(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

mmr + chix pox jab
anyway, my pd said tat side effects will be greater if combined... meaning normally mmr will give low-grade fever rite? e jab combined wif chix pox will give high grade fever... for my gal, it did not go beyond 39 degrees celcius... anyway, dun worry too much... maybe ur bb wun have any side effects?

mummies, for those of ur tods who eats rice, how much rice do they eat?

I just read this from baby center and a gauge for 1yr old is:
A serving of bread for a 1-year-old is only 1/4 slice, and a serving of rice, potatoes, or pasta is only about 2 tablespoons — much smaller than an adult serving size.
I'm quite surprised the serving so small for 1yo? Then wondering how much on average does 15mth old eats?
sheepish, thanks.. no wonder my gal got a bit of red red dots.. ya, her fever nvr cross 39 degrees.. I think i will monitor longer, if not go pd waste money
wah, e recommended portion so small! my gal eats abt 2/3 of those porcelain rice bowl when she got gd appetite, more than me! if mashed potato, sometimes can be a full bowl!

no prob... yah, my pd tells me if e onset of e symptoms happens within 10 days of e jab, most likely are side effects... can somemore tell me, no need to go back to him... juz manage e symptoms can liao... he prepared me by giving me all e flu/cough/phlegm medicine...
My boy also had the same side effect as dew. Other then the fever and rashes, he looked perfectly alright!!

If my boy ate the recommended amount, think i need to wake up every 3hrs in the night to feed him milk. He's having also 2/3 to 1 bowl of rice or noodle. Before that he can finished one bowl of porridge.
hello mummies, I'm back again. been so busy for the past few days.

whitegalz, my boy has fever on/off for almost 2 weeks after his mmr + chix pox jab.he had no appetite during these 2 weeks and didn't had any solid food at at all. finally over the weekend, he started eating his porridge.my conclusion is that filipinos are better than indo cos they understand instructions.

wah I see all mummies so hardworking, prepare so many different types of food for your tots. I tried doing pancakes, eggs etc for my boy, but he always take a few spoonfuls and wont eat anymore. I just dont have the energy to try again and again. so he has have his porridge daily :p

overload, it's me. I sent deedee the rules. PM me and I can forward you the doc. I understand how it's like as I had 3 maids to-date liao. my current one is good so far, so pray hard.
my girl's fever finally came down after 1 full day. kept hovering at 39deg. Sponge no use. Gave "Ling Yang" also no use. Rashes broke out all over her back. It's only after one dosage 3ml of paracetamol then the fever started coming down to 37.5deg, but fully went away after another day and a half. duno wat virus is this. so persistant! my girl was still climbing and moving all over the hse. the only difference is her food intake (much lesser than usual) and she sleeps longer and earlier.

rice - din really gauge. maybe 2 tablespoonful? depending on how much she wants to eat
i enable my PM oredi. THANKS ho...

wahhh that's really little. I'm surprised! My baby eats 2 to 3 slices of bread le. She used to eat around 2tbs of rice but i added a lot of fish and veges. Nowadays she eats more than that liao lo. How many meals n snack a day do we supposed to give anyway?

she used to be great. Everything done reasonably well but nowadays chu pattern always tell my baby she's gonna miss her. I pretend dun listen. Her contract is finishing soon so I think I better start making preparations.
wow, so many posts. havent got time to come in. work sux!!!!!!
my boy was due for MMR, and he fell sick. he just got better and recovered, who knows, this morning i heard him coughing again, and my mum just called me over lunch, and told me he's running a fever again! sob sob sob.. poor thing. Hubby caught the flu bug, i am feeling a little dry in the throat. guess we caught the flu bug liao. guess the weather these 2 days also played a part.
haiz... he still havent take his MMR and chix pox and his pnuemoccocal booster! I actually missed out his booster jab. haiz...
Hi Mummies...

sigh... have been working from home since ytd... mer is down with fever... and she is teething v badly... sigh... last I counted got abt 8 all coming out....4 already sprouted head, the rest can see whitish thing under the gums.... and one particularly bad one, I think is called the molar, on the right side, its huge and the gum area where it sprouted seems to hv a bit of bleeding... today she has been crying all day on and off... fever keep yoyo-ing.... PD says she has sore throat somemore... really dunno how to help comfort her better.... keep hvg to carry her all day... last nite she also woke up multiple times....sigh...

any mummies here got such bad teething experience with your bb? Would be good to have some tips... Mer has rejected teethers, iced cloths, teething gel... everything...
wow 8 at one go... poor merisse.

how come this month so many little one is sick... Noel also sick.. think mummy going fall sick also cos have less than 8 hour of sleep for the past 3 days.. noel having fever too and can't sleep like more then 30 min will end up waking up crying... he also having "sexy" voice.. think muz be due to the excessive crying/coughing.. heart super pain lor...
elicia, ya... so many of our babies all unwell... then we mummies also cannot tahan... last nite I dunno wake up how many times to check temp, gv med, gv milk, pat Mer to slp... From Sun night until now, really feel like my bones are breaking up...

Dunno if I also like dat when I was young... how did my grandma handle me and my cousins... sigh... cannot imagine...they keep saying Mer behaves exactly like I did when I was her age... one Mer enough for me to handle liao... and my grandma handled me and my 2 cousins...
hi mommies,

i remembered there was a discussion on potty training. i did not actively start her but only let her sit on the potty with her clothes on so she will be familiar with it. i am gonna start this weekend because Naomi is ready!! over the last 2 weeks, she has been holding her pee and for a consequetive 6 nights, she did not urinate during sleep. her diaper was fresh and dry for 12 hours. initially i was very worried as i thought it might be a sign of UTI but she has no fever and no symptoms and it has been 6 nights. when she woke up from sleep, she will pee after 5 mins and she soaked half to 3/4 diaper full in 1 pee. she can go diaperless in the day because wud then pee once every 2-3 hours. hopefully she'll learn soon and make the whole process easy
Poor Merisse!!!! 8 at once is super terrible!! take care!! What i have been doing with mine is just to let her bite on my index finger. I washed my hands super clean and let her chew on my fingers as long as she wants. That's d only thing she wanna chew on besides my nipples so that's d only trick i have to share dunno whether Merisse want to... Take care!!!!

HAHAHAH sexy voice!!!

UR Naomi is FAB!!! She has never ceased to make all of us here envious!! hahaha... Congrats!! I have started cloth diapering my baby and altho she knows what's pee pee n poo poo, she only tell me after she has finished her business n still refuse to sit on d potty! SIGH... keep us posted ok? me especially interested in potty training haha...
Overload, wah... it wun hurt to let your girl chew on your finger? Mine just clamps down on it like an alligator and wun let go until you scream in pain. Not a stunt I want to try la, especially when she already has 7 full fledged toothies in the front... *shudders* Thanks for sharing tho!

Finally, after multiple episodes of crying, she went to nap at abt 4pm until 530pm just now... mood so far ok... except for the occassional cranky whine and scream... my parents came over and tried to whisk her off to their place so I can rest but alas, when I said bye, she looked abt to cry and rushed over to me.

HB and I secretly gave her a quick shower after... sigh... I always feel that fever still need to bathe, but my mum has been keeping tabs so I hvn been able to bathe Mer since ytd morning... just now she looked happier and more relaxed after the shower... we just did not wash her head lor...

Now finally she is playing with her daddy... all day she has been stuck to me until I couldn't breathe... thank goodness my parents came so I could at least gobble some rice to keep from being hungry. I tot I was going to faint from lack of food and water lor... simply no chance at all to eat anything...

Tml I go back to work, hopefully all will be good.

Sandy, Naomi is really good. Well-behaved, smart and adorable and so easy to handle. I think its also in part you have always been there as her constant, so everything is so much easier.
Way to go!

Ok, Mer has spotted me on the laptop now... good nite mummies! Wish me and Mer and Hb a good nite's sleep tonite!
Naomi is really cute and smart . My boy not yet ready for Potty so am planning to wait a little

Thooyan sleeps in the afternoon once . It ranges from 2 to 4 hrs.

Baby food
I don't exclusively prepare for him . Only his veges are boiled separately . Our food has moderate seasoning and my boy likes it with seasoning only . He loves his loackers biscuit wafer . He loves good day biscuits . Can have pringles too but I don't give him . He used to like porridge and yogurt but now he refuses it . He loves Quaker oats in the morning .
8 teeth at the same time!??? goodness! mer really has a tough month! does teething biscult help?

wow ... naomi is really nice to take care and train leh :p

my bb's still on 3 milk and 2 solid food per day. total 5 meals. in between if we got eat apples or etc then we feed her a little too. This is not considered snack hor? hahaha!
u sure u wan ur girl to chew on ur finger ah? painful leh!
ei have u spoken to ur maid if she got any intention to continue contract, or she is assuming that you are sending her home once contract is up? cos her remarks could mean both ways leh ... Or u are not renewing her contract? hahaha!

hahaha ... sexy voice ...! :p

yeah weather is really bad these days. the jabs would have to wait abit longer. wat to do rite.
oopsie... hehehe i meant chew on my fingers with her gum haha, can't stand her teeth also la...

we have mutually agreed to renew her contract but haiz long story... i just felt she has no heart to stay, earlier this year she keep on changing her mind whether or not to continue. and nowadays she really dun concentrate, often show black face not only to me but to my sisters n in law, sometimes asking/calling in front of her also refuse to answer. I am gonna ask her again b4 d contract expires, cos i really dun wanna keep her if she's unhappy. If I have all the time in d world n better in time mgt, I'd rather do everything by myself but I guess with babies (cos we want #2) it'd b really hard... BIG SIGH

Re: Baby Sick
Wahh these days really many babies n mommies in our thread get sick ho... TAKE CARE HA!!
why the oldie say cannot bath bb when they having fever.. my MIL also say that... but they having fever bathing can help to bring down the temp. mah... i also secertly bath my boy.. end up my maid baotaw me to my inlaw.. and kena scolding say i harming my son and "see lah tonight fever again.. no wonder your boy took so long to recover" but hey do any mummy wan to harm their son... sianz..

overload, sometime a new maid can behave better than the old bird... we pay them salary still need to see their black face?

Whitegalz, glad your gal recovered liao.. noel fever now under control.. coughing and running nose is his frenz now.. voice still "sexy".. hope i can chase away all these "frenz"
Wat a creative meal menu you have!!! Wagyu beef is expensive sia! Wat is wagyu beef with MS of 8? Re naps, at nanny place, she is having 1 nap = total 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs. at home over the weekend, 2 naps = total 2 to 3 hours.

Use olive oil stir fry the beef with onion, garlic and add chopped parsley/basil leaves then add in pasta. U can oso put in broccoli and button mushroom. Ur pil r nice hor… really ‘teng’ grandchild. Next time if u want to get anything for ur ger just ask them to pay for it lah… hahaha.

Actually the activities taught in school can oso be taught at home. Spend more times to teach and talk to them. Play is oso part of their learning. If next time we have gathering, mummies who sent their tots to enrichment classes can share/demo what and how we teach our tots.

I usually go wet market get beef bone. Im not sure in ang mo country can easily get beef bone or not. Like gin said here the supermarket will indicate the beef is good for what type of cooking. I usually do stir fly beef and I find flank cut is quite tender. U can google to find out how to choose beef cut.

Wat’s ur maid intention putting laundry detergent in your food cabinet? Scary! U really put me off of having a maid leh….. so many maid stories I have heard.

HK package is cheap then I will call them up to make tentative booking 1st. Thanks.

AG & Happy, Overload and mummies with maid:
Can I know ur maid is fr which country??? I am getting a Myanmar maid and would like to have feedback abt their culture, attitude and problems I might face with the Myanmar maid. Thanks.
Morning mummies...

Sigh... yes, Lonerunner, she is having a tough month... teething biscuit we cannot give, she is also having laryngitis... i,e sore throat... SIGH

Overload, hmm.. I think Mer's mouth not v big, after the front 7 teeth come out, no way I can stick my fingers in to her gums area without getting bitten first. Anyway now it seems to hurt so much she wun open her mouth for anything but water or milk or medication.

Elicia... ya, dunno why... anyway your maid is also one kind. If its me she sure kena jialart, cuz I am hot tempered. This morning just kena from my mum. I think my colleagues who heard me on the phone probably think I am talking to my MIL lor... my mum can be beyondd ridiculous sometimes!!!!

When Mer had fever on Mon, she blamed me for letting her take the chicken pox jab, therefore fever. Then when PD said its a viral thing and teething, she started to imply I bring Mer out with othe rkids so fall sick... then this morning, she asked me if I brought Mer out anywhere else, got kena dirty things anot... WAH LAU EH... EVERYTHING ALSO MY FAULT.

Finally, after I said no, she says its because I have a dog at home, so Mer is not recovering fast enough. WAH LAU EH. We also grew up with a dog at home when I was young. What exactly is her problem?

Mer fall sick, of everyone, most keksim would be me liaoz... then she just goes on and on and on, finding fault with me. People dunno may think she is the MIL and not the mother lor.

Simply hot. She just totally spoilt the morning for me.
MMR jab + important thing to note/share:

My gal yday had her virgin trip to polyclinic for her MMR jab with bbsitter. Wow, now then i know having jab at polyclinic is free one. anyway, i tik i'll still bring her to private clinic for her jabs since my ger's medical expenses r fully covered by hb and my company.

one important thing to share.... if ur baby's jabs are done in the private clinic, pls make sure your pd logged in the immunisation record in the National Immunisation Registry (NIR) when your child completed the vaccination, NOT JUST the record book. the nurse in the polyclinic said my ger's vaccination record was not found in the system.
go out of ur office and take a deep breathe.... relax! it's quite normal when when sth went wrong, we try to push fault to someone else or find a reason to blame. ur mum has good intention and care abt ur ger... so dun blame ur mum lah.
Oh no, mine will be getting his MMR jab next Tuesday morn and I'm bringing him for a short break on Thursday morning for a week. How like that?

MBS = marbling score, Wagyu some not too ex at fairprice finest. If get from meidiya much more ex.

Also, my maid is a Filipino, she loves the baby but I do all the main stuff like cooking and shower baby. She plays with baby, reads to him and sings for him and hubby and I are not at home. Get a good one and treat them well, then they will treat your baby well.
star bright:
i see!! next time i go fairprice finest will check out the wagyu beef.

ur maid is good leh.. can teach ur bb. was told filipino maid is good in taking care of bb but my HB doesnt wan for some reasons. so we can either take indo or myanmar.
dont take indo unless they speak very good english else your child ends up learning bad english. communication is very important. remember hor.
baby sick:
so many babies r sick!! OMG! tik we shld avoid crowded place for the time being. if go public places or classes, must clean their hands often.

im giving my ger barley water everyday now to 'cool' her body. hopefully she wont get fever after her mmr jab.
Dear all,

Want to share. My boy has been watching Read along Sing along dvd by leapfrog since he was 11 mos and it is really good, train him to sit still too. I bought from a mummy only at $18, think sold locally 49.90 and 28 via spree so kinda worth it lorr.

It is like sesame street where by he learns pronunciation, but own time own target. I let him watch everyday for 15-20 mins depending on his patience on that particular day. Out of 12 books, he can complete about 7-8 books. Still young so can be a bit impatient.
haha... tough selection criteria! i cant even speak gd english sometimes. i dun expect the maid to teach my ger lah. her main duty is to take care of my baby and house chores. mine wld be a myanmar maid cos she got fairer skin and pleasant looking. my ger likes fairer skin ppl only
when she see the 'dark dark' one will cry.. LOL.
my maid is an indonesian. she is very good if compared with horror stories i hear. i think she unintentionally put detergent in d food cupboard but i still think it signals that her mind n thoughts r not here. Her english is not good and but not problem for me, i asked her to speak indo to my baby when she plays which her. (Which total is less than one to two hours whole day). I feel more comfy with Indo cos I understand what she's saying rather than, u know, if she were to speak tagalog thru the phone or something. Her main task is not baby so I am not very particular on this altho she loves my baby. She does cooking n cleaning n i dun portion what she eats n she's free to watch tv in d evening as long as she fin her job...
poor U kena blamed... hahaha I totally feel for u cos my hb n MIL n my own dad also questions me many things if baby's not well but hey look at it this way, THEY LOVE ur Merisse SO MUCH!!! such a blessed Girl!!!

p/s: ask ur mom to take care of dusty til Merisse is fine. I dun think it's d dog but if ur mom din mind, it'll give her a peace of mind n u off 1 load of chore!! *wink* HEHEHEHEHE
My hubby is very particular about verbal language, sometimes when the maid has pronounced a word inaccurately we will correct her coz we fear the baby will speak like her. It is very tough to un-do learning once they pick up the words. I was an ex-teacher so I'm aware of this.

Also, the baby mimics a lot how adult speaks and what they say. I still feel that if there are communications involved, it is better to get someone who will be able to speak well to the child, else they will grow up speaking Singlish, or worse, funny accented English, which will be tough for them when they are in school.

Julia Gabriel or any lessons which they attend now is only twice or thrice a week. The maid interacts with baby daily, surprise how much their speech can be influenced.

imho only larr =)
haha, I thought this was funny. At 14 mos.

A proud mother of the son, he grabbed the toothbrush from my hand and started on his own, hopefully doesnt become like older boys over time (hates brushing teeth).

Deedee... thanks... in the end I went into one of the rooms in the office to call HB and let off steam... lol... poor man.... but he is at least supportive. Cuz afterall, it my mum, he is not sandwiched... sigh...

but both you and Overload are right la... in the end she loves Mer alot thats y vent it out on me... but sian la... especially hving struggled 2 sleepless and worrying nights with Mer and hvg so much work waiting to be cleared in the office... her "welcoming speech" on the phone was really... argh... :|

Deedee, that is a uber cool link you shared! I just went to see my girl's schedule... hahaha... I think I am one of those kiasu mummy, she has taken every other vaccine she needs to or is recommended to liao... but also quite poor thing... I think during our time also nv kena poke so much... sigh...

Overload, my mum wun even let my Dusty enter the house before I had Mer... she is always going on and on abt how pets can be dirty... but I bathe and groom my Dusty lor... and he looks so handsome, dun understand why she is not in love with him... I used to bring him CNY visiting every year except the one this year cuz later sure kena for letting Dusty take the same car with Mer.... and everyone loves him...

Sigh, anyway, Dusty is really old now... and lately he has trouble controlling his bowels... bring him to my mum he will only suffer. And my mum will surely say we need to do something about him. I can put him with my in-laws above me... but, well, I dun want Dusty to feel that he is being abandoned... so I will ust have to live with my mum's nagging until she decides to stop bah...
i agree with starbright about verbal comm n pronunciation. It might be something u should consider if it matters to u. That's y i asked my maid to speak indo to my baby lo. When my daughter first started saying fish, my maid got excited n always tell her "piss piss" hahahahha....

But then, I am one of those ppl who would like my baby to speak many languages, even the useless ones hahaha. We speak 3 dialects on daily basis n my daughter doesn't seem to be confused. On d contrary, she seems to enjoy it... Like she told my maid "minum"(drink in indo) and "water" to me n hb. So in my case, i'm not a bit worried. Other mommies might not agree on this lo hehehe... afterall this is dealing with our most most precious!!!

Well, not everyone loves pets. Like for me, I love pets but others la hahahaha cos I am lazy to bathe n groom them. It's something that's definitely not for me :p... n ho, I ever told hb d only "pet" i could stand taking care is my baby hahahahahha.... sorry ha this post really dun help one: total BS hehe...
Overload... hahaha... no worries la... so funny, the way you put it across... lol...

I think your way of exposing bb to more languages is pretty cool leh... at hoem we also speak multiple languages... teochew for my side, hokkien for hb side, and we speak Eng and Chinese to Mer as well... but she is not so smart yet la... so far the only thing we can understand is Ball and Bear... LOL...

Thank goodness for Baby Signing Times tho... at least when she is hungry she will sign milk or eat... hahaha.... rest of the times, she will go: Ahh!!! and I will ask the following:

You poopoo? Need to change diaper?
Want water?
Sleepy? Need pacifier?
Want mummy to sing to you?
Want to go out?

Then she will nod her head if it is correct lor... HAHAHA...Usually I already know what she wants, just ask the question to confirm it... dun ask me why I know tho...lol... I just know... :p

I think Lili ever tease me...say becos I already always know what Mer wants... she sees no need to talk to me properly... dunno if that is good or bad... hahahaha
hi mummies,
sorry i left out the details,

area of stay is bedok...

pt-helper/cleaner to help do housechores
prefer to come during wkends
$$/hr between $10-$15.

those with recommendations do pm me.
i would advise u to postpone e jab till u come back... cos for mmr, e side effects are quite long-lasting if ur boy does kenna... but of cos, u can take a gamble lah...

anyway, u e mummy who organise spree for earth's best toothpaste rite? think i bought from u...
yah lor, ur naomi really very easy to take care leh... maybe cos u studying still, so she's a considerate gal and giving u an easy time... hehe...
i always bathe my gal wan leh, even when she has fever... juz take care to make sure she doesn't catch a cold only... ever since she turned 1 mth, we've been bathing her twice everyday... only when e weather is exceptionally cold, tat we skip e nite bath... i mean when we adults are having fever, having a bath makes us feel better rite? at least tat's e case for me lah...
wah, having a maid not easy hor? think i sure cannot take it if she like tat to me... maybe u'll see me in e newspaper - 1 of those who ill-treat e maid! hahaha...
yah lor, both side parents super teng my gal... but i oso pai seh to ask them pay leh... oreidi, we not giving them allowance... still wan them keep paying for us? dunno how to do tat...

then as u noe, sometimes got conflicts wan mah... i dun wan them to think i'm ungrateful when tat times comes and i have to fan lian... it will then become like a hold on me, i dun like... maybe cos of pride too...

anyway, thanks for sharing how to cook e beef pasta!

i noe how u feel... tat time when my gal fell sick, my mum oso provoked me... i simply let go and told her, i have no time to deal wif u rite now... oreidi, i have a sick bb to take care of... u still wan me to deal wif u? when bb sick, who's most upset? me leh... so yah, dun bother me now... i got very impt things to do... very mean hor? but no choice, i oso have a hot temper... thank God she is much more forgiving now, haha...
