(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

I ordered the Fisherprice Rainforest design. Its $188 for 11mm.
I just received it yesterday. Have to bring it home first to open up and check. Its not packed in the "suitcase" format leh.. its rolled up in a long long casing.. at least it wont have the folded marks lor.
I think 11mm is quite good la. if too thick, it will be very hot for the baby, i feed.

hi mommies going to the gathering

i got ready cut paper for name tag, dun buy, i will bring along... just remember to bring a safety pin to stick behind

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Share Cab from West - Joannelim
hi mummies!
v long never log in liao... too many posts to catch up. But I m really surprised u all organised a gathering! haha.. will be fun..
hmmnn.. when's the closing date to "register"?

I m still coping with the challenging demands of motherhood. Have been v blue last 2 wks. Thank God Hubby's on leave this wk to help me out.

Also stopped BF... too tiring and no time to pump and latch. I really hate BF and dun want to push myself too hard.

Hope the rest of u are doing well!

Because of BM, i was thinking only can go to some resort for a short weekend trip or something. Then at the same time, the day before in the evening, go and perm/rebond my hay....opps i mean hair. Then like can minimise the "pump and throw" BM.

Actually now i am trying to introduce more FM into baby's feed. From once a day to twice then gradually three times, so now for one day, i can archive one feed.. and so on.
But i think cos i never give baby water that why when i increase FM to twice huh, he cannot poo poo lay...totally consipated.
Or actually is it normal? now he poo poo like 2-3 times only...and most of the time he like got stomach discomfort...cannot sleep....hmm..

Peach, how much FM are u supplementing Justin?

Re: Stopping BM production
I heard if eat those medicine to stop BM, ur boobs will down-size lay.
But if urs is already C/D cup to start with, then u no worry lah. Cos mine a small A to start with liao...so a bit of concern. haha

Maybe try natural way to stop BM production??

my hubby also suggested doing spa/massage etc...but the moment i think about my stretchmarks and fats, i frown at the idea.
Also hor, i wonder how to enjoy when u have to pump every few hrs lay.
But but i have not gone out of the country for a long long time liao ....i want some "ME" time...sob

to stop bm production..u dun pump or latch as per the regular hours...when you feel engorge, pump a bit out to relive pain. Gradually, your body will get the message that there's no need to produce milk anymore. But, still boobs will downsize le...that's wat happen to me for my previous kid

Hi Peachmomo

i remember Centrepoint has nursing room couple with bb changing station. Not in Robinson though.
theres a big bb chgg room on 5th flr at centrept. its big and clean. the person who directed you must be dreaming.

boob size
actually i prefer my boobs to be small. now boobs so big from bfg, wear wat also look so fat!
For my case boobs did not become smaller than pre-preg. in fact after stop bfg, i still cun wear my old bras. but cup size still go back to A tho. hahah

I think about gg hol with 2 kids, i also sian 1/2. end up always stay in SGP.
ur tummy shrunk back to pre-pregnancy size? mine is still v big! look like 3 mths preggy. v v sad. I m feeling so ah-soh cos i cant fit into all my pre-preggy clothes! and only wear the big size Tees and pregnancy pants... no mood to go shopping...
catmomo : I can totally understand what you are going thru.. I have been very down as well.. wish I could get out of this deep hole soon.. How many months is ur bb now? Mine is 6 weeks old and I am already thinking of stopping to express cos I find it very challenging + my son doesnt latch on to breastfeed at all. I have to keep expressing to store and then bottlefeed from there.. Am thinking of going total FM.

My tummy is also still big and saggy + lotsa UGLY stretch marks...I feel like a mess and no mood to even go out.. feel like stuck at home with fretting baby and very sian at times.. Do you have help at home? I will be alone handling bb from next Tues, after my mum goes back to work from her leave.
Actually after preggy, personally i prefer small boob lah (of cos man would prefers big boobs)cos like u say, wear anything like so fat.
And also, my now-temporary big boobs sweat like hell lay...only that area only.
Also, i am very curious how small it will go after i stop BF cos before preggy already very small lah!!!

I oso like 3-4 month preggy lay.
Then these few days, i make effort to go bind my tummy. actually suppose to be doing it after i finished my malay massage but did not.

Also have not tried on my bottoms yet, going to try later, sure very sad one cos from the look of it, quite obvious i have expanded. haiz...
mine seems to be the case...smaller than before.
Hope this time it won't shrink as much haha..

But i agree with tofu. I don't like big boobs..difficult to wear clothes le..

i still hv 2kg to shed...guess it's fm that loose & flabby tummy!! But i can wear back most of my pre-preg clothes liao..esp my fav pair of levi jeans.. just that some clothes dun look as nice as before with bigger boobs and tummy.. haha

u working oso or SAHM?
Woah, u like very sad hor.
Actually i oso sad, keep thinking about my "ME" time, make me realised that i not very weida.
Worse are all the bodily damages like stretchmarks on thighs, tummy and boobs lay (heehee, this prove how small my boobs were before), change in sizes etc.

Also, i feel trapped sometimes haiz.
I think it will help if u talk to some pple lay.
I suggest u go for the gathering. So many mummies, all pour their woes and sorrow and all share the proud and happy mmts of babies..sure will make u feel better.

I was thinking of going Japan in May. Can we check in our EBM? I was thinking of storing into the fridge-to-go and putting inside my luggage? feasible? For less than 12 hrs. Then I will just pump in the coach, in hotel..etc...Really need to travel leh. Haizz. Used to travel twice a year.

Mine is quite simple which I bought from Carters and Mothercare. So onz about the idea of princess wearing headband?

oh yar.....liquid hor..i think can check in.
u bringing ur baby along huh? or else EBM can only keep outside for 4-6 hrs right?
I heard that if u take medication to stop BF, the boobs will sag and smaller than before pregnant.. Best way is to slowly reduce the number of latching and pumping..

I went for spa already!! Dont worry la cos the room will be dimly lit, cant see stretchmarks one.. I also full of stretchmarks, heck care..

I dont mind let my bb wear headband cos I can get from my sister.. hee.. I have simple ones at home too, can bring over..

catmomo,closing time for gathering maybe 1 week before.. so we can book the buffet.. but last minute u want to come also can!!! cos food sure enuff de..
okok...tried one of the biggest pre-preggy bottom,....can pull up (woah..happy)....BUT cannot button or zip (bloody.....)...cham liao.
my boy is 7wks old going 8wks. Yesterday morning was my last pump. I din even pump today liao since not painful. He's taking 100ml FM every 2.5-3hrs. Giving him Friso. Guess he will go full FM from now on.

My hubby on leave this week. My Mum will come help me when he go back work next week. Otherwise, no time to even go toilet!
He has been bringin us out almost everyday cos he know if i stay home, i will be more blue. I suspect i got some post natal depression. Also dun feel like going out sometimes, cos there's nothing for me to shop! And also to save $$ in case i kena sack after ML. But he say it's better than i keep staying home and think of this and that. Another reason why i dun like to go out, I got no clothes to wear. Feel so low self esteem now. Though my Hubby keep telling me I look OK, but I still have no confidence of myself.

My colleague say i will be alright after i return back to work.
recently there is this bioskin lose inches cream right? got live demo, like really can reduce inches.. think maybe i will go try that one..
my buddy fave me a bottle of Clarins body contour cream as Full month's present. have been using it. But still v big... i also lazy to bind every nite....haiz...
Hi all mummies,

Been long long time never log in... hows everyone? So many post.. hard to read back.. haha.. Just realise there is gathering.. closing date is 1 week before.. great i hope i can join. =p

Yesterday start back to work.. stress to cop work & baby.
Mummies, I would like advice how to increase milk flow.. i am taking fenugreek now. any other method? Really sad to see milk flow getting lesser & lesser.

Thanks in advance!!

Hi, I also can't wear most of my cloth.. really sad to see myself sometimes. Now start work, really headache what to wear, wanna buy new cloth also no time to go shopping. Sometimes i go out still wearing maternity wear. Slowly we will loose weight. Hope all mummies cheers up together!! take good care ya!

Some mummies bought fridge to go right. What is the purpose? Bring EBM from office to home? Means is chilled not frozen and have to be used with 48 hrs upon reaching home? Or u bring home n freeze it which can be kept for 2 mths?
olively : I am a working mum, cannot manage being a SAHM.. think I may go mad w/o the social interaction.. hahah... Think I am going through a lot of hormonal changes in my body - can't seem to cope with the stress too well, especially when my son is very fretful and cries alot. U wouldn't believe it that there was a night when I actually couldnt sleep and kept hearing his cries ringing in my ears as he was crying the whole day that day.. sigh.. Haha.. u probably thot I would need psychiatric counselling right?
SY, i got fridge to go. Yes it'll only chill the EBM for ard 10hrs or so. Currently if i express outside that will be useful, yes if u need to keep it chilled in office then bring home. Sadly, I dont have excess to freeze any at the moment... supply running low, bb drinking a lot!

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Share Cab from West - Joannelim

<font color="ff0000">can u gals email me at [email protected] with your nick,real name and contact number?</font>
yeah, the boobs very hot. esp when wear nursing pad, warrao, like sauna. I never wear nursing pad at home. only the nursing bra. If possible, i wun wear bra, but boh bian, got maid at home, much preserve some decency.

tummy binding
must make effort to wear your binder lah. esp in day time, tho it's hot. some days i wear it, esp when i go out. My tummy is almost back to pre-preg liao, not that my pre-preg was very flat lah. I know i can nvr go back to my #1 pre-preg tummy, unless i really go and workout. But where got energy?????

dun feel so negative lei. You're lucky your hubby bothers to cheer you up. Think on the bright side and dun think the worst like being sacked after ML. As mothers after childbirth, body sure will look damaged one. But over time it will recover as long as you take care of your skin, do some exercise. Make effort to beautify yourself then you wun feel like you're ugly (in any case, I dun think we are ugly)

get some motherlove products. They sell online in singapore at www.ahomeonearth.com. The goat's rue and more milk plus should help. If not, dedicate your weekends to pumping every 2 hours to increase supply and eat oatmeal every morning.

I have FTG. I use it to bring EBM to and fro from whereever. After pumping, I put in the bag and into my ofc freezer. If you have no freezer, but just put into bag, better to consume w/in 48 hours. Freeze the milk that you pump out at home. Best is to freeze freshly pumped milk.

is this ur first child?
actually, this happen to me before but not with my baby but with my niece.
She was the first baby in my maternal family and she stays with us ( when i still not married) in my mum's place. At night, i always tot i hear her cry lay..the cry keep ringing in my ears....then when i go check check, she was sound asleep.

So u see, not my child oso like that...think it is just the gan chieong about the baby and also at the same time very fearful baby cry cos that means trouble.
Last 2 wks i also cannot take my son's crying. He keep crying and crying until i dun feel like having him. It's that bad. So i just cry it out and told my hubby. Sometimes, cry it out works.
i long time never w/o bra liao....

I also think i will be sack after ML lay.
Cos now got retrenchment. siao liao.
catmomo : I salute you for making the decision to stop pumping. My son only just hit 6 weeks and I have already been toying with this idea for the past 2 weeks cos there was a day when my nipples were so badly cracked and sore(even just brushing over were so painful) that I cried and felt so miserable.. Poor boobs, so unattractive and droopy liao.

My son is taking between 95 - 110ml every 3 hours. He is now 5.595kg. How heavy is your son now? He was taking Friso when I realised that he was abit constipated, so changed him to Similac but still sluggish bowels due to reflux/heartburn and also alot of wind. So my PD advised that I changed him to take Isomil for 1 month to determine if my son has cow's milk allegy. Aiyoh, I have a new tin of opened Friso + new tin of opened Similac...

I wish I can join the gathering but really cant cope going out with bb alone w/o hubby... I can't sling him cos he doesnt like leh... btw, any of you using the MIM sling? I find that using it very clumsy leh..
Olively : Yes, this is my 1st child and it's been a very challenging 6 weeks..

catmomo : I also went through the same thing.. he cried and cried and cried non stop until I also cried with him. My husband is very stressed looking at me like that.. his once jovial and rascal wife seem to be reduced to a somewhat mess. Oh well, I do agree that crying helps cos we need an outlet to vent out....
the last weight at 4wks was 5.2kg. Now shld be close to 6kg. Constipated.. u noe wat? My son only poos 1x per day. His record is never poo for 4days. As long as he dun feel uncomfy, i think it's fine. His bowel is not hard though. I guess sometimes he's juz lazy. Now i try to give him water everyday and it seems to help. Dun want to change FM since I find that he's ok with it.
Those mother who can breastfeed, i really salute them. I do not want to push myself too hard. I m a FM baby as well, also grow up well. As long as we take good care of them, BM or FM, it's all fine. Just do your best.
Hi ladies,

I'm from the Jan 09 thread. I've given up BF and thus selling away my Medela PIS Traveller (but without the cooler bag).

I'm willing to throw in the following:-

1) Excellent condition nursing pillow (My Breast Friend)
2) 1 new packet of nursing mother's tea from MIM
3) 2 half bottles of Motherlove Goat's Rue and Motherlove More Milk Plus

Letting go everything for just $350. Price still negotiable. For more info on Motherlove products, pls refer to below.


Pls PM me. I'm willing to let go at a lower but reasonable price.

Priviledged: Nice to see u here
