept such matters like this but i'm sure with so many supporting u, u will be able to overcome this difficult time soon...i'm sure yr family is with u too...nevermind that guy already...u have your own life to lead and for the sake of elixir u have to stay strong, which i see u are

sun - yalor i notice my supply is low when i have spotting...i jus hope i won't lose my supply since its the first time my AF realli reported in full state...now i just onli could hope my supply is still there....
realli miss those gathering tat we realli gossip abt a lot of stuffs... rem starflower, asura, teddybb, daphne (can't rem the other mummy) are in the same table w us...
i oso wanna hug elixir... =)

I got mine from UK at 70 pounds. Recently price increase so it is 90 pounds now. Eh... my friend brought it back for me. US selling at US$149 and must change plug.
my freezer left only less than 10 packs of EBM... tsk tsk tsk
tink got to give my boi FM gradually during the day lor...
Actually, if you factor in shipping, I think her price is alright. Don't forget this is a bulky item. Babydreams was saying she thinks shipping will be at least $40.

UK - 90 pounds/S$200 + 40 = $240
USA - USD149/S$225 + $40 = $265
Local price $250-270 less disc = possibly $230-250

Uh, not worth getting from overseas lor, unless you need it right now.
sunshinebaby, I know a few people who have used both and everyone prefers babycook. You're welcome to try mine first. I was hesitant cos it was so ex but um, I love it he he. Personal opinion.
today till sun... taka hving additional 15% off for card members celebrating their 16th anniversary...

oic... thks for tabulating w shipping factor in... not realli tat expensive lor...
now my hb told me there's another similar one as bbcook selling in taka, metro, KP... juz tat tis one hv valid warranty but not sure function wise which is better...

I have seen the petit terraillon. works about the same as baby cook. it is smaller so portable but also means that u cant make too much at one go.
BBcook will have warranty too I presume as it's an authorised distributor.
My mum bought the I Think or something like that. She likes it a lot but then when she came over and saw the Babycook, her eyes went green haha. I'm just seeing how long she waits til she asks me to buy another one for her.

User friendly - yes. Even an idiot like me figured it out, just needed to use more strength to lock into place. I was very gentle cos worried about spoiling it initially.

Easy to maintain - so far, yes, bearing in mind that I've used it for only a few days. I just spray with warm water in the sink after use. Sponge it with some dishwashing liquid and leave it to dry. Easy to put together and take apart for cleaning.
babycook seems a useful item to add.. But was pondering how long can I use this to make BB food. 2-3 months? By then, must train BB to chew his food already...
Petit Terraillon is more portable though. Babycook has to be in the fridge. And I don't think everyone will like the colours it comes in.
minnie, yeah I was wondering that too. But my relatives in France have been using it since 6 months, baby is now 1 yr old and they still use it. Another family I know used from 5 months to 24 months cos their girl liked mash peas and carrots to go with her food

pinkdemoness, I didn't get your reply
pinkdemoness:: hugs to u. i'm sure elixir will give you the strength to move on! look fwd from now on. muacks.

taka::i want to go ley but me no black card. haha!
babycook only meant for making puree hor... cannot cook porridge etc right?

i'm gg on sat... u wanna to join me?? kekeke
hug hug you and elixir...Elixer only had you now, and I m sure u will be strong for him and its not easy being a single parent and I have seen how a single parent family affect the well-being of the child. But as long as you stay strong and guide your boy well, he will turn out to be a good person. I haven't met you before but do feel free to shout for help here if need be

*hugs* i know its painful for you. now that we are mothers.. we need all the strength that we can get to nurture our little ones..

i will PM u my Hp no.. u call me if u need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on ok?

re: menses cramps...

i also get very bad cramps... haven't got this kinda crap since May 2005! haiz.. wish i can go back to classes soon to stop all these pain..

re: c-sect..
I was awake thru out till after being wheeled to my ward.. actually its nothing la.. dun feel any pain.. just felt that a lot of pulling and tugging in tummy... but no pain..

Hubby was patting my head and assuring me that i am doing good. The anaesthetist also assured me that i am doing fine. my gynae too.. so i don't feel nervous or anything..

tell ur gf dun worry.. she will be fine.. in SG our doctors are quite good

got to give the rajah inn makan session a miss.. no one will take care of Bree if i go alone..

both my mom and hubby are overseas and dad has to care for his sis who is now recuperating after a brain surgery to remove tumor..

see if got chance to go next round..

Mommies who are going.. eat more .. eat for me, ok? especially the Fried Durian.. *drool*


*hugz* I think you are already very magninamous to give him a 2nd chance in the first place. It is really not easy being a single parent. Feel free to rant and call me if u need a listening ear.
asura, lenny,scrumpee n all other mummies: i know its gonna be very difficult being a single parent but i think with my family standing by me n my friends including u girls, i think i'll pull thru n i m also from a single parent family so i do hope i'll be able to teach the dos n dont's to my son one day...the road ahead now is blur but clear...blur bcos i dunno if i really can manage though i had been doing so last 6 mths alone n clear bcos i know its all about me and elixir now...haiz...no worries, though e path is narrow n long but i will not be discouraged n hopefully i can pull thru afterall e worse times are almost over...tks everyone...
pinkdemoness ...

take good good care of yourself k ...

if you feel this is the best way out ... be brave and just move on =)

be strong. u are already strong to make the decision. you will live to be a stronger mum to elixir...

i was on e c-section. put to zzz. doc said better to put to zzz. i thought hubby not allowed... cos i was wheeled in alone...he din get to see the bb out process..
sunshine - dinner lor... lunch i dunno if have the durian or not? if have i also dont mind.. hee hee..

lenny - hmmm u cn bring brianne if u feel comfy eating with her ard... at this stage, not possible to bring kirs becos her hands super itchy... lol... plus she will want to move ard and stuff... so scared wait kena the hot pot or something... plus with baby ard, very difficult to enjoy food... she lurves to act up whenever im halfway thru my meals... sigh...
<font color="119911">Re: Heinz off shelf

Juz in case some mummies are wondering y is heinz 1st cereal off the shelf, i checked with my fren who is workin inside and got the below reply:

The 1st Rice Cereal is temporary unavailable due to a labeling issue that will take about 6 month to rectify as this concerns an amendment of the packaging and reprinting process.

On shelf now we are having two other cereals. Alternatively you can also try Heinz Farley’s Rusks and Heinz Biscotti that can be crashed and mix with milk formula that taste really good. There are also plans to put on shelf three other variant of Heinz Biscotti between Dec ’09 and Jan ’10 period.</font>
A good family support is very impt, glad you have that. I hope Elixir will appreciate what you are doing for him when he grows up and be a fillial son to you. Best wishes.
Pink, you're a tough cookie and i'm sure u're very determined to pull through and thought over this decision fully. Be strong and u'll pull through, we're all here to support you :p And the IR of course will see u through kekee

Hi Enmum, my boy &amp; Queenie's baby is 1 day later on 3/3 :p and yes, we are both still on total breastfeeding (hehee does puree &amp; porridge count?)

Oh didnt' know Heinz is off the shelves, anyway bought Bellamy's to try it out at 4seasons GWC. Theirs is an in-house promo i think :p Luv browsing through their stuff, so tempted to get the apple cider (for adults) :p

pink... so happened i am readin forum today... took UL frm work as bb had high fever...

I was a single mum frm 2003-2005 with 2 gerls in tow... It wasnt an easy decision for me --pondered for 1 yr before i decided to call quits.... (he was such a lazy bummer to work).. it was hard... I struggled with 2 jobs - 7-11 &amp; my current job - had to werk my shifts out - means - if i work afternoon here - will be morning there ornite and so on... hardly slept nor saw my gerls so little... but i felt proud of myself that i managed to pull thru and got this flat in SK myself though i just started on my permanent job - I was frm a single parent family too.... mm pitied me and asked me to remarry (wasnt in my mind at all for this) and it took me some time to relent... but yess.. MY GIRLS WERE THE REASON I STAYED STRONG.. so i believe Elixir will be the reason u stay strong too ok.... Pls be strong n remember.. nothing is impossible .....hugggsss
