(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

interested in ur flashcards..

sung, SO HAPpy for you that you have come to a decision that you and hubby are comfortable with! Believe that no matter what happens, you and hubby sure can cope! Jia you and hehe, enjoy your time bonding with bb!!
Good afternoon mummies. It's been a while since I last login. I'm so happy as least I managed to get a temp job for 3-6months. So I going to miss the Dim Sum lunch since just work cannot take leave liao... but happy as no need to keep searching for job till I sian ....

Sung : Since u already decided, take things as it comes. Let nature take it course.
Hi Seabreeze,

I am interested in your flashcard,can i add u in FB? Btw,the flashcard is more suitable for which age group?
<font color="aa00aa">kome
issit? my PD said those ear type thermometer can only be use when he's 6 mth old... jia lat one... tink i go home n try on my boi since u said can use...

icic, i'll add u n take a look...</font>

No worries. CHoose whichever path make u happier. And since you are going on an unstable single income soon, u probably need to recalculate ur expenditure and prioritse spendings so that ur hb would not feel the stress. I find that if we are flexible, things would work out in the end for any decision that we make.

Me also used the Braun thermomether on my gal when she had her first jabs in wk 8. Dont think is an issue leh...

I think my gal would look more like monk without hair rather than GI Jane. I think GI Jane look cooler. lol...

Me just added u to FB to see see the flashcards. Havent bought any for my gal.. would need to start looking out..
Vivian ...

Can start now already ... in fact according to GD we have 'wasted' 4mth hahahahaha

Have accepted all request ... u all can either PM me or email me for the price and reserve item

They use ear thermometers on bb's in hospitals over here too.. as long as the probe is not so big that u really can't put it in to measure it properly.
me me I want. I definitely want to buy something but just am spoilt for choices right now. Your stuff looks good. Can tell that you have put in a lot of thought to find good educational stuff for your boys

I'll try to confirm before the dim sum lunch so I can cash and carry then.

caca, sung, strawberry ... come back and reply you later heee
Seabreeze, your flashcards are a test of my Chinese. I realised that the instructions are all in Chinese. Good for my mum should she want to use them.
sung a bit belated but congrats on your decision, it's not an easy one for sure but I think it's time that no amount of money can ever buy back. Since you have made your choice, just go ahead and ENJOY it! We may have to adjust the way we live but in our affluent society, it's only a small group of us that can truely say we are needy.

I just had a discussion with DH. Until now I have had no allowance from him. He wants me to stay home til yr end but how can I afford to do so without any contribution from him. If your DH is willing to pare down on luxuries and give you some pocket, that is all you need. Your bub's smile every morning is worth more than any material thing I can think of. And if your DH does lose his job, have faith that either of you will find another, albeit not the exact one of your choosing.

Sorry for longwindedness, I think it's catching lol. Seriously, it's a subject close to my heart.

Glad that you have made a decision. AT least you know what to do from now on. Not easy to b a mother.. really got to sacrifice a lot..

If you have read previous post, I also felt the same way as u. My boy is also ectopic. Now his eczema is much better.
jojo, wow, can you hand express??

seabreeze, yeah I think BP is not easy money unless you are exclusive distributor or have unique product like alfafa or Joann (wetbags)

Oh no! Try to get home asap to pump? Else not good for the boobs! Gosh, i better remember to bring my pump on my 1st day of work!
Good that u reached a decision. As long as hubby supports, then go for it. Actually, your love for your bb touches me and I wonder if I am too bo chap. I love my boy but I don't think I will ever give up working and face him 24/7 (though the idea did cross my mind. Working keeps me balance.

Am also using braun since the birth of baby, ok leh.

So many shops open in ION already? I thought only a handful. I am looking forward to H&amp;M opening their 1st store in ION, there was a rumour about it sometime back. I LOVE H&amp;M, can buy loads whenever I am in Europe for holiday or work.

BTW, Am going for a job interview later. Wish me luck. Rather sian of public sector already, wants to go back to private sector.
Kome &amp; Sun, thks for the thermometer reply, willchk out the Braun

Jojo, alamak can hand express? I remember that time put big notice paper in front of my room mirror and doors to remind myself bring the pump on 1st day of work,esp Charger!

Scrumpee, ya alot of shops open liao, u can go and shop and weekday is the best! Wah hope ur interview success!
Alfafa ...

Yap I invest alot of my #1 and good that Shao Han can oso benefit from them ... I think all the stuff my boy's have will easily add up over $1000

Go for the pop up book and 噼里啪啦系列翻翻书... its really good quality stuff =) my #1 loves the 噼里啪啦系列翻翻书 cos very fun for them to open and close the flap. March mummies get abit more discount k ...

fairymoss ...

Yar ... suppose to pass you the extract lor hahahaha i did a short extract from the book for everyone IN ENGLISH heehee will drop in your letter box asap

JoJo ...

Aiyo ... no pump ... think fast run home lar if not feel so uncomfortable

Pumpkin Seed ...

Yar v hard to make money ... thats why my hubby told me that if not worth the effort then dun bother cos we foresee the next few weekends to be driving around to do delivery =p but so far he is v supportive lar cos all the money oso pump back into buying stuff for the boys

in fact i spoke to my supplier just now oso ... asking him about distributor right in Singapore for bulk purchase ... he say he need to discuss with his partners first ... hope to hear good news from him too.

then again ... even unique product like alfafa and joann oso got their own set of problem ... not enough manpower and v tiring oso *sigh*

see lar ... no such thing as easy money lor

Me also see liao blur... my chinese very bad.. Can speak, cannot read or write. Anyway, what else u recommend? which age do we start them with the chinese one u recommended to alfafa?
Misscandy and Tusky.. thank you for the compliments. Alfafa is a good teacher

Alfafa.. it took me 1hr to stuff, unstuff, restuff, unstuff, restuff Mr Doggie hahaha. it was so hard to get the stuffing into the tail and ear. Mr Doggie as cellulite too. tried my best to "massage" Mr Doggie but he probably needs lipo or meso haha

Kome.. go for Alfafa's class la, it's fun to sew with other mummies. and the best part is to have a self-made toy for baby =)

Please please share ur diet plan for bfing mom here. Me coming back to face the music (i.e. my weighing scale) soon... heh..
<font color="aa00aa">demoness
he said bb's ear too small for those type thermometer lor, then the measurement might be inaccurate... nvm la, since all of u already using, i'll juz follow...

which one is the flashcard? i saw some storybooks but dun tink tat's the one...

when u back to work?

PUMP - tat's my first thing to pack in bag when wake up in the morning aft finish latching my boi... engorgement cannot play play one...
tink u better set reminder in yr phone to remind u first thing tmr morning...</font>
Sunshine, phone reminder nt enuff...gt to paste big paper notice in front of mirrors, toilets and doors,LOL :p

Irene &amp; Scrumpee, where is this H &amp; M brand frm? Clothings ah?

Me back to work on 12 Aug. Must must must bring pump and bottles to work man... hope i dont forget! Never bring cooler bag, still can leave the milk overnite in the fridge. Definitely need to pump, after my mastisis incident, me very scared now.. Feel like buying a 2nd pump, 1 to leave at workplace and 1 to put at home cos bring to work must remember to bring home also!!!
Asura, I can sms n remind u,hehe...LOL:p

Haa yalor Sunshine cos that is what I did as I am a very forgetful person, this mornign alomsot forget charger...anyway one of colleague use the same pump as me so if I really forgoet to bring charger, can borrow frm her.

Thanks in advance! But not sure whether u would be in time to remind me leh. Was calculating that i need to leave house at 620 am every morning when i get back to work. Really contemplating getting a 2nd pump... but shall go back and see my work schedule first. Would only get if workwise it is absolutely feasible to bf until 1 yr old.
Irene &amp; Scrumpee,
i luv h&amp;m too!!! When in shanghai last year..i popped by very often..cheap n good. Luv their sales too.

Alfafa, i email u..
That was what I head last hear that H&amp;M coming to Singapore and in ION. But seems like no news now.

H&amp;M is a swedish brand (I think), they sell women, men and kids clothings,accessories. Like Top shop but cheaper, very popular in Europe and is available in Shanghai and Hongkong.
wah so early 6:20am to go out means u need to wake up at 5 something?I woke up 5am to pump milk n go back to zz at 6am &amp; wake up 6:30am again for work.
<font color="aa00aa">asura
u take how long to recover fr mastisis? ya, u must rem to bring, no joke...
can buy a 2nd hand one if u gg to pump for long period which i tink quite worth it if u gg to BF for a yr... quite troublesome to keep and transport the pump fr hm to work &amp; fr work to hm...
the day aft u start work is my birthday... kekeke </font>
<font color="aa00aa">agnes
u still hv the goon diapers? forgot to reply u coz saw yr mail quite late...

y u don't pump at 5.30 or 6am then aft pumping get ready for work? for my timetable, i woke up at 5.30am to latch him on, will pump if he only latch 1 side...
aft tat will get ready n leave the hse latest by 7am to my mum's place...</font>
I went to HK last year.. their price is very reasonable.. love the design also...
really hope singapore will have an outlet soon
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all your reminders!! Ya, I hand express just now.. SO little for so much effort. MUST MUST rem to bring tmr.. Now my breasts are bursting!!

I heard they r pulling out of S'pore lehz.. it will b great if they r here. I always order online..

WAH! Very entrepreneur leh.. Me still stuck to my sprees.. heehee.. going to start one on nordstrom soon
Hi Mummies,

Am back!
Can't wait to meet old and new faces! Btw, are babies invited for this gathering?

Dim sum lunch - 29 jul 12noon

1. Annmelody
2. Queenie
3. Pinkdemoness
4. Tuskywoolie
5. Prosper
6. Hobo
7. Starflower
8. Daphne
9. Jtho
10. Lemontea/pei
11. Jojo
12. Mangogal (Gt to leave by 1:15pm to office)
13. seabreeze
14. babe kazooie

(1) Alfafa (checking to see if I can delay the class to 2pm instead, leave at 1.30pm latest)
hi babe welcome back. I will pop by Wed for a while but not joining as bringing overseas guest around. I have Fitti 360 already thanks to starflower
seabreeze - i didnt study chinese. so i cnt read or write. and speaking is half past six. what wld u recommend? lol. i need hanyu pinyin words on it as well. do u have chinese flashcards?
I confirm the pop up books 4@$18 and the one you say not for fussy mommies. Let me know your account no, I TT over tomorrow and ick up on Wed during lunch ok?

sorry sorry owe alot of messages, both FB, Gmail and over here.

Guys I have closed order book for now. But will re-open sometime in Aug. Keep you guys in formed ok?

Busy with alot of stuff plus trouble-shooting some product issues *faints*

Oh and hubby just left the house in a hurry to dash over t my Parent in laws place. Apparently my MIL and FIL just fought, physically fought, over some petty money issues. Heard a cleaver was involved! No one is hurt. Thank God!

back later
wah..your inlaws so drama. Hope things are fine. My inlaws used to fight too but no cleaver lah, but always quarrel. Luckily they are better now. Wonder if all old couples are like that, sometimes I wonder if hubby and me will turn out like that too when when we are old
Let me know when u open order again k? May want to order Oli the owl.

dear mummies, i am working out stuff with sponsors. wld appreciate it if those on the kiv list can confirm if they are attending by mid august. i need to let sponsors know. becos they wil be giving milk samples. =P plus there wil be a talk given by a special guest. more wil be revealed in time to come.
