(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Catmomo : I salute you cos I am also going to go total FM soon... I agree with you that as long as we take good care of them, regardless of BM or FM, it's all right... So long as the baby grows and we enjoy the process of motherhood. My son hasnt been pooing the past few days. sigh... Ok, i'd try to feed him with warm water everyday. How many times a day & how many ozs do you give per time? Yes, I agree that so long as your bb is ok with the FM, just stick to it.. no point changing.

Any of you engaging nanny to take care of your bb once you return to work?
cos the weather v warm these few days, i think he also feel warm. He can drink 1 oz (30ml) water each time. I try to limit to 3oz of water per day.

my mum willbe taking care of bb for me when i return to work.
any of u need a nanny in e west? cos hor, my mum is fighting wif me to take care of my gal... but i wanna take care of her myself! so, let me noe and i'll propose it to her... then she'll be off my back! hahaha...
olively: Your painted nails is ok la.. it didnt seep into your pores what.
as for holiday, I wish im going too. But im quite determined to let Justin have BM so.. never mind sacrifice a bit lor.
I give him 1 time FM in the night.. thats when I wake up and he's crying, no time to heat up my milk in the fridge. I dont latch him on at night.. cos he's very fussy and when im sleepy i get frustrated too. So i rather heat up my milk or make FM for him. after feeding him, i will continue to express my milk. So at night, when i get up to feed, it will be more than 1 hour before i can sleep back. So i will be very tired during the day lor.

I also want to perm my hair. Yday i ask my godma, she opens a hair salon. She said can perm and can dye hair. no need to pump out to throw cos the chemicals wont go into our body. When pregnant then its different la.

I'm quite stubborn la.. BF is tough but i just want to do it for Justin. My husband keep saying if too tiring just give up. But i refuse to! Ai yo.. my milk supply also not say alot la.. somehow its only just nice for Justin. Like he takes about 120-130 now.. so everytime i express it will be choon choon that amount. So weird right? I dont have enough to freeze too. And after reading some posts on baby rejected frozen milk, i dont dare to take the risks.. haha since my milk so little. Just feed normally lor. also, im determined to lose some weight.. and BF helps! My godma also said i lost a lot of my weight liao. Happy!

My tummy is sort of pre-pregnant size liao la.. still abit fat at the bottom part but i didnt wear my binder liao leh.. when u girls say binder, is it the binder that you wear after your Csection operation?? I stopped wearing about 1 and half monthlater cos its really hot la!

I'm using the Clarins Stretchmark control cream at my mom's house. Then using the tonic oil at my own home. Sigh.. the marks are still there la!

Feeding water:
I have been feeding Justin water since 1week old. He doesnt have prob pooing (touch wood) and recently i will add half a cap full of WoodWards gripe water to his water and let him sip after his morning bath. I feel its too sweet to take on its own. So i will add to his water.. make him drink more water too!
I've been cutting my nails REALLY short now. Cos i dont want to scratch Justin.. also forcing my mom to keep short nails. hahaa
Ironic for a person who has red painted nails during my C section. hor??? hahaha

Are you serious about your mom being a nanny? Coz I'm looking for one once I go back to work... I live in the west

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching

can u gals email me at [email protected] with your nick,real name and contact number?

Email Received:
1. I'Ching
Sandy : i have the baby bjorn carrier also but I find it very difficult to use leh... seems like so many fasteners and with struggling bb, how to manage.. does ur baby find it hot inside it as it is quite padded. Perhaps I am just an octopus in this.. hahaha...

Catmomo : Thanks for the tip on water. When do you usually feed him water? Just before his milk or in between 2 feeds when he's awake leh? I wanta try it out. He didnt use to have probs passing motion - it used to be at least 3 times a day, until he hit 4 weeks, he started pooing once a day and then now, sometimes for don't poo for a few days. PD said it is ok for between 5 - 7 days. Today, my mum(who's a nurse) stimulated his anal opening and he passed out greenish sticky poo.. hmm.. we kinda suspect that it could be due to the reflux medication that is causing his poo to be very sluggish (although PD said it's not).

I'Ching : I was also looking for an infant care centre but recently, a friend recommended me a nanny agent and he found me a nanny quite near my house - abt 2 bus stops down the street. If you are keen, i can PM you the agent contact details for consideration.

Sheepish : You are so fortunate - I wish I had a family member/relative who is keen to help me take care - at least for a peace of mind...

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching

can u gals email me at [email protected] with your nick,real name and contact number?

Email Received (will be sending contact list to u ):
I'Ching, Sandy, BBYang, SaroQueen, PrincessDella
Grace : You may wanta feed your baby with gripe water? My PD told me to give my baby 5ml of gripe water with 5ml of warm water. It will help to remove stomach wind which cause discomfort and makes bb fretful.

All mummies : I am so glad I can find support in all of you.. at least this is one of the avenues where I can share and learn from your experiences.
true, i'm quite blessed to have a willing mum to help take care of my baby... somemore, she's quite gd wif babies... juz tat it's my dream and ambition to be a stay home mum and take care of my own kids... so no choice, rejected her gdwill...
soo exciting!! Having gathering n w 21 babies !!! But I dun tink can join leh... My gd fren wedding tat day...

olively, u going BK w/o baby ah? Then who take care?

Sy/olively... So envious, can go travelling. U noe, nowadays when I m feedg baby, I will suddenly recall places tat my hubby n I hv travelled to in the past... We used to hv go holiday 4 times a year, 2 further/ longer ones, 2 short trips. My last trip was in sep 08, to port dickson.... Sigh, dunno when can travel again. So difficult now w baby. Besides, I dunno how he can take plane rides!! Hubby actually say we go trip in may, but I dunno where is appropriate too n if bb too small to travel..

Oh sandy, ur bb will be taking her first plane ride soon!! How u going to manage?
sheepish : Wow man.. ur dream to be a SAHM.. I really admire you gal! I dun think I can do that man.. can't imagine my whole life revolving around baby and housework and the 4 walls.. hahaha
sheepish...I used to dream of becomg SAHM. BUT, after having my baby n been at home takg care of him for past 6 weeks, I aldy tink SAHM is not for me! Haha... I abit start missing going to work aldy, even thou part of me also wish to stay home take care of him. In fact, I m in delima nw, dunno whether to extend 2 more months of no pay leave after my ML finishes. Somehow, I very bu she de put him in infantcare when he is only 4months plus...

anyone putting infantcare after ML finishes? Recommendations?

ya, me v tired of wearg baggy pants n big tshirt- standard homewear. Haven't got the guts to take dwn my pre-preg clothes yet, all vacuum-packed in storerm. Even thou I dun hv stretchmarks, my tummy has sm skin discolouration, still quite dark. Of course, I still hv like 5kg to lose to pre preg weight! So dun tink can fit into old jeans. Now still wearg maternity wear

miss being able to dress well n look n feel gd!

Massage... With my c sec wound n with BF, I dunno if I can go for massage!! Scared when massage my back n apply pressure, milk will come out, v embarassing leh. Plus the massage oils, dunno if wilk affect bteastmilk or not...
Sure miss going for massage a hubby! Used to book couple room, but now w baby, everything mus take turn aldy.
I think we are putting too much pressure on ourselves. I feel blues at time too. Esp when I’m alone taking care of bb. Guess we are thinking too much and adding too much pressure on ourselves. Is okie to let bb cry for awhile when we go toilet. Haiz.

I was very sad when I went shopping too. Used to be wearing size 36 not 40. Gosh, plus the stretchmark, I felt like crying in the changing room. But I have to tell myself is only 1 mth plus, since the weight was accumulated over 9 mths, its impossible to lose over 1 mth. Also, many women went through this. Just part n parcel.

Your hubby is so sweet to bring u out. I haven’t been going out. Maybe cos we don’t have a car so quite mafan.

I guess we will have no time to anyhow think when we are busy at work

Milk Empire>
I haven’t been able to store excess milk? How about u mummies? Storing a lot? About how much per day? Hmm, I only pump 3 times at day 10am, 4pm, 11pm. But i tried pumping one more time but it affected the next pump's volume. hmmm
mummies, at this stage are we still able to increase our BM supply? I'm trying out pumping every 2hrs today instead of 3hrly. But when i add up, probably will only get 100ml more today. Sigh so much effort only to get my nipples sore soon!

Currently i'm getting abt 1000ml per day but my bb drinks abt 1200ml now!

Sigh, i wanna go shopping but no time, really so tired and sian everyday. Not enough sleep everyday!

Peachmomo, me too, i pump twice in the middle of the night too... super tiring!
hi mummies

i am like on the verge of serious breakdown. just logging in to vent out my suppressed emotions. my boy is so colicky. they said colic peaks at 6 weeks.. my boy just turned 6 weeks. did everything.. ru yi oil.. gripe water... everything tried.... he cried and cried till his voice hoarse... sigh... just started yesterday... today the same also... my hubby going away for 5 days tomorrow and i will have to handle him myself...


i also stopped bf... cant take it... too tiring... i also salute those who tbf... wish i can have half your determination...

ya... breasts shrunked... luckily not to pre pregnancy size.. was an A.. now a B.. happy already but one side bigger than the other cos i always latched baby on the bigger side... stupid me...

being a mum so tough.. went to do my pap smear earlier on and i told doc i want to close shop.. he was discouraging me.. said first 6 weeks usually the toughest and i would want a sister or brother for my boy.. told him that if i see him again.. means another accident... unplanned pregnancy like the first one... going to schedule to insert something at my arm so i wont make the same mistake again....

hate the way i looked.. used to be 49kg now 59kg... sigh.. long way more to go.. feels so unattractive... and btw would our hips become smaller??

sorry for ranting.... this is the avenue where i can release my pent up frustrations...
SY, yes total express for me. my mum helps me take care of bb too so can find time. Think today i'm too sian, so pumping 2hrly... madness!
hi mommies

just yesterday i thought that my milk supply match my bb demand..just now realise that it is not true. i feel upset to think that i got less milk. it keeps changing...i know i spoke too positively in my ealrier psot...now i take it back la...i feel miserable .............. abd horrible
the only thing that is encouraging is i fit into all my jeans and pre-pregnancy dresses.... but i was always an XL so nothing great......i feel so low anyways...
Ramy : Don't add stress to yourself.. If not enuff, just supplement with FM. Don't go the same route as me where I was so hung up over insufficient BM to feed my son when I wanted to TBF him. My son is also growing very well with supplemented FM. Take it easy, ok? At least you know u tried your best to provide for him.
When will the blues go away? Me too feel blues once in awhile.. but thanks to all the mummies here that help chased the blues away. Sometimes just wonder it's the post natal blues.. or it's the cryings that drive us mad. I always tell myself that it's ok to let bb cry.. but when they cry, all that wave of emotion will overwhelm me... haiz..
ginn / SY

no way else to increase except latch on dd, if other artificial method like pump n herbs fail

mummies, tho this is my second child i also feel the blues smtx so take heart! you all can get over the tough parts! u can lose your wt! keep on bfg but dun worry abt supply. if not enough, just supp. i also used to be like GT, so upset abt low supply. but wats the point? you make urself miserable onli. cheer up k!
all mummies who feg the blues.. me same..itstough..dunno can hang on hw long..

its nt only mental stress..bt also physicAL. me having al the backaches frm bendg up dwn carry baby.

wen baby get cranky for no reason.or kp 1 drink simply dunoo at to do..wen baby dun 1 go to rm sleep on cot n i cant rest.i simply wanna breakdwn

nw thinkg of shift baby cot back her rm(instead nw ours wher so cramp)she only face wardrobe
then me n her sleep there on mattress
i also wish our blues go away fast
i also fat, can fit into all my clothes in my wardrobe... getting hubby to sponsor...

my bb must be living room during noon time so i put in stroller . During nite is cot
All mummies :

Blues, blues, blues... good that we all are able to identify that we are going through that and find comfort and encouragement in the rest of you to pull us through.. But we must also try our best to snap out of it. I went through a really deep pit 2 weeks back and slowly climbing out and trying my best to handle my baby alone. It is really tiring but at the end of the day, the joy of seeing bb smile and responding to me just makes the whole journey worth while.
Wow man.. all u mummies talk abt fat.. think i am really the fattest amongst all of u.. even tho i lost the 10kg + another 3kg pre preggy, I am still in the 80+kg range.. sigh... but i am determined to do my best to lose more, for health reasons.
Peachmomo : I am also pro Nuk person. Am thinking of going to the Robinsons sale alone tomorrow to get out of the house and breathe fresh air + shop. I will be putting my son to a nanny before I return to work so I have to get more bottles and bb stuff to put at the nanny's place. Which Robinsons for bb things would u recommend? Centrepoint or Raffles City?
Blueb : Haha.. I am also in the same predicament with you.. all my pre-preggy clothes are vacuum packed in a huge bag in the store room and I have yet to take them out to iron and remove my preggy clothes from the cupboard.. Sigh.. wondering when I will ever have the time to do that..
asked my mum liao, she'll be glad to be a nanny! so if e agency doesn't work out, u can pm me... fyi, my mum stays near e ite @ clementi ave 6...

gt & blueb:
guess i may still work, maybe abt 4 yrs later... rite now, i wanna be ard to see their milestones... by e time my next kid turns 3 and is able to communicate, maybe then i'll return to society... see how it goes... but if my hubby doesn't need me to help bring in some dough, i'll be glad to stay at home...
any1 using mini electric medela pumpm any feedback? fr yest nite not sure why suddenly the suction of the pump not strong n couldnt pump out the milk n i ended very bad engorgemt today n leaking. just now i hv 2 use hand to press out some milk n now breast very pain.
er any gathering in west side?
cant confirm now if can attend gathering as mil wont allow me bring bb out alone lei..
catmomo how did u gradully cut off the pumping? can share
Hi, hi. I thought since my bb was born in Feb, and most of the Jan mums had finished their confinement by the time my bb was born, I fit in better here

re: big tummy
Hey gals, don't worry, my tummy is the biggest around here. After baby #1, it was 3 months preggy. After baby #2, it was 4 months preggy. After this baby, it's 5 months preggy. My bum and hips also proportionally larger after each pregnancy.
. I'm trying to use the binder the ML gave me, and the jamu slimming oil, but too busy to use it every day. I've been wearing maternity bottoms since after baby #2
. More comfy. I want to get/tailor some princess cut dresses for myself. Hope they will be more flattering to my terrible bulges.

Reminder : Don't let your pumping volume mislead you into thinking that that is all you have!! Your bb can actually suck more than the pump. Don't worry. You know what? I always think that I have so little milk. And my milk has very little fat - the cream layer is really thin. But my bb has put on good weight. Maybe not fat fat, but the PD said he's doing well. So I'm not worried. I can only pump out about 30 ml! I don't pump cos it's too depressing for me. I just keep latching every 3 hours in the daytime, and double boil soups, take More MIlk Plus and fenugreek daily and try to drink lots of water.
Worse come to worse, it's not the end of the world to supplement. Your bb's health must come first. I know how you feel cos I'm very determined to TBF too and if I had to supplement I too would struggle with it.

Too sian and start pumpin. U very onz leh. No wonder u can pump every 2 hr, cos got help. I dont tink i can have the time wor. Did u do pap smear? painful?

My bb getting restless these 2 days. Put on cot instantly cry. Body got sensor meh? Then drink milk and cry at the same time. Think she is tired yet wanna drink milk. aiyo, confused. Cry until i wanna cry.
I give my boy water btw feeds and sometimes after bath. Cos he cry until v cham when we dress him. So the water sort of calm him down.

Post natal blues:
I very scared next week my hubby go back work i will fall deep into the blue pit again, just like 2 weeks ago... I have very high inertia when home myself. I noe i shld get out, but i will just refuse to get my butt moving sometimes..

I hate everything abt BF - milk leaks, enlarged breasts, engorgement, smell of milk, pumping, latching...
I have tried my best for the past 6wks. At first i feel really guilty to stop, but BF is not everything abt motherhood. And I shld say majority of bb also live on FM. So those mummies who have stop BF, dun feel bad. U are not alone.

Baby sleeping on back:
I realised that my bb cant sleep in peace on his back. He alwaz get frighten and wake up crying. have tried the beanie pillow on his tummy also wun help. I can only put him to sleep on his tummy or lie on his side. Anyone got the same prob?

Supportive hubby:
I shld really thank God for a supportive hubby. Since on leave, he bring us out almost everyday. ALthough we alwaz have to lug a big diaper bag and our boy's "Mercedes" pram out, but he dun find it troublesome. And he has learned to feed, change diaper and even bathe our boy. We used to have my Mum follow us wherever we go, now we can handle the baby ourselves. Sometimes, I find that he handle even better than me! Before delivery, i tot i will handle baby myself most of time, but things turn out the other way round.. So ladies, let ur hubby help u with the baby. Though they may be clumsy at first, but u never know, they may turn out better than us!
Not me going BK lah. Me just thinking of going away to a resort over the weekend so BM loss can cut to minimum.

Yar lor, the hip will shrank back or not ??!!
Before preggy, already big....now lagi worse.
Now i really hourglass lay, a huge one though....top also fat, bottom also big

Woah woah woah....1000ml is a lot lay.
I about 700ml the most.

Yar lor, i also pump at 2am and 5am.
Then my hubby who occassionally take the friday night shift will tell me no problem what...just feed him, change diaper then can sleep liao.
But he forgot after that, i still have to spend 1 hr to pump lay.

re: baby sleeping on his back
Yar, my baby also like that. a little bit of sound he will get frighten esp in morning. i try letting him sleep on his side more.
i have a bit reservation about letting him sleep on the tummy. Tried it about a couple of times only. have to keep close watch.

Re: Pacificer
My MIL kept asking me whether can use pacificer or not.
Then start his old grandmother tales how my hubby natually reject pacificer when he got older, no worries etc etc..
Funny thing is, i have been taking care of my baby and i dun think there is a need to use it lor. why keep forcing me lay....hmm
Ginn, 1000ml is alot and ur bb drinks alot! My gal max 900ml per day.. I can only meet 50% demand, the rest solely on FM.. Midnite i wake up once only, u not tired to wake up twice?

My MIL told me when bb 4mths old, she will let her drink cow's colostrum.. haha, like that i dont need to pump so hard already?.. then 5mths old i going to start her on the brown rice drink, 6mths on solid food.. hee..

My size also up from M to L.. Nvm la, slowly we will lose all the weight and inches.. stay positive!!

Olively, ur baby got fuss then she said use pacifier?

Having a baby really change our lives.. No more couple life.. even though sometimes baby nvr fuss, me and my hubby still too tired to talk at nite.. Maybe not even the chance to look at each other.. Though we still go out alone but it seems different.. energy level drops badly.. Though babies are cute but it is simply not the same anymore.. I wonder how my mum cope with 5 kids..

I quite look forward to work 2 weeks later, though I know it is the start of even worse zombie days ahead.. I love my baby but I dont think I am so wei da to stay at home 24/7 to look after her.. better go work and catch up with the world..

I abit sick and tired of pumping milk.. everyday just pump n pump, i really wonder does cow gets milked the whole day like us.. makes me appreciate the milk i drink now.. hope when i go back to work, i will enjoy pumping cos pump = skiving at work! hee
