(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

I think I'll wait for another "sophie" BP. anyway, my boy hasnt started teething yet. thanks for the info
<font color="ff0000">wintertime</font> - u can check with pumpkin if she still have additional. She can bring to dim sum tml too...
<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - Got 30% off?! i just bought from ON at 20% and pay reg mail somemore...sigh.shld have waited. Next time got more lobang can email me...heehee
Hi hi =] ya i can join the dim sum lunch tomolo..
but er where is it?? anyone noe??
cant find the add of restaurant...

Alfafa.. sorry but i will not be going tomorrow. if i did say i'm coming, i'm sorry for the last min change. got back to back meetings in the office this week
scrumpee , minnie - have received ur orders.

winter - noted ur kiv.

sharlene - noted as well. but shall wait for ur pm

February Mummies are holding a 6mth bash as well. One of the mummies pm-ed me to ask if anyone here is keen to join. Kindly refer to their thread if you are keen.
Hi mummies,

I'm still packing for my moving to new home but really really want to join tomorrow dimsum lunch.

Pls add me in KIV list.

Is this gathering with BB or not? I prefer to leave BB at home with MIL so I can enjoy dimsum &amp; chatting

1. Annmelody
2. Queenie
3. Pinkdemoness
4. Tuskywoolie
5. Prosper
6. Hobo
7. Starflower
8. Daphne
9. Jtho
10. Lemontea/pei
11. Jojo
12. Mangogal (Gt to leave by 1:15pm to office)
13. seabreeze
14. babe kazooie
15. Winterime (?)
16. Vivien
17. alfafa
18. Inya (KIV)
<font color="aa00aa">Hi... anybody know whether the pigeon dish bowl can sterlize anot huh??
today tried giving my boy avocado for the first time but he doesnt like leh... spit all out.. maybe he not ready for solid yet.. me juz test water.. wanna see he ready for solid anot.. who started on solid already?? pumpkin.. u started already rite?? wat food did u give first huh??

regarding toilet train.. i also wan to train but very taxing leh.. wintertime u r great can train so early...</font>
Hi princess ib dreamland,

Just rinse with hot water should be okay. I did that with my #1.... think better not steriliser.

RE: Dim Sum Lunch,

I have made a booking for 16 but will tell them to prepare for 18. in fact they called me on Monday to ask me if confirm as they hsve a long waiting list ... tomorrow last day of promo :>

So mummies , see you all tomorrow.
I will pop by the gathering at around 1-2pm. Hope you will still be there! Need to pass people things and collect my wonderbibs, yay. She threw peas at her Godpa yesterday, so funny. Think the adults need the wonderbib too.

princess_in_dreamland, I thought I would start with cereal first but PD gave her carrot puree so I've been doing veg and fruit puree for her ever since.

missycandy, I have 3 confirmed BP organizers, 2 unconfirmed. I pass you their contacts? Just in case I am not around in Sept. I have asked them to give a special offer just for that day only or sponsor a small prize each that we can use for baby contest, eg. sweetest smile, chubbiest cheeks etc.

wintertime, wow, can share your progression on EC. We did it for a while with poo time but got lazy.
hi ladies,

as I seldom surf the forum these days, pls PM me if you have any messages for me re purchase or workshops yah?

Am going to start scheduling for new workshops soon. Pls email me at [email protected]

Have finally worked out a package that accomodates a 5hr class instead of 3hr, plus the misc add-ons. Mail me for details

Just need to turn up with a pair of sharp scissors. I will provide everything else - fabric markers, fabric glue, fray stopper liquid, fabrics, threads, needles, sewing pin, my copyrighted patterns for both big (wire fox terrier) and small dog (Scottish Terrier). Drinks and chippies are included too.

I will help to machine stitch the main body of the dog if anyone wishes

Class covers recommended
(1) handstitching techniques for the main body
(2) invisible stitch for the final closing
(3) stuffing tips (which is personally my most buay-tahan part, looks deceptively easy)
(4) decorative stitch for making an applique (very useful. You can henceforth personalise everything you have.)

Ok outz
princess in dreamland,
check FB message!



Queenie/Ivy/Seabreeze and Princess in Dreamland were the first four who took a risk with me by ordering, at that time, not yet tried and tested Gracie the giraffes. Thanks lots! Only thing with being the first few is that they become, by default, the guinea pigs for a new product. Turned out that the polyfill fibers were able to "escape" the lightweight 100% cotton fancy fabric in front. I'm not happy about that. I have since been in contact with all mommies since yesterday to arrange for "repair" service. All new dolls made in lightweight cotton will be made with an additional procedure henceforth . This is not a problem for fabrics like Happy Forest / Happy Patches, which are medium weight cotton fabric.

Just want to let you ladies know the progress of my product development

Pls pardon me if I take a few days more to finish the deliveries yah? Actually re-did a batch of dolls since last night because of this.
hi mummies,

<font color="ff0000">kome, lenny, sun, mangogal, lipstar, tuskywollie, starflower, cindy, wish a boy, asura, pumpkinseed, jojo, scrumpee, minnie</font>
thanks for all the encouragement n words of support! really appreciate it
i'm sure we can pull through with bb dis year. next yr then consider whether to continue being sahm or go bk working. am really glad i join dis forum, you ladies r keeping me sane n relieving my worries! THANK YOU!

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font>
will remember your words. "come hell or high water", it's our choice for my bb

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font>
thanks dear. haha i also din know so serious, now tking yogurt every day n it seems to help. yup i really worry abt H1N1 n HFMD spreading at infantcare, even though now no cases...guess we got to tackle tat next year.
btw, my thermometer is the braun ear probe, been using it since bb 1 month, very good.

<font color="ff0000">tuskywollie</font>
my son's nature is the really brawling type but then i get really worried would b kinda "ill-treated" coz caregivers frustrated with his crying. same goes to getting a nanny so holding back. guess a bb is most fortunate if got mummy or grandmums to tk care of...

<font color="ff0000">asura</font>
thanks, will re-work our finances. guess we really overlooked this in the past, got to adopt shop n save motto "sheng sheng sheng" (save save save)!

<font color="ff0000">pumpkinseed</font>
thanks! i hope your dh can give u some allowance. i agree even sahm needs some pocket $ of our own so tat can still buy some things for bb. just got to doubly more selective n no more retaurants n stuff!

<font color="ff0000">scrumpee</font>
u r not bo chap lah, i do agree tat working provides a balance n check on sanity. i'm juz a natural worrier n can't trust anyone esp stranger to tk care of bb. haha even at work now, i call home every day jux to tok to bb n c how many meals/poo he has...
hopr you didn't get any serious engorgement or worst blocked ducts from mon. must b a horrid experience forgetting the pump. so far i only forgot my nursing cover once.
it's really cool you can toilet train your son at such a young age! hmnn do you oso train him for poo poo? every 15 mins must bring to potty once? got such a small potty for bb? haha wondering if i hv the energy to try cos would save so much on diapers n no more nappy rash!
wow, thanks! you r making the 6mths bash so interesting. really hope hubby will agree to us coming then can finally know you mummies by face n meet all d adorable babies
me keen on sewing workshop, rem incl me k. hv email you earlier

hee you really good, got QC n after sales service, nice!
re. diaper cake,
before i decided to be sahm, ordered dis cake for my nephew's full month, just to share the pics. the moo moo soft toy looks really cute n cuddly!


sorry for so many postings, finally catching up after 2 days of dazed effects from medication. am so happy it's finally wed today, finishing my medication today so it means tomorrow can bf bb again. no more heartpain from pouring away all my expressed bm and i missed latching on so much! think i'll miss the coziness and cuddles of latching on once i stopped bf. hugs hugs mummies, going bk to sleep liao.
i have not seen any of u, only pumpkin..
can someone PM me ur hp, incase i get lost... :p:p

btw, anyone have milk bag to sell again? i prefer those that can lay flat n freeze like lainsoh.

can try to come before 1.30pm? need to leave the DS with alfafa to sewing class...

see u all later!!
glad that you have solve ur pbm.
dun think too much, enjoy ur sahm title.
at most, no luxury, no taxi, take bus mrt lor..dun worry too much!
Hi Mummies....

I duno how i can start my posting here today..but i know i need to rant before i lose my sanity.
Recently i've been feeling suffocated and unhappy..

My son was actually cared for by my mom since i returned to work 2mths back. But recently she found out that she has a medical problem and couldn't care for him anymore so we let one of my hb's relative care for him at my place.
Yest...my hb told me that we have to pay the relative a sum of money everyday for 5days (mon to Fri) so i calculated and realised we have to pay the relative quite a substantial amt per month. I am upset as he has somewhat plans to pay the relative without doing the sums first...
Then all of a sudden...i think back...I feel resentful....abt the fact that i've to work hard to contribute $$$ to this family,to be the one in charge of household chores, be the one to care for my baby at night / weekends.
I feel like giving up everything...
was it a case of miscom with you and hb? Prob he tot you will know that asking relative to your plc to help take care will cost $$ cos seldom we get relatives offering service FOC.

cool down and think of what is your priority and options. If the relative fee is very expensive, then you can look at finding a nanny or even a maid?
if the fees is still reasonable as compared to nanny/infantcare/maid, and she takes good care of the bb, then shld be okie?
last alternative will be sahm if your finances permits?
hope things works out better for you soon...
Me meeting fellow mummies for the first time, so excited… See you all later!

Strawberry, does the relative takes very good care of your child? If so, I will think it’s worthwhile to pay more for her..

Sung, just read about your case.. Really admire your sacrifice for your baby.. For me, I think I need to work at least part-time, else will probably be too stressed to face my son the whole day! Nonetheless, most importantly, you have to communicate well with your husband as now the whole financial burden is on him. Told my hubby about your case and he really ‘pei fu’ your hubby, so do remember to still shower love on him..
Hi hi hoho: me pm u my hp.. me joining the lunch last min ... so wondering if anyone here going and have the info of the dim sum place??
vivien: thank you !!! heeehee busy finding thru past posting!!! heehee... so u bringing ur boy along?? my mil can't ook after him so got to bring him there..
Moring, yesterday was so happy receive news that i can work from home mon, wed &amp; fri from next week onwards.
But till 15 sept only, after that not sure can still work from home or not. Btw, don't envy me yet coz i might need to do conference call and work night time also.

The cow looks so cute.....i love cute cute things.
kome, at least u still can work and see ur 2 prince at the same time. even only a few days like this, i am more than happy to recieve such newsif it is for me
yup yup lucky you... heehee but sometimes work from home is harder cos u see ur kids and wanna play with them but still have work to do ... heehee
Morning mumies ,looking fwd to see all the pretty mummies later!

Whaha...my ministry bfing mummies are getting a petition to hv a private big fridge in our mummies room, hope to hv one soon cos now we only hv one patheitc mini fridge which has limited storage space n shared by 20 to 50 mummies??
Morever, anyone can access the mummies room, including males! Eeeks thot of the milk being expose or or privacy being intruded

Wah Wintertime, ur son can be potty train liao ,so cute!!

Strawberry, dun blame urself as you done ur best to take care fo ur child, hope you can work out some finances soon n your relative can do a good job taking care of your baby

Sung, cheer up n the future is bright and sunny for ur family

Kome, wah good lor you stil lhv $$ and take care of ur son at same time!
