(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Sandy, sheepish

my boy starts eating after I remove the porridge off the menu. So far had tried bee hoon soup with miso. Any more ideas on the soup base? Can they eat table food? If yes, then my dinner preparation will be shorter!!

Insect repellent
Johnson & Johnson has a insect repellent lotion. It's a small green bottle.

Self feed
my boy still has no intention to self feed. I think he don't really like food at the moment. He is getting more active!! He's only an angel when he's asleep.
haha, e way u say so funny...

i think table food is more of ur choice leh... if u dun mind, then it's okie bah... for me, i'm still gonna give her food w/o seasoning for now... eh, my gal oreidi struggles wif me for mee sua... i cannot imagine bee hoon!

as for soup base, i usually cook 1 pot of pork stock then freeze up... use it for mee sua or porridge...
brought bb to chinese doc. it's due to heaty. tats why skin also got outbreak of rashes. doc said can give "lingyang" too. okie lah. at least I got a peace of mind now. not ear infection or something like tat. phew!

I would prefer go during spring or autumn. winter's too cold for my liking. summer's too hot.
if u are bringing ur boy, better to wear layers and bath in the day before the sun goes down. July's in the middle of winter so it gets dark pretty fast. Pls remember dun attempt to undress Xavier when the temperature is 1 digit again like wat u did last time. hahaha!
I'd usually stay in service apartment like cityview cos we like to cook while there. (http://www.stayz.com.au/2173)
Miss Maud's is pretty squeezy. Dun really like. The food not too great too.

hahaha ... shorten dinner preparation ... tats a good one!

hey u are back! how's things for u?
sending to playschool already ah?

there are still time for you to plan things out. wan to do trial run also can. all the best!

can share what's ur concern for not giving table food? Actually my plan is to give him table food when he turns 2yrs. Looks like it's quite tough.

Pork is expensive and taste different over here. Beef is nice but I have never cook beef before. Can use beef for soup base? What beef cuts should i buy??


good that it's nothing serious! Your gal had great immune system!!
Good morning mummies,


Thanks for the advice, looks like July is not a good period to visit then... hmmmmm may have to think of other alternatives liao... I will check out Criterion Hotel hehe


Not big spender lah, they were really cheap only, I think I spent close to $200 only for the 4 tshirts and 1 shirt

I booked everything online all ala carte, cant remember the exact cost but think its 1000+/pax for hotel + airfare, xavier infant ticket only 200 sgd by SQ... Cathay will be more ex for infant ticket... I think infant ticket until 2yo only...
btw, can share why you are switching from shichida to GUG? what is GUG?

The simz,

I also intend not to give Xavier table food until he turns 2... but a bit hard if you are travelling as cant cook porridge, so I am starting to let him expose a bit to table food liao keke, to prepare for our plan trip in July, but now looks like have to postpone liao since its not a good time to go perth hiaz...
Hi Dennis,

I seldom cook soupy food for my son.

1st: Very diff to feed
2nd: Turn cold easily
3rd: He can't self feed

I can do my son meals in 20 mins & I alternate the ingredient daily.

You can choose to add any type of ingredient broccoli, carrots, califlower, potatoes,tofu, egg salmon or beef

+ 2 table spoon of Oats or rice(cooked)

+ Miso base abit to taste

boil the ingredient till cook add in the oats or rice cook for another 3mins & u are ready to serve.

FYI, I do light puree to his food most importantly he can't be choosy all mix together its like a thick & rough paste he gets to chew & its easy to feed no messy and he is able to scoop & self feed.

You can use the same ingredient w/o miso puree add in lots of cheese and u get thick healthy veg cream soup. Can soak in some bread if u want to give him carbo.

Some time lazy I use UHT milk + Oat + his favourite banana or pumkin puree cook & ready in 5mins. He loves this.

Some mummy prefer to let BB recognise wat they are eating but for me i want convinences. He got no problem chewing he can snatch a big piece of pork chop or fish seat down & chew.

I believe by night time they are tired they are also lazy to chew their food. ALso for working mum I am rushing for time, feed by 7.15pm finish by 7.45pm play rest for 45min bath 15min by 9pm+ bed time. Where got so much time to waste on feeding.

Hopefully yr son will enjoy
thanks. i saw tis hk disneyland promotion at cna website http://www.channelnewsasia.com/advertorial/hkdl/ do u tik is cheap? the px includes everything.

my ger w litte neuro for 1 term and schichida for 2 terms. i alrdy knew LNT & SM teaching methods and materials for teaching so i can teach my ger at home using their methods & materials. they r v focused on brain training. where gug is activity based teaching our tots social skills and to promote early speech & language skills. check out this website http://www.gugifted.com/index.php?p=section&sub=article&articlegrppk=11&articlepk=27 to know more bah.

i prefer beef stock than chicken/pork stock. beef stock is rich in nutrients particularly minerals like calcium. It is also a rich source of gelatin and glucosamine chondroitin. the ingredients i used for beef stock are beef soup bones, onion, carrot and celery. U can try to make beef pasta mixed with parsley and onion. very easy to prepare.

which type of miso base you used? where can i get it ? do u know where sells organic miso?

Enjoy your trip!

I tot bee hoon is nicer than mee sua. My ger doesn’t like mee sua at all cos’ the texture is ‘siap siap’. Did u try ‘chu mee feng’, udon and kwey teow? My ger’s favourite is braised bee hoon with egg, chye sim and fish/chicken.
Hi Deedee,

I never come across organic miso. I just use normal miso.

Wow seems like you put in alot of effort in your gal developement. Her expenses very high baby sitter + enrichment class.

I send my son to IFC cost me $671 every mth very broke liao dont have extra for enrichment class
very worried as his mummy not very gifted in her academic hopefully dont follow my genes hehe.
i juz dun wan her to get used to e seasoning we have in our food bah... her pd says it'll be gd to get her accustomed to "healthy" food now, then she'll reject e "unhealthy" food later... but hor, oso got its own issues tat come wif tis decision... if go out, must bring her own food... she may become a picky eater, too salty/sweet dun wan... go overseas for holiday how?

so, i'm juz doing tis for now... see how it goes... my pd says if possible, to keep her food bland till school-going age... but anyway, i dun have much of a choice now... she doesn't wanna chew, so oso cannot give her textured food... so she's stuck wif her porridge!
cos mee sua becomes nua nua mah, so she can juz swallow w/o chewing... but bee hoon will be more hard, so dunno if she'll eat... maybe i can try e udon...

oh, ur beef stock is nice? maybe i shd try it too... can share re beef pasta recipe? thanks!

My maid loves the kid, but no matter what not her child ma. I remember once I told her to watch the stove, she cooked the porridge until quite dry but still try to feed him until he spit all out coz too difficult to swallow.
I have recipe to share:

Rice Apple Pudding
Grind the half cup rice up to the size of barley. Use a medium saucepan and add 1/4 cup diced apples, 2 cups water with grounded rice. Cook for about 30 minutes over medium heat. Add 60ml milk, stir. Heat for another 20 minutes, making sure that the mixture remains soupy, not pasty.

Chicken & potato pie
Mash potato, with milk and butter. Mince chicken cook with carrots, then puree. Mixed all and ready to eat.

Carrots, Broccoli & Cheese
Mash potatoes, pureed carrots, pureed broccoli with milk and cheddar cheese.

Cheesy Pasta
Heat the butter in a pan, sauté chopped tomatoes and stir in the cheese until melted.
Meanwhile cook the pasta. Mix pureed carrots with tomato cheese and stir in the cooked pasta.

Fish Pie
Mash potato, with milk and butter. Cook fish in milk for 10 minutes, then stir in the cheese until melted. Bake at 180C for about 15 minutes.

Bolognese sauce
Heat the butter in a pan with onion, then add garlic and pureed carrot and sauté for 4 minutes.
Add minced beef and fry until browned. Pour pureed tomatoes, cover and cook over a low heat for about 12 minutes. Remove from the pan and pulse for a second or two in a blender to make a smoother texture.
I did kueh tiao with bolognese sauce, meaning pureed tomatoes+carrots then melt cheddar cheese in, kueh tiao boil separately then mix into melted sauce and ready to serve.

Btw, I am gonna try wagyu beef with MS of 8, see if it's too oily for him, will grind into very small pieces.
Thank you so much for sharing the recipes! It's indeed very mouth-watering! It suit the ingredient that i have over here!

Wow, your ingredient is really easy! Will try that out! I bought 2 miso paste over here. Just wondering if you know how to prepare miso? Haha.. I think by Nov, my miso will be expired or run out.

So you just tell the butcher you want the beef bone? I just came back from marketing, so sad, still don't know what to choose for beef. Don't know how to cook and buy beef.

Haha.. but thanks mummies for all the input!! Will try the given recipes so that I can beef up my boy. My mum just told me over the webcam that Zac slim down a bit. Stress!

Sheepish, Happy
So actually to not allow them to eat table food is to cultivate good eating habits when they grow up? Not so much of not good for them? Then, probably I will let him eat what we eat. He had rejected all the food without seasoning. I used to prepare only organic food for him. Over here, couldn't find organic food. So am wondering is that the reason? Or the high chair not here, couldn't make him focus on eating.

If money is not a concern and able to exchange it for comfort, you might want to consider to have a seat for Xavier. We had a seat for Zac so that he can sleep on it. Haha.. but then again, he might not sit still, prob he will venture the whole plane!
Simz, i've started giving my gal some food with seasoning too, she also dont really like too bland food now... hiaks... feel a bit guilty, hope it wont be bad for health for their age eh..?

Hmm how abt stir fried beef with onions and garlic? shld be quite fragrant without seasoning i think. If want stir fry, over here supermarket usually indicate stir fry.. not sure which part of beef is that though. i havent really given my gal beef yet.

Some other recipes, u can try grill/bake salmon with butter (unsalted), very fragrant too without adding any other seasoning, u can try that too with bake chicken thigh, chicken breast can be a bit hard.
Or steam fish with ginger, fragrant too without adding anything else, provided fish doesnt have fishy smell. The above recipes are fast and easy keke...

Sheepish, did u order ur gal's shoes eventually? Realised my gal shoe is getting tight, their feet grows fast when they start walking. Her feet is 12.5cm now have to wear abt 14cm shoes if she wears socks.

oh and finally my mense is here! now i'm hoping it wont come... haha life is full of dilemmas!
Thanks for the infor! Btw, for baked salmon, what is the temperature set for the oven? For ginger, is it ok to add into their food??

Didn't know being a sahm can be so challenging! I think FTWM life is more stable! Hahaha.. the cooking part can become quite a toil actually!
Thanks for the infor! Btw, for baked salmon, what is the temperature set for the oven? For ginger, is it ok to add into their food??

Didn't know being a sahm can be so challenging! I think FTWM life is more stable! Hahaha.. the cooking part can become quite a toil actually!
Simz, i set 220degrees, bake for abt 15min shld be ready. U monitor and see, if it looks too dry on top and yet not cooked yet, then u set it the temp lower.

Ya, ginger, garlic and onions are all ok for them... i think they shld try these already.. it's the salt, soy sauce which we shld try to avoid giving them if possible, if not then add a little which i do sometimes :p

i can imagine how stressful it is for u to settle down at a new place with ur boy... take care wherever u are!
hehehee ... finally ur gf decides to visit you. :p quite dilemma hor? :p

thanks for the recipes!

without enrichment classes, you still can cultivate your son's interest and curiousity to pick up new things! and with that you are also spending quality time with him too
Or, an alternative is go for trial classes and observe how the teachers go abt conducting the lessons. Then we can adapt the style and customise our own from there!

if u dun mind the timing, jetstar is having promotion to perth and many other cities :p

how abt asking the butcher for advise on how to cook the beef? I'm sure they will be more than happy to share some info with you!
I forgot my girl is very pantang type one. cannot praise that her immure system is good. today she got high fever liao. *wah lau!*
I think I no need to sleep tonite. hb also sick. luckily tmw is sat.
the best part I realised after becoming a mum is that everyone in the family can fall sick but definately not mummy. Becos she has got to and MUST always be the last one standing. if she also down, the hsehold sure in trouble liao.

i saw organic miso paste from the ntuc @ thomson, and also organic shops. But hor, until now I still dun like the taste of it leh. Very bland. haahahaa!

I am also keeping my girl's food bland when I cook them at home. If I am to give table food, the food must be as bland as possible, or at the most with minimal sessioning for taste. like soup.
simz: wherever u r take care!! yes, being a SAHM is different but u'll get used to it in no time :D

Re: Baby's food
Wahh i realised many of u really work hard in making baby's food special ho... Meanwhile, I have been feeding baby with whatever we eat for a long time. She doesn't like porridge so she made it easy. We feed her rice with a bit of soup from stir fried vege's sauce or steamed fish.. we dun cook another special food for her. Our food at home is really bland tho. we dun add salt in our home cook dishes. Even if there's soy sauce we keep it at super very minimum. No choice, for baby's sake.

Then we realised baby doesn't like outside food lehhh... she doesn't eat much outside. Doesn't like salty/oily food, so it makes all d effort worth it... I also try to keep baby eat bland food til she discover mcdonald's n coke by herself... hehehe

so far, she has never drunk other drinks besides water. I gave her FM once, all she did was pointed to it and say "milk" repeatedly but not drinking... i hope she doesn't take BM til she's 5 hahahaha....

ur recipes all so yummy!!!
ur maid a bit guo fen la, burnt porridge has smell leh... so yucky! Luckily ur baby so smart!!
Wa sei super alot alot of post...


beanie are those like knitted hat u knw u knw?? haha hope simple description can liao...when u reach perth u also can go target/kmart to buy cos hor local product are the best to keep us n them warm..so u might wanna buy one fm there too to keep...


u could actually also google on hw to cook beef la...erm i think tenderloin beef are nt too bad...else u can also ask butcher which one best for kids to eat hehe...for me arh if i am out for dinner and if i order beef i let bryston eat...

u shld tell yr mum zac nt slim le but grow tall le...like bryston lo my mil c him say he like slim liao then i say pls lo wt dun lie...he is already 28lbs which is heavier where gt slim man...in fact i felt that he grew taller la...so liddat lo...

hope u enjoy yr sahm la hor..hehe learnt cookin n enjoy cookin fm there too..hehe...i learnt to cook when i was in Aust when i dun have bryston tat time which in fact i enjoy la haha nw hor no mood to really go explore out the recipe i c in magazine...last time still feeling lo...maybe i plain lazy liao bah or hopefully when bryston start sch i might become hardworking again LOL

On table food,

my pd here when bryston abt 13mths old she say can intro table food liao so i intro lo but then i will taste first to make sure it is nt too overpowering...smetime i will "clean" off those seasoning by putting it in my mouth first la hahaa sound digusting hor but i dunno hw many of u do that la....i ever see my fren give her daughter french fries but dip in water to take away the salt haha....


umm if i let bryston hold the spoon i will also assist to hold cos i also afraid u knw smetime they jus like to fling fling the spoon then i faint liao lo... so i will hold his hand...but i ever let him try to self feed with rice which i try to assist when possible...


good that yr daughter can self feed already hehe smetime i think girls are more like wanna concentrate on one thing so can concentrate on the spoon then scoop it up n eat hehe...but nt all girls n nt all boys la hehe

on texture food i think shld try to make her chew leh..else next time dun wanna chew hw?? my mil hor smetime c the veg big she say no nid make small arh...i say the veg are soft le so give big n let him chew nvm de..else the teeth there useless lo... i think chew soft food ok bah...give it a try ya..


wa wa bf till 5 yrs old isit hehe...umm actually if u dun eat bland food u can actually scoop up the portion of yr prepared food for her first before adding seasoning which is tats wat i do... but heng la even though smetime bryston ate flavourful stuff he still got take porridge...
i intro noel table food after he turn one.. but i will alway wash them in the cup of warm water first b4 give him cos outside food can be very salty.. haiz.. but no matter wad, i not full time taking care of him.. my MIL alway feed him with junk food.. i say till really tired and sianz liao.. she recently feed noel lemon juice.. which lead to coughing.. then she didn't stop feed him ice cream and other cold food.. her way of pampering noel is atually harming him... now the cough upgraded.. together with fever and running nose.. haiz...
Hi all,

Yes really need to put in a lot of effort in cooking his meal. Sometimes there's no time to cook for ourselves we just tarpow from kopitiam downstairs but make sure he gets 2 fresh main meals per day. Actually really tough but needs to keep trying.

My baby was grossly overweight since 3 mos (6.5kg then) and was scolded by PD. When he was 9 mos, already 12kg. GOod thing is he fell ill twice so lost a bit of weight, now at 14.5 mos, he is 14kg, good news I guess.

He likes to eat, stares at our food but I only offer him rice from our table food. We use salt, soya sauce, oyster sauce, etc in our cooking so I don't usually offer him our food. Also don't let him any outside food, only plain baked potatoes if we really dine outside.

Anyway, wanna find out average of naptimes and duration for your baby. Mine is only 1 nap, average of 2 hours.

Please state whether:
1 or 2 naps
Nap = ? hours

oso got a bit of health reason bah... think at tis age, too much sodium is not gd for them? so all e seasoning got sodium leh... if u look carefully, even butter oso... so it makes their kidneys work a little harder...

for me, am thinking if i wanna give her table food... most likely will dilute it wif hot water... but haven't tried yet, so dunno how she'll take it... there was once she saw me eating pizza and kept wanting some... gave her a bit of e crust, she spat it out! haha... then she went away liao...
yah, i ordered liao... but probably only able to receive it 1 wk later... hopefully, she still can wear for abt a mth then... if find it small on receiving, maybe i'll post to see if anyone else wanna take over lor...
u very gd leh, sacrifice for ur gal... think i cannot survive bland food!

think e textured food prob is my gal, deedee's gal can chew very well! yah, i oso wanna train her to eat textured food... but think she would rather not eat... so it boils down to, do i wanna train her at e expense of her not eating or eat at e expense of not chewing?

ur mil really very extreme leh... scare her a bit lah, wif horror stories like babies cannot eat sweet food if not teeth will all drop out or salty food is bad for bb's health etc...

my gal naps twice most of e days, if not once... if she naps twice, e 1st nap is abt 45 mins and 2nd is abt 2 hrs...
Trying to be discipline with my little one.
Limit only to 1 nap started 2 mos ago, and try to make it 3 hours but very difficult.

At night he slps at 8.30pm and wakes up at 7am every morning. Total only about 12.5 hrs. Do you guys hv slpg problems?
my daughter is also teething but i am not so sure which cos both top n bottom r both sharp when i let her bite on my fingers. I am convinced she is teething cos she keep on biting my nipples and pillow n toys but i can't pin point which one is gonna erupt first...

on bland food: it is actually my hb's order la. I just follow n actually after 2 weeks of torture we get used to it. hahahahah...
hope not ho, hahah i told my hb it is a possibility and he said cannot cos he scared she'll b teased... he never concern about me leh... hahahaha
Zac having 2 naps. Each nap is 1.5hrs - 2hrs. His awake duration will be 3 hrs, then i will let him nap.

Oh.. so sodium is the reason. Okok.. should cut down on seasoning.. good for the adults as well!! As on the chewing part, I guess my zac was about the same, until circumstances force me to give him only bread which he hated cos he don't like to chew. After a week of trying, he's now ok to eat his bread. The 1st attempt, he only nibble a bit then he don't want anymore, which I will add on with some cereal for him just in case he's still hungry.

Thanks ah!! Haha.. still trying to love my SAHM's life. I i don't use salt for seasoning. I used mainly the oyster sauce and soy sauces.

Wow.. your mil intro so many new food to Joel? Hmm.. ask your maid to tell your mil that Joel cannot eat those? Haha.. don't have to tell your in laws directly.
yah, my gal too... she was biting a lot more and oso drooling a lot more... so when she had fever, i decided to check her teeth... then saw e 2 teeth!

my gal used to luv bread leh, tat's why i dun understand why she rejects it now! now she'll juz spit out when we give her bread... haiz...
mmr & chicken pox vaccination

Hi mummies, have your babies taken the jab? Normally the fever will last long? Kylene has fever for 3 days already..
last week our thread was discussing abt mmr & chick pox vaccine. hope kylene fever subsides soon.

again i want to ask abt mmr jab, do u bring ur bb to polyclinic for vaccine? do u find it good? last wk i supposed to bring my gal for mmr jab at her pd at united square but i was not free due to work. frez asked me to bring her to polyclinic for jab as the nurse is very gentle , no need to Q and save the travel journey fr pasir ris to novena. im thinking of bring my gal for vaccine later... can anyone advise me? thanks.
u know wat? yday i oso discovered my gal's upper canine is erupting. so far my gal never had drooling issue when she's teething. but i do notice she's easily to get skin rashes when teething. there was once, LS for few days.

btw, when dew had fever after mmr+chick pox jab, did u give her fever medicine?
deedee, i brought my gal to polyclinic for jab... u have gotta make appt first. So far the nurses are all ok.

Whitegalz, was told for mmr may expect fever from 5-12days after jab, if fever above 38 prob see doc, otherwise it wont be that high and by 2nd day fever shld be lower.
how to make appt at polyclinic? if need to and make appt, then i ask my sil to jab for her at marine parade poly. im still holding 11am appt at my pd. how arh???

when having fever, no fever medicine?

Promo looks ok, I think you can check it out, cheaper than what I paid for!


For me, its more of health concerns, I dont want xavier to get exposed to all the seasonings so early as seasonings are not so good for health mah! haha... pay one more seat for him, ermmmmm that I need to consider, cuz quite ex lor! I go check out the price first, but u are right, cuz the journey is 6hrs long, given his height, I dont think he can fit in the infant bassinet anymore, so maybe consider to give him a seat... hehe

thanks for the explanation, but I think I will change to Sep most likely, so maybe dont need beanie liao as its Spring!

Thanks, will check out Jetstar promo!
deedee, ginn, thanks..

i bringing my gal back to the pd tmr if her fever nvr subside today.. will go read last week's thread..

just now i turned around, saw her lying on the sofa dazing.. haiz
deedee, call 6355 3000, this is their general appt number to call. They will ask u which branch u want and day/time etc. Think for today a bit rush, unless they have slot.

They will give a bottle of paracetamol for fever. My gal had her mmr free, i think it's cos she had her 6in1 jabs there that's why...
thanks. i called up pasir ris polyclinic they've no appt for today liao. anyway booked for tmr and get bbsitter to bring her for jab. tmr got to attend a meeting whole day. im really a bad mummy!! feel guilty not able to accompany her.
Hi Mummy,

Long time never post. Hope everyone are fine.

Please spare some time to a look at this: http://zi-xin.org

Hopefully, everyone of us can donate a bit to help this little baby girl.

Big Thanks.
Hi Mummies,

I could get Karihome's Goat Milk step 3 at Bulk Purchase price of $38.50 a can (min 5 cans) if any mummy is keen.

Collection pt Tampines
i can't remember who asked n give maid's rules guidelines, (is it u deedee n ag gal?)
anyway, i also wanna have a copy if u dun mind. i think i wanna change maid. My maid put a packet of detergent in my food cupboard n hang baby's cloths wipes with my undies... funny or not???

Thanks in advanced by the way
my gal took her jab on mon, had fever from fri till mon, then started coughing on wed, then sneezing on fri, now close to full recovery wif some remnants of rashes on her body...

according to pd, 15% of babies will experience these side effects... then i read online cos e measles component is a live virus, so symptoms will be similar to measles outbreak... can be e whole package or juz fever,.. so my gal happens to be 1 of them bah...

i brought my gal to pd leh... last time wanted to bring to polyclinic, my pils heard... immediately say cannot, gave us money to bring pd instead... so since they paying, i better juz bring to pd bah... 1st grandchild mah...

then hor, i din administer paracetamol whenever e temperature rises... my gauge is her behaviour... if her behaviour is out of norm, like more cranky and sticky when she normally is not, wif a temperature above 38 degrees celcius, then i give... e last 2 days when she had fever, i din give paracetamol as she was behaving normally liao although temperature was 38.5 degree celcius... i did give her more water and sponged her...

teach her lah... sometimes, they are not used to our lifestyle so they dunno... even diff ppl growing up in sg got different habits liao, wat more when they have been living in rural areas all their life...

tell u ah, my hb wanna wash his socks wif my undergarments leh! faint or not... i tell him, dun touch e laundry - leave to me...
