(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


i totally agree that they are like a sponge. just by mere exposure and observation, they can learn effectively. and i totally agree with you that we need to watch and remind ourselves what we say with the kids...i have a friend..he likes to say the word ASS...one day, her daughter started saying ASS...although she might not know what it means, but i guess it isnt nice to hear it from a less than 2yo girl. so for the 4 letter word, if they can say duck, i dont think its hard for them to say the 4 letter word lol (sorry for being crude).

After the little one has woke up this morning, she got down from our bed and walked into the study to find us. Then she presented me grinning from ear to ear with mother's day gift - an old shopping bag with her favourite pacifier inside, covered with tons of saliva! urm, I returned her the gift. Mummy has no use for a saliva filled pacifier from last nite's sucking. thx u.

Will definately miss spending time with her when the new work week restarts. haiz.

gee ... thx for the link!
You are very eco friendly indeed! good good ... kekeke ....

sorry the water bottle is from lucky baby's, not tollyjoy. I got the 2 names mixed up! haahahaa!
Morning mummies~! Happy belated Mommy's Day to all!

Sheepish, speaking in tongues is a good one! Hahaha...

I just got back from PD. Me rhad to go for Chicken pox jab, and I asked PD abt her baby talk. PD says we should try to encourage her to talk like us by not nodding in agreement when she baby talks to us. Instead, we should respond by telling her what she meant using normal sentences and ask if tats what she meant. Haha... I think hor, I can do that at home but at my mum's doubt anyone will do that leh... so I am going to let her start to talk like us on her own accord la. At the very least, now I know its not abnormal can liaoz... hahaha...

Mer now weighs 10.7kg and stands at 79cm tall. So we r pretty happy with the physical development. PD advised to only intro shellfish at 18months and all other food are ok to take now. Except for peanuts, which he advised to just keep it off if we see no real need to intro it to her.

He also said to let Mer drink from cup instead of bottle from now on.... I tried on Sun with little success. If she insists on a bottle for bed, then we have to let her take some water after the milk to rinse the mouth. Can help in prevent tooth problems. Dental visits will start at 2yrs old and he will intro us the dentist when the time comes.

Going to be a busy week for me this week... want to try to finish all my work so I can take leave in peace on Fri to go out with Mer... haha... so looking forward to a long weekend of fun!
Hello mummies,
Jovan had his MMR& chicken pox jab on 30th Apr and had fever on and off since then around 38 degrees. He lost his appetite too and been rejecting solid food for the past week. He has been drinking about 5oz of milk every 3 hours only. Gosh he lost so much weight. He simply refused to take even a spoonful of porridge or cereal etc. What should I do? Usually when he’s teething, he will finish at least half bowl of porridge.

Read all about your brushing of teeth. I only brush his teeth during bath time and only if he wants it. Most of the time, he refused to let me brush his teeth and will only bite on the toothbrush. Any recommendations on where to go for dentist?

Since my boy started walking 2 weeks back, it’s a terror to bring him out for meals and even at home. He simply refused to sit down for meals and will stand on the highchair and wants to walk around. I also dunno what to do with him.
hi mummies,

happy, u are adding pressure to me re brushing teeth haha! My gal refused to open her mouth when i try to clean/brush..how? and when i gave her the toothbrush she just hold onto it and look at us brush teeth...

AG, did u bring ur boy to see doc to check re fever? Did u try giving bread? My gal also once a while refuse rice/porridge... really sian too. How abt some books/toys to distract him while eating?

Re bottles, my gal only wanna drink milk from bottle but water she'll only drink from cup...

Are all ur tods getting very naughty, throw tantrums etc etc??... sometimes i really cannot tahan.. wanna explode! haha

yes...naomi is getting very mischevious. will test her water and how far she can go with her manipulation. lol but so far shes manageable because shes relatively obedient and i usually prevent tantrums before they come
but grandparents usually spoil market grrrr.
Hello mummies,

Happy Mother's Day!

I feel like a bad mummuy, yesterday was the first time I lost my cool with my boy, and I felt so guilty, he was so cranky, refused to change his clothes and diapers, and just kept wailing at the top of his voice non-stop, that really made me frustrated, afterwhich, I really felt so guilty towards him, until I really tear, for I feel so lousy, SIGH... hiaz, I bet he must be thinking why mummy suddenly so fierce...

Because Xavier had cross biting problem, so dentist say most likely need to do braces if this is persistent...

AG gal,

Hope your boy gets well soon, take care! I think the side effects to have both MMR + Chicken pox is high grade fever for 10days... I think you have to give him paracetamol and sponge him, if too high, maybe need to give iburofen as well...
I highly recommend The Kid's Dentist, I find the dentist quite patient and I like his clinic, its like a mini paradise for our kids =P

Initially Xavier also dont want the bristles brush, but the dentist thought me to use the stage 2 rubber brush for him to bite bite and play with while I use the bristles brush to brush for him, so it works, now dont need the stage 2 brush for him to play with he also ok to brush liao, as he is no longer fearful of the brush, and the dentist says ok to let him bite on the brush haha :p But I do put toothpaste to entice him to brush as he likes the taste, though the dentist says not necessary for toothpaste since it does not contain flouride...
Hi AG, hope Jovan will recover soon... how much is 5oz of milk? I think better to call your PD to inform of the situation and assess if you need to bring him down again. Normally, after chicken pox jab, the fever will set in 3 days to 1 week later. As for MMR, am puzzled why the PD let Jovan take together with chickenpox jab... mine scheduled for one month later. In fact, my PD is not keen to give more than a jab at a go.

Re brushing teeth, Mer also just want to eat the toothpaste more than brush... I checked with my Pd and he says its no cause for concern. Just give them plenty of water after they eat to rinse out any residue stuck on their teeth and try not to over indulge them with sweet stuff. when they are 2 yrs old, we can bring them for regular dental checks.

Ginn, mine is an expert at throwing tantrums lor...and super sticky. Her favourite place in the world is stuck next to one of my legs. And if her daddy or anyone tries to remove her from my leg, she will slid onto the floor, throw up her hands and cry loudly, arching her head backwards so that it is difficult to carry her.

Normally I just ignore when she does that, she v quickly gets distracted by something else and then goes to do her stuff de...

Mer also associate straw cup to water, bottle to milk. When I tried milk in straw cup she gave the cup back to me and signed Milk repeatedly until I put the milk in the bottle and give it to her again.
ya sandy, i think she is testing to see her limits with everything now and even eating...

happy, i already lost cool few times, talked louder than usual otherwise i just walk away to cool myself down. She started getting very out of hand since last month.. Oh as for brushing teeth, problem is she dont really put things in her mouth... so she wont put toothbrush in her mouth lor.

DJ, when my gal throws tantrums, she'll hug and stop me from walking and want to carry and of cos cry loudly.... and yes she's also very sticky... walk away for a while also cannot leh... ya gotta use things to distract, no choice...
Hi ginn, yalor... sticky sticky sticky...

I also lost my cool with Mer a few times... in fact more than a few times... I can foresee that I will be the Black Face at home in the near future... hahahahaha...

In the past I think she did not understand the concept of getting smacked. When I smacked her hand for doing things that I specifically and repeatedly told her not to, she just gave me a blank stare.

Nowadays she reacts immediately. Cry out, roll over, then butt her head into my arms and then want me to pacify her. Which I always find funny because ultimately she is going to the person that she is angry with for comfort. V maodun if you ask me la... hahahaha...

Normally I will then respond by talking to her sternly and telling her not to do whatever that I just smacked her for again. She will then come up to my face and kiss me. V hard to stay angry any longer at this juncture. Either I am easy to handle or she is very darn smart. LOL.

But then tomorrow is a new day and she will repeat the same stunt. And I will do the same thing. Haha. ultimately I take it easy la, she wants to assert her independence mah...besides I have a whole lifetime to discipline her and reason with her, I suppose at this point, if smacking and talking stern don't work immediately, then we just gotta be patient lor. They are afterall kids and they will not really remember what happened to them until they are about 3 yrs old. I reckon that is the real time when we need to properly discipline, although I agree now is when we lay foundations.

Mer so good, at least she still turns to you after you lost your cool at her...
xavier REJECTS me totally and turn to my maid or hb, just simply dont want mummy liao
hi mummies

haven been post for so long... =p

now there's a new jab which combined MMR & chickenpox. fever may develope after 5-7days. chloe just had it last fri.

hope Jovan is ok now.

where is the kid's dentist? how much is the consultation?
Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!

hope ur boy gets well soon! must be v sim tia to see him like tat.... i can understand how u feel. BTW, i want to say a BIG THANK YOU for sending me the house rules. it was very comprehensive and well written!

speaking of MMR+Chick pox. why do u opt for 1 jab instead of 2 separate jabs? my PD advised to have these 2 jabs separately as the side effect is very high. tis week i'll bring my gal for MMR, then a mth later chick pox.

i got my maid on sat afternoon. me really ‘LUCKY’! she got skin problem and the worst is she has a wound with pus on her leg. WAKAU!!! i quickly sent the maid back to agent and made a big fuss. i wonder which doc passed her work permit checkup. this morning i asked my PT maid to use dettol disinfect the whole house...

my good ROI toys r the cup stackers fr ikea, playskool's shape sorter, blocks cum animal puzzles fr Times, pull dog and crayon. these are cheap and good. those big and exp items (jumperoo, playmat, winnie the pooh 4in1 car) she used few times then bochap liao.

Tantrum & sticky:
my gal oso very sticky. I just had an argument with hb tat he din do much in taking care of ger that’s why she only stick to me. At home, she sticks to me like glue. I oso lost my temper many times by smacking her butts, a big SMACK but no pain at all cos the diaper is so thick! But my ger is quite obedient lah… when I said mummy is ‘angry’ then she will behave and follow my instructions like sit, sleep, drink milk etc. she really understands what is ‘angry’ wor.

My in law yday made a stupid comment. She asked me not to let my ger stick to me so much. Then I asked ‘you tell me if don’t stick to me then stick to who’? you or FIL? U both only see ger 2 hrs in a week. HB always busy at work always come home late. she kept quiet din say anything.
sandy, totally agree on the part that grandparents spoil market... when he does make use of them when throwing tantrums, i still totally ignore him and the strange thing is, he still want me to "sayang" him when im the nasty mummy.

Joel also clings on to me, especially in unfamiliar places..

Stick stick stuck ! he likes to take my fingers and bring me to the place he wanna go and make use of me to carry him up and then reach out for things he wanna get... haiz... kena manipulated by a 15 mth old kiddo ...
4-letter word
my hb's fren said it in front of his sil's tod and e child's 1st word is tat! so yah, better watch it... think e parents very upset wif him, cos not his child and he said tat in front of him...
mmr + chix pox jab
yah, now got combined jab for both... i chose tis cos to avoid having to deal wif side effects twice and oso dun wanna jab her twice... supposedly, abt 85% of kids dun develop any side effects... but my gal got fever 5 days after e jab, now still have fever on and off... no doubt it is high grade fever, thank God tat at least she is still a happy bb most of e time... sometimes, i dun administer paracetamol if she's not bothered (as advised by e pd)... she oso ok... hopefully, e fever will go off by tomolo so i can bring her out...

may i noe if u mummies still bring ur bb out when he/she has fever due to vaccination?
think ur boy shd be ok soon, coming to 10 days of e jab liao rite?

sian rite? think e studies all bluff wan... cos now when u shared, i oreidi noe of 3 babies having side effects! we all belong to e 15% meh? i dun think so lor...
as far as i know all kind of jabs will cause fever. my pd said if my gal din have fever for her past jabs then very unlikely she'll have fever for the chick pox jab. tat;s why i opt for separate jabs for chick pox & mmr. i beter call my pd to confirm again b4 i bring her for jab.

i usually dun bring gal out if she is sick even is fever. oso, i usually bring my ger home immediately after jab and i dun bring her to crowded place for the next 3 days.
my gal oso very sticky to me... or anyone who is wif her... she can play by herself only if someone is beside her... if i leave her for a short while to go kitchen or bathrm, she'll go "mama mama" and follow me straightaway... even though she's having fun playing wif her toys...

as for throwing tantrum, my gal does tis... when we tell her not to bite a particular item and pull it away from her mouth, she'll immediately throw tat thing away in "anger"...
wah, ur gal very gd hor? no fever for her jabs... tat's why it's gd for u to split e 2... for me, i juz decided to deal wif e side effects once and for all... cos so far, she had fever for her prevous jabs... eh, e studies really not accurate lor... would have tot tat e odds of falling into e 15% is quite low!
i dun how true lah... old ppl always said to let bb takes plenty of water or barley water before jab. my nanny has been doing this for my ger.

cancelled leave since no need to stay at home teach maid. nw at work. my ger is still w bbsitter. im not in the hurry to get a new maid.. agent will shortlist maids and let me choose. i alrdy told them my requirements. if they dun do a good job, im going to make a big fuss esp their mistake in getting me a 'defect' maid.... im going to find out which doctor who passed the maid medical exam.

i din know dew had fever until u said. very tired and sim tia hor. is she eating well?
got leh, she usually drinks quite a fair bit of water liao... but i never give barley before e jab lah... after e jab, she drinks even more water... interesting, how bb noes to drink more water herself...

okie lah, not too tired tis time round... cos she still sleeping well, so i dun need to wake up in middle of nite... she eating ok, as usual bah... juz tat i oreidi have difficulties feeding her even before her jab, so now same same...

yah lor, dun waste ur leave since maid not in yet... yah, ur nanny quite gd leh... a bit wasted to stop using her services... when u shifting? maybe can continue until e very last min when u move?
blueb: same for han, likes bb can read now. and his usual youtube songs.
for bb can read, han surprised me when he arms up when the bb can read say "arms up"
haha... i guess the other kids can do this long ago.

overload: thanks for the info that boys are slower. haha... yest i dreamt of han calling me "mummy". hehe.
on not selling the things... i also sian... trying #2 or more, so dare not sell the things, keep and keep until no space.

sandy: there is a logic saying that if you are always there for her... she doesnt have to call mah... :p
sandy/happy: there is such thing called pd dentist? hmmm... :p

toy: han's most loved toy is his pacifier. must have it constantly now.

infantcare says want to start to wean him from it liao. but he is still screaming for his pacifier every time.
hey mummies,

back to e topic of shoes... my gal has outgrown her clarks shoes! now looking to buy another pair... which is gd huh? but feel a bit wasteful to spend $50 on a pair of shoes tat only lasts a few mths... even my own shoes oso cost less than $50, somemore i wear them for more than a yr!
sheepish, naomi also outgrown her first pair of pediped within 3 mths..but at least she wore it every single day lol. Her tip toey joey still fits her but i bought her another pair from jack lily. Also 50 bucks per pair. No sure in sg has it.

Dee dee, what ur pd said its true. If no fever or reactions to previous jabs, there is less likelihood of fever from subsequent jabs. However im not sure if its the benefit from barley water because i dont feed naomi barley water and she doesnt get fever from her vaccinations. She also took separate chix pox vaccine and no fever. I guess ur gal will be fine with separate jabs.
Babies grow real fast and so the shoes socks and even their clothes become small. I also keep buying

Thooyan is sticky with me until his dad comes back from office . Once that happens he forgets me and comes only. When he wants to sleep . I have also lost my patience with Thooyan many times. Then I feel really. Bad and I pet him the whole day
I brush Thooyan teeth every day . He loves to brush I have the bristles brush which can be inserted in my finger . Them I give him a chewing brush too. Make sure he drinks water after his food . But he doesn't drink after his milk
Thooyan. Does not allow me on the internet at all so am not able to post that frequently

My. boy is about 81 cm tall and 12.5 kgs. He eats two to three times solid food and milk all through nite every three hours . He eats about 2 fruits and two veges a day . Morning once I give cereal as he hates porridge . He used to have but now he refuses . Rest two times he has our Indian food that I cook.
How are your patterns of feeding . I would be. Happy if u cam share
yah, am thinking of getting a pair of pediped... now bp got promo, so will most likely get it... wat size does naomi wear now?

haiz... then why my gal has fever? does it mean her body is not fighting e virus well, so need e elevated temperature to assist?
ramy, thooyan is tall and has a good weight. Naomi is petite, 9.1kgs and 75cm. She eats 3 main meals n 2 snacks. Cereal for bfast, cheese for brunch, meesua/pasta/kway teow for lunch, yogurt and fruits for tea snack and rice with dishes for dinner. BUT now shes teething so the amount is erratic but i maintained the frequency.
Hi Ladies,

Hmm tokking abt sticky i think Bryston will also stick but nt super.He can play by himself awhile,i can let him sit on the highchair n watch enrichment dvd.Umm when he gets bored,he will cme find me,or wanna get down then he will start walking ard near the tv...else he will start saying book book wanting me to take out a few to read to him when i finish reading i let him flip the books by himself. Less biting on the books nw but he is still tempted to...

As for shoes,i bought stride rite and so far bryston have been using 2pairs of shoes to walk in which he is wearing a US 6.5 size...super big rite?? Anyway i standby a size 7 liao hehe...rite nw he let him wear his shoe everyday when go out to walk..

Nw trying to potty train him and hope it works soon...
lili.. i have no idea how to start potty train noel.. any advice... tml will bring noel go for his MMR.. think shall skip the chicken pox one..

saro, my boy now everytime say aiyah when he fall down.. as thats wad i alway say when he fall down.. but when its painful he will just cry... keke..

now they picking up words so fast... every now and then he will just pick up and repeat.. i ttc for no. 2 so i asked him he wan didi or mei mei, he wan mei mei.. but when i ask he wan mei mei or didi , he wan didi.. haha..

noel fave toy is his gaint LEGO.. he will just stack and bulit his toy the way he wan..
Tantrum & sticky:
aiyo ... I tot I'm the only one in the situation. my girl has also been getting out of hand recently. if she does something wrong, and we tell her not to becos of this and that, she'll insist to repeat her actions again. if we raise our voice sternly, she'll break into tears and lie down on the floor and start brawling. Can continue on like this for an hour if we dun interfere. Then she'll ignore us for a good half a day. Very strong temper and very stubbon. Normally daddy is the black face. I'm the white face. So she tends to cling to me all day long until I dun even have time to go washroom!

yeah agree that grandparents spoil market. my mum just taught my girl to spit out her apples/pears after bitting on them in fear that she'll accidentally choke herself. So now every time she is given a fruit, I'll need to clean up the floor/sofa etc after her. Oh my goodness. How she can get her fibre this way??

my girl has just outgrown her 1st pair of size 4 fox shoes. really big girl liao! that shoes is well worn. the front's tattered :p

I dun bring my girl out if she has got fever. Slight running nose I'm ok with that but I'll try not to lah. just in case the running nose is not due to sensative nose but virus then if spread to other kids or catch a new virus then no good liao.
no only spolit market but they like trying to brainwash the child to like them more than the parent... my in law alway tell my boy.. dun be naungty if not mummy come back scold.. or "mummy say cannot eat, mummy say cannot this or that" everything bad will happened bcos of mummy.. and behind me feed my boy with all sort of weird stuffs.. and when they cry.. i wan to discipline him... they will come and say when let him cry... so angry.. when i scold noel he will act blur.. then use his big big eye look at him and call so sweetly "mummy" and hug me.. heart melt.. (imgine like the cat in the shrek, thats the classic look)
Dear mummies, been a long long time since I last logged in. Now without maid, gg online is a luxury! But I feel more at ease as I dun need to worry about my boy's safety when I leave for work or no need to rush back like every second counts for fear maid does anything to him when MIL not around. Now weekdays, I stay in my mum's hse with bb, weekend then go back to MIL's hse, so mil and hb so eng, while me and my mum slog our *** out to take care of my boy and hsework, no choice as my MIL happily wash hands off, saying she cannot take care of my boy alone, so never mind, my son's safety is most important. Luckily got my mum and sisters to help out. But mum not in very gd health, so already enrolled bb in Kinderland, but too young to start. Now cannot bear to let him go in as scared he will be bullied by other kids, as he cannot talk at all now. Even papa is just for fun, he does not know the meaning yet. Let alone ma ma. Even mum mum also cannot say. Only bb talk when he watches TV or plays himself.

I briefly read through the posts - archived ones, until the most recent. My boy also can stay glued to TV for 1 hr or so, quite worried for his development but no choice, had to use Tv when we cannot handle him or sometimes when he goes cranky during meal time. Any advice?

He still using milk bottle and refused to let me clean his mouth, will not open, so he is not brushing yet. He cannot use open-rim cups yet and never used the Avent sippy cup that I bough for him yet, always throws that away.

throws everything on floor, but walking now, Kinderland can only take him in when he can walk properly without being wobbly.

Cries and screams and struggles to get what he wants now.

Dun like to wear shoes, will kick off the shoes.

I bought books for him but some, never let him use yet as he will tear off everything, even the board books, also spilt into halves. He is STRONg. Put him in playyard, he pushes the whole thing down and crawl out himself.

Still needs the sarong to sleep during day and night, then carry him out during nite.

Goes to bed ard 10 - 10.30pm, wakes up around 9am, then nap around 12 plus or 1 plus in afternoon to 3, 4 plus.

Is he around the same for all these daily habits as most of ur little ones?
aiyo, my PD told me can take 2in1 jab for MMR and chicken pox so I took it lor. This mummy never read up the side effects for both combination. I bought him to another PD yday and she told me that MMR will have fever 3 days later and chicken pox will cause fever 7-10 days. The previous PD never tell me the 2nd part lor. btw mummies, their whole body will also have lots of rashes if taking chicken pox jab. Haiz I should ask around first before bringing him for the jab. he is also having watery stools but still very active, just more cranky.I feel so heartpain cos he hasnt been eating any solid food for a week. the only thing he doesnt mind is plain bread, so I just give him lor.

ginn you know what, I even gave in and on DVD for him to watch just to get him to east a bit but also no use. he simply refuse to open his mouth. He lost 1kg+ already.

he is really getting out of hand, he doesnt want to sit on high chair at home or outside, just kept walking around. thinking back, when he is not walking, life is easier :p yday so funny I was so frustrated cos he simply refuse his 7pm milk feed, last milk feed was 330pm. I gave him a stern look and beat on the mat, he knew I was angry and dare not move. then when I go over and carry him after a while, he beat my hands...he is angry with me wahaha.

hey sandy, how you discipline naomi? give us some tips leh. like if she refuse to eat on high chair to eat, what should we do?

deedee, how's your new maid?
deedee, I just read about ur new maid..wahaha u also very lucky.so how? now gotta choose a new one or just get those waiting for ppl to choose?

sheepish, I am like you lor. just get it done and over with for the MMR+chickenpox jab. but so far, my boy will always get fever whenever he goes for any jab...haiz just that this time, it's worse.
haha me so loh soh...sheepish, u have the link to the bp shoes? I also need to buy new ones cos jovan wont be able to fit into his shoes soon. I also need to buy socks liao...everything is so exp now. but for Jovan, his clothes still fit cos he never grow that much. I even bought bigger clothes for him, until now also too big to wear.

my boy only sticky to me when daddy is not around. but once daddy is at home, he only sticks to him. I am actually happy with it so I get to do my things cos as mummy we got so many things to take care, his feeding time, diaper, bath,nap etc.they only play with him.

ok back to work...will come in later
Morning Mummies!

Wah...so nice to see Elicia and Mudpie and Dee Dee and Grace... hahaha...think its been quite awhile since so many of us posted hor... either that or I hvn really been keeping myself updated~

Mudpie, I din know about the new MMR + ChknPox jab leh... but neither my PD nor myself encourage multiple vaccines administered on the same day... so its ok for me not to know bah... hahaha...

But seriously, think its really better to take the jabs separately. Nvm the hassle of going thru side effects, if any, more times... reason being, vaccines are actually weakened strains of the virus, at a strength that the body is able to fight it and create natural antibodies for it. If we take more than one at a time, I think the body will have a harder time trying to deal with it. I wun want to go through that myself, so I wun want Mer to have to deal with that too. Besides, no doubt there has been no known or reported cases of complications from multiple vaccines administered on the same day, we don't want to be the first example right?

Another thing is, my friend took his son for the MMR Booster some time back and the poor boy developed and fever and suddenly stopped walking. As in, just wouldn't walk. In panic, they sent him to KKH and the docs there also had no idea what happened. What followed was 3 days of worry and stress as the docs kept trying to find the vein on the boy to draw blood for tests and they almost had to put him on a drip as he wouldn't drink water.

In the end, they managed to hydrate their son by coaxing him endlessly to drink water and they got him discharged because the hospital docs were not able to find out what's wrong. Brought him back to the PD who then told them the boy was having sore throat, hence refusing to drink or eat. He eventually recovered and started walking again but that kind of experience, I doubt any parent will want to go through.

So 1 booster can already cause this much stress if not careful liao, much less combining 2 vaccines together. Then, on another note, if the vaccines can be combined together, think the docs would have had it produced like those 6 in 1 types liao ... instead of separate jabbing...

On Grandparents.... haha...ya... they are always there to spoil market de la... overindulge them, kanjiong over them... but I will just ignore and continue on my own way... my parents can only nag me so much and my MIL is more worried I will be unhappy bah... but what I cannot prevent, I just let it go liaoz... cuz seriously, getting angry also no use... Mer is at my mum's during the day in the week, I have to work, cannot possibly try to control from the office.... besides, I shd be thankful I dun hv to send her to childcare because I have my parents to help...

Sheepish, for shoes, you can try Bata, under Bubblegummers... not bad leh...think for less than 30 can get a nice decent pair le... there is a pair that I especially like, which I bought 2 pairs for Mer already, in diff sizes... its in dusty pink leather with a strawberry or issit cherries sewed on the front. The base is soft yet firm, and has friction to prevent slips and the front is roomy enough for her fat feet. Plus the shoe is not too heavy, so walking is a breeze for her. You can go to any Bata shop to check it out.

Otherwise, actually I think Clarks has really comfy shoes for kids leh... I think you can get abt half a size bigger than her current feet size now so the shoes can last abit longer and give her some room to grow. If you buy fitting shoes, you will just need to buy in another month or so again.

Another option is www.littlefeet.com.sg Their shoes are pretty affordable but I dun think they last though... but cheap la...

Then Collette also has pretty nice and comfy shoes with roomy fronts to provide maximum comfort. The one at Vivo has sales pretty regularly, so you can pop by to check it out.

Happy, is the PD dentist an Indian? I think he is the sameone my PD is recommending when Mer turns two... haha... heard he is super popular!

Ramy, Thooyan is a tall boy! Hahaha... and very smart too!

Re going out when sick, usually I won't bring Mer out after a jab. I will probably hang around paragon after her jab at the PD and might run off to Taka to grab something then head home. Then we will stay home all weekend, in case she starts to feel unwell. Also, the day before her jab, I will also make sure she is well hydrated and sleeps enough.

Normally, if Mer is ever sick, we wun go out as well. I think its not too nice... also, when we r sick, we want to rest, so I think our babies will also feel the same. Plus, I dun think bringing out an unwell and cranky Mer is a good idea at all. Totally no enjoyment if you ask me... haha...
sheepish, agree with DJ, my gal is wearing Bata bubblegummers shoes, $19.90 for a pair and it's pretty too hehe...shld be comfy, my gal walks well with it.

lili, ya any tips how u potty train? I tried, giving her the potty book then initially tried, she'll sit on the toilet seat but no pee but now if i bring her sit there she'll cry... does it mean she's not ready or any other methods i can try? I did buy a portable potty but she didnt like it too.

AG, my gal also refused to open her mouth for rice/porridge this week again. and sometimes she's ok with cereals... She is also sian of bread now, take a little then dont want. She likes her Heinz farley rusks though but i try not to give her too much of biscuits. Btw, she started refusing food when she knows how to walk too, so not sure is it related and on top of it, she refused to take nap or rather her nap time has changed when she started walking too.
hi mummies,

Regarding booster I think i lagging behind. My Son have not taken peneumococcal, MMR & Chicken pox jab.

Last Friday JX was sick went to see Dr, I had enquire abt the MMR+Chicken Pox jab he recomand to take seperately too. He said the jab new in the market might have side effect so better wait and see.

My son last weigh 11.6kg, Dr say never mind abt the height they will grow taller once they start to walk & jump ard. I think he's teething again, keep waking up at nite crying

Those mummies who have boys, how you wash his private part ? Do you all pull the skin back? My SIL help my son bath and she comment his birdie small can't pull the skin back to wash she got 1 colleague they also never pull back to wash and the skin and their son bird stick together with the skin and needs to operate. So scary, then i also read somewhere dont pull back the skin bec they are still young which is correct? How to wash huh?

Wonder if our agony Sandy can advice.
Hi Ginn, your gal also wears bubblegummers ah... hehehe... nice hor... my mum was the one that bought Mer her first pair.... and I must say its really nice lor... can tell she is v comfy with it!

I hv no intention to potty train yet leh... I think I will attempt that later when Mer can better express herself. Don't want her to have phobia of the potty later...

I think our kids hor, now that they can walk and run, are very hong xim... so they tend to lose interest in food. Sometimes Mer can go without milk or food for as long as 5-6 hrs because she is too busy playing. Even when we prompt her, she will not want to eat. At most guzzle some water and accept a cookie then she is off somewhere again.

I have all sorts of cookies at home, those small japanese ones, prepacked into small handy satchets from morinaga, then those sable cookies in little packs of 2... usually I bring those out to tempt her when she simply wun eat and then they are handy for pacifying her in the car. But not much la, each time a few small pieces or 1 round cookie.

When outside and she is too distracted to eat properly, I will buy a piece of cheese and butter bread from those cake shops and let her hold and eat. She can easily eat half and more... and will buy us some time to eat peacefully in a restaurant. and my Pd ever mentioned if they are sian with their food, can just gv some bread with cheese or unsalted butter. Cookies are ok but better not so often since they are sweeter.

Nap time changed, I think also because they are more curious abt their environment since being able to walk. Mer has only 1 nap a day now and usually it can stretch out to 3hrs. And she will only nap when she is really KO from all that playing, around 2 or 3pm. Then she will wake up in time for dinner followed by bath after resting awhile from dinner.

I think best is to discuss with PD abt them being not so interested in food, nap, milk etc... because they can best advise us in accordance to our kids development. Like Mer, she is more on the fat side... so my PD is not worried if she is not exactly keen in food sometimes. He always tells me if she don't want to eat then let her be lor. Let her come to me later when she decides she is hungry. So, at home thats what I do. Of course with my MIL or mum then they will try all sorts of stunts la... I usually will just remove Mer from them to prevent over-feeding( my mum) or over-indulging in treats (my mil) all of which I think are worst than Mer wanting to play over eat.

BBYang, you take care! I dun hv experience with boys...so cannot help... lets see what Sandy has to say... haha... Hope JX is all well and good now!
*Muack*! yes, i've been looking for a sleeping bag without zip . i'll get one for my ger... thanks!!!

until now we still havent found our house yet. we'll move to pil apartment in pasir ris which currently not tenated. the landed house r too exp now. we made 2 offers previously but ended up owners want even higher. very sian.... got to move twice.

my bbsitter is very gd. she's not working for $. so she can help me to take care of my gal until i found a good maid or shift to a new place. she even told me if i need her help after she's not taking care of my ger, i can ring her up for help as and when i need her.

im not interested in transfer maid. i'll wait until i can find someone tat i really like. alrdy shortlisted 2 but still cant make up my mind.

my ger has oso outgrown her 1st batch of shoes liao. she's now wearing pediped size 18-24 mths and Crocs. when i was in states, i bought few pairs pediped ard usd30. when i back to spore, metro was having 20% storewide discount, then i got few more pairs at sgd47. my hands are always itchy jus cant stop buying stuff for my ger. like wat sheepish said our shoes oso not tis exp moreover caan wear more than 1 yr.

btw, if u like a particular design of pediped shoe, if metro dun have the display set or dun carry, you can ask them to order for you. pay the discounted price first then exchange the shoes when the stocks are arrived.
