(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

no lay baby never fuss for no reason lay.
she suggest to use it to stop baby cry for milk esp at night. but i deem baby crying for milk as a signal to us he is hungry mah.
And once u pick him up and give him milk, he would not cry already.
So i dun see the need to use lay.
btw, i am not against pacificer. in fact, i was the one who bought them before preggy in case baby fuss for no reason then can use.
But since he is ok, i dun see why must use.Next time still must wean him off. ..haiz.

Also told her dun keep tapping baby or carrying him. let him learn to drift off to sleep by himself.
Then he move a little bit, she rush to tap him.
That is why time when we try to let her take care morning......she take care 4 days then fever liao...cos she so gan chieong, a little bit she go and carry baby or tap baby.
then whole day stare at baby and dun nap/rest.

i know she loves her grandson lah...but she must oso learn to handle stress oso. otherwise, next time i go back to work, very stressful if keep getting situation.
I tried suggesting alternative babysitting options but my fillal hubby thinks i am trying to be funny. haiz.
Olively, then like that dont need to introduce.. i use pacifier to test if my gal is hungry.. if she sucks means she hungry then i will make milk.. if she rejects, i will carry her.. sometimes in the car, will stuff her pacifier if she is hungry cos no milk available..

my MIL and hubby dont believe me when I told them baby suck fists and pacifier means she is hungry..
olively, gives her 1 mth to learn then she will take her time and not so kancheong.. 1 thing is tired and the other is she understand ur baby's needs already..

last time during the first mth when my baby coos, i immediately wake up to make milk.. now, i cant even wake up at all, must wait till loud cry then i can wake up.. so i think u dont need to worry..

you very cute lah, appreciate the cow for it's milk. it's funny analogy.
How long you pump each time and what is your yield? I pump about 25 min and get about 150ml each time (3 hrs), sometimes a bit more or less. If 5 hours i get about 220ml, that's during the morning wee hours. Maybe you can try pumping longer to get more so that you can get more than 50%?

my output also about 1000ml a day, but bb at 6wks now drinking 1100ml. But because i give 1 feed FM, so i manage to freeze one feed for future use...
i am using mini medela electric. i faced tat problem some time. there are 2 things which might prevent the pump from sucking... first unscrew your yellow portion n fix it back to funnel again.. u can try by turning on the switch n turn the yellow part until u see the suction.
second thing could be the valve's membrane(white piece of plastic)loose already. just attached it back.

hi ladies
anyone encounter your baby drinking n screaming at the same time? my son occasionally will scream n cry the moment he drank the milk. We know he is hungry cos his mouth kept open big n search for milk but yet when we gave him the milk he will suck it but on the other hand scream as if something is hurting him. I guess its wind in the tummy cos he farted alot when tat happen. But seriously, how to sooth him down n make him finish the milk? be it latch on or bottle, its the same.. this is driving me crazy.
Simz, Priviledged, GT: Thanks for the encouragement!
Yest (Fri) was better, bb more cooperative and blocked nose seems to have improved.
but still busy till only now then got time to log in, cos cant z after feeding bb.

GT: i had the same experience of merlion, it got so bad that his nose is also filled with milk.
cry and cry until the whole face change color.
we got so worried, kept him in the burping position and pad him.
then went to kkh after that, doctor says nothing wrong, it is just normal.
wasted the money, but more assured that he is fine.

GT: I'm now coping with bb alone. Din manage to get extra help cos parents already had 2 kids to take care and in-laws are working.
when i return to work, bb will be sent to infant care.
most probably will send bb to infant care when he is 2 months, a bit waste $$$ but at least I have choice of keeping him at home or send him to infant care when i need more rest.
hubby a bit heartache to send bb to infant care so early, but a bit bo bian leh.
thinking of getting nanny, but din manage to find a good one yet.

GT: can PM me the nanny agent contact? thanks in advance.

I also have this bb crying in my ears effect. then realize i am imagining it.
guess we are just too stressed out.

I also dont think i can handle bb alone w/o hubby and drive.
So for the gathering day, will just ask hubby to drive me and bb there and then fetch us after when we are done. :p

GT: Yap, have been feeding bb with gripe water, think it is more of the blocked nose that he is feeling uncomfortable.

sheepish: why your mum not staying in the east, then i can get her to be bb's nanny too. :p

peachmomo, olivelym SY: i actually also planning to go holidays. just that no one to help to take care of bb yet.
maybe later when my parents are more free.

catmomo: i made my hubby to take me out whenever my in-laws came in the evenings.
even go for dinner, window shop a bit also helps to relieve some of my stress and handling of bb alone blues.
next tues, hubby volunteer to take care of bb for the evening so that i can go for a friend's birthday celebration.
looking forward to it!

whitegalz: let us know the effect of bioskin thingy after you have tried leh.

binder: i still havent start to bind yet, cos the last time i tried, v uncomfortable, probably due to c-sec.
dont know when then i will start.

(Waving my arms in the air)....Me...me encounter the same problem.
He hungry then at the same time tummy pain ( think he is constipating) then at the same time tired and sleepy, so u give him milk, he drink a sip then cry...and so on.
But after about 3 to 4 times like that, he will calm down and drink the milk lor.

I have been asking PD and they always say..."like that is normal"
Breast and its function

Actually, for my case, if all methods fails to sooth the baby, i will whip out my "sure-win" method...the boobs.

i notice that somtimes baby suck for comfort.
He split out most of the milk (heart pain, that why i seldom latch him rather express it out) but then soon will fall into deep sleep.

And oso when he was younger, i latch him when he has tummy discomfort and it seems to relieve him cos he will poopoo or fart during the latch on. However notice that this method does not work now to relieve his constipation cos think FM too heaty liao.

Was thinking if i stop the BM, can jsut like him suckle or not....then again maybe should use the pacificer.
grace chua:
she used to stay in e east! more convenient for me to visit her too, but now... well, she may move back to e east in time to come... maybe for ur 2nd kid? haha...
Anyone able to train their kids to sleep throughout the night already? did you latch on or bottle feed bb? my boy sleeps at night now, but still wakes up 2-3 times for feeds. i put him to sleep at 9pm after his sponge bath and thereafter, he slept.. I latch him on directly at night if he's hungy. pros is that i lie him besides me and I will doze off while he suck away.. Now I am wondering if I should bottle feed him instead so that he can last longer at night.. cos he often fell asleep after latching on. any advice from mummies here?

We took baby for 6th week vaccination on Tuesday and since then he hasn't been napping well in the day (refuse to sleep even though so tired) and last night woke up at 3am for feed and hasn't slept since! He would fall asleep in our arms but when we put him down, he'd wake up! Do shots make them fussy or affect their sleep like that? Anyone with similar problem here?
SY, haha ya too bored at home and too sian cos not enuf BM to feed bb so i went mad to pump 2hrly. But now i regret pumping every 2hrs cos my aerola hurts now! Putting nipple cream since last night, slightly better now. Dun want to be hero already, will stick to my 3hrly, not enough then feed FM loh.

Yes pap smear is PAINFUL! More painful than VE checks last time! But guess depends on individual lah.

Maybe ur bb is tired but yet refuses to sleep. Read that if bb becomes very hyper it means they're actually very tired or maybe she just wants to be carried?

Whitegalz, yes very tired to wake up in middle of the night, my eyes now like panda! haha not enuf sleep everyday. But i scared kena painful engorgement again so better wake up to pump. I didnt set alarm just auto wake up, sometimes will wake up in panic, thinking that i didnt pump for the last 6hours! Think i'm going mad pumping soon! haha

Yes my bb really drinking a lot, sometimes 120ml per feed, sometimes up to 180ml!! Once nearly 200ml, a bit scared she overdrinks but if take milk away from her, she screams.

I miss those days of freedom, couple time too, now everyday so tired and cant go out as and when i want. I wanted to catch the movie - Marley and Me but no time too... sigh... How i wish i can go holiday too, but think very troublesome.
yah lor, i also wundered if my bb was normal, drinking so much and so frequently, so I asked the PD a few days ago, he said bb is on big side, but if he wanna drink, boh bian. Since it's EBM, not so bad, cos BM protein is not so taxing on the bb's kidneys and can be easily processed, so no problem. 1100ml is not including FM leh... *faint*

grace chua
yah, bring bb to doc must spend munnie, even if they tell you nothing wrong, they charge you $50. There was once i brot my elder son to the PD for the 3rd time (1st 2 times his cold din go away) and i told the PD, please, dun charge me consultancy fees, i come and c you 3 times liao (and i nearly wanted to say, if you dare charge me, i will tell the whole world you can't help my son recover *hyuk hyuk* of course i dun mean it, but i was really anxious to get my son to recover). And in the end he really nvr charge me.

Your doc very rough w u isit? PAP smear for me not painful leh. Just discomfort...

Olivey / Joannelim
My bb also, can't decide if he wanna drink, sleep, fart or burp. So he's always crying esp at the tail end of the milk.

tho my bb not really 100% successful all the time, but i manage to get him to sleep longer at night. Try to keep him awake from 10pm - 12am, then feed FM at midnight (as much as he can possibly take, if let's say he drinks 120ml FM in day, give him 135 or even 150ml at night). With this pattern, my baby can sleep till 6am. I only succeeded a few times, cos getting him to stay awake from 10-12am is also a challenge. You'll have to adjust his feeding schedule during the day to fit this timing. Best of luck!

Was your bb traumatised during the vaccination?

No lah - he took the shots in stride - cried a little only. Sigh, I'm typing with one hand now coz he's sleeping in my other arm. My husband also gave up trying to bounce him to sleep.

Any sleeping aid for babies ah???
tofu, thanks for advice.. i put my bb to bed as early as 9pm. then he will most likely wakes up at 11plus 12am for his next feed. perhaps i should try bottle feed him at 12am instead of latchin him on. see how long he can last.

our plan is to carry baby in baby bjorn and bring a diaper bag onboard. i think its easier and less hassle(i hope) because imtotal latching so dont have to worry abt feedings. sq also provides bassinet for us so hb and i can chill keke.im actually quite excited cos we haven travelled since preggy and its our first trip with bb. looking forward to it.
I ching,

jabs do have an effect on the baby bcos they r actually developing the antibodies to fight the virus in the vaccine. they can show symptoms and feel discomfort. also the jab is is given intramuscular, so ur bb might be having some pain from the jab site. since babies cant talk, they can only relay their discomfort through crying or odd behavior. my bb is also lethargic and having difficulties pooing, poor appetite developed fever since her rotavirus vaccination. we checked the insert of the vaccination and listed all the possible side effects so we r less worried. did u check with the pd the possbile side effects of the jab?

the baby bjorn does seem warm to stay in so we usually use it in the mall or places with aircondition. it also needs some practice to use it effortlessly. what i do is let baby lie on the piece with the baby bjorn wording (dont know ifu know what i mean) then hold her up with her legs pointing to my tummy. use one hand to support her neck, lean her legs and butt on my tummy and use another hand to buckle her onto me. hope u understand what i mean :p if baby is moving andfussing, then i will let her lie on the piece and put her on the table and my body over her to buckle the piece shes lying, on to me.
tofu: Wah your baby drinks alot leh!! So its about 200ml EACH TIME??? if its 6 feeds within 24 hours.

I think i might get the pouch sling afterall. Cos its too pretty to resist. Now im undecided on which design to buy.
woa tofu, yes ur baby drinks more than double of mine. my baby is 7 weeks old now. small and frequent drinker- about 70ml every 2 hrs, never more than 100ml. i try to 'force' feed him, coz my milk supply cant keep for too long in the fridge and i dont want to put too many in the freezer. if i dont pump, i feel the engorgement.

the other time shared about cluster feeding the ebm pumped in the morning (coz of the richness), so far, he still wakes up in the night. though he wakes every 3-4 hours, less frequent than before. i am happy enough.
Hi mommies! It has been a long time since i posted here. Havent logged in much for the past 3 wks cos i have been home alone with Baby. It has been an experience indeed. Overall, i think its all getting better! was so proud of myself... took baby out to town yday ALL BY MYSELF! with the stroller too! Whee! This is the first time i managed that! Else, i will just be hanging arnd my neighbourhood only. And if want to go out, will need to coordinate schedule with at least 1 other person
Oh yes... gathering! Is there one organised alrdy? be good and fun to have one, and bring our babies together too! hahahahah....

Any one planned arnd west / central? i stay around Holland Village
very proud of you also, i can't do it man. i get very stressed if i'm alone. PLUS, i have to pump when i'm outside since i dun direct latch. Therefore have to bring so much barang. hahaha, sekali bb cry while i'm pumping... *faint*
DK , we are having a gathering in Sengkang on labour day, May 1. heres the list of mommies who are attending:


Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching

does anyone have any food restrictions e.g. no beef? halal??
Tummy :
My tummy still flabby and big, though I can wear back some of my old bottoms already, anyway I am big to start with so I still look fat...haiz...

BF :
Mummies breastfeeding, if you have supply more then your baby's demand, good for you; if your supply is not enough, just supplement with FM, dun stress yourself too much or else your BM will go even lower; if you decided to stop BF, FM is good enough as FM nowadays have all the nutrients.

Alone with 2 kids :
Had been home alone with my 2.5yr old girl and baby past 2 evenings and this morning. Tough and challenging for me as its the 1st time I handle 2 kids all on my own for so many hours, its really hard to stay sane, and I almost broke down.

Whitegalz, emailed you already. I have no food restrictions, except mum say no yam and duck for at least 4 mths.

GT, I am using sling pouch, much easier to use then MIM, find MIM sling very cumbersome. If baby keeps crying for a long time, might be colic, you monitor and if it does not get better, bring him to see a doctor.

Olively, painted nails will not affect BM. Older generation like to use pacifiers on babies, if you dun want to give your baby, then dun bother what your MIL say.

Catmomo, can drink quite a lot of water, very good leh.

Nana, bring your baby to a doctor, he will be given ridwind or colimix to ease the colic.

Joannelim, my girl behaves like that sometimes also, then later we realised she does not want us to carry and feed her. After that, we put her on the pillow and feed her. She quietly drink up all the milk and then drift off to sleep.
It was all preplanned. so i pumped before i left home, and brought a bottle of bm with me. then i came home and quickly pumped after that. Of cos, breasts was totally engorged by then, cos it was a 6-hr break in btw. Cant help it, dun want to waste time pumping outside, and as you said...if baby cries, then it will be quite terrible. Plan B is to latch on, so i brought my nursing cover with me too! hahahaha...and went Marina Square cos there are quite well equipped there.
Sandy, thanks for the update! Wow! That's quite a party... ok, will check with my hubby and update you if i can make it. If so, i can share cab with I'ching
Clementi is quite near my place
supportive hubby- i agree wat u said hubby can do much better than us if they wanted too..

my bb also at time like tat, i will stop giving her the milk n will try to burge her when she stop cry then i continue give her the milk

Agree with bb , marriage life is different, energy level is low.Especially my hubby , he cant sleep well cos we take turn to take care bb n we sleep in the same room. At time i go my mum place to stay , my hubby go his parent place w/o baby , he tell me tat he wake almost every hr.

me going bintan on 18 & 19 May with my hubby w/o baby.A short trip so wun miss baby cos only one nite
Hi mummies,
I'm still surviving without CL around! Yippie! :p

Someone told me last week that dun put beanbags that are filled with BeanSprout near bb becos it causes bb to have phlagm. this is due to the chemical used to make the sprout grow faster. Better to use beanbags that are filled with rice or beans. I tried this and somehow my bb is better now. duno how true is this lah. But mummies with bb throwing up sticky milk might want to try this out
My Yield: Every 3 hours manage to get 100ml, one day I pump 6 times if got time, if no time then 2-3 times.. Very little.. Only started midnite pump in the 2nd month cos was doing confinement myself, very very tired to wake up and pump in the first month.. But nvm lah, compared to my 1st month, my supply increase alot already.. I almost wanted to give up in the 2nd week cos of cracked nipple, inflammed breast etc.. I am still a survivor! Hee..

Headbands: Today I got 10 headbands from my sister.. Shall get more from her next month, hope is enuff..

Qingsiew, I starting work on 13 April.. Life is going to be worse.. Hope I can take it.. I think holiday is far off my mind now.. 2 day 1 night better than none.. Before I gave birth, I still plan go here go there.. But, reality is reality.. Perhaps when I stop breastfeeding then I will plan a trip..

Lonerunner, I heard of the beanbag thinggy before.. I nvr place anything on my gal's chest cos she always push it away, scare cover her face..

I using medela PIS.. I realise if I just let the pump on for 15-20mins, after around 10th min, no milk will come out.. I got to re-position the funnel, then "restart" and keep doing it until really dry..

gathering: our next gathering shall fix in the west! then next next in the north.. take turns bah..

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa
- Mei Hao 99 catering
- 4 seasons catering

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching

does anyone have any food restrictions e.g. no beef? halal??

<font color="ff0000">can u gals email me at [email protected] with your nick,real name and contact number? </font>

Email Received (will be sending contact list to all via email ):
I'Ching, Sandy, BBYang, SaroQueen, PrincessDella, spicegal, grace chua, qingsiew, yan, fatjo ---> thanks gals!
wah dkmama u vry steady leh..alone wif stroller, n beleive u nd to carry a bag of baby stuffs too!

lonerunner: u gd leh u..no CL stil steady steady

tofu: hw cm ur baby drink so much? hw old is ur baby?

me giv 100 2.5hrs , then baby vomit milk. PD suggest to reduce or drag time
Hi Mummies,
miss chating on the forum... i've been very bz w my house reno &amp; poor Breana hv to follow me till late... hope all mummies &amp; babies r doing well!

RE: Gathering
Food - i think all of us still cant take laksa &amp; nasi lemak. laksa hv dried shrimp &amp; coconut milk. likewise for nasi lemak rice &amp; the sambal chili. Shrimp is bad for wound healing esp C-sec mummies. Coconut, afraid too cooling &amp; egg will cause allergy for BF mummies &amp; babies. correct me if i m wrong

Name tags - We can buy those white color label stickers. Write &amp; decor our names &amp; babies.

Mat - i can bring along my Parklon Pooh Flowerhill mat for all the Babies. its a good colorful background for phototaking too. but i dunno whether can accomodate 20 cuties anot

Clearing up - We can hv 1 mummy to 2 babies, &amp; the rest can help fatjo in cleaning the house after the party :p
vry happy tdy! haha went out to shopping centre hav lunch myslf n buy groceries..jus neighbourehood alrdy damn happy..we realy nd sm own time!
Gathering Lunch Option
Wanna try my traditional hainanese western food? checko out www.westernchow.com

Whitegalz, i may not be able to login regularly. however, if need my help, can sms me. me SAHM, quite flexible
Hey SY, didnt receive your email yesterday.. But got the one u sent today. Thanks.

LemonT,Mudpie,Lonerunner - Got your contacts, thanks!

LemonT, u so detailed in the food to avoid.. now i heck care, everything also eat.. Will list down the options and let mummies choose..

Renovation is a chore and worse if the interior designers u engaged or the workers who do the tasks for u sux.. I had a bad time renovating my house but ended up I got alot of discount from the interior design company..
DK: You really steady. Me going out with hubby and bb already karang kabo. I havent even manage to bring bb to neighbourhood shopping on my own.

LemonT: Din know egg will cause allergy. I still "gong gong" eat a lot of eggs. I guess my bb is fine with egg. :D

Today's my bro's wedding and he got us a room to in the hotel. Though we bring this and that to the hotel and stay over with bb, it is a good experience to stay out of the house to break the routine.

Enjoyed the poolside wedding too, cos it's unique and more informal.
Now just done with pumping in the hotel room, so waiting for bb's next feed which is due like anytime from now. :p

New house: I am done with my reno long ago, even before CNY. So now planning for shifting liao. Got all the boxes from the mover company and yet to find time to start packing. Handle bb already no time, still need to shift. A bit stress leh, but still want to try. Hehe.
my son not having constipation, cos his bowel is either soft or watery. My only guess is the wind in the tummy making him uncomfortable or him trying to move the bowel causing him the pain.

i tried burping and anything which will help calm him down but sometimes really no use. Cos after he stopped crying, the moment u offer the milk, the whole cycle repeats. really dont know wat to do.. sian

anyway today he not sure why, start sleeping 3 hours after every latch on... and at night he woke up once at 4 am after the 12 midnight feed to drink for 5 min n sleep again until 7am.. i was like wow. first time i can finally rest or do some housework. Hope this will last.

lunch option
dont go for meihao99 i think. i remember one of our mummies here tried their catering n commented tat she regretted. Neo garden not bad, 4 season too. tried both.

eggs wont cause allergy to baby if consume by u. But will cause allergy if u feed them when weaning at 6th month. Babies cant take egg white not until 1 yr old i think. as for egg yoke, can start from 9th month.
breastfeeding n food
seriously there is no food we should avoid unless u consume too much. i tried to avoid chilly but sometimes i consume curry but not too much. food u should not indulge in are things like chocolate same goes for coffee n tea, chilly, curry, coconut, grapes etc... but consume a little is okay.

Western chow food is nice, i try before.it near my ex office used to eat there

me start work on 4May, thinking of it might be scary.
going bintan , i will be bring my pump along too , then pack in milk bag
