(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Ya lor.....it had been so long already, thats why had decided to go KK and see.

I using ear thermometer for his temoerature. Thanks for the hugz.

may bb keenan n anver get well sn...will pray for them...

may momz starflower n kome hav peace in ur hearts...b strong n healthy for ur LOs too...
Kome & Starflower,
Really hope that ur boys will recover soon and its nothing too serious. Meanwhile, pls stay strong for them.
hi mummies.. been some timenever loggin... very bz with hari raya and was sick.. hb was too also.... dun manage to catch up but whle i can..

Star & Kome... my prayers are with your boys.. i know how u feel.. be strong and i hope they will get well soon....

alfafa.. byeee... wah so syiokk go holiday
just a quick update on B4 .. he finally wanted to eat the pear puree exactly at 6 months old which was 28 Sept after the 3rd attempt.. in which before he was just satisfied with my milk... slowly making the change to cereal again then to others.. no time to puree my own.. but will try ....

My girlfriend's daughter had kawasaki disease too when she was near 6 months old, thank God everything are clear and she is a beautiful, lively & healthy 2 yr old girl.

Ya we gt to be vigilant with the surrounding for the virus in the air..

ALFAFA, blessed trip n pray Gracie will hv a good virgin flight!
Thanks. Anver now no more fever but they keeping him here for another night to wait for the urine sample report for any bacteria or virus. Might only able to go home tomorrow.
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010. brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. thanks..

where did u get the Earth's Best stage 2 Prune puree?.

difficult to find earth's best..
Hi Mummies,

Finally can breathe and log in to post..

Bree is on her second week starting semi-solids now. so far she had tried Rice cereal, sweet potato, pears & apples.

for the past two days, i have added cauliflower puree into her rice cereal and she is ok with it.. am so happy about it.. giving her another portion tomorrow before i try her on the next green. Found out that she has a liking for plain water as well.. hehe... if that's the case.. i will delay giving her fruit juice. Planning to try her out and get her adapted to greens before fruits. only giving her apples and pears till she has established her greens.. read something about preventing bb from developing sweet tooth and dental problems in future.

Just finished making her food, prepared the following which is enough for the next 6 weeks cos hubby is travelling next week.. and i will be alone with her again. need all the spare time i can get

1. Brocolli
2. Cauliflower
3. Parsnip
4. Zucchini
5. Pumpkin
6. Baby spinach
7. Peas (making them tomorrow
8. sweet Corn (making them tomorrow

hopefully she will like them.. else.. all time, effort & money will go down the drain liao..

Noticed that her poo is not as watery.. need to get prune puree.. i am worried that she will get constipation.
Hi mummies,
Haven't been posting for the longest time but
need some advice regarding the payment of maid's salary. this is my first time hiring a maid and she has just finished paying her maid's loan.So, from next month onwards, she will be getting her full pay. I have a few qns:

She asked if she could have some cash on hand (like $65, she said) so that if she want to buy tidbits or products (eg cleanser, body wash etc) she can just buy instead of getting others (like my mum or MIL) to pay for her first then deduct as was the practice in the past months with us.

I told her $65 is way too much and what's more, i have been giving her toiletries FOC all along, i dun understand why she wants to spend money on these products.

I've asked friends but everyone has differing opinions:
some say that even a good maid will turnn tricks once they have cash.
others argue that after all it is the maid;s money and she has every right to spend whatever amount on whatever she wants.

For me, i dun mind giving her money but my concerns are
1. Its difficult to account if money is lost in the house and she insists that the money she has belongs to her.
2. 'Funny things' start happening--buy hp, boyfriends etc...

so far she has been a good maid. takes initiative, good with my kids etc.
so mummies, any advice?

Thanks in advance.
starflower/kome: be strong for yr LOs..feel free to talk to us...

sun: my boy usually poo everyday but after switching to nan2, his poop is so irregular..4days ago, i had to feed him apple prune juice from gerber n he poop 3 days worth of poop out...n didnt poo ystdy n tdy poop some hard n easy to clean ones...think i'll feed him once every 2 days with the fruit juice...psychologically, i think it helps...actually was really thinking if i wana stick to nan1 too but worried his iron level drop so i decided to go ahead but feed him prune juice to ease it...
clio: my experience is once maid have cash, they will really hv tricks up their sleeves...like buying phone cards to call, buy 2nd hp, n hp is the next culprit to straying maids..cos they will be so obsessed with the callings n smses that they neglect their work...a gd maid will never ask for things tat are nt stated in the contract..cos they know their objective is to work to earn money n send back to hometown n nt spend them..my 2 cts worth cos i hv got 10 maids for last 15 yrs n it all happened to them...
what a relieved to hear abt anver's updates!
hope he will be able to discharge the first thing tml!
god bless u and ur family oyasumi
Kome, thks for the updates!

Kome & Starflower: I was at my church service yesterday and prayed for Keenan & Anver, asking Jesus healing hands upon both of your darling sons!

10th Oct, Caroline is having her baby dedication at my church:

Venue:Trinity Christian Centre @Adam Rd
Time: 5pm service!

It is an age old tradition since biblical times where Hannah gave Samuel to the Lord. Children are special gift blessings frm God so we dedicate our children to Him

Please let me know and PM me if you can make it
is it ok to tell her i keep her salary and open bank acct for her? coz the MOM says that we are not allowed to withold her salary for more than 7 days right? Don't want to get into trouble.

i really don't want her to hold any money, but am worried if i refuse her request, she will take it out on my kids.
<font color="119911">havenbt been posting for a while coz was away for holiday in genting wif the 2 kids. a tiring but fun trip.

kome, starflower,
hope ur bbies r fine.</font>
Kome and Starflower,

Take care.Your Babies will be OK.

To all:
Btw..anyone went to Hort Park today for the 'Baby Day Out' event organised by Mother and Baby Magazine?
I was there with my friend.

I need your feedback.. since our bb are on semi-solids now..

Does your bb poo often? Bree is pooing like 4 - 5 times a day, each poo amount is like the size of my thumb .. her poo has taken shape but not hard.. it turns into paste when she sits on it..

Is that normal?

Thanks for the compliments. hehe.. i only hope that Bree will like it.

the next thing is making chicken casserole for her .. i read that we are supposed to introduce protein in week 4.

saw the price tag for organic chicken.. i almost jumped out of my skin.. Hubby cracked a joke.. go ask mr chicken what did he eat before he died... hahahah...

I juz got a maid. 1mth already. Her loan has 2 more mths to end. I drafted out house rules. In it mention about her pay. How much she wants every mth etc? She just wants $20 per mth. Yours alot leh. Maybe give her $30. Then when not enuf ask u again.


I made chix bolognaise pasta for my boy today. Modify abit from annabel karmel's recipe. He loved it. Hehe. Now can alternate between porridge and pasta.
Hey Lenny,

my baby also poo 3-4 times a day since she started solid. Poo is vary as per what she ate. she did poo like your bb's when she had a sweet potato. today, she did real watery paste from butternut sqush... was very very very smelly kkk
thanks nana and pinkdemoness for your advice..
I think i will deposit 2 months of my maid's salary to open bank account.

I checked the maid's contract, its says that maid's salary to be credited to BANK ACCOUNT.
Then i'll give her $20per month, jot down in notebook what she buy, then if not enuf then can ask again.

hopefully that wiill work out.
lenny, my boy's poo also taken shape n not very soft but he seems to b havinf a hard time pushing it out n the initial 'head' of the poo is hard n the rest just comes out smoothly like mustard...i also intend to give him apple prune juice by gerber two days once to get him regular with his poo...however i didnt really start him on solids yet just nan2 only n the baby bites from mummybaby...so i stop giving him the bites as worried it may b the bites tat made it difficult for him to poo...so worrying for me when i see him not pooing or cry when he is pushing...yet cant do anything abt it...oh n he doesnt sleep well if he didnt 'output'...

clio: dun mention it...

Ya.. Heheh.. MIA for so long. Btw now my boy poo poo about 4-5 times a day since solids. Before twice a day. Colour and texture and smell also vary according to what he eats. He consumes more fibrous food so that explains the frequency.
During FM stage 1 to 2 transistion, PD advise is to alternate feed stage 1 &amp; 2 FM.
But it also depends on the iron content level of stage 2 FM; too high can cause constipation. So, instead of alternate feed, try replacing with 1 feed first.
My experience is BB got constipation when started off with 50% stage 2 FM until 5 days can't push out poo and need PD help to dig poo out.
Now daytime feed Nan2, night time feed Enfapro. Why 2 different brand? because we think for stage 2, Enfapro is better but too heaty so alternate with Nan. HaHa...

Broccoli and papaya. One of the highest fibrous foods for bb. When i give papaya to my boi, he can poo poo twice. Broccoli can add to cereal or porridge. Initially i thot my boi has diarrhoea. But he is drinking and eating well. Gave him banana and cereal no effect. Aniwae just to share if bb got diarrhoea think B.R.A.T. Banana, rice cereal, applesauce and toast.
Asura, you can give yoplait. I give that to my #1. For trishelle, I will start later on when I give her porridge.
hi mummies,

thanks for your feedback on bb poo..

Re: yoghurt..
i read a book that its recommended to start bb on bb yoghurt in week 3 for breakfast along with 1 cube of fruit puree..

i was in a dilemma as i was told to start bb on processed food only when she is 1 yr old during a Weaning talk.

think i am going to try it out anyway cos come to think of it.. our bb jar food are processed food anyway.. so.. what the heck!

thanks.. yoplait is sugar free? Any idea which age yogurt is suitable for bb? Havent read up on this yet... but i tot cow's milk not suitable for bb until 1 yr old and yogurt is made from cow's milk.
starflower - *hugs* hope your baby has recovered.

alfafa, enjoy your trip..

Kome, hope Anver has recovered too.

My younger girl also just recovered from her fever. She's been having fever for a 5 days (mon-fri) with temp ranging from 38-39.5. Seems like there's a nasty bug going around. Everyone please take care...
Hi Cindy,

I've the same question as Asura79.
We can give yoplait yogurt now? Im keen to give yogurt cos it can help in their digestion but i read about not giving cow's milk until baby reaches 1 yr old.
You have tried giving yogurt to Travis?
thanks mummies for all your well wishes, today is THE day, results will be out for the second urine sample. The antibiotics for his sore throat is making him sweat like crazy. Hope this bug goes away soon, will update again later when PD called with the results.
ic... tink i'll still give NA1 first... will give cereal tat contains high iron for my boi... once his digestive sys more ok, then will switch to NAN2... actually tot of switch to NAN HA, dun know much diff compare to NAN1...
i oso get prunes puree fr gerber, will give him, hopefully it works for him... tink will give him papaya n brocolli too...

can give yogurt now huh... their stomach can take cold stuff now??
asura, strawberrys, sunshinebb, The yoplait brand is suitable for 6months onwards,so i think it's safe to give.
I gave for my #1, and he was fine haha. It's a baby face on the packing. There's another smaller sized serving, also yoplait, that one I only started giving after like 1yr old. I started with the baby face yoplait first.

and yes, I took and gave from the fridge. he loves it. trishelle, i haven't started her on it, cause now on cereals still, will give her next month onwards when she start porridge looo.
