(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

just had the MMR for Cas yesterday. like some mummies here, i prefer to take 1 jab at a time so we had her take the Chickenpox last month

Cas height is 83cm and weight is 11.52kg. PD says she's around 90% but don't be worried coz her weight is proportional with her height.

New words from her are peetaboo (for peekaboo), nanana (for banana), baney (for barney). Overall, she can say about 10-20 words now

talk of tantrums ..this boy of mine also throws all sorts of tantrums ..similar to your bb....i really do not know how to control...end up scolding and then heartbreak for me ...and then he keeps doing what he is doing !! ...never bothers la ...

yes i also use bubblegummers shoe..its cheap and good and even when baby outgrows its kinda ok ....

thanks ...thooyan is a big boy thats what the doc says ...naomi food schedule is nice ..i should try the pasta for my kid too...he doesnt lke too much biting or too much dry during his main meals ...but he is ready for snack !!
hehehehehe like mummy i guess

i agree that they have their own way of doing things with respect to our children. Sometimes its quite troublesome too ...but am fortunate that i dont live with my inlaws or my parents, they are in a different city and therefore we go there only for two days and those two days they are busy with playing and dont have time for politics hahahaha

hey my doc has recommeded prevenar + chickenpox + MMR on the same day la ...dont know how bb is going to take it ..he says it will be ok ... i have to see how it goes. thooyan completes 15 months on may 20 so i have to fix appointment then

potty train
am planning to wait on potty training .... are u guys gonna start ??
Hi ginn and elicia,

I'm only starting to potty hehe...as for peeing back then i occasionally signal pee pee as shh shh or i try whistling haha then he smetime will pee la or maybe he jus pee in diaper so no urine.

As for pooing,recently he started those signal like saying Umm...when he poo so i tot of trying to potty..but i must say nid patience especially Bryston can poo up to 3times a day and no specific timing sme more.

But i realise mostly morning smetime he will poo so i might start with morning wake up bring him potty see if he wanna sit there n poo anot..Right nw i have no success story yet so i have have succeeded in the morning de then i let u guys knw...

But hor he funi lo he can sit on the potty leh but then arh he can move off when distracted,or bounce on the potty with butt imagine have shit omg...but i am thinkin of bringin a book in to let him c c when tryin to bring out the mood of pooing bah...

Anyone started potty yet??


Wa i tell u bryston that time one shot 4 different jab lo but heng no fever or anything so still alright...but yr fren experience abit sian man...sigh the worst is to c our kid like tat and yet do not know hw to help them and they dun knw hw to tell us...

Bryston i dunno hw tall nw la cos last that i knw is 84cm but his weight i know cos jus recently weigh ...he is nw heavy lo abt 13 kg...faint...but i can c he growing taller again so have to c his ht when he goes for his 15mths chk bah..


Pte part hor i nvr pull back skin leh i jus wash as per normal wor nvr pull back skin leh...and u knw hor smetime their birdie get erect u can c not dirty i guess shld be ok...i wonder why yr fren de boy like tat leh cos hor so far i knw dun realy have to purposely pull back the skin..

Did u ask yr fren why?? Like doctor comment??hw old is her boy?
Regarding gparent spoil market,

Hmm i nt sure on this la cos so far my mil is here for 3mths and she mostly listen to me de la LOL sound like i sooo tiger hor haha....lets put it this way,she respect my decision bah...

When my son do forbidden things,she will say Mummy sook arh (in hokkien,spank LOL) cos arh i really will do that especially he really like to pull off my corner guard on the tv console...not scare pain wan lo this fella,jus recently have injury due to the bloody tv console then keep plucking it off...so before that i will smack his hand la...nw i give up liao..i jus tell him pat pat the corner guard and nt pull out...So smetime he will pat liao then arh think again pull it out and pass it to me...can die anot...

So in fact i dun mind my mil use me as the devil la LOL since i agree tat i am the devil one n my hb angel LOL

i try to cool dwn n tok to him la..but smetime he also throw tantrum he will go knock his back of the head against the wall(heng is wooden wan)or smetime lie on the floor and kick his leg... else whine... So nw arh if i wanna take things frm his hand i have to tell him Bryston can u give this to me,good boy ok...then he will give to me...

Faint rite...this boy Loves praises la....hear liao very shiok...
potty training:
i bought a combi potty 2 weeks ago. i oso read up the potty train book but i havent been consistently trained her. as usual, no times... she knew the potty is for poo poo. so, everytime she sits on it she will make 'ummm ummm' sound. but then nothing came out.... hahaha..

can i ask a crazy qn? why din go for circumcision? if i got a boy, i'll opt for this leh.
Ya DJ, bubblegummers shoes pretty, she's got 2 pairs, one pretty sequined mary jane and 1 gold sports shoe.. hahaha...

Potty train: i think i'll stop for a while, wait sometime later then try again since my gal cries when i bring her to toilet now. lili, ya hope to hear ur success story soon! My ILs always pressure say why havent potty train! I also want to but how i wish it's so easy to train my stubborn gal!

Talk abt discipline again, the other time we smacked my gal's thigh lightly and said "beat" then now whenever we say Beat, she'll smacked her own thigh herself while she continue doing watever she is doing.... faintz!

i think can keep on trying but maybe have to c if she have a pooing pattern like aft food or wat ba..


yr girl so funi lo LOL smack herself haha... wat type of potty is yrs?? If she is afraid of it mayb u could try jus to let her sit on it as if to her is like a stool to sit on..so no pressure on her...

maybe that might take off her fears??
Ginn... noel also do that.. smack himself.. and sometime smack me also

i seldom beat him.. i;m the angel, daddy is devil.. haha.. so whenever daddy scold him.. noel angry will say "beat" and smack daddy.. noel got very naugthy daddy.. so the naughty gene is in him.. the 2 MEN in my house is making crazy.. can imagine one 1.8+ and one 0.8+ and they are throwing things (balls, lego blocks) at each other.. i faintz

sorry i dont have experience with bb boy eh but my hb says no need to pull down the skin..because it might hurt..im also not sure about this sorry ..maybe other mommies with boys can help

AG gal,

usually at home, naomi will walk to her seat when i say its time for bfast/lunch/dinner/snack but for a short time only...once she doesnt want to eat (even if she did not finish), she will stop eating and i will let her down before she has the chance to whine or protest to leave the chair..but i know she is not full but want to do other things so i let her go...15 minutes later shes back to the chair and ask me to put her back. then i let her finish her food. my pd says its very normal that the kids dont want to stay in the chair to eat between 1-2 yrs old...so to prevent any drama or tantrums, i dont insist or fight to make her stay...i find this method effective...another thing is i only put her on her feeding chair strictly during meals and once shes done, quickly bring down so she doesnt play on the feeding chair..outside i dont let her take the high chair because she will be too distracted and tries to climb out. so i usually keep her in the stroller and bring her out only after eating so she can walk around..she likes to stay in her stroller so she eats inside her stroller
lili, for the US shoes size 7 is 14cm. does that mean feet 14cm or the shoes being 14cm? I wanna order online for my boy but not sure what size to buy. any mummies got any ideas?
wah naomi so good. sandy 1 qns, the food will get cold leh. then how? still continue to feed them hah. so you wont feed her once she off the high chair rite?
AG girl, i will place the bowl back into the food warmer/steamer to keep warm..usually its only for 15 to 30 mins. i dont feed her once off high chair or when she is playing on the floor..cos i dont want her to think that she can eat and play, eat on the floor or anywhere other than the feeding chair..but recently im letting her eat on her own table and chair..she has her own chair and table where she can sit down on her own and do her own things...im also letting her eat there
ag_gal, here's e link... http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3919982.html?1273504687 but i may get bubblegummers then, since got gd comments from dj_mama and ginn... for socks, u can check tis out... http://babystash.multiply.com/ am gonna get e pp pants from her, so still deciding on e socks... but cos my gal doesn't need to wear socks all e time, i only need to get max 2 pairs...

dj_mama/ginn, thanks for sharing abt bubblegummers! will go check it out soon... anyway dj_mama, my gal was wearing clarks... and i like it a lot lor... but it's close to $50 and e bigger shoes dun have e same design, which is e only nice design... haha... so looking for other options...

my pd was telling me e difference in side effects between giving 1 and 2 jabs is tat it'll result in high grade fever... then tis mummy thinking tat she has ever managed 40 degrees celcius fever, feels tat she can handle it so decided to give juz 1 jab lor... haha... my gal so far has fever after all her jabs... so thinking back, it's gd tat i gave 1 jab lah... then i manage e side effects of both jabs at once... but yah, did not go out today lor... since many mummies and e nurse oso advised against it... very tempted to go, cos it's a big family gathering... and all my aunties have not seen my gal for a long while... oh well, her health is more impt...
thanks sandy. I must persists. I used to do that too but gave in recently cos he's not been eating.

hey mummies, any comments on baby can read DVD? also any mummies know if winktolearn dvds are good, any comments?
potty training
yah, i'm thinking along e same lines as dj_mama... will start when my gal can communicate wif me verbally... now very tough leh...

yah, my gal is oso becoming very difficult to feed! arghhh... why like tat? very tiring and exhausting to feed her... lunch today took an hr!

dj_mama, my gal doesn't even wanna eat bread now! i dunno wat happened, but she juz started to reject bread after cny... gone were e days when we can have a gd meal while she slowly eats her bread...
i tot u oreidi found a new place, tat's why u sold ur old place... yah lor, moving is very tiring... have to move twice, sian! anyway, u said ur hb gonna be posted overseas rite? maybe dun need to buy new house 1st bah? juz stay at ur pil's untenanted place for now...

yah, ur bbsitter really very gd! how u find wan ah?

for e pediped, u find it really gd huh? then e bp selling @ $34.90 is quite a gd buy?
Yo mummies!!!

I am back here! Hehehehehe!!!

I am putting Garson in childcare when he hits 18mths. Already weighs the pros and cons and decided he should go to the shcool.

Anyone there wants to share on childcare centres??
thanks for sharing on how u feed naomi! okie, will try tat from tomolo... i oso feel tired and sian, wif her eating like tat... today's lunch, she even struggled when i was putting her on e high chair... guess she really doesn't wanna be compelled...
the pediped shoe selling online is damn cheap leh... sim tia after i saw the price! i bought fr US oso not tis cheap leh. pediped has wide range of design. clarks is good too but then my gal prefers pediped design. she always point to the pediped shoe instead of clarks.

yup, most likely hb will be posted to nyc next yr but not firm oso. i prefer to stay at our own house and got 'jia' feeling. if we dun buy now, few yrs later the property will be even higher than now.
i see, i see... okie, hope u find ur dream house soon!

hmm, like tat shd i still get e pair of pediped not? dilemma...
Wahh so many posts, speed read.

My aunt also has 2 boys and one boy had infection before so she brought both to hospital and CUT hahah no la... circumcised.... hahaha... she said depends on d birdie itself. err not so sure cos was too traumatised when she proceed to get d boys n pull d birdie to show me (i was a teenager) err sorry not helping... hehe u better ask pd...

I personally agree with Deedee, If I have a boy, I prefer just do it u know keep it clean... but dunno whether hb n ILs will approve.

I also wanna know about potty training.. keep us updated ok? I have been trying to ask my daughter to poo on d toilet seat but she refused. She used to sit every morn without failed since 6mth til 9 or 10th months i think that time some milestone/teething n til now refuse to sit on toilet seat. Me very sian lo.

Bought her a potty also but she keep on asking me to sit on it cos there was once i was being silly and try to show her it's for sitting HAHAHAHA...

My problem with her is not communication. Everytime she made d poo face, I will first bring her (n now only) ask her whether she wanna sit on toilet seat. She will refuse my adamant offer by saying no or wave with hands. Then after she finished her business, she will tell me "nggk nggk" u know, as in baby language... so i really dunno how lo... i mean she knows what is the deed, she just doesn't like d toilet seat??? I am confused!!

Does it mean she's not ready? But usually articles say they're not ready when they can't communicate/ know what is pooing...

Sandy, can u help?
Just wanna double check, ur baby just started walking milestone isit? and then refuse to sleep, nap and eat?

If yes, may b it is d milestone cos remember my dilemma before? it was during those days she started to walk la...

Buy Buy!!! hahaha
lili, i'm using the kids toilet seat, which is to be placed on top of our toilet seat...
Overload, i'll just stop trying now and wait cos she cries now when i bring her to toilet.

Am happy my gal ate her dinner tonight, i gave her tastier table food dishes, so i'm not sure if she is just picking on food or is it depends on her mood whether she wanna eat!

Sheepish, does ur gal eat or simply refuse food? My gal is also rejecting her bread and cheese now, 2wks ago she was still happy eating it, guess eat until sian... argh how i wish she can speak and just tell me what she wanna eat!
btw, the pediped shoes pretty too, too bad the originals will prob be small for my gal already, the rest too ex leh...
Overload, yes lor, my gal started walking last month, so already 1 month already.. she's napping better now... 2wks ago was really terrible! Yes i remembered u had the same problem, not eat and not nap!
Actually my gal kinda started walking all of the sudden, i didnt expect it'll be so fast, cos she didnt want us to hold her to walk at all then one fine day when she sat on her baby stool, she just started taking 2-3 steps walking towards me she got so excited and happy and 1wk later, she was walking ard in the house already. She's the stubborn kind, she dont like to be forced to do things or assistance, either she does herself or she dont do. That's why headache when i need to train her to do things.
dun stir up e desire in me! :p

normally, she eats well initially, then slows down, then needs distraction to finish her food liao... tot tis afternoon was bad, tis evening worse! eat 2 mouthfuls dun wan liao... used to try feed her by distraction, but took sandy's advice tis time round... then only managed to feed another few mouthfuls afterwards... e weird thing is, think she really not hungry leh... when come to her milk before sleeping, she oso needed me to force her to stay and drink her milk... wat's going on?

anyway, how long are ur gal's feet now? cos i measured, my gal's feet are abt 12cm... wondering if i buy even e largest of 13.3cm, will it become small very soon? how much bigger shd i be buying?
sheepish, is she teething? Naomi is teething and the amount she takes is really erratic...one day ok, next day not, etc etc...even her favorite she have no appetite..then viola then next day, i saw her molar erupting..
hahah share with u mommies one funny/scary story

my daughter attempted to sit on her doll's stroller just now, PENG ahh!! luckily i saw n stopped her. hahahaha...
wahhh Naomi got molar oredi?!!!! SO EXCITING!!! r they supposed to come ard this time? I saw whitish thing on my daughter's gum but i tot too early so just ignore... anyway my daughter also late teether before so may b not so fast...
Sheepish, i havent measured my gal's feet recently, she's asleep now... anyways her current shoe is abt 13.5cm, if i were u i'll prob buy 1cm bigger for the next pair..

Same, few mouthfuls then dont want to eat, if not sometimes she wont even want to try 1mouth like this afternoon! 2wks ago also not eating well, last wk was ok, then this wk again giving me problems... i also dunno what's going on! teething maybe 1 reason i think...
hi mummies,
does any babies here got a stinky ear before? isit a sign of ear infection? My girl's left ear is quite stinky, but right ear is ok. There is no signs of pus or persistant shaking of head. But she fusses quite alot last nite and today, often crying for long duration without any apparent reason. But this fussy could be due to teething instead of ear infection leh.
overload, that is sooo cute...hahaha...naomi also makes me laugh when she tries to feed milk and water to her tiger and her doll...amazing how cute these todds can be, and how annoying at times hahaha...but we love them ...

erm..first molars are the next in line after their incisors..canines are last

lonerunner, hmm..im not sure if there is an ear infection..is she rubbing or pulling the "smelly" ear? and maybe can monitor to see if there is fever developing?
Shoe: Sigh… I wish han outgrow his stuff. Instead of putting on weight, he lost weight (9.7kg nia) and still at the lowest 10% for his height. Checked with PDs and all says he is doing fine. :p

Lili: potty train is easier for SAHM else bb's main care-giver must cooperate.
Elicia/ginn: my MIL started with bringing him to the loo every hrly, then tell him this is the place to pee and “ng”. in the end, han is only half toilet trained,
he can only do it at my MIL’s place. I guess my MIL is more observant to pick up signs from him. And ended up han din use the potty we bought, he will just play with the potty, so just use toilet.

DJ: hehe…I’m trying to surf as often as possible… but this month is super busy. Until bo bian have to take leave to take a rest.
Then in the end, han’s having fever and just come and go… several days liao. Yest did blood and urine test again, viral infection.
So I get to apply leave every morning to accompany him as he cant go infantcare.
Sheepish: I am tempted again. :p Esp. the girl girl ones. So cute!

Here I do not have a high chair so I put Thooyan on a peak before I feed and he gets down when he is full . He will then go to wash basin and is ready for cleaning and his water


I just clean his birdie just like . I don't pull the skin .
she's not rubbing or pulling the "smelly" ear often. But she hasnt been sleeping well since last nite. today she also interrupted her own nap and woke up crying persistantly. she's on the warmer side, but no fever. I tot I better observe her one more nite. if tmw got fever or ear becomes stinker, then I'll take her to PD immediately.

toilet training:
my mum got a small toilet bowl seat to put on top of the adult toilet bowl seat. been trying to get her to the seat each time she wants to do big biz. when I have more time, I will put her on top on regular intervals to pee.
yah, we suspected it could be teething too... today, she pooed 3 times and once is watery stools... would have attributed it to teething, but ag_gal said his boy had watery stools due to e jab... so am wondering if it's due to teething or e jab... maybe it's teething, cos she is happy doing everything else except eating...

yah lor, so very tempted! somemore, i oreidi put in my order... juz haven't paid, still contemplating... grace, at least u working... if wanna buy for han, oso no prob!
jabs again
anyway, wif tis recent discussion... i did a search and found out tat some mummies are actually quite firm in giving e barest min jab and delaying as long as they can... wat do u mummies think? seems like most of our thread mummies juz follow e immunisation schedule... anyone who's not pro-jab at all? sandy, wat do u think? my impression was tat u are fine wif giving jabs rite? ur hb's stand?

my hb is 100% up for jabs because he has seen all the diseases and how sick the children can be and he said to me: "you wouldnt want to see naomi in that stage". why dont prevent when we can prevent. he told me this statement when naomi was very young and i was asking him if its necessary to take all jabs..so there you go, that is his stand. I guess im fortunate that naomi doesnt react so i dont have issues with giving all jabs. but i understand that when babies have fever after jabs, it is the mother who gets worried and sleepless. sighs....hang in there
Wow!! Finally the speed of this thread is picking up!!

zac took mmr and chickenpoxjabs together just 10days before we fly. Usually will not develop fever for all his jabs, until 7 days after that jab then he develop high fever.

I need help!! He refused food and only want to eat my food. Is it ok for tot at this age to have seasoning? As our shipment not reach yet, he has no high chair to confine to. I am running around to feed him. If I sit down waiting for him to come to me, I think he will rather not come to me. Can I let him go hungry? Haha.. Evil mummy is thinking of refusing him food!

How to train them to play by themselves? My boy wants all my time! Daddy cannot hug me, place his hand on my shoulder or talk to me, else he'll scream his head off. Any way to tell him this is not right?

Its a Malay dentist, Dr Rashid...


My boy also prefers his Pediped Flex, he only got 2 pairs of shoes, one little feet (bgt by my sil) and 1 pair is pediped, bgt by us, hehe, then he always points out to wear his pediped, and if i "forced" him to wear his little feet, he will whine and fuss, so i think he prefers his pediped... anyway, i bgt him size 22 (18m-2yr)which he outgrown in 1mth! now i bgt him an exactly same pair in size 25 (yes same design cuz the rest not nice) and its too big for him, also bgt him another pair size 23 just nice for him but in another design as it was on promo at fox that time, only 50 bucks... now thinking if i shd go buy size 24 in the same design again because 25 seems a bit too big and he will tend to trip if he runs too fast... hmmmmm but its so ex, 89.90/pair, so thinking to make the best value of my money mah... so now i am thinking if i shd buy him other cheaper brands since he outgrows so fast, pediped is a little too expensive to maintain for their growing feet! but i like the comfort of pediped leh, and my boy seems to endorse that too... headache... does the online promo carry the pediped flex range?

re vaccines, my boy have been taking 2 jabs every visit since 2mo, so far he always develops fever after his vaccines, so i am those who is pro vaccines and take every single vaccine possible kind, because i rather prevent than cure...


i also wash my boy's penis without pulling back the foreskin, i remember pd say no need when he was young...

Re teething,

i think my boy is also teething, kept biting his fingers.. hiaks...


Your gal so cute, sit on her doll's pram... reminds me of xavier, the pediped shoes came with a free miniature keychain of a small little pediped shoe, and he kept wanting to wear that pair! totally cant fit in lor, but he kept fussing, headache haha


Hope your bb gets well soon! I think better bring to the PD to confirm no ear infection, i heard if infection, shd see some fluid flowing out...

Hope Han gets well soon, sigh, seems like infantcare no good, always fallling sick...


Brystons ok already for his head injury?
Wah... super duper alot of posts lah... hahaha...so happeningz~!

Actually, Mer also got this fussy eating pattern... but hor, my mum always tells me that Mer finish her food when she is with her leh... so I dunno if its because I dun hv skill... And I dun doubt my mum cuz this Mer comes home every nite with a big round tummy de... and normally wun even want her milk until she is already in lalaland and we give her a dream feed at abt 11ish or 12... and my mum would have last fed her porridge or soupy rice at abt 4.30pm lor...

On days home with me, she will eat little but multiple times throughout the day. I also experienced those days when she takes 2 mouthfuls and just refuses to eat. But I noticed most of the time when that happens, it is because she is tired. She will be rubbing her eyes, cranky and then generally just want to annoy the shit out of us. If she naps properly, she can do at least half a bowl?

So many you girls can try to let them nap fully before giving them that solid meal of the day and see if they are for receptive. Otherwise, I think it is really just a phase lor. I am more looking forward to when she can really eat with us on the table and share our food totally. And self-feed. Hahaha... altho I think the self-feeding wun come so soon, cuz I really can't stand it when she starts to flick rice out for fun and smear food on her face and hair. Makes me wanna box her ears sometimes... LOL.

Happy... hmm... then diff PD dentist liaoz... cuz the PD dentist that my PD recommends is also in Camden...so I tot maybe the same... haha...

Sam, welcome back~! I dun hv experience in childcare but I think most important is to check the place in terms of hygiene and quality of the teachers and their teacher-student ratio bah... think will also be good to hang around there for a day or 2 to observe how they do their usual activities, how they bathe the kids, how do they attend to the children when needed, etc. Curriculum hor, I think any childcare can give you a damn sard curriculum, but whether they follow, or see through it is another matter altogether.

Then also depends on what focus you want for Garson. There are some childcares / preschool with focus on artistic developments like music and arts, some with focus on language where they have dual language teaching in class, and even fofer 3rd and 4th language options. Then there are some that operate on the basis of creative learning. So you got to go and do some research lor and see what suits you and Garson the best.

Of course, the single most important factor for some mummies and daddies here would also be convenience lor. Is it near your place or office, are they flexible in drop-off and pick-up times for the kids. I heard that some childcare centres will fine the parents leh for every 10 minutes they are late.

Simz~! So sad we did not manage to meet up again before you left! Hope you are having fun there now! I think hor, you can go get a new high chair la... like Lili, almost buy everything new over there since it is so much cheaper than SG... ahahahah... I am sure you will have fun at the Toysrus and major malls there man... kakakaka... Wonder if you are anywhere near Lili... maybe can touch base with her and you girls can go shopping together! Kakaka....

I think our kids are at sticky sticky stage now... Mer also need me to at the very least be seated within her eyesight to be able to play on her own...

Overload, super funny la you... sit on the potty to show her... wahahahahaha... But hor, Come to think of it, I also did that leh... but Mer just walked off after laughing at me seated on the potty... then her daddy came in and saw me and laughed and said I am su ku... faints... now my pretty pink potty with cushion hor, is for the big teddy bear to sit on de... and sometimes acts as a step stool for Mer to step on and reach for other stuff.
morning mummies.
Sheepish, my boy watery stools is not due to jab. PD says maybe infection cos his tummy got lots of sound when the PD examine him, lots of wind. It could also be due to teething for your gal. for Jovan, this round of watery stools seems to be a bit different from his past teething. all came at the same time so I am not sure what it is caused by.

I am also checking out the shoes, my boy feet is 12.5cm now and the largest is 13.3cm. I am also thinking if this size will be good.
just wash with water, skin erm just wash the folds ??? as long as u see clean, i think ok, dun let it accumulate dirt ba....

sim, Zac is possessive of mummy ..:p does he have a toy he is fond of ? usually, at home, my boy can play by himself but he will want company at times, boring to play alone i guess,
for affection wise, i will ask him to kiss daddy also... example,i demo, then i ask him to show me... haha

any recommendations for good shoes for boys,
my boy is currently wearing the combi sandal shoes and so far, its looks comfy, wears it on a daily basis and looks very worn liao and best of all easy to wear and got holes for the feet to breathe whilst covered in front for protection.
saro, yday after talking about the shoes, I have been surfing. I love baby gap flip flops. they look so cute and comfy. gosh I wish to go US for shopping now.

bbyang, I also never unfold to wash leh...so scary. I just wash as per normal. He finds it ticklish whenever I wash his penis and will laugh.
oh btw, my boy loves to take off his shoes and socks once we are in the car. I find it such a hassle to wear back for him. he never love to wear anything since young, no bibs, no caps, no socks. so if we go out for a while, usually I will wear sandals for him. currently he is wearing timberland sandals but I find the sole kinda a bit hard.

mummies, we will be travelling to korea next week for a 7 day trip and was wondering what meds i need to bring for cas? also, should i bring a big pack of diapers that can last for 7 days or should i just buy there? i'm afraid that we won't find a suitable brand of nappies for her but to bring a whole bunch is also very bulky!

i also find pediped shoes very comfy...but very ex!
cas shoes are mainly from gap (coz they're too cute), crocs and nike
