(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


presenting the doggie! stuffed and hugged:





alfafa, prosper, donroxx, queenie & rose
Thanks for the great time @ the sewing class on friday. Sorry mommies, i've crazy busy this weekend and hv not downloaded pics yet. will do so at my soonest.
misscandy... pictures are finally up! was reading the "help" section while editing the pictures. din know can see the post already O_O

babydreams... nice meeing you too! and Alfafa, Prosper, Queenie and Rose too
Dim sum lunch - 29 jul 12noon

1. Annmelody
2. Queenie
3. Pinkdemoness
4. Tuskywoolie
5. Prosper
6. Hobo
7. Starflower
8. Daphne
9. Jtho
10. Lemontea/pei
11. Jojo
12. Mangogal (Gt to leave by 1:15pm to office)
13. seabreeze

miss83 ...

Yap i did a BP to bring in the flashcards recently and the stuff just arrived!!

Ladies ...

Have just set up a facebook for the 'business' - like real lar hahahaha using [email protected] so you all can check out the existing ready stocks that I have and the new story books that I brought in.

Of cos as usual ... mummies here will get discount when you buy k ...
Dim sum lunch - 29 jul 12noon

1. Annmelody
2. Queenie
3. Pinkdemoness
4. Tuskywoolie
5. Prosper
6. Hobo
7. Starflower
8. Daphne
9. Jtho
10. Lemontea/pei
11. Jojo
12. Mangogal (Gt to leave by 1:15pm to office)
13. seabreeze

(1) Alfafa (checking to see if I can delay the class to 2pm instead, leave at 1.30pm latest)

re: sewing workshop.
will be happy to help with machine stitching if anyone caves in during the hand stitching class. hehe

will likely host another one in the following week. Will hold at least 2 more classes on scotty dog so pls email me at [email protected] if you are interested.

wow your baby really likes it yah? He looks sooooo happy! Machiam like showing off to the whoel world Mommy's handmade with love toy for him.

Not easy hor, to handstitch one. Actually, the stuffing part is the hardest for me. I just took 45min to stuff one small dog just now, and even then it still has some "cellulite". Can't be helped. Think everyone thought that is the easiest part ... tsk tsk.

ok time to zzzzzz.
hi mummies,

<font color="ff0000">seabreeze, fireangel, starflower, jojo, tuskywollie, ann, cindy, asura, scrumpee, lenny, alfafa, strawberrys, mangogal</font>

thanks so much for all your support n good advise. i must be crazy going against all the signs n all your solid advise. but i just can't bear to put bb in infantcare now. was crazily surfing thru SMH forum for topics on infantcare n wat i read juz made me more hesistant. he's only 4 months sob, i'm so worry he'll be left to cry or pick up some illnesses ever so frequently. coupled with the fact tat my boy is not exactly easy to look after, wanting to b carried n attention ever so frequently, i'm even more worried. he's a very sensitive bb, even if ppl raise our voices abit, he'll tink we r scolding him and cry so sadly. i can't bear to do it, not to leave him in the hands of strangers... despite numerous dicussions with hubby over dis weekend, i'm still choosing to resign 1st, take care of bb for dis year then try to look for another job next year n place him in infantcare after he's past 10 months. i must b crazy...wish i was as strong as you mummies but i'm an emotional person n can't overrule my heart

hubby is stressed but he supports me. am so thankful for it. haha, he rather i b happy with bb than to constantly worry abt him in infantcare which he tinks will end up giving him more stress as i will b prone to emotional tantrums then fretting abt bb. at least in his words, he can hv peace of mind n concentrate at work knowing i'm tking care of our son. we must b crazy! but since we made our choice according to our hearts, watever happens, can only wish for the best and stay strong.

thanks thanks for all your time. *hugs hugs!*

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font>
the danger to his job is real if a certain situation happens. the unknown is only if it will really happened. still scary but since we made our choice, watever happens must tong thru. i must tk note not to give him addtl stress thru my actions/words...

<font color="ff0000">strawberrys</font>
oh yes, tat's exactly how i feel too, that only i can give the best to my bb. i know it's crazy but i juz can't stop worrying abt him even at work. i believe too that my bb can cope better with changes than me. while he's very clingy and attached to me, i know too that i am prob more attached to him than he is to me... do hope your childcare arrangement is working out!

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font>
thanks dear. my stomachache worsen on fri and i went gp. initially tot was gastric flu but fri nite i started passing blood and was referred to a&amp;e when i went back to the gp. now suspect is bacteria infection of my colon n big intestine so is on antibiotics to clear. sigh, didn't know stomachache can give rise to so complicated stuff, next time got to watch out and go to the doc earlier. now can't bf bb, got to pour away all the bm expressed, so heartpain... actually fri nite makes me all the more 'bu she de' my bb coz when we went to a&amp;e, he was left to sleep alone with my mil looking after him. he couldn't sleep well and kept waking up and even after we reach home, he had nightmares and woke up crying shrilly with his eyes closed. sob, see liao heart even more pain...
<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font>
i want to join your sewing workshop, treat it as stress relieving for myself and at the same time make a present for bb. hopefully on thu/fri if poss? will email you, thanks!
talk abt sewing machines...
you have inspired me to bring my machine home from mum's plc! (been procastinating for 5yrs!)
Hope i get some more stuff done up soon...

you wake up so early?
mornin mummies.. is a tiring mornin for mee cumin to work.. wit a swollen gum on my right.. &amp; extend out to my cheek.. my mum sae is caused by less slp &amp; too heaty ler.. haiz.. =(

updates on my baby..
brought her to pd las sat.. she sae my bb got skin prob-enzema.. jin cham.. but stil nt so worse.. pd gave mee shower &amp; cream to apply on her.. hope everithin wil b fine for her soon.. im so sad dat actualli pd sae is partly inherited from me coz i gt sensitive dry skin.. &amp; for startin on pureen or cereal.. pd sae is advisable to start latr due to her skin prob..

furthermore, she got her 2nd 6-1 jab.. over e wkend, she got so cranky, don hav e energy to play, keep slpin &amp; don drink muc oso.. i got so sad seein her lik dat.. hope todae she wil b fine wit my mum..

bb &amp; mee enjoyed ourself at e gym las fri.. bb slp rite after e gym.. im so happi to c her so happi &amp; enjoyin herself..
Good morning..

recently found my boy's skin is dry also.. wonder if the body wash too strong?? but then again, we din change the body wash since he was a newborn..
Morning Ladies

Oh dear....you have tempted me to take leave and go to alfafa's sewing class.

Just saw your situation. Glad that you have came to a decision. Be strong and face the situation if its really come. Don't worry too much now since you have made the decision. Jia You.......

Me too in 1 hand hope to have my own income the other hand hope to be SAHM to look after both my boys. Haiz.......now cannot think about it first need to stay till end of this year to at least get my retrenchment money first.
Sorry about last time, but i still interested in flashcard that have both pictures and words. If you have can email me at [email protected]?

That time i went to popular to get those fruits and veg cards to teach my son and after about 3 to 4 sessions he recognise 90% of it and can pronouce already. I was so amazing that his memory is quite good, so i intend to get some more of it to teach him.
hi irene, i oso didnt changed e body wash for my girl since nb.. im usin e top to toe.. dan a few weeks ago, i realised her skins is gettin beri dry.. dan i tout is part of her growin up.. ps ignorant mum.. dan las sat, i went to her mthly check up &amp; 2nd jab dan i gotto know from e pd.. is enzema..

Its not easy to come to your decision. Whatever you have decided, move forward and don't look back no matter how difficult it is. Give bb sometime along the way, when he is more comfortable or settled then you may be able to consider working again if situation permits.

I don't know about all the mummies here. I somehow become more daring after being a mum. Its like "come hell or high water", i will have the strength to pull through once i look at Brianne's face.

Hang in there Sung, there will be rainbow after the storm.
Do you mean that we have to change the body wash when they grow older? Me too never change his body shampoo since he was borned.
<font color="aa00aa">sung
juz go ahead w yr decision... pop in if u need listener

i'm bringing my boi for his 2nd 5-in-1 jab tis sat... hopefully he'll be ok aft the jab</font>
oh dear, i better check with the doctor when he goes for his jab. now using baby lotion and hoping it will moisturize his skin.
Oh goodness Sung!
Didnt know ur tummy pain was so serious and gt infection, hopefully u hv fully recover by now, gt to be real careful of the food u eat n drink more yakult/yogurt to hv probiotics

Well glad that u makeup ur mind to be a SAHM!
Hee...if u worry abt finances, maybe do some online mini business or bp to keep urself occupied and earn some $$ like some mummies here

I can truly understand what u mean by worrying putting ur baby at infant care. My mum is taknig care of my gal now but only for 6 months cos by Jan next yr she gt to work. So I will put my gal at infant care if no choice..right now the infant care is full and I am on waiting list. Actually they called me last week said that in Aug gt vacancy asked me want to put my gal in early? I said no cos wif the H1N1 flu virus now it is making me paranoid...

Super blue monday now as so many paperwork to clear n facing some ppl issue wif the public

Or maybe yest shop too much?:p Went to new orchard ION with my galfren n it was super crowded, 8 levels of shopping and cant finish in one afternoon &amp; the structure makes me feel gorggy also
Which infantcare you will be putting her at? I still have to see next year my job how and if i move to punggol not too sure how to settle Anver. Haiz.....my future path is blur.......cannot see and decide anything now.
<font color="aa00aa">mangogal
nice to shop in ION?? 8 levels... tat's a lot of shops!!! manage to get any gd buy???

does punggol hv infant care?</font>
BIG hugs
to sung Hope things will turn out well. Also glad that you have made a decision and followed your heart. If not, you will always have this nagging fear and worry constantly, then both you and hubby won't be able to concentrate on work.
Went to website and forum to check and ask before, the infantcare was not very near to my new house lor. Think have to cross a few streets.
my hse downstairs lor..u mentioned to me b4 the one near NTUC...
Oh u moving to punggol? When? You can start looking for job now n go for interview,hehe...
So u intend to put both of ur son at childcare near punggol? Sorry what is ur elder boy name?
Sunshine...ya quite nice..cos most of my fav brands are there: Mango, Zara, Southhaven, Mitsu shop n Sephora!!
Bought some makeup, one bag and 2 pairs of shoes, so tired!
Hopefully by end of this year i can move it to my new house. I still waiting for my keys. Start looking for new job now also no use. I don't think that company can wait for me till jan 2010 to start work. :p My elder son name is Aven. I not so sure yet. Thinking of putting him in playgroup instead of childcare, but need to see if my mum or i be SAHM to look after them lor.
Kome, I see...well discuss wif ur mum, I know it is difficult w/o a job esp having 2 kids...
My cousin also hv 2 kids gt retrench too n she is also looking for job too, hopefully she will find one soon.
Yup, its difficult to support finacially if got 2 kids with 1 income. Actually i got another choice is to work with my hubby at my PIL's biz so that i can have the felxibilty of the time. But all this cannot be decide yet till next year depends on my current job how.
hi sung n kome, tink infant care is usually e last alternative if u cant hav suitable caregiver...i heard of my hb's frien who sent her bb to an infant care...e bb is a boi...one month ahead of mine...tink his nature qite hardly fusses or cries loudly...worse still when itz feeding time never cries for milk...end up missing his feed @ times...END result...looks lethargic n weak...hear liao oso scared...hope e ones u all wish to enrol treats ur bb well...sometimes e infant care givers do give attn to ALL bbs but human nature is such tat we onli notice e really meek/really brawling ones...anyone in bet will b a bit overlooked...hhmmm or mayb im thinking too much...is getting a trusted nanny a possible option? I hav a galfrien who did jus tat n she's back to work liao...consider other options ya...

If u scared e nanny treats ur precious one less than gd, can install a bb monitor tat connects to ur lappie...u can view it frm office...

But i agree when e child reaches toddler's age, putting him in child care is GOOD!!!
Seabreeze, I tried out the flashcards liao on the day that I got it from your hb. bb loves it. He was holding onto his toy and chewing it but when I flashed the Maths cards to him, he stopped what he is doing and looked on intently. Saw him blink blink his eyes after a series was flashed. So far it has been the 3rd day since I flashed the cards. Hope can perservere and also hope my Mum can carry on the practice after I go back to work.

Wow...so many entrepreneurs here. BPs, home biz etc..envy envy the business savvy Mummies who can bring in extra income for the family. I only spend spend spend, never think of how to earn some pocket money.

Gg to work next week...sian. Mummies, have anyone tried the Medela quick clean steam bag to sterilise pump while at work? Wanted to buy from one Mummy in WTS thread but as usual my actions very slow and I dun log in that often to catch a good lobang.
Don't worry, you got company here. Me too......also spend spend spend only. While other mummies trying to earn earn earn lor.
<font color="aa00aa">mangogal
i got braun ear type thermometer... but can only be used on my boi when he's 6 mths old... now use norm thermometer under his armpit if need to take his temp...

u selling the flashcard? how much n got sample to view?

kome, fairymmoss
same here too... envy those mummies setting up their own business...</font>
I already using braun since newborn. Coz the tip is quite small and can put into his ear. How come yours can only be use when he is 6 mths?

I got the braun also from the spree. Think you may get outside another type one can be use on forehead to take temperature.
Fairymoss ...

Glad that your bb like it ... me havent start yet cos so busy arranging for all the delivery ... I still owe you some stuff heehee will msg you for ur unit number and throw them in your letter box soon.

BPs ar .... not easy money lor i think alfafa is more protected cos my BP items can 'easily duplicate' so alot of under-cutting and stuff like that going on ... until i v tired.

Use HOT HOT water to steralise can liao ... thats what i have been doing since I return to work
That time you got 1 type of flashcard got the pictures and 7 languages one, do you still have ready stock for that? Cannot see from your facebook.
Kome ...

That one I dun have ready stock ... if you want I can order for you in the next round. Waiting time is around 4-6 weeks aft BP close.

Me trying to tidy up this round and get information for some new items before I start the next BP.
Ohhh......ok. Haha.....wanted to take a look at the picts first than decide again. Mmmm......ok than.....i will go take a look again at your ready stock first and let yyou know again.
wow.. so many mommies into biz...

actually i've been thinking... last time when i had #2, i went into selling baby/children clothes.. not easy cos a lot of people selling also. End up, gave up after a few months.

I've been thinking of doing customized albums. However, I doubt people will buy due to the price...
Irene ...

Yap ... quite hard to find something unique cos with internet very easy to source for something similar

I told my supplier just now ... if this under-cutting of price continues ... I will raise white flag too =p

Hi Sung, i'm glad u've decided. No matter what happens, i'm sure baby is the happiest coz mummy can now "pei pei ta" everyday
*have a great time* they'll grow up in no time hehee
