(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

oic, some other chance den

oreodinary, ade:

wah the pixs look so yummy! will go chk it *slurps*

we got a maid from the phil. applied for her online when we were there and then she came with us when we went back here in SG :D

sheepish is right...sign up in meadjohnson, i think they would give like 400g can. mine will be delivered next week
not really. erm when u drive along selegie, can see Sing Ho chicken rice. beside that shop only. heee... heard they are famous for the pineapple tarts too.
eh if u all want to buy the beancurd tarts, have to go early.. they always sold out very fast or you can call to order first.. they also gt beancurd plus grassjelly tart.. also, they are famous for their moon pies..
actually that row of shops sell many nice things lor.
tarts- chicken rice- then rocher or (selegie) beancurd and you tiao.
no need for agency...i applied by myself...its all online so no hassle
just need to accompany maid when she takes the entry test and safety awareness course (for first timers only), for fingerprinting in MOM
The beancurd tart is at geylang there? It looks delicious! yum!

Okie dok! hehe!

I'll go sign up for free sample! tks!
60% Off Fox & Pumpkin Patch Children's Wear

From Friday, 24th Jul 2009 - Thursday, 30th Jul 2009

Enjoy up to 60% off Fox & Pumpkin Patch Children's Wear at Isetan Scotts, Event Hall, Level 4.
No probs. My cramps really quite bad de....so can share with you, I share...cuz I was so darn worried lor...

So many of us are Harry Potter fans...pity our bbs are still too young to go to the theatres, or we can organise a Harry potter exclusive screening for Feb Mummies and daddies... hahaha... Tickets will cost cheaper too... heh heh... Maybe for the next one la....provided all of us still active in the thread...
mibebe: i heard there are some processors especially for baby food like chicco brand. Heard this when i went to Tangs last week. Anyway for me, I have a moulinex chopper. So i just use that. I dont want to spend money on a special one.
Not sure about the rest? I also have a smoothie blender. Hehe my friend says its useful too!

oreodinary: I think i know which shop already. Heard the swissrolls very good one. Sigh.. i already been craving for swissrolls. Just now, cannot take it, drove to Polar Puffs and bot the sugar rolls! hahaha.. better than nothing right?
Ya i gt eat before cos i went to buy beancurd tart den the lady boss offer me to try..
I dunno how to explain.. lts like tau sa pia but den they gt a lot of flavours.. and ya its a bit dry kind.. I dunno if they open on sat but den weekdays they close at 7pm..
if u intend to make puree only n small amount each day, u can just get a munchie grinder. costs around 17++ i think...
if u intend to make in large amount n perhaps fruit juice n milk shake when they are older, then u can get a blender. Philips has quite a good range. normally range from 50++ - 70++
hand blender also tat price. not sure wats your budget.. if u want cheaper ones, i can go around help u find out when i am free.

wow pumpkin patch got sales ah.. tempted to go..

oh ya sheepish is right.. i just went n see the can, its written for below 12 mth.. tats mean i dont need to change brand loh.

faking cough..
my son kept faking cough for 1 week liao.. dont know how to stop him. initially is cute.. but now he coughs for so long sometimes cos i didnt hear him wake up .. he didnt cry.. so he could be coughing for more than 30 min to get me to carry him.. this morning go to him, he is like no voice le.. trying to cough again but no sound come out.. really shock me.. tell him NO many times, he still does it.. jialat..
bad habit.
i just feed my boy with avacado.. it dun taste gd to me.. but bb finish the it.. think he greedy boy everything also wan to eat.. the only food he dun eat is carrot.. haha
my mil was telling me my boy is screaming like mad yest. like he has found out that when he screams he will get a lot of attention.

when i finally cannot tahan, i carry him up with him facing me, I sternly told him not to do it again.
coincidentally, he stopped!
he is now asleep and when i go fetch him from in-laws i forgot to check with MIL if he continues to scream today. :p
Deedee, the playmat from minitoons surface material is quite rough lor, dunno baby's knees will be painful after crawling on it. LG playmats are soft and cooling and it actually moulds to the pressure on it, e.g. when you press on it, the mat will sink in a bit, sort of cushion the pressure. Not sure if you know what I mean.

Thanks Kris for the little gym list and timing, so we have to go 15 mins earlier?

Harry Potter :
Went for the show this afternoon, was quite disappointed with it, not as gan cheong as the past shows...i was trying hard to stay awake in the middle of the show...but the part on Ron's dating is very funny though.
hi mummies, so tired from all the shopping @ isetan keke

hello ex-colleagues
hmm..maybe we will find each other familar when we meet up haha just like sheepish, figuring if we hv worked togther b4

smmore, corrine..yr parents stay in BP also, super qiao lor

ya, its abt proper table manners..will try to train the little one as i dun wish to chase after him when we are outside eating..me forever think so far ahead haha
food jar
end up, i bot the brand Endo fm japan. offer price $12.90 too hard to resist..no foogo brand avail and tiger brand food jar abit too big for me liao

cheong choon
wah..really must take down the contact, free delivery smmore! thks alot mummies for great tip!

mummies in the east
dun mind meet up as i din get a chance to see all of u..am a sahm for now but might wanna find work soon

pumpkin patch and fox sale
says here children wear..not sure got bb wear? anyway alot of $$damage today when shopping but alot of savings leh

lecafe- pineapple tarts yummy!
i luv their pineapple tarts..fillings wrapped inside and quite big..like ping pong ball size..ex thou abt 80cent/pc but damn worth it even my super fussy dog also craves for it haha err..its a compliment hor
halo mummies,
im back after a week of busy working...

just to check how to thaw the bb food after freezing?
cos wish to make bb food tomolo but onli let my gal eat next week...

me oso staying at the east side pasir ris... seem like there is alot of mummies at the east side now..
been to toa payoh KP@ hdb hub? super huge ok..whole floor belongs to them..can go check it out, too bad their sale is over
dunno if wan to renew membership as my 1yr is almost up

recently, received mailing stuff from mead johnson on weaning and a very basic book on touch and feel..wondering when they are delivering my free sample? hee hee

mamil stage 2
i think 1 mummy wants to buy the 400g mamil FM @ $10. can trade with her if u wish ok mummies

no harm try giving pacifier from time to time, I feel. Juz dun let the pacifier stay inside mouth for hours continuously. scared form habit lah
then also try alternate pacifier so bb wont get used to it

yeah, shelford road is at bukit timah.
Here's the map:
And ... this place looks very familiar leh ... I tot I had printed a similar map like this before for the Baby Sleep Workshop previously. Hey, isnt this PumpkinSeed's place???!!

ohhh ... my parents live near Elias Mall. Next time when I go back to my parents' place, I will drop by the medical hall to check the price out!
I cant wait to watch Harry Potter!!!!!! hmmmm .. I wonder if my parents are willing to look after my bb for a few hours this weekend for me to catch the show :p heheheehe ....! I wan to see the scene where Harry and Ginny gets together!! So funny!

huh? u signed up for the 24th July little gym? still got vacancies ah?? I tot all seats been taken up by Feb09 mummies leh! haahhaha!

hey, may I ask how u get your maid from philipines? u know where to source for maid there?

There is always the last movie of Harry Potter ... by then our bb shld be 2yrs old already ... we can organise a exclusive screening if there is a chance then
I really hope that everyone here will continue to stay in touch! Feb09 forum has been a source of great support for me!

ohhh no! okok .. that lowered my expectation of HP movie now .... ! I hope it isnt as bad as the 4th movie! I nearly slept rite there in my seat then! :p
hello mummies, my gal got high fever wed night rush to hospital...today ok fever subside n smiley n found whitish thing on her inner lower gums..seems to be her teeth growing..is it??? i lousy mummy duno anything...n she no poo poo 2days ..am on tbf no cereals 2 days.. if not ok will bring her go c pd tmr..any1 can advise pls tq?

hello joanne thks for info.. im nw feeding bb healthy times cereal is it gd w iron?

hello grace great to meet u n bb, so cute..btw u try the wipes? hope it helps to remove the whitish milk stain on the tongue..

hello lonerunner thks for info...oh tats great in bukit timah my owrkplace nearby..can dropby if working tat day...;)
if u are on tbf n no solid food yet, i dont think your baby is constipated. Tbf babies sometimes doesnt poo frequently. u can try to eat some more fibrous food so that he may poo? according to some mummies here, if u eat high fibre food, your baby will poo more often. if u are worry, n u already started solid, u can try to give her some pear puree. dont give apple or banana hor.. cos will worsen a constipation if there is.

oh ya, that whitish thing, when u say inner lower gum, u mean the one near the molar? or front tooth? if molar, its is not teeth. my PD called it a cyst but will drop out itself.. nothing to worry. my son has it on n off.

if your cereal says it is fortified with iron, then it is good enough.
gd morning joanne great hear fm u.. oh i started cereal for a week she usually poo at least 3x a day.. is it bcoz i heaty n my milk pass to her will make her heaty too..? oh got it molar whitish thing tq so much...btw do we need feed water or anything else w we give cereal ? u mean the pear puree we make ourselves? so sorry got plenty questions to ask
Positive Baby Music & Babysign Workshop on 1 Aug sat 10am to 10.45am (Max 12 babies) Birth and Beyond Address:19 Tanglin Road #05-18 Tanglin Shopping Centre S247909
1) Mummy kris
2) LemonT
3) Snow_bb
4) Grace Chua
5) Aidanyap
6) DJmama
7) Happy_mummy79
8) yaer


6mth Gathering @ Shelford Road. 15th Aug, Sat. 10am-10pm
Mummies anyone interested with the 6th mth gathering for bb ... on "15 Aug 09" also put down bb diaper size.( cos might be getting diaper foc ones)
Nestle will giving giving goodies for babies & will be sponsoring us a Nutritionist or demostrator if we have 30 mummies going to the gathering
1) Mummy Kris + Bb Shyann - M size
2) Mummy L + Bb A - M size
3) Mummy Lonerunner + bb Chi Mun - L size
4) Mummy G + Bb Alicia
5) Mommy I'Ching + Bb Craig - M size
6) Mummy + BB Aidan (M size)
7) Mummy Thesimz + bb zac (L Size)
i think u did mention its $100 for booking fee right? seem abit expensive leh.

i dont think your milk will be heaty, but if your child is having fever, its good to let him bf every now n then to cool down the body. Since u started solid, its ok to give a little water.. i normally end the cereal with some bm feeding or few spoonful of water to cleanse his mouth.
yea pear puree u can make on your own.
no problem asking questions.. if i know, i will answer.. if dont know.. hopefully the rest can help. Me also learning all the time.. got time will goggle this n tat to widen my knowledge.
gracE:hihi my gal also kp screaming!its smthg new for her! she started screamin n shouting on tue only. even wen brg her out she also lik tt ...cos we eating put her in stroller she dun lik! kp make loud noise.. wah faint lor. ppl kp turn n look at us
my gal tmr turning 5mth, n tdy she finally knw hw to lip from front to black!(so she nw knw to flip bth ways) hpfuly thiswould soon stop her frm cryin thru the nite.. nearly every hrs she making noise cant flip over, or no place for her do stunt, end up she kp want pacifier! faint

she is now 7.4kg n and 69cm tall! doc recm milk intake of abt 150ml. she's only havin 130ml nw, but fine for her cos she growing!haha al slightly over avg.

n bad news is lik mummy she has enzema, doc say hp it really goes off by 6mth old. no wonder she p rub her eyes!
my gal tdy finally finish her 1.5 teaspoon of baby rice! she dun hav the patience to slowly eat the rice.. end up smtims she cant finish cry for milk liao.

i alwys giv her rice first, lik 15-30mins earlier b4 her feed.. is this a gd way?
iceblue: yap, and my bb's screaming continues today! :p so it was just coincidental that day when he stopped screaming after i asked him to stop.

my bb also like yrs cry in the middle of night cos cannot flip back. and he still cant flip back.
his progress is always slower.

his feed is already 150ml for like > 1 month liao. and still cry for milk.
the fatty bom bom.

today brought him for breakfast and he v kay po. there is this mid 50s couple talking and laughing among themselves, he looked at them and thought they were talking to him, keep smiling to them, until the couple took out their hp and ask to take my bb's photo and say want to put as desktop pic. haha.
hello joanne thks for advise.. oh id give her water w i feed cereal... btw we buy the green pear or china pear? must cook? hw to puree ... i should buy those machine puree?
afternoon mummies,

can any mummies help me on this...
how to thaw the bb food and warm it?
normally how long does it take from freezer to become warm bb food?

Thanks alot...
haha graceu so funny call him fatty bom bom!

me gonna faint. y gal used to be cool abt pacifier de. only sucks wen want sleep , wen ko liao pacifier drop out she cont to sleep! now become day/nite wen sleep alwys want pacifier.. thik tis plays a part in the 1 hr cryg thgs.cos drop liao she realise then crys for it! so sad she becom so dependent on pacifier for sleep.

haha the couple is interestg but they are nice.

last evenin brg y gal out for jab met no so nice ppl. teens couple *%^*^& they laughin behind abt my gals hair standing up! damn it. i was facing sideway so i saw tt guy action action show hair standing to his gf!

my gal just took 4 teaspoon just now... after tat still can finish 120ml of milk... after tat went to her own dreamland...
actually her ifc teacher said my gal like to eat better den drink... hint me to give more cereal... haha...
actually i dun noe how much of rice cereal can replace a feed of milk leh...
so goanna try until my gal dun wan to drink after the cereal den consider replace ba...

yesterday my gal ifc teacher let her try to sit on the dun noe wat brand exersaucer...
she still cannot sit properly leh... will lean forward instead of sitting up straight...


Yes, yes! Haha...when they are 2... then we can also ask for movie premiums for the kids... LOL... looking abit too far ahead now...hahaha...
