(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

sigh, now i cannot complain abt my husband in the forum.. i forgot he reads the forum man.. just now he msn me and said "thank you for speaking so good for me" after reading.. sianz..

the moms in mind one issit the same one as in you tube cos i prefer fixed one as i find it difficult to adjust the straps. The one in you tube looks easier to manage.

i think this time round we gather at fatjo place first ba, since already decided, next time round, we change. Then we help clear up before we leave
how abt that ?

Wow! Havent got time to log in and there is a gathering! So great!

Count me in too!

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Mum's kitchen Laksa

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie
5.whitegalz = Roxanne
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!


From Yishun - LemonT (QingSiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Whitegalz....oh no!!

that is why that time i also think twice before i post some complains lay. i scare my hubby might read also...
U said you use the fridge to go to store your EBM when you go out with yr baby. How you warm up the milk then?? Is this fridge to go reall that good?? My office has fridge la.. and ppl dont put those meat stuff inside. Its considered quite clean. So i didnt think i need this fridge
whitegalz...oops! Next time complain on msn.

Saro, MIM got 2 types, adjustable with ring and non-adjustable pouch. But personal opinion, I find the US ones better in quality and cut then MIM ones.
luckily my hubby didnt read in this forum.. nvm..we can complain tru msn.. wahhhaaa... miss those times when we all MSN chatting during working time...waiting for bb to pop out..
now dun have so much time MSN.. haizz...
I've a bad cold too! So sick now. Just finished cooking my older boys' food for next 2 days. Going to pop a cold pill and try to get some sleep. You take care!

looking at the picture, MIM pouch does not seem as snug as the other brands that i have seen. it looks abit low, doesnt seem fitting. i agree with spicegal, US ones are better.
I use the MIM sling.. in the end, i use the sling at home.. cos my cranky bb kept want to be carried.. so yesterday, wat i did was to put him in sling while i do some simple chores.. once he's deep asleep, i place him down in bed.. quite useful i think
peachmomo / ginn
i bring thermos flask w hot water and plastic cup. or else if i know gg to restaurant etc., i ask waitress for hot water. If you dun wanna pay for hot water, like some stingy kopitiam aunties will charge you, go to a fast food restaurant like Macs, the water is free. But you need a warming cup.
I like the FTG very much, it's really convenient and I can feel peace of mind knowing that my EBM is kept fresh. The FTG is more for when you travel to and fro. Of course in the office you can keep your milk in the fridge itself. But i usually put the storage bag / bottle in the FTG and put the whole FTG into freezer. Keeps out the smells and dunno what bacteria. Maybe psychological or what, but that's what i do lah.

Baby getting sick
Mummies, take care of yourselves and ur bb. I was also down with throat infection and bad cough just recently, luckily, bb held out and was ok. Pity is, my elder one is always getting ill, so it's hard to prevent spreading of virus. Just pray and hope that bb will benefit from BFG and will be more immune to the virus.

haha, sometimes gd that your hb reads your posts then he'll know what you really think and maybe he'll understand where you're cmg from better
ginn, whitegalz saw the thing about lump. i am not breastfeeding anymore, just had my full body checkup last month, the doctor also said i had a lump. sianz...now waiting to check again...hope it is just some milk ducts not cleared. but strangely, i dun feel lump! want to massage also can't. hope the doctor made a mistake. looking forward to the gathering!

toufu, my elder also sick for 3 months liao...siannzzz. now i kiasu, vitamin c in morning, cod liver oil once a day and colostrum at night.hope they help.
I think I might want to order the BP on the pouch sling. Its too pretty to resist! haha..

I just went to Cheong Choon to buy the bottle caps. Its $.80 per cap, comes in a packet of 10.
woa, the bottle caps are cheap! thanks for the info on cheong choon, now know where to get them when i run out of the caps.

hope u are feeling better. no prob with 2 tabs of panadol and continuing with bfg. i checked with my doc the last time when i was down with high fever.
mummyo, shirlyn, peachmomo
after a dose am feeling better, may be will take ne more dose at night...thanks for sharing about panadol
kkf, my breasts are lumpy from the start, i had removed breasts lumps before so oh well nothing new for me lor...

Tofu, thanks for sharing, didnt think of using thermal flask for hot water and heat up EBM.

Peachmomo, i have fridge to go but i prefer pigeon one now.. cos easier to sling and carry ard. Since pigeon is using fridge to go technology too then it shld be the same. So see which design u prefer.

Yes the sling pouch are so pretty but hmm still undecided abt it.
Peachmomo, shirlyn,

Wat is the bottle caps for ?

hmmm. i might get the sling too, does BKK sells ? Cos im gg there this weekend ... hehe

Which nite market is good in BKK ? Anyone went there recently ? Any good stuff to buy for baby ??

Btw, such slings can use until bb how heavy/big ?
Saro, so nice ah...going BKK, i miss BKK.

You should visit the suan lom night bazaar. As for baby stuff, go to pratunam wholesale market, platinum fashion mall and indra square shopping centre (all in the pratunam area).

The slings can use until around 15kg. I sling my girl in it when I bring her to BKK when she was 1 yr old.

How big are the lumps? I havent been massaging, just pump and latch. Aiyo, now Im worried. But I dun realli feel any lumps leh. Should let Dr Khi check during my next check up. Btw, did u do pap smear with her?

MIM Sling
I am trying to use the MIM sling. After watching the DVD for a few times, still having difficulties in using it. jialat.

Saro Queenie>
The bottle caps are for the free formuale glass bottles which I supposed most mummies get from hospital. I heard Pigeon stuff are cheap. maybe u can check the price in spore then go there compare.

oooh didnt noe CC sell caps too. Should have bought there. Does it fit perfectly? Cos i bought some caps at Kiddly Palace, it doesnt fit well after some sterilization. Gosh, expanded.
Haha, nvm lah.. I just replied him "No problem, u r welcome lor".. at most next time dont complain hor, will complain on msn instead.. lol..

kkf, ur doc got chart out the exact location? like that massage the whole breast everyday since u cant feel it.. like ginn, my breasts are lumpy too, that is why prone to forming lumps maybe..

SY, Dr Khi helped me checked n sent me for scan at 4th floor. Let her check lor cos she dont charge u for it, hee. I did pap smear too.
Sy, me same as u ..prob with the MIM sling..evryd carry baby til hand suan.

nose 'shit': my baby nose has big pc of shit..appear hard de inside.. tt shld be the cause of her har breathing rite.. really mus wait it drop.
for those who try to remove wif those buds.. safe?wat if baby move huh?

so gd leh 17 mummies + babies goin to meet up! pls take grp photos leh.. keke want see al the babies in a row!keke

btw jus to kpo..hw cm hubby is nt allowed huh?
kwoli, yeah.. i miss those times on msn too.. now seldom full strength chatting..

mrslim, u bringing ur maid? like tt she super busy, haf 17 bb to take care of..

i dun mind stay back to help clean up
Hope we feel better soon. I didn't get to nap at all. Baby fussing all day.

My 2 older ones too. Keep falling sick.
SY, i had a lump ard 1cm size. For me, my breasts tend to harden slightly after 3hrs, so when i pump, i compress and massage my breasts at the same time. But if urs is soft and ok, then shldnt be a problem i guess.
I'm going for my check up with Dr Khi tom actually. I'm guessing she'll do pap smear.

Btw mummies, for slings, will there be any problem for baby's bone development?
dear mummies, i have not posted here since i delivered my boy on 8 Feb but sometimes i come in here to read your posts. it is really an encouragement to hear similar 'stories' or concerns abt our situations and the babies' devt. this has been my support group, esply when i have bf issues or worried abt my boy's growth, i was almost in post-natal depression but am always encouraged by all of you, so three cheers for all of you!

I'm excited about the gathering too, not sure if i can still join you ladies despite being out of this thread for so long.. will check if i am available that day too.

Also, i have a tin of Nan 1 which we used only for abt 10 feeds. My boy does not take to it well - it causes him diarhoea and sleeplessness so I would like to give it away. I have since sealed it up with tape to keep it air-tight. Any mums here feeding Nan 1 to your child? Pls SMS me at 93691477 (which is more convenient for me to reply). Can arrange to meet up or pass to you if i am attend the gathering.
gracie gal,
tho this is my #2, i sumtx feel stressed and depressed when things are too much for me to handle, so it's natural to feel down and out sometimes. As long as you can pull yourself together, it's fine. Come and join us in the forum to share your concerns and you'll feel better.

yeah, the problem is the older ones bring home all the funny germs, so have to be extra careful...

invest in a thermal flask, cos if you're gg to use formula milk in future (not sure if you total BFG or what), you will need the flask anyway. I had my 500ml flask since Uni days, so I din have to buy a new one. But a year back, I found it too big for FM feeds (after I stopped BFG my #1 and relied on FM only) and so bought a 250ml size one from Zojirushi brand. It's small and handy and really light. When I bot it, it cost about $40. Actually, 250ml of hot water is also enough to heat up EBM if your container is not too big. You could consider buying the 250ml if you don't want a big flask.

When your bb is big enough for solids like porridge, you can buy the Thermos brand mug, costs about $20. This is gd enough for keeping the porridge hot. No need to buy dunno what Tiger magic cooker thermos and what not. Those are really big and bulky to carry around.
Count me in too!

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie = Tracy (hehe)
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!


From Yishun - LemonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

still not sure how to bring baby over. might take a cab if any "westerners" want to share cab?

i realise alot of your babies are 5kg+ at full month. my baby who is 4kg at birth is only 5.3kg at full month.. seems that he is not eating as well as all of your baby.. abit worry leh.

i am going to order the playmat too but not sure which thickness should i go for. scare if take 11mm one baby might knock himself on it n still get a bump. i might go for parklon one since they are about the same.

as for baby sling, i never tried mine. My hubby tried though, he complaint shoulder n neck aching after carrying for about an hour.

i also have problem with the sling. so my hubby tried it himself in case i drop the baby.

i dont think the sling will cause any problem since baby is not long term sleeping in there.

dont try to dig baby's nose with cotton bud. try to wet a cotton wool and roll it then wiggle it in his nose will do.
gracie_gal, join us !! My gal also allergic to Nan..

Ginn, i carried a thermal flask out.. I bring formula milk when I go out and used my own water to make the formula milk, scare restaurant's is dirty.. I very kia si one..

joannelim, most of us 4.someting at full moon.. Ur baby's weight is good..

sucking thumb/fist: does ur baby suck thumb or fist now? My baby sucking her arm!!! Like eating drumstick, haha.. I wonder issit cos she cant find her fist?
Ramy, warm compress using warm towel followed by massage and then pump/latch.. Got to keep doing this until the lump is gone.. I think massaging in hot bath helps too.. Massaging the lumps in circular motion and then towards the nipple..

Like grace chua mentions, can use hot stone.. I heard from my colleague she bot the hot stone from her massage lady and it is quite effective too as hot stone retain heat.. cos if u use hot towel, the towel will lose heat very fast then u got to put in hot water again etc..
i didn't buy the hot stone, cos i find boiling the hot stone for 15min to "lay chey". what i did was fill a glass bottle with hot water then use napkin as a barrier, else starting might be too hot.

haha, all the DIY.

my girl was sucking her fist since wk 5 plus then yesterday night, she found her thumb keke...now starting to put her thumb in her mouth on occasions.shes turning 7 weeks this fri. she also sucks on her arm when shes doing tummy time, and suck my shoulder when i burp her :p

ur baby has a good weight! my baby was born 3.3kg, lost abit in the hospital and regain birth weight at 2 weeks (3.5kg)...at 4 weeks, shes 4kg only but PD is satisfied because she gained 500g in 2 weeks. since ur boy gained 1kg by full month, hes fine
hee, then i am kia si too?
i always bring my own thermos and bottle filled with water for my #1, even now. somehow being a mother made me be prepared for all kinds of situations when i am out with a kid.

extra clothing, extra diapers, wet tissues... in the car in case. it really helps.
Gathering Carpool

Sorry.. forgot i'll be moving to CCK in Apr. so will be going from CCK instead of Yishun!

so good news for Qingsiew & Joannelim...

Joannelim, whereabt west u stay? let me know..
HI there Feb Mummies,

Congrats on ur little babies... wondering if anyone deliver at Gleneagles an can share your experience there?

How is the service, what is the cost, any hidden costs, what's chargeable and foc?

Thanks in advance
Count me in too!

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie = Tracy (hehe)
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim
19. mudpie


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!


From CCK - LemonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
hmm, sandy.. maybe i shd help her open up her thumb? was trimming her nails today, found her nails full of dirt leh.. perhaps her arms are cleaner, haha.. i think maybe my gal need some time to find her thumb cos i took off her mittens at 5plus week after i see the postings on taking off mittens..

grace, i think the stone very expensive! my colleague stopping bf soon, i can borrow from her already.. hee

yaya, shirlyn, same here.. when I go to my MIL, i got 4 bags of things man.. My FIL commented so many things ah, even bolster and pillows i bring 2 each.. haha
iceblue, what my MIL did to clear her nose is that she keep pressing until the dirt dislodge and drop off..

For me, I use cotton bud stick and tilt the dirt to one corner..

tofu, whitegalz, yeah i bring a mini thermos flask out for FM but it's a little too small, will have to invest in a bigger one since my gal is drinking a lot!! Will check out the zojirushi brand.

Btw mummies, how much shld a 7wk bb drink now? My gal is drinking abt 150-160ml every 3hrs, scared too much but if i dont give her enough, she'll scream for more!
