(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


i brought diapers...the one that naomi usually wears..its bulky no doubt but at least on the way home, i dont have to bring the unfinished ones that i bought during the holiday so this saves me space for shopping loot. i brought along paracetamol (tempra), thermometer, koolfever patch, ointment for stings and bites, sun block, insect repellent and band aid.

Pediped Shoe: haha… really cannot resist temptations. Then again i always say value of money is realized only when it is spent. Haha excuses. :p
ag: also measured han’s 12.5, going to buy the L size

Speed of thread: So nice to have more sharings.

Happy: I think not all kids in infantcare is as bad. Guess han’s immune system is weaker

Mibebe: wow! Korea for 7 days! Enjoy!
thanks thanks! cos on tat thread, e mummies are so against tat they told a lot of horrible stories... so they went inside my head and played wif my mind for a while... but yah, came to e conclusion tat it's still better to get vaccinated... but will u deliberately delay e jabs as long as possible? or once e time comes tat can take, u'll let naomi take?

u check out e bp link i gave previously... got some flex designs on sale too...
tat's wat i did yesterday lor... my gal only took a few mouthfuls of porridge for dinner... then gave her e usual amt of milk at nite... guess wat? she woke up at 7.45am to play wif me tis morn! her usual waking time is 9am leh...

anyway, think she really no appetite... breakfast was apple wif rice cereal, her favourite... never finished oso, only at half of wat i prepared for her...
tat's my pt exactly! bb shoes are so ex! tat's why am looking for cheaper alternatives... but will try out pediped juz tis once, so i can noe for myself if it's really gd... am buying oso cos got discount... if not, really cannot bear to spend tat kind of money lah...
ok ok, thanks for clarifying! tot jovan's loose stools is due to e jab... so i guess it's teething for my gal then... so is jovan ok now?
poor han... i shared an opinion previously that some PDs against child care for tods below 3 yo. he said tods immuse system will only start to build at this age. their suggestion is, if possible, do not let ur tods below 3yo in child care.

how to build good immuse system:
i read a baby diet book. do you know wat food can build up gd immuse system? MISO! believe it or not. no wonder japan has the highest longevity rate.

it's a gd deal. buy! perhaps u can consider 1 leather and 1 non-leather. my gal had blister when the leather shoe was still new. so everytime i must let her wear socks if she's on leather shoe until the shoe is seasoned.

any tots here take separate jabs for MMR & chick pox? do they get fever after taking mmr jab?
sheepish, he is still not taking porridge and cereal. he is taking only about 130ml of milk per feeding but still active lah. I bought milk bread for him yday and he finish 1 slice. at least better than none.

grace, I asked debaby already for feet size 12.5cm. she said 13.3cm will just fit only. she advised to take Pediped flex size 21 cos can remove padding. but the flex designs dont have the discounted designs that I like..

earlier during lunchtime, I saw adidas sandals on sale at $24.90 very cute but they dont have Jovan's size.

Actually hor i nvr go measure his feet leh,i ji tao bring him to the stride rite shop then try it on his feet then let him walk ard to c..I also make sure hor the shoe can totally bend into two before letting him try cos tis mean that the sole is tough yet gentle on his feet.


i think nid to take it easy....i knw can tend to overstress ourself then in the end they get scared of potty..


Wa....i wonder where u are lo....think think again i think u so nt near me bah haha...but i suggest u buy highchair first lo...best if the plc u are at hor can allow return de then when yr shipment cme liao u return the one u buy lo hehe....

As for Zac being sticky i think it is probably new environment as the reason.Cos when i jus reach US then bryston hor wan me all day lo..ji tao can cry when i away lo really can die wan....so i think nid to let them settle awhile ba..


hope yr girl eat more wor....and more cooperative...wondering why dun eat much hor?? Last time she does sit high chair and eat??
Cos i alway let bryston eat on high chair so when cme to Mum Mum time he go to the high chair n wanna sit on it then say mum mum mum infinity wan lo...nwadays super itchy mouth eat liao full full already still can eat till shiok when i go frens hse...chan zui....


yr girl cute la haha...dolly stroller small leh haha....wait she peng...
Suddenly the thread is moving so fast. Can hardly catch. Anyway just brought Noel to his 15mth checkup and he is now82cm and 11.3kg. I only took the mmr vaccine cos my pd say the mmrv is quite new in market only for 6 to 7 mth. So she not too sure the side effect. And advise me if I'm very concern abt the side effect just take mmr first. The mmrv is 2 jab. Mmr is only 1jab.
sheepish, read ur post on debaby, they dont have stocks for your design...u helping me check for my design hah
I dont like to make payment first before confirming if they have stocks, so troublesome for refund. I am also worried if the stocks come in 1 mth later, by then Jovan may not be able to wear the shoes already.
cas took her chickenpox at 14mos and the mmr last monday. no fever on both jabs

ok, i will bring the diapers that she usually wears
what ointment (for stings and bites) and insect repellent are safe for our tods?

grace chua:
yes, hopefully we will enjoy it and cas will be cooperative! :D

this baby girl of mine quite funny...we were in the lift and an uncle who is almost going bald came in and cas immediately pointed to him and say "baby"! i guess she associated the baldness with babies! hehehe!
just went to take a peek at the pediped BP...and the biggest size that they have is size 21???? cas is already size 23-24!!! big feet!!!!

aiyoh so heartache to c baby fever ho but my pd said fever is for fighting d infection. It's body's natural reaction, so supposedly ok la as long as not too high. Thank God my baby doesn't develop fever after jabs but so far we choose very minimal vaccine/visit so not too bad... ok to take ur mind off things, get one pediped and then buy more bata ones hahahaha.... (me v bad ho, play devil) hehehe...

that's hilarious!!! wanna cry n laugh at d same time ho!! hahahaha

ya, so funny!!! my baby also feed her doll water n milk. I wonder how she know it's milk bottle (comes with d doll) cos we only feed her milk using bottle til 2mths old. Naomi feed them with real milk and water or toys?? hahaha so cute

Oh that reminds me ho, another funny one, she even use her spoon n cup toys to feed her stuffed toys. Yesterday she line donald duck, mickey mouse n elmo up and feed them one by one... PENG ahhh.... HAHAHAHA how do they know to pull all these funny stunts i really dunno.....

i agree with sandy. bring our normal diaper, no need to headache n find extra time to buy not to mention any accidents or u know like we dun get used to diff brands or something... n then use the space for later shopping!!! hahaha
ur gal so funny...they do have a lot of tricks up on their sleeve that won't fail to make us laugh! hehehe!

yes, i am convinved to bring 1 pack of diapers for her to use...and it's true....it makes a good space for later shopping! hehehe!

Thanks, but the BP dont have discount for the item that i want, sad sad... i will go mothercare to buy since i got 10% off...
anyway, once you tried pediped, i think u cant stop haha, cuz when your little tod endorse on the comfy like xavier does, i think its hard to find other alternatives liao... he just love his jake flex pair, not even the brady flex so much haha... its addictive leh


Your gal is soooooo funny & CUTE haha

i am thinking to sell his pediped shoes (flex range) - jake, i bgt it at Fox for 89.90, size 22, he outgrown in less than one month, so you all can imagine how new the pair of shoes will be... so if anyone knows anyone who is interested, let me know yah hehe
Hi mummies,

Wah haha...so long never come into this thread, so many 'old regulars' posting back here again...nice to see you all here...but I am so busy at work that I hardly have time to come in...anyone organising any gathering soon???

Dee dee & Whitegalz, my Jerilyn also very slow in teeth development, now only 3 upper and 2 lower front teeth...we call her 'boh gay'.

Re:MMR jab
Jerilyn is also due for her jab this month, but she got slight cough, waiting for it to clear up 1st.
okie, juz wait it out bah... my gal today slightly better, ate half portion of her porridge... i gave her a third 1st, then freed her to play... she came back to me 45 mins later to have a bit more... then another 30 mins for a bit more... so quite happy tat she ate half in total... so yah, sandy's method seems to work!

hehe, e boy's shoes are grace's order... she looking at e same shoes u wan ah? yah, i oso wouldn't wanna pay unless i noe have stock... but no choice, since they can't check for availability unless i pay... they can send out by next wk if got stock, so shd still be in time for my gal to wear for at least a mth bah? if not, i get refund and go buy bubblegummers lor...
thanks! i oso hope she'll start to eat her usual portion soon... she sits on high chair for her meal, but will fuss after a while...
Feb 2008 Mummies,

I am not an active member of this thread but would love to have some suggestions from you guys at this stage.

I'm going back to work soon after 2 years of rest, baby is now 14.5 months. Work would be 5 days 8am-5.30pm.

Would like to ask you mummies out there, anyone's MIL go to their home to look after baby? If yes, what time till what time?
She cooks porridge or you cook before you go for work?

I have a maid at home but I have never let her cook for baby nor let her feed baby. However, she does put the baby to sleep and play with him when I need a break or to shower or eat.

I am trying now to trouble my MIL (though she lives only 5 mins away) but at the same time can't fully rely on my maid.

Suggestion, suggestion, suggestion?
Hee spicegal, I will read the the thread occasionally to catch up with mummies.. but i nvr post much..

High Five* Kylene also the same, 3 on top and 2 below, very short.. PD said it is alright for such development..
Hi star bright (star_bright), my MIL cooks.. I leave my gal at my MIL overnight for some dayss.. I reach my MIL house at ard 8pm each night and leave at 930pm..

I let her take care on her own, I nvr probe how she handle cos I think she dont like to be probe!

need help pls... I know some of u spend some time in Australia before... Think is lonerunner hehe any idea what is the winter weather like in mid July in Perth? Will it be too cold for our Tods? Thanks!!
Hey, Whitegalz, long time never hear from u. How's ur #2 coming along? Already have good news?

I am struggling now, without maid. Staying at my mum's hse on weekdays, then weekends go back to MIL hse. Hb comes to see us, or rather my boy once or twice during weekdays. Colleagues say like husband and wife separated like that. But no choice as hb dun want bb to travel to and fro everyday. MIL claims she cannot take care alone and after all the maid issues, really scared to hire one more. My mum is also struggling to help me as she is not very healthy one, and I slog like crazy everyday to finish work at school, though not always possible, then come back to do hsework, or take care of my boy to let my mum take a break or do some chores. Hope can tong for a longer period until he goes childcare. But pple and hb thinks cannot talk, cannot go childcare as anything happens, he cannot tell us, then back to same as maid, if maid abuse, bb small also cannot say. Tough to be a working mum....sianz.
my girl's "smelly" ear cleared up today. Think is not ear infection. I also tried use wet cloth wipe her ear. just in case is ear wax built up. Today mil said she is still very cranky and not her usual self. But she ate lots today all of sudden. hb and I are getting worried. we duno wat to make out of this unusual pattern. Partly is cos beside having a running nose or fever occasionally, she seldom fall sick so we are pretty inexperience when come to handling sick child. Still thinking if we shld take her to PD or chinese doc tmw nite when doc's in.

I think depending on the environment bb is in bah? like for my girl, she dun go infant care. most of the time she's with my mil and my niece/nephew during the day. i seldom bring her out to shopping centres or crowded places. so I think the basic jabs are sufficient. those optional ones like prevnar was given only when she's bigger. PD also let us decide if we want to go ahead with it or not. But there is also a risk for this lah. like my hb's ex schoolmate. his son was warded in hospital for 1mth due to complications from pneumococcal bacteria cos he dun think it is necessary for his boy to take the jab.

same here. my girl just wan my 100% attention. haiz.

tats wonderful! enjoy ur trip!
ya better bring the usual diapers on the trip. if u are daring enough, just bring abt 3/4 supply and purchase the rest there. if no good, you only got that 1/4 to deal with anyway :p

currently my mil comes to my hse only on thurs and friday to look after bb. my niece and nephew and their maid will join later in the morning. on other days will bring my girl over to mil's hse in the morning.
I let mil have the free rein to decide wat to cook and etc. I'm also like whitegalz, dun probe mil unless for medical reasons etc cos I dun like to be probed too. hahahaa!
my mil will reach my hse abt 8.30am, then leave like 7pm+ or 8pm when hb or myself is home. my mil takes care of the cooking. maid only look after and play with kids.
But if my mum comes over to look after my girl when my mil is on "annual leave", I'll cook my girl's lunch before I leave for work. my mum finds it hard to multi task as smoothly as my mil, who is more experience with kids. so I have to do more work to make things easier for my mum.
maybe u would like to have a chat with ur mil and see how you would like to work things out like the number of solid meals a day, working hours, either u bring ur kid over or mil goes to ur hse etc etc ...
oh .. paisei .. missed your post. sandy and ahhhh another mummy (I think is deedee?) also experienced perth visitors :p kekeke ...

Average winter temperature for Perth (http://www.perthtouristcentre.com.au/weather.php)
June: Daytime 18-21C Night Minimum 9-12C
July: Daytime 15-18C Night Minimum 6-9C
August: Daytime 18-21C Night Minimum 9-12C

Better dress warmly when there, esp at nite. :p

hang on .... at 18 mths ur boy can go childcare liao ... maybe things will be better then.

woohoo long time no c hehe...aiyo have teeth better than really bo gay rite hehe...slowly la..
actually hor jab u can check with doc if hv cough can jab anot leh cos hor that time bryston have abit of cough/flu then doc say ok to jab then i let her jab lo smemore 4jabs LOL....


Me me stay in aust before LOL...July is winter wor so shld be cold for u n baby bah so prob sme sweather and singlet+ t-shirt for layering...i think no nid go buy those thermal la cos u nt staying there mah only visiting...

then beanie for the head to keep warm also hehe...u could check weather online for the temp hehe...u gg for how long??

Oh ya i forgot to reply when u ask abt bryston lol he is ok le la as usual lo active la hehe

i love yr girl la haha full of cheeky ideas leh still pai dui to feed smemore like she have a sch canteen of her own...but this is imaginative play la so ok la hahaa...plenty of ideas to expand on hehe


u knw wat i do to keep bryston on his high chair when he haven finish eatin?? i let him hold the spoon n self feed then he wan lo er xin...when i feed and he try to shun away i say use yr hand n hold the spoon by yrself...immediately like tink tink bright up liao straightaway sit properly n hold the spoon n continue to eat LOL

can try wor maybe she wanna try self feed??

july is very cold...its smack right in the middle of winter..(june to aug)..i stayed there for 5 yrs and in my experience, the nights can reach 2-3 deg C; daytime max can be 16 deg..although the temp is not very low, the winds are very chilly..the wind is the killer..very strong and cold
so like what lili say, better to let xavier wear beanie..then about 2 layers below jacket/sweater..babies need more layers


naomi will feed the cup of water to her doll and tiger..she also took the avent storage bottles that i stowed away and fed it to her tiger. the doll also has a cup that doesnt look anything like a milk bottle and surprisingly, she just took and fed it...oh and just now, naomi took her toothpaste, pretend to smear some on her toothbrush and started brushing away...our babies are really getting cuter and cuter by the day...oh

im using this natural homeopathic sting ointment (Sss sting Stop Insect Gel Homeopathic)made with citronella and eucalyptus..its organic and i bought it from an organic shop. as for insect repellent, i use OFF lotion for kids..dont think sg has??? organic shops should carry some safe insect repellent for kids but they are costly

ya totally agree with sandy. Their winter funi wan no wind hor temp is tolerable but hor with wind arh wa it hits right thru my bone man haha shiver but two yrs stayin there I get used to it le so winter I can wear jus long sleeve ard with no layering lol

when u reach there buy qv cream fm target/k mart for applying on both adult n bb body since it's gg to be dry.
Thanks Lonerunner/Lili/Sandy!

What is beanie btw? I suaku...
That time brought Xavier to HK during CNY, then coldest went down to 6degree, and it was damn chilly and really very very cold... until xavier fell sick when we came back... so I am a bit concerned if I should bring him to Perth in July cuz I am worried that it will be too cold for him... I surfed the net for the temperatures which looks pretty fine, but I heard others told me it can be quite cold, some say ok, so I thought better ask from those who stay there for few years before opinion lor...
hiaks... is it still alright to bring him leh? I scared too cold leh, which month would be a better month?

Naomi so smart haha, know how to brush her own teeth already!

You know what, we were so impressed that xavier knows the way home from playground at mil house and what surprises us most was we only bring xavier to my mum's house once per week, and he actually remembers which is the house when we come out from the lift... toddlers these days! haha so smart right? maybe its the DHA in their FM keke


Thinking to do a 6d5n trip... which hotel better? Mecure or holiday inn or ibis or missy maud?


I think better bring chi mun to PD leh... at least buy an assurance that nothing is irking her... think she may be unwell in tummy or sth?
Cant bring baby to MIL's place. There's 2 dogs there, and they are allowed to roam about freely, like jump on beds, etc. Hubby and I don't like the idea of letting my son sleep with the dogs so that idea is out.

I'm even considering bringing baby together to work. Lost.
good morning...

wow, din know got so many mummies here graduated fr aust.

i was in melbourne for 5 yrs and brisbane ard 1 yr. not sure abt perth weather.. but overall jul is cold and the day is shorter, by 4pm u will need to end ur activities. it'll not be a good time to travel. i wld prefer to go during autumn or spring. summer is too hot!!!!

talking abt trip hor... haiz!! we booked a trip to mel in apr but then hb cant take long leave due to work. we r planning to go for a short trip to HK disneyland in aug. can share w me ur exp and how xavier's exp in HK disneyland. which hotel to stay? how many nights shld we stay? i wan go shopping too.

eating on high chair:
in addition to sandy's comments, try to have meals together w ur tots and let them self-feed. oh yah, give them our spoon if they want to. i dun know u believe or not, my gal alrdy learnt how to use spoon and she eats her own meal. but at nanny house, she wants nanny to feed her.....
star bright:
im a FT working mum. currently my gal is with bbsitter at day time. i'll be getting a maid soon. my plan (my mil agreed and she is 100% sure she'll fulfill her duties) is to get my mil travels all the way fr tg katong area to my house at pasir ris on a daily basis. i told her she needs to take care of my gal fr 9am to 7pm. if we're late, she can choose to stay overnight with us. my mil is quite a nice lady lah... so she's ok w everything. btw, when my gal turns 2, i intend to send her to half day school. im trying to get a house near to my pil place. so travel will save lots of times for my mil.

my mil will supervise the maid and help to take care of bb when the maid is busy w house chores. as for cooking, i expect my mil to help for the first few mths until the maid pick up the cookery skill. i dun intend to put my gal at mil home cos they have 4 cats there.

currently my workplace is pretty near to my home. so i intend to drive home during lunch time/any time to spot check maid/mil.

is there a particular reason u dun want ur maid to handle your son's meals?
Hi Everyone!
Super long time no see!
How's everybody and their toddlers?

Hey i have a question. Has anyone sent their kids to any play school already? Any to recommend?
we'll probably bring 1 pack of the mamypoko pants (28pcs) and if it's short then we'll buy some there

i can't seem to find OFF lotion for kids here
i asked the pharmacist in Guardian and he said can use the spray one but spray on the clothes and not directly on skin. so dunno lah!

cas only has 2 teeth on top and 4 below. also a bit slow in growing them!

I think 5d4n shd be sufficient. I would plan to stay in the shopping areas like tsim sha tsui (if you like exp shops like LV, Chanel), then stay at Marco Polo Hotel which is next door to Harbour City Shopping center only...
if you dont mind travelling, then you could stay at Mongkok which would be cheaper... spend 3 nights in hk shopping, then the last night transfer to HK Disneyland Hotel as its nearer to the airport so it will be more convenient for u to return back to sg... There are 2 hotels in disneyland, Hollywood or HK Disneyland, the latter is more expensive, but I prefer this hotel hehe as its nicer! HK Disneyland Hotel is very nice, I like the furnishings inside, got dwarfs etc, quite cute
Then you can bring your baby to one of the buffet bf/lunch/dinner there, but quite ex lor, there will be mickey etc that will come to take pictures with you in the restaurants, so quite ex... staying at the hotels in disneyland is highly recommended in my opinion, because if baby is tired, you could bring them out of disneyland back to hotel to sleep, then once recharged, bring bb back again inside hehe, fully utilise your ticket!

You may also spend one day in Citygate, if that is the case you can stay at the Novotel there, cuz Citygate consist of all the branded stuff at factory outlet prices, I bought 5 Polo Ralph tshirts for Xavier there hehe

If you want to go Citygate, maybe you can stay 2n in Tsim sha tsui, 1n in citygate, 1n in disneyland or 2n in disneyland if u prefer not to change so many times for your hotel as can be quite troublesome, citygate and disneyland quite nearby as they are both near to the airport.
that time i went there was really cold... 6-11 degree, end up xavier caught a flu bug home hiaz... lucky got buy travel insurance, so his visits to the PD is claimable...
hmm, hearing ur fren's story made me feel more assured of my decision... guess we always have e "it wun happen to me" mentality...

i got give her another spoon to play wif leh... oso taught her to self-feed wif spoon, but she can't do it well... she likes to throw things on e floor... if i juz let her be, am afraid she'll scoop e food and throw on e floor leh!

sandy still breastfeeding leh... for her, it's e dha in bm! hehe...

the best time to visit perth is autumn, which is march to may..but april has the best weather..for hotel, miss maud's room has nice interior with scandanavian design but the rooms can be a little small..some rooms i think, doesnt have a window. hotel ibis is a basic hotel, nothing extravagant. holiday inn would be nice with relatively bigger rooms but in terms of location, miss mauds and hotel ibis is better than holiday inn and mecure. you might also wanna check out Criterion hotel.
cas no fever after taking mmr. great! hope my DD same as cas, no fever.

i tot u go korea for holiday? why u need insert repellent? i ever saw an article in paper the natural way of keeping mozzies away is to bring a pack of umeboshi, salt-pickled sour plum with you or apply lavender oil. i dun know how true. one thing tat i remember oso when buying insert repellent, the ingridient must be DEET free. i guess any repellent with DEET free shld be ok.

xie xie! so much info u've given... looks like ur suggestion is to stay at HK disneyland. 5d4n seems too long leh... believe it or not, ive nvr been to HK!!! cos my hb dislike traveling to city, he said holiday at the city is a waste of $$. his philosophy is 'holiday is to relax'. we've been to many islands but not city. tis trip is to compensate the mel trip and main purpose is to bring my DD for a holiday. mickey & minnie are her favourite cartoon characters. i can imgaine her excitement when she sees mickey and minnie in real!!!

u oso a big spender!!!buy 5 polo t-shirts hahaha...

btw, ur trip package include everything like disney tickets, air tix, hotels, meals? how much per pax? at our tots age, do they still enjoy infant px?

do u know how many sets of spoon i will offer her each meal? i tik about 5 to 6 spoons. she'll pick and keep changing the spoons till the one she likes most. i started with the combi spoon, with slanted design. try to offer her food tat stick to the spoon such as yogurt, cereal, rice. I'll try to sneak a spoonful of food into her spoon when she tried to scoop it up. Tis way she knows how to do it and copy. When she protests my help, I just let her be. i praise her for her each attempts even she din manage to scoop the food. my gal very funny one... once we praise her, she'll keep doing and show us, so we'll keep praising her.

Until now, the food will still drop and throw on the floor or high chair. I just dun care and prepare to clean up each time after her meals. You know wat, during the ‘training period’, most of times we dined out at the restaurant. So I dun have to clean after her messy meal. I bring extra set of clothes to change her. Hahahaha…..
long time din see u... my gal is in schichida now but will not cont for the next term. ive put her in wait list for GUG fr Jun-Aug intake. from sep onwards, she'll be with zoophonics for 1hr a day until she turns to 2, send her to half day school.

ya, hopefully ur DD won't get fever

we're going to korea next week (friday) for a 7 day trip! so excited! anyway, i asked mums what to bring on a trip and sandy game a list and insect repellent is one of them. i will check theh ingredients of the OFF spray to see if it is DEET free. thanks

on your HK trip, our tods still enjoy infaxt px. when they become 2yr old then no more
