(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi, i signed up for the little gym on 24Jul.. anyone else? can say "hi"..

colleague recommended doing a photojournal, you can just do it with photos you already have.. fy interest only lah, since most of you hv the sean lau photography..
thanks for the recommendation. actually i was interested also.. then went there to see, the outlet in JP.. then really disappointed bcos of the sales girl. She is a China chinese loh.. i think she doesnt understand wat i meant.. n end up she printed out something which is not wat i wanted...very piss. argued alittle with her but she kept saying tats wat i want.. then i sian liao.. since only 1 pc.. i just paid $1 and save the trouble from arguing with her.
so those interested, if u go JP, dont get the China chinese girl to help u.. she doesnt really understand english one..
Hi joanne, my colleague was telling me they will provide software for you to bring home to do the design and they just print into an album for you.. havent gone down to see it yet.. if i do, will update all..

Wa.. why you so sensitive? I'm not scolding you or saying any bad things about you. I'm just reverting to you what my friend said. Anyway I'm not the one selling, just helping him to pass the message that's all.
I think you need to relax la.. Not say i dont believe you or what. Nothing to say believe or dont believe at all what. I didnt even make any comments like you kpo or what. Chill la! I guess this is how the "cross fire" came about. Misunderstanding what i mean.

Joycie: I dont use drypers la. Not sure how much did you pay for it when you buy? PM me k? i dont want to overquote or anyhow charge. later i get accused of selling things never do research.
joycie: I stay in the EAst. Works in the West. Where do you work/stay? I drive, so i can meet you somewhere to your convenience (EAst or West. hehe)
maybe i am overly sensitive.. but after wat had happen tat day... and u being the only one who said i should have kept quiet instead of correcting some errors, i really guess i am being too KPO for some of u.. should have let pple go wrong instead of correcting. not my business right? cos wat i get at the end is something negative... although i am doing the right thing of correcting.

as for your desitin.. am i accusing u ? it is true tat u never check up the price.. I think i am the only one who willing to be a KPO to tell u its too expensive loh.. now u say your friend scold u.. so wat is the meaning u trying to send across to me ?

anyway, i dont want another argument. let this be the end of it since we already speak up wat we have to say...
joannelim: Small matter small matter.. dont need to be worked up. anyway the deal has passed. I am not sending any special message to you la.. Also i didnt ask you to keep quiet. I said SNOOPY to keep quiet. you also not snoopy... are you? haha.. dont angry ok...
OK OK.. i zip... i dont say anything already in case you misunderstand again.

deedee: wat is ssw?
Wah suddenly so many east mummies appeared! Tats nice

popipi : Heng i nt working , so when i feel like it, will just go bk. esp when my hb not in town. Now used to liao, actually PIE_BKE very fast reach BP.

Mibebe: Maybe hor, haha but now i seldom go eastpoint also..most of the time go tampines mall. Betw r u working or sahm? can easily meet for lunch hor if sahm
redness in eye
my gal oso had it rite after birth... yes, it's due to blocked tear duct... but for it to happen now, me not too sure... juz bring to pd to be sure? back then, pd never give me eye drops some more... said juz keep wiping wif cotton dipped in warm water, & it did clear wif time...
blowing raspberries/bubbles wif saliva
my gal juz learned how to do tis... wah, keep doing! even when eating... so messy! but very cute & funny @ e same time...
cheong choon
they sell bb stuff, even playmat... i bought my exersaucer there! no need to step out of house, juz called... they send it rite to doorstep! can pay by cheque too...
haha! I'm not officially sahm la. I am sahm for about 2 mths only. I'm starting work next Monday liao. Working part time for NLB @ Changi South, close to Expo. Not earning alot la but have more time with bb!
I always want to work part time.
When I start work, then we plan to meet up cos i need to know my schedule first. You can bring Victoria too!
I love gg to kiddy palace at Century Sq.

Sheepish Cynthia,
i will always change mrt at tanah merah station to go expo station for work. hehe!
sheepish: Ok thanks for telling me. i will tell my friend.. silly bugger.. hai wo kanna misunderstood.
Oh good thing you posted about blowing raspberries. Read it from what to expect and was thinking what is tat? Haha such a cute term for a messy action.

I also east side mummy! staying in East Coast. hee.. but i working la.. so hard to join gatherings.
me working so lunch is out of the question. i wish i'm a SAHM wo i wont miss bb so much!
very hard to go to work everyday and leave bb at home
i like my lg mat! hehe... parklon is softer, unless u get e new embossing 1... but i find lg like more sturdy... personal opinion only... will be gd to feel & decide for urself, like happy...
snow: take care k! my bb also doesnt want to z. only take super short nap. like 5min to half hr.
and he is having panda eyes!

gerly: haha... so u figured out how to use your batt!

popipi, mibebe, AG, dee.dee, joycie and mummies in the east: me in the east too!
meeting in the east rem to jio me hor. :p

popipi: abt childcare, mine already in infantcare, which happens to be a childcare as well.
so will just stay put.

sheepish: my boy also learnt how to blow bubble with saliva.
but we din react to it, so he like stopped liao.

oh these short forms make me blur blur again....
BP = Bukit Panjang?
PR = Pasir Ris?
I nv let my bb try enfalac from 0-6mths but i want to let her try enfa when she turns 6 mths, can i just go ahead and buy enfapro, no need to intro her with enfalac??

part time job sounds cool! can earn some pocket money at the same time
Let me know when is gd for u la.
Hah i also enjoy gg kiddy @centurysq , big n spacious..
oreodinary, that's my fav!!!!
i used to work near little india den always can walk to selegie to buy.. Now shift office cant buy le.. so sad loh..
if u wanna try her with enfa u should gradually do it (as per my PD). for the first few days mix enfa with the formula ur currently using so that bb can adjust

when i switch her to enfapro next month will do the same thing...
