(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

mummies in the east:
actually i'm at simei =)

maybe we got the milk from same store...bought it for 36.80 also...coz i can't read the store name...its in chinese =) so this store is not Jin Tai? It's different from the one in Tampines Mart?

mibebe: we can meet east point haha

i also thinking moving back west so that my mum can help take care. right nw i go bk BP daytime, night i bk simei liao..coz my gal hardly zz well at BP le..
Harry Potter Fan Club!
Wow ... we got many Harry Potter fans among Feb09 mummies here!!! Yeah!! Can exchange stories abt HP already!!
I got the entire Harry Potter books at home! I used to go into leaky cauldron website just to catch up on the latest actions and happenings before I deliver but now no more time liao! hahahaa!
How's the new Harry Potter movie ah? Good? Must tell me leh!!!
Actually I missed the original Dumberdore. He is more real. This new Dumberdore I got quite irritated watching him :p And somehow, I dun think I will miss him when he dies at the end of this movie. hahahaaa!

DJ Mama:
Orrr .. is like that ah? Then I dun need to worry liao. haahaaa! Thanks very much!
Positive Baby Music & Babysign Workshop on 1 Aug sat 10am to 10.45am (Max 12 babies)
1) Mummy kris
2) LemonT
3) Snow_bb
4) Grace Chua
5) gerly
6) Aidanyap
7) DJmama
8) Happy_mummy79
9) yaer

6mth Gathering @ Shelford Road. 15th Aug, Sat. 10am-10pm
Mummies anyone interested with the 6th mth gathering for bb ... on "15 Aug 09" also put down bb diaper size.( cos might be getting diaper foc ones)
Nestle will giving giving goodies for babies & will be sponsoring us a Nutritionist or demostrator if we have 30 mummies going to the gathering
1) Mummy Kris + Bb Shyann - M size
2) Mummy L + Bb A - M size
3) Mummy Lonerunner + bb Chi Mun - L size
4) Mummy G + Bb Alicia
5) Mommy I'Ching + Bb Craig - M size
6) Mummy + BB Aidan (M size)
7) Mummy Thesimz + bb zac (L Size)
haha, lonerunner, i think Shyann is trying to say she booked the room whole day. so flexible to arrange a timing to suit most mummies for the gathering. haha~
Hello mummies.
I'm working from home today. My mom went for her doc appt so i gotta take care of my bb today.
Ai yo..little terror sleeps very little nowadays. Always wake up crying if he doesnt see anyone around.
Now he is sitting on his high chair (Combi one. quite good, can lie down and sit up too) while i'm working. But of cos his attention span super short la. Keep screaming for attention.

Joannelim: Actually now that you mention the items very ex, i gotta tell u. haha i kanna scolding from my friend after he lowered the price for the desitin creamy. You said TMC selling 2 for $22 i think? Actually that is the smaller tube leh. my friend was bringing in the bigger tube, 4 oz one. So he earned less and scolded me. hehee.. say i anyhow tell him without checking.

FP rainforest high chair:
I like it too! Can it lie down one ah?? How much is it? But i already got this combi high chair at my mom's house. And the FP booster chair at my own house. Waste money hor?? hehehee

WHAT ISETAN SALE!! WHAT 2 DAYS ONLY!?!??!!? TELL ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahahahahaa

mibebe: i got 2 lg mats. the material thicker n seems more solid than parklon, i feel.
gotta go carry my boy already.
Positive Baby Music & Babysign Workshop on 1 Aug sat 10am to 10.45am (Max 12 babies) Birth and Beyond Address:19 Tanglin Road #05-18 Tanglin Shopping Centre S247909
1) Mummy kris
2) LemonT
3) Snow_bb
4) Grace Chua
5) gerly
6) Aidanyap
7) DJmama
8) Happy_mummy79
9) yaer

6mth Gathering @ Shelford Road. 15th Aug, Sat. 10am-10pm
Mummies anyone interested with the 6th mth gathering for bb ... on "15 Aug 09" also put down bb diaper size.( cos might be getting diaper foc ones)
Nestle will giving giving goodies for babies & will be sponsoring us a Nutritionist or demostrator if we have 30 mummies going to the gathering
1) Mummy Kris + Bb Shyann - M size
2) Mummy L + Bb A - M size
3) Mummy Lonerunner + bb Chi Mun - L size
4) Mummy G + Bb Alicia
5) Mommy I'Ching + Bb Craig - M size
6) Mummy + BB Aidan (M size)
7) Mummy Thesimz + bb zac (L Size)
ordered the Yellow Bear design from smallsmallworld BP already
hopefully they'll deliver soon! me quite excited to have bb playing there! ke ke!
thanks! ah hougang point...i'm nearer to buangkok and compasspoint tho :p

i leave my boy at my mil place in Tampines...do i consider as tampines mummy?? hahah
no, the store is not the same outlet as in tampines mart..dun tik they revised the price to 36.80 la..if u pass by, can take a look..hvnt go bk there since i found this cheaper option keke

very siong leh..u working mum? tiring hor the traveling distance and petrol used..my hubby naggy at me liao so i told him why dun we move to west area lor..he keep quiet..cos his workplace in ubi mah haha

thks for info..will keep the contact in my hp
TMC is selling 4oz one 2 for $22. dont believe me u go n check..even the bp in this forum all selling $10 and below..also go n check with other mummies lah... sighhh

want to sell things must do market research on pricing mah... i tell u le, now u say i cause u being scolded?
i not sure leh..
tats the only 2 places i got my supply from. stock up alot everytime i got them cheap.

US is selling for $4-5++ i think. u can check with drugstore.com
dee dee,
i kpo answer for joanne..
actually quite a lot of places gt sell leh.. But buy from forum cheaper.. Remember to check the market price before buying hor.. It should be around $10 per tube.. I ever seen it at polyclinic also. Seiing at $13 i think.. more exp..
ok, if tats the case when i travel to US i will buy more to stock up or get my col to buy for me. it's so much cheaper sia.

just like the dermalogica facial products if get from US salon, the price u pay is only half the price u pay in Spore.

prob i shld start a thread to sell bb products...
i still remember there was a year i went to US and i brought back one luggage of coach & kate spade bags for my friends who asked me to buy. now i know where to get buyers liao....
heheh if u travel frequently , u can do that..
sell us at a good rate k? if under $10, i sure go to u hahha. u can get things like california series too. they are cheaper there as well.. n they are hot item in this forum.
Positive Baby Music & Babysign Workshop on 1 Aug sat 10am to 10.45am (Max 12 babies) Birth and Beyond Address:19 Tanglin Road #05-18 Tanglin Shopping Centre S247909
1) Mummy kris
2) LemonT
3) Snow_bb
4) Grace Chua
5) Aidanyap
6) DJmama
7) Happy_mummy79
8) yaer

6mth Gathering @ Shelford Road. 15th Aug, Sat. 10am-10pm
Mummies anyone interested with the 6th mth gathering for bb ... on "15 Aug 09" also put down bb diaper size.( cos might be getting diaper foc ones)
Nestle will giving giving goodies for babies & will be sponsoring us a Nutritionist or demostrator if we have 30 mummies going to the gathering
1) Mummy Kris + Bb Shyann - M size
2) Mummy L + Bb A - M size
3) Mummy Lonerunner + bb Chi Mun - L size
4) Mummy G + Bb Alicia
5) Mommy I'Ching + Bb Craig - M size
6) Mummy + BB Aidan (M size)
7) Mummy Thesimz + bb zac (L Size)

hello shyann so sorry i have remove my name on bb sign coz im on duty from 10-8pm tat day.. will try make it for the gathering on 15 aug coz im always duty sat..thks for organsing, btw shelford road is it at bukit timah?
popipi, mibebe, AG,
I live at Pasir Ris too, at drive 4.
AG, I think the chinese med hall you mentioned is the one that I go to buy my diapers and FM. It's really much cheaper! Ya, they don't have everything but not bad la, they have quite alot of brands already. That time I bought drypers (84 pcs)for $15.80 only!

Dee Dee,
No lah, what suite room..where got $$? I wish lor..haha! I stayed in twin room ah. I want single room but my hubby giam! I don't care la! I told him next time if I deliver, I want to stay in single room!!! hehe!

How come you don't want your drypers diapers liao? Ya, I think I should buy L size liao. M size just fit my bb alrite but I am afraid she can't fit in any longer. How much r u selling? Where do u live?

Wow, I think I'm quite gian to buy it too. I like the winnie the pooh flowerhill better but it costs more..sigh..hesistating..How much do they usually sell outside ah?

Enfa Formula
Sorry ah..I'm very blur one. Just a question. Enfapro is 6 mths and onwards and Enfalac is 0-6mths? Am I right?

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
My friend saw it last nite and she said it's ok. So maybe not too nice? Anyway, movies are just not as good as the books.
I can't wait to see Hermione getting jealous upon seeing Ron w/ Lavender! hehe!
hello steph, thks for info ive the the battery pack.. will get the rechargable battery latter wah so good can last so long ..thank you

hello corrine happy pumping too..

btw fyi mummies who intend bf/pump milk above 6mths might wan continue eat fish oil n increase iron as babies iron take increase not sure if the solids have alot iron too haven ckeck... this info taken w i went attewnd think a little tinker by abbott 2weeks ago..lots to learn ;)
hello dee dee, may icheck w you w is the chinese store located is it near OG? btw wat do they sell like toys,bb clothes.. great tat u can go buy things outstn ...can bring bk many things to sell..hw i wish i stock up all stuff b4 quit flying...
i dun travel often but at least twice a yr to US. my other cols travel often and usually i will ask them to buy stuff from US.

no problem, my luggage weight no limit so ok to accomodate for feb mummies' order.
yea, baby needs extra iron from 6mths onwards, which is why they need to be wean around tat time.. bm not able to provide sufficient iron for them, therefore when weaning, try to choose iron fortified rice cereal .

ya enfalac 0-6, enfapro 6mth onwards.
btw, u are the mummy sitting at the corner when we had our gathering a changing appetite the first time right? btw, pm me leh.. i dont have your contact.
next time we can have a gathering for the mummies stay in east side. im staying near fish pond.

my hb co sponsored part of my maternity expenses. is their co benefits. if affordable, of cos single bedded is the best. but tell u i din even stepped out the room due to pain after c-section.
i tik is next to the big hawker centre or beside the multi-storey car park. i dun know where is OG leh. they dun display stuff. if u hav a particular model in mind, just pick up a phone and ask for price. as i said, u name it they have it! except consumable products.

i jus called them the Combi Hero 3-in-1 high chair. they quoted me $260
I spoke to SSM... pooh flowerhill is more expensive because it is the new embossing & slightly bigger, which according to them is better quality and closer to LG quality... and pooh flowerhill is reversible de, got animal design underneath... pooh & frd is cheaper because below is parquet design and is the old embossing...
anyway, although i ordered pooh & frd haha, but i decided to make a trip down this evening, to touch feel then buy, see which one i like better

i made appt with them le, will be there ard 6+ this evening....
haha, if u go today, then i probably will see u there?
we are so alike, must go touch, see, feel then buy haha
I've pm you.
Actually you are my facebook and MSN friend too. Sometimes u write on my facebook. haha!

dee dee,
I read from the bumber playmat bp site that u r gg down to check out the materials bet. parklon and LG. When r u gg down ah? Can you let me know once you have check it? Thanks!

Where is ur hb working? So good! My friend's hb co also can sponsor that's why they are opting for the single bedded. She's giving birth in Oct. So envy.

My hb always likes to go to the fish pond and see pple fishing. haha! I nv join him one cos i dun have the patience. Fishing takes forever! haha! Ya, maybe we should have a gathering at the east side. I know some of them are living in Simei. There are always some fair at the costa sand resorts, maybe can go there.
Hi happy,

Thank you so much for the info!! Most probably I'll buy the flowerhill lah cos i like it to be reversible with the ABC words on it so that my bb can learn while on it. The Pooh & frens doesn't have any pic on the back, so boring! I think my hb will scold me again for spending money...sigh..haha! Anyway, you said its quality is better as it's closer to LG, so LG is better than parklon lor?

were u asking about table manners?? im a first time mom but definitely agree with what ur friends say about cultivating table manners buy making them have meals with us together as a family. thats why we bought the fisherprice deluxe booster seat to strap on to the same dining seat as me and hubby are sitting...babies at this age likes to imitate parents..hence sitting on the same dining chair and eating together can also teach table manners more effectively (kids like to be adults and do what adults are doing haha)..must hear from other experienced moms


US desitin alot cheaper if u have friends bringing back for you (no shipment, no tax)..after xchange rate max $7 sgd for the big tube.

LG is supposed to be better, hence more expensive...
according to review from mummies here, they say parklon is cheaper and in fact material softer...
