(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

have u seen this plastic tweezer-like thingy from pigeon?

it can be used to pick the dirt easily from the baby's tiny nostril. of coz, dont dig too deep into the nose lah.

i find it much more useful than the cotton bud at times.

hi mommies
i didnt have to take any night dose...my cold went away with the afternoon dose of panadol !! ..

when did u mummies start cutting your bb nails ??

My boy yesterday drank milk at around 9 and did not sleep until 11...then he again woke up at around 12.30 .... and i gave him EBM since i was tired..he drank that and straight away slept until 5 am !!! ...later i fed him at 5 and he slept until 9...wah...for the first time me and my hubby slept well. It is true tht with time things do improve...its not the same every day..we do get a day like this and i think days like this will increase when the bb grows bigger !

I use cotton buds to clean his nose ..and i do that when he is in deep sleep otherwise they move and it may go wrong !

have been bathing my bb everyday and he enjoys the bath very much...even if he is crying ..he stops crying when we put him in water..its a lovely time that we both have !!
bonding !

mummies who worry about their milk supply i would like to tell u my experience. I also had a low supply. there is something i noticed...when my bb was drinking 40 - 50 ml...thats how much i produced too..found out my pumping ...then when his feed increase to 60 - 70 i use to produce around 70 ml ..now his feed has increase to 90 and u know what ..i could pump 100..i think i just am able to produce his level and thats why sometimes i fall below expectations ..coz am just grazing..but then its a motivation to other mummies who feel their supply is down. kindly latch more and it helps ...i did not pump regularly but i latch 8 times out of this 10 times feed...so it helps ....please do try and u wil lsee the difference...

thanks to all mummies who gave me the encouragement to latch and supported me all the while ,i would like to pass on tht encouragement and support to other mummies who face the same thing as mine...
Count me in too!

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie = Tracy (hehe)
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim
19. mudpie
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!


From CCK - LemonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

glad to know that u are getting better and your boy is doing better..

i cut my girl's nails starting week 4..have to cut every 2 days cos they grow so quickly...do use the baby nail scissors instead of the baby nail cutter. the scissors is easier and less likely to cut baby's finger


does kylene use pacifier? with pacifier, does she also suck her fist/fingers/arm?
sandy, i will use pacifier to test if she is really hungry or not.. and normally will stuff her pacifier in the car if no milk is available.. heehee

if she spit out the pacifier then she will look for her fist or arm.. normally is the arm cos it is bigger!
I have a question.. Do we always need to carry the baby when we are bottle feeding them? Can we just feed them when they are lying on the bed?
hello mummies...

Question: how if baby has a constipation?
i tried giving gripe water liao....anyway must i dilute it....think it is too sweet by itself .
at time i feed my bb on the bed cos carry them is veri suan...

Thanks so much, u update me where to meet u..

All mommies
wow.. there is 20 babies now

think to prevent choking, better not let them drink lying on bed.
My massage lady say u try lying down and i let you drink see whether u choke or not....

but so far for small amount of water, i tried twice letting him drink lying down cos i dun wanna to disturb his sleep.
re: started work
i resigned and joined back so bo bian no ML leave so go back to work.
finally got my assigned laptop so can post as often during break

re: gathering
wanted so much to join but my hubby might be overseas and i hav 2 with me, cant bring #1 cos he is too active... pls post photos of all the cute babies.

my gal still have 2 night feedings and lately so dun sleep well at night. i managed to get 4 hrs sleep everyday. so tiring

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim
19. mudpie
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!


From CCK - LemonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Finger sucking
Sandy, my boy uses pacifier and he still finds his fingers to suck now too, like for fun... during play time when he not sucking pacifier. hehe.. when i bath him, he suck his arm when i bathing his back. He splashes water with his hands and legs too..

I have lumps sometimes when i dun pump or baby dun latch for over 3-4hrs, then if i pump and the lumps go away, issit ok ? But if i dun latch n pump for another 3-4hrs again, the lumps re-appear...so strange, once i asked the massage lady, she said mine is not lumps from blocked milk ducts but the veins... hmmm...

Nose shit
i using the Pigeon nose cleaner(suck out type) n then the pincers when its nearer the opening to remove bb nose shit... hehe

i stay in Queenstown, where u stay ?

The response is overwhelming !

Do you have a long mat or something that can have 20 babies on top? hmmm...

I can ask my hubby to pop by awhile to take the photo. keke. so exciting. Ya, we should tag everyone including babies..Easier to recognize and remember.

hmmm, should all babies wear rompers?
SY..sure, i can let my bb wear rompers that day. fatjo might be too busy to pop by the forum..i will ask her if she has a long mat for our babies to lie on.....

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak

Confirm attendees:
3.Saro queenie
8. kkf
9. BBYang
10. spicegal
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY)
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian
14. LeMonT
15. Priviledged
16. GraceChua
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim
19. mudpie
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT (qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Feeding bb whilst lying down might lead to greater incidence of ear infection cos some of the milk might back up the eustachian tubes.
Nose Cleaning:
After bathing, I just use a cotton bud to lightly swipe inside the nostrils, while doing so, make 1 hand hold the head tp prevent baby from moving. I buy those extra small cotton bud from tollyjoy, the tip is smaller then normal ones.

Gracie, FM once opened must be consumed within 1 mth. I suggest you give away asap.

Ramy, I started to cut my girl's nails after she turned 1 mth. Happy for you that your BM supply has increased. Keep it up!

Whitegalz, sometimes I also put my girl on mattress when bottle feeding.

Koli, me starting work in 2 weeks time also, only applied for 2 mths ML. I am also scared of not enough sleep after I start work cos my girl also wakes up twice a night. Hope she can sleep longer soon.

Qingsiew, dun think we will carry the wrong baby lah, they will not be wearing the same clothes mah. Anyway, if we cannot recognise our own baby then very jialat leh...hehe..
rompers? kk.. np.. so any special colour? hee... blue for boy pink for galz... or any colour will do? wow now is 20 babies.. just wondering how many gals and many boys

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris)
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
HAHAAHAHA .... dun think we'll take the wrong bb home lah! But that is a cute suggestion!

Thanks for the explaination on bb milk intake! found it a good guideline!

HAHAHAHA ... basically for that reason, I dun let my hubby know that I'm in forum :p
Better complain in MSN :p

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Buffet
- Wee Bro's Nasi Lemak
- Elsie's kitchen laksa

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua
Share Cab from West - Joannelim
wrong babies
i will be glad to bring back other mommy angel baby in exchange my notti boy.. hahaha ...
by the way where to get colourful stick on tags...

wrong bb...
haha, i dun mind bring back a princess instead.. especially one who is angel... oh.. lemonT be careful i will steal your gal gal back... lolz
sometimes i carry my baby until my arm ache and at nite when I am very tired, I am really tempted to just feed her without carrying her.. my hubby also told me cannot lie down drink.. but I remembered when my sister n bro were babies, I fed them when they were lying down and I put a pillow on top of their chest to support the bottle then i just sat beside and watch them drink.. how about raising her head up using pillow huh, issit the same effect as carrying? hee..

spicegal, i use normal size cotton bud! no wonder my bb's nostrils seem bigger.. oh no! i shall go buy pigeon brand if i go out later.. u so fast go back to work?? actually me too, starting work on 13 april.. thinking whether i shd start 1 week earlier..

ramy, I use NUK scissors.. I am pro-NUK.. btw, how is ur baby adapting to the NUK teats?

lonerunner, yalor.. msn better choice..
Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209

8 prince (and we got 2 prince joel)
11 princess
hi kkf, how long did u bf before u stop? i am thinking of stopping soon... my son is 6 wks old. really no time to pump + he doesnt latch.

Grace Chua: aiyoh, me was sick last week and my son also caught it from me even tho i wore mask. he's having refux/heartburn, running/blocked nose & cough.. taking 5 types of medicine, so heart pain. i also not enuff rest n very very tired
bb down with block nose and slight running nose today. Bengsan. tmw CL leaving. Die die must get up during nite feeds liao. haiz. Wondered when I got time to come up online again. wish me luck mummies! I must think, "I CAN DO IT!!!!" becos I have to do it! heheheheehe ...
Haha.. u are so motivating! Do u think it's feasible that we take turns to go each other's house? Hee.. at least I can go to the toilet in peace..
Tink Im full of ideas.haha.To differentiate bb gers from boys, they can wear those lacy/flowery headband..i have a few extra so can lend those who don't have.keke.

Think don't need buy la. Just use coloured paper, cut into small rectangle n paste scotch tape behind will do. I can do it if mummies tink is okie.
GT: yah lor bb sick plus we also sick v jialet. today bb cranky. did not z from 9am+ to about 5pm. carry z for a while, put down wake up and cry again. like this also cannot, like that also cannot. think he is feeling v uncomfortable with the blocked nose.
i also v tired, carry him nearly the whole day. call hubby to quickly come back to take over. z from 6pm+ till 11pm, still feeling tired and drowsy from the medication.
my poor hubby, has to work and take care of bb and me and listen to all my complaints.
sandy , spicegal

Yes i will note down about the bb nails and do the needful, thanks a lot la

I guess u guys are going to have fun ! .... I may not be able to attend this ..... But have fun and do post the pics...there are quite a lot of babies coming i guess
Take care of yourself. You must be strong for your bb. Take some Chicken Essence for strength! The weekend is coming, just 'ren' a little more
. My weekends are more tiring that weekdays. With the extra big 'baby' home, there's more to do. We keep having to go here and go there. So tiring.

whitegalz, mrslim,
Hahaha, are you sure you want to look after 2 or 4 babies of the same age at the same time??
Not enough hands to carry.
will like to join u guys at the gathering..but since it's a public holiday, i hv another 2 elder kids to take care...u guys enjoy! Would luv to join some other time.

btw, do your bb has yellow discharge (not watery) around the ear..keep cleaning but seems to come back also. Have been using water to clean to soften it.

I can totally understand what you are going through.. My son was also like that the first few days when he was down with running nose/cough. So heartache to see a young bb sick =( If your bb is fretting and seems to be in discomfort, it is likely due to stomach discomfort for wind as well. Monitor the situation and see how.

This morning, when I fed my son for his 3.30am feed, after drinking 80ml, he totally "MERLION" out the milk he drank - vomitted like a water fountain =( Anyone of you experienced baby regurgitating all the milk drank?

Sigh.. my son is also having heartburn/reflux... now on medication to control his condition.

I am going to be alone handling my 6 week old soon from next Tuesday cos my mother(who took leave to help me transit from CL leaving to now) will be going back to work.

Lonerunner : I really like your positive spirit! I have been quite teary eyed lately cos it's been a struggle juggling - trying to find time to express, wash/sterilise bottles/pump, prepare his milk(EBM and supplemented with FM), wash& hang clothes, do abit of house cleaning, rest etc...

Think my hubby is feeling the strain cos I have been asking him to be back early/on time but his work is really demanding - need to work on projects and very stressed also...
All mummies :
1) Quite sad won't be able to join you mummies for the gathering as would luv to meet up with all of you. Do post the pictures and keep us posted on the fun.

2) My locia finally ended(i hope) on my 6th week! Next Monday, I will be going to my gynae for papsmear. Am considering to take medicine to stop BM flow. Any opinions on this?
Grace : Do you have extra help at home or r u coping alone with your baby? Who will be taking care of your baby when you return to work leh?
me cant join the gathering...its a PH.. need to look after the older monster at home.. so kelian ah. pls post pics aft the gathering ok.. have fun ya !! those mummies who attend, remember dun bring back home the wrong baby.. heheee...

olively: So good u go holiday.. where you going? I also planned to go initially but cos my milk supply is so low..i better dont go away. later pump gotta throw away so wasted right??

Whitegalz: I also pro-NUK! cos of the latex teats la.. my son doesnt like the silicone ones.

Must tell u girls osmething.. Yday I went to Centrepoint Robinsons cos they have the member sale?? So went to buy some NUk stuff.. Its on 20% and additional 10% for members.
I gotta feed Justin, so was looking around for nursing room. Wa lao. the staff ask me to go to this changing area that has a small seat attached to the changing station. The area is next to the toilet so when ppl flush you can hear la!!!.. its disgusting! I feed for a short while, immediately decided to stop and give Justin formula instead. Cos the place is too disgusting! I tot Centrepoint has nursing rooms?? But the staff said only that level 5and level 6 ladies toilet area has the small space. Wa.. i cannot express how disgusted i felt.
Poor Justin .... its like eating in the toilet. YUCKS!

Anyway.. someone was asking about the nursing rooms in malls??
http://www.mumcentre.com/images/essentials/pdf/Nursing%20Rooms.pdf Found this.
I tihnk so far, Takashimaya, United Square and ISetan are the most baby friendly places that i know.

Bottle caps.. the ones at Cheong Choon fit those glass bottles that i got from hospitals perfectly!
