(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hi to Queenie, Prosper and Lingmama..have posted our photo on fb

thanks prosper for organizing! shall chat more next time. do you have msn?

The session is pretty fun today but the overstimulation makes my bb refuse to nap till we get home and she start fussing every now and then in her sleep. We also didn't sign up as there's so many other types of baby enrichment classes to look out for.

Scrumpee didnt manage to talk to u...nmind see you at the kindermusik class

tuskywoolie i want to see your pix also have added you on fb

yah...I saw a couple leavivg early, so is u

u long hair n wear black sleeveless top? I m the one in red n my bb dressed in prisoner romper.

gym class was fun, umm...but $40 abit too exp for a trial.
hi mummies, sorry to bother

I have a preloved fisher price rainforest jumperoo for sale at $150 There is still box for it. My son rarely used it

I also have a fisher price walker to wagon brand new selling at $50 because I have 2.

Interested please sms me at 90664642

hi mummies,

faced with a dilemna now...need some opinions n advise.

originally i resigned n was supposed to become sahm fm next mth. but something juz happened at hb's workplace tat made us realised how vulnerable his wk is. he cld become out of job very very easily! kinda scared us both coz if i become sahm n he lost his job, we'll b in trouble financially as not much savings. w bb now, tat's juz a horrible scenario.

hb actually asked me if i can considered to cont working. he's leaving the choice to me coz he knows how badly i hope to stay home w my bb. oso my little one is very clingy n attached to me so it has been a tough month during this notice period for both of us. luckily or not, coincidentally, my replacement who accepted our job offer didn't come in n rejected after accepting. will hv to restart recruitment process so my position at work is still available. even more coincidentally is we walked past the infantcare centre near my pl n they happened to hv a pl, this centre is very popular!

everything is so coincidental n i'm so torn. my heart wants to b home w my bb while my head tells me to cont working, tat it's a blessing my position is still available. i dun know how to decide
i want to cry, sob! if i want to stay on, must ask my boss if ok on mon, else recruitment will restart.

mummies, pls give me your opinions. wat shd i do? wat wld b the rite decision? sorry for the long post n rambling. can't get my tots cleared up...
pumpkin ...

Have PM you

sung ...

Hmmmm seem like everything is fated and falling in place for you ... cos if the infant care is near your office .. u can always pop by during lunch to check out on your bb

Baby can be very attached to mummy cos now they are starting to recongnise ppl but then again you need to expose them to other care taker if not you will NEVER have time for yourself and your bb will remain clingy even when they grow up ... even schooling is a problem.

For me I like to know that I have the option to be a SAHM but provided I know that its 'safe' rather than be a SAHM and fea0ring for the worse everyday ... not a happy SAHM oso.

i have to say i concur with seabreeze. think in order to give best care to bb all the circumstances have to be right - not just financially but also emotionally. if u r sahm but worrying about finances all the time, and have hb also worried and unhappy, it is also not good for bb. at least it seems that things are pointing in the right direction for u shd u decide to stay on - most working mums would kill to have that kind of arrangement re infantcare.

anyways whatever your decision i am sure all of us here will support you
Nice meeting all the mummies and their babies at sewing today. Thanks Alfafa for the detailed class and patience. You inspire me to.......

buy a sewing machine!

hand sewing is fun but oh not easy! had lots of fun tho :D
pop in here to say hi... Been a busy week at work and home... The kids are down with flu... #2 especially, running fever on n off... Hope they will recover soon..
sung, i agree w seabreexe & fireangel...there are "signs" in life, and this is all meant to be...perhaps it's to show u the way just for a short while more? staying at home worrying about finances might be even more stressful?
hey mummies, do u find its harder to bottle feed baby nowadays? Ever heard of baby standing up to drink? yeah la, he will arch his back backwards after 130ml, then stretch his legs straight, then stand up against my legs until i give up. 20-30ml always have to put in the fridge, 1 hour later then he will happily finish it....*feeding nightmare*

I take 6 tablets a day and each time I will take with lots of water. Very effective for me leh

Yah.. i oredi bought a lot of winter clothing for him. Another excuse to shop!

Oh.. I can feel ur dilemma coz' Im also very attached to my boy too. In fact, I think i need him more than he needs me! Haha.. But I must concur with the rest of the mummies here.. Money is a very tricky thing. It does not make relationships but it can definitely destroy it. If ur hubby and u end up too stressed up with money, bb can feel the effects too.
Anyway, I notice something abt my boy.. When i put him under my mum's care, he seems happier when he comes back to me..
haha starflower...thot my boi is e only weirdo ard...he very ge kiang type...bathe wan to stand...change or wear clothes like to sit...lie down too long...shows u a gek face...phew...so relieved to hear tat im not e only tired mom...
guess they cant wait to grow up ya?!

seabreeze...u r such a dear...looking forward to c u n e other momz next Wed...DS buffet...nevr try b4...if nice wld bring my loved ones along...Tks for getting tat bottle for me...even though some clothes b4 preg hav a smaller bustline...guess i will wear looser ones till 6th mths...oso my wt loss kinda stuck...cant go below 60kg yet...Vernice...in still on e wt mgt prog...qite tough lah...they measure ur wt every time n give u pressure when wt not maintained prior to e previous session...now i hav to ban myself for eating rice/noodles etc...ie carbo food...replace them w oatmeal/cornflakes/wholemeal bread etc...n drink plenty of water...now i noe why my gyni warned me losing wt tougher for those who r older...haha so tempted to hav quick fix like liposuction....or mesotherapy...

They claim my lymph nodes kinda stuck w e fatty deposits...hence e wt kinda stuck there...geezz donno how true it is...im working towards achieving 53kg or less...geezz never been so thin b4...my slimest was 54.9kg lor...
My ht 1.64m. But if can attain...i will hav no problem wearing sky high heels...heee...of course when not bagging abel lar...

sung...i believe itz not easy making e decision to step back into e workforce...in terms of job oppties, ladies seem to hav an easier time than guys...rather than seeing e chain of events as fated, c this situation as a season in ur life @ this moment...when times get better, u can b SAHM again ya? SAHM concept still very far fetched for me...though i look longingly @ momz pushing their kids ard, i noe oso e financial security in having @ least 1 partner w a regular income...

Tks momz for adding urselves in my FB...hope we can continue our chat over there...very blessed to b part of this large family...
HHmmm like JoJo, i believe in exposing abel to a few caregivers...then he wont b so sticky n bully mamy...heehee...
hr if my bros start having kids, abel will b under papa n mama care again ya...
re: weight loss

Haiz! I think this will b a HOT HOT topic among us for months to come.. Already 4 months liao and I still got my "swimming float" around me. my arms r so flabby tt I got no confidence to wear sleeveless tops.
Better don mix BM w FM as e composition diff...not all bbs' stomach strong...if anything happens, u wont noe which is causing e discomfort...jus my personal thots...

I usually feed my boi w FM...if he is still hungry, then BM...when he is ultra hungry...most of e feeding time, if a gap of 4 hrs, i give BM.
JoJo don fret...w proper eating n simple exercises...we shld get back to pre preg wt...we need 10mths to conceive ...perhaps we set ourselves no more than 12 mths to lose all e excesses...i hav a simple dieting plan for nursing momz...can share next time...late liao...nite!
I agree with starflower,seabreeze and fireangel. Since everything falls in place, why not try to retain yr job n be a ftwm for say a while more? Then you can start saving for the next one year or so. Financially stronger makes you feel safe n more secure rather than having to worry abt yr hubby losing his job. For the time being, you can reassess your financial suitation n when things are more certain u can quit then.

Bpa bottle
starflower n daphne will b taking Over all my excess. Lesson learnt not to buy too many in the future

isetan still having 20% sale on bb stuff. Can go check it out.

Fox is having sale as well. I got a few pieces for my girl.. Very worthwhile as citibank card holders get extra 10% ontop of the up to70% sale.

I feel stressed at work as well as I'm supposed to close 2 big deals for 2 major customers but worried not able to get it. If I don't get it my boss sure will b very unhappy as it's a million per year deal for the next 5 years. Sometimes my hubby see me so stress will ask me to change job or to do business but I quite reluctant as I quite ok with my job but of course a lot of external factors make me stress. While im on leave my company staff or partners will still call me n I still work or go through my emails for at least an hour or so.... Last time me still ok. Now with 2 kids I can't afford to work till the wee hours n feeling old already. But have to keep up else afraid my reputation in my work industry will not b gd.. Sigh. Sorry for ranting but need some outlet to express. If tell my hubby he will sure ask me to quit again.
I too, have to agree with starflower, seabreeze, fireangel and ann. You will have to weigh the pros and cons of being a SAHM at this point. frankly, everything in this world and age points to money. Money here and there. It's difficult for you to give your best to your baby if you are worrying about money all the time. Inevitably, quarrels will result and it's not going to be good for you, hubby and bb. I think that the infantcare near your workplace is a godsend. why not check out if they still have vacancy and on and off you can still go pop by to see him? expose him to other caretakers is a good way to build his independence as well. trust me, you will want some time of your own when they grow older! now i just can't wait to dump the 2 of them somewhere for some couple time with hubby. haha!

Agree with all above. I think you are very lucky to have everything fall nicely in place for u to conitnue with ur job. SAHM is really not that fantastic if there is not sufficient finances to support it. All the stress and quarrels that would not be worth it. Though money is not everything, got to make sure there is enough for rainy days first.

my supply also went down after had mastisis and was double whammy for me cos my gal's dd went up at the same time. It's ben 2 weeks since my mastisis, now my ss seems to have caught up. So dont worry abt your ss cos of the flu med, it would revert back to normal soon.
I agree with the rest too. Now that both u and hubby know how vulnerable his job is, your hub will be very stress once you become a SAHM. That's not good for him and to the whole family. And especially with the economic climate now, anything can happen. U can always be SAHM when your child is bigger like when he starts mainstream and needs coaching on studies and behaviour. U also mentioned that you have little savings right? so..you see..can be quite risky lor. I think all the 'coincidences' are opportunities that you shouldn't let go. Job still available and what's more, got a place at the infantcare, seems like everything falls in very nicely for you to return to work.

I understand what you are going through. Despite all of us wanting to be SAHM for our babies but if situation does not permit, we have to decide what are our needs and what are our wants.

Many of us "want' to be SAHM but we "need" money to keep our family going especially now that we have kids. My hubby told me that we adults can afford to go hungry or eat little but not our babies cos they need all the nutrients to grow.

Unless we have enough savings for both party not to work for a few good years, else we have to play safe.

The economy is very volatile now, thus cannot take for granted that our job will be stable. I am from the recruitment industry before, the trend now is really changing. Singapore is not a good country to work in as the employee is at the losing end.
Vivian Tan,
Didn't hear back from you since my reply, have you received it? Thought better check with you just in case.

I have 3 Bfree bottles. Only fed her using the bottles on 3 occasions as I am mostly TBF-ing. She has no problem with them. Could it be that your baby is simply going through a phase of rejecting bottles? Seems like a lot of mommies are encountering that right now.

actually a couple of march mommies I know who have beco or pikkolo have stopped using their carriers. They are worried that babies leg development will be affected due to the way their legs are spreaded out. So they have stopped using their carriers and rely on strollers instead. Maybe you can ask if anyone here wants to sell their carriers? Or you might want to re-consider cos if you prefer to use strollers anyway then might not be worth spending so much on a carrier now. Hubby and I totally love the freedom of using carriers over strollers though, esp my hubby. He doesn't like the hassle of bringing a stroller out now that he has experienced babywearing.

Like Pumpkin, I've started wearing her on a backpac style. Pretty cool. I could do even more stuff at home with her on my back. I'm also going to try side carry with her as I heard from another mommy that side carry allows her to eat properly even with baby strapped on to her.

rotarix is an oral vaccin. I think it is good because babies and tods really do get belly problems very easily. I saw my neice kenna twice, once at one year old when she hasn't started nursery yet. No one knows how she got it. Just one of those things. She had to be hospitalised and put on drips for a couple of days until her body won the fight against the virus naturally. There is no cure for it. Terrible.

Re baby bjorn
yah opinions are split re this. Medical research results can change drastically over time not to mention the fact that there are always so many different schools of thought. So I think it's much more importabt for the wearer to embrace the product concept than rely on research results. I myself bought a baby bjorn air after seeing how my couple friend brought their baby girl everywhere with her strapped on to Air. And she really did look comfortable too. But I have to say that having discovered that babies are indeed hanging by their crotch, I simply cannot get past myself and thus switched to those that have babies sitting on their butt instead.

you can do it! 2 more months! Week by week the time will go by very quickly. My Gracie is now 5 months and 2 days old. So 4 more weeks for me before I start weaning her off, which will likely take another 2 months to complete the whole process. Counting down to the day when I can eat ice cream and cheese and durian puffs and ... wwwwwwwwaaaaa cannot tahan liao

Jassy, think there are BPs for sophie the giraffes? Should be cheaper.


Bluebell, wow pretty mama. What a wonderful collage.

think the leg warmers really come in diff quality levels. The Huggalugs that came free with my pikkolo is stretchy and can go quite large in sizing. Can wear for longer. Also vert very soft and smooth to touch. The print is done with much more finess. Hard to explain. Sellnig at R.P. $24. The other brand, can't rem the name, that came with the beco purchase is also very very nice. Think that was less than $20. One of the mommies here bought some cheap BP ones to try but they were really rough to touch (I tuched it too, really rough), and small. So you might want to buy one to try first.

you can do it! We pray and tong together! OPen champagne on the same day ok?

don't say thanks lah. You guys are giving me lotsa moral and physical support by signing up and buying my stuff. It's my priviledge man. Thanks for trusting in me! Aiyo ... now I also feel like joining in the dim sum lunch. Somemore some of the sewing workshop mommies who came yesterday are going too. But class sarting at 1.30pm. Don't tink I can rush back by 1.15pm. Grrrrrrrrr

... ok finally finished this section. Next section later then go through :p
oh befopre I forget

SO SORRY! Pls accept my apologies. My hp kept ringing with new text messages and phonecalls yesterday but I had the vol on really soft so missed most of the messages, even those from my workshop participants. :p Pls don't think that I'm not taking your offer seriously hor. Need it badly just seem to be so short of time these days to get my head together. :p


Oh Oh they are the same baby?! At first I thought you put a pic of your #1 and then of your baby up one after the other.

thanks for the pics. Send me HR via FB can? hehehe I put on my "shop"
haha...ya, sending you HR to your gmail now, big file, taking a while..
my little monk look cute hor? I debated internally for 2 days before finally decided to shave him skinhead!
saw your pics. Baby abel is a natural! Yah boy, the photographer, Asri, is like a big friendly giant next to our little munckins. And he was really funny when he tried to hide behind my single seat sofa to do the "jack in the box" thing to make her smile. HAHAHah so funny.

hahah sorry cannot help it. yOUR Comment on the mrt seat tghing cracked me up

oh dear. How come baby is down with high fever? Wat is considered high by the way? Must have been terrifying. Hope baby is fine now. *hugs*

sung, vernice,
me same. When I was single I thought how cool it would be to be able to travel for work to all over the world. Until when it rally happened and I had to travel long haul after I got married then I realised that travelling for work is really no fun man. I had to create other meetings within the region so find excuses not to go. hehehhe One was to London which I have never been to and I really really wanted to visit but hor ... I rather missed it than go for work. That's how much I resent travelling for work. :p

no problem. Btw, I will ask the next in line asking for the same colour match to see if she wants to take over your happy forest/pink fleece giraffe ok? i will have to remake yours with an applique A but that means you need to requeue heeee thanks for your understanding

BTW you need me to send you pics? if not how are you going to add the copyright watermark huh?

hubby and I really enjoyed ourselves at the little gym trial. And I think baby enjhoyed it tremendously too, until she got over stimulated halfway through and got a bit cranky. But we have decided o try out a few more places first before deciding. Or we might just go for single classes rather than sign up a package. We tried doing some of the "moves" at home with Gracie and she loves them!
yours boy ah. still can. In fact, look very kawaii as a little baby monk. Super cute. But I can't bring myself to do it on Gracie. Already no hair now anyway.

was just briefly contemplating having just one baby. Hubby and I were looking through out tomato studio pics and loving our baby girl more with every shot. Then I asked, what if we only have one baby huh? What do you think? Wow his was a fast and furious flat NO. Must jhave another one. Hehehehe I was briefly contemplating that because realy lor, if we have one baby we can still make it on a single income but with alot of sacrifices... overall still comfortable but no more high life. But if we have two ... life is really not going to be even comfortable anymore. I probably won't go out much to take lunches with fellow mommies.

aiiiiiiiiii so many trade offs in life
re: jasmine Jasmine Jasmine and Jasmin

wah you ladies have no idea how confused I get with the four of you. Until now I am still a bit blur.

Same here... bb balding... and been contemplating shaving her.. but i cant bring myself to do it to her... haiz... She look so funny from behind.. i should take a picture of her back view.. heh
just read your message.

*pat pat*

If you don't mind me asking, to begin with, how real is the threat of your hubby losing his job? Because if it was a misunderstanding then all the rest of the discussion is not an issue anymore. If it is very real however, then I echo the rest of the mommies here. Keep the job. The "opening" for a SAHM job at your house is always available, whereas the one you are holdin on now is now or never. If you have the option to, then quit only after you have a reasonable amount of savings.

wow you guys really think very far. Quit to be SAHM only if you and hubby have enough to not work for a few years?? if I follow the same then chiam lah, better take up my boss' offer to go back to work.

speaking of which,

how are you?? the dust should have settled by now? Hope all worked out well in the end.

My ex-colleague, the one who decided to stay at my super family UNfriendly workplace throughout her pregnancy and who now has a 8mth old baby boy, called me on thu night and cried her heart out. She just had her performance appraisal and that went horribly wrong. My boss was picking on her for leaving work early (7pm, that's considered early for us though official is 6pm), for being absent from work (she was only taking 2 mths maternity leave to begin with), for taking MC, child care leave at the last min (son had a flare up). Kept questioning her committment to work etc. No grounds to pick on her performance wise as there was a general industry downturn. Then kept comparing her to other GMs (my previous workplace is split into individual KPI units) and saying how come she is lagging behind? In the first place, since they fgound out about her pregnancy they took away her sales people, her product guys and left her with two newbies. JHow on earth do they expect her to fly like the other teams??? Waaaaa she cried so bitterly over the phone I almost wept with her also. I know the stress man. Not kidding lor. She said she almost threw in her letter there and then but then ... they are on the lookout for a bigger house and they really need the money. Unless she can find another job that pays similar. Tough lah. We're talking 6 figure salary a year. Really not easy in today's time and place. So sad just thinking about it. Glad I got out when I could, before I feel stuck.
don't shave lah. :p heeeeeee their haoir will take forever to grown back one. My friend's girl finally got some decent hair back after FOUR months. OMG.

Wahahahaha you are buying a sewing machine ah??? Hahahaha I bad eh. Whole day influence people to spend money. Last time was pikkolo, now it's sewing machines. At least two I know are shopping for sewing machines now. Next time I should become a sales person for sewing machiens!
Thanks alfafa,
Beco & Pikkolo is too expensive to me as a SMHM, so i been looking for 2nd hand till now. Also worried about baby legs development will be affected due to the way their legs are spreaded out.
How much you brought the baby bjorn air carrier and Where?
yah can ask here cos alot of them bought but some have gone back to using strollers.

I really like mine as it has many diff carrying styles. hey are you going for any more gatherings? Like lunch next week etc? Maybe can try out the different carriers first? Really need to try because diff people prefer diff carriers. Some choose beco, some ergo, others pikkolo and bjorn. Even more prefer sarong slings type. I bought my Bjorn Air 2nd hand off ebay singapore. You can check there. I actually bought it at $110 for the carrier then subsequently spent another $15 for the set of rarely used bibs. The Bjorn bibs are very important imo. The Air carrier I bought was clearly virtually new. I sold it off at 110 for all after I used it one time at the supermarket for 20min. You can check BPs. Think April thread has someone called KP bringing in brand new baby bjorn carriers for 100 odd only.

Will message you if I come across any. Used to surf WTB/S sections alot but these days hardly surf new loh.
Tks alfafa for e compliment...tink my hb n boi looked so alike...i look like their 'aunt' hor...seem so old looking...my bro even said fotoz turned out better w some make up...geezzz...

ask 4 ur colleague, muz ask her to take care esp going to give birth soon...6 fig salary might b tempting but w all e stresses loaded upon u...not worth it, worse still bb becomes affected by u n so hard to take care...my boi's devt a bit affected while in my womb...onli in 2nd trim i forced myself 2 cheer up n let go...
but now everywhere i go when i tink abt him gives me a smile in my heart...im so addicted to him??!!

Speaking of having no.2...oso happy w 1...tink if 'accident' will hav e 2nd one but not a muz lor...
My hubby's asking when the terrier will be ready. Seems like he's more anxious than me & baby. Haha..

Started my boy with brown rice cereal last week, only abt 2 teaspoons. Gave him earth's best apple puree today and he actually slurp up abt 3teaspoons, crying for more when I stopped giving him cause he has that "frown" on his face. Shall feed him the rest over the next 2 days since can only last for 48hrs.

You stayin at Stirling Rd? I'm going to Queenstown mrt on Monday during my lunch time. Maybe can drop by your place too.
