(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


Went to ssm yesterday evening, finally bgt the parklon pooh flowerhill 1900 by 1300 playmat... just to update the diff after feel and touch...

pooh & frd (parklon) is based on old embossing which is very very smooth and nice to touch, but its slightly smaller because it is 1250 by 1850, what i feel abt this old embossing is that although its smooth to feel and nice but it felt a bit sticky to the touch and hence i did not quite like it but like the smoothness lor...

Parklon new embossing playmat is closer feel to LG prime ones but LG one feels rougher and more expensive, but according to Ye Chin, LG one is better quality though i find it too rough to the touch...

my final decision to get pooh flowerhill was because it is slightly bigger than pooh & frd and though rougher to the touch, but not sticky feel... and finally couldnt resist the nice and colourful look of the pooh flowerhill design because it looks super nice lor lol... anyway the pictures posted does disservice to the pooh flowerhill playmat because in actual fact, the thing looks so much more colourful and nicer, and now i am imagining with the haenim yard haha...

anyway, hope this info helps, and btw, my boy dare not crawl in the playmat... not sure is it because it is too rough and painful but he is simply not used to it yet... hmmm happy shopping for your playmats!


i just started feeding bb with rice cereal on thursday. so far not replacing milk feed..my pd says at this stage shldnt replace but supplement..so after her cereal, i still latch her because she is still hungry..and she is eating 1.5tablespoon of cereal mix with 30 ml of milk..yesterday i gave her 1 tablespoon with 40ml of milk she also need to latch on..today 1.5tablespoon, also need to latch on..but i intend to just keep it at 1.5 so that she will latch on after

i dunno how to weigh how much my bb had eaten.. all i know is i mixed 100ml w 20g nestle rice cereals (1tbsp = 15g.. she finished 50ml & 30ml of BM, all thru spoon feed. she latched on as usual after & then to dreamland for 3hrs. think she had a filling lunch :p

anyone can advise on nestle rice cereal? what is the portioning like? how much milk shld be added to cereal?

wah..100ml milk with 20g cereal..very diluted? cos for the very first semi solids, i mix 1 tablespoon of cereal with 50ml of ebm, its already watery like breastmilk. second day i mix 1 tablespoon with 40ml of milk, today third day i mix 1.5 tablespoon with 30ml of milk and its still not pastey, still quite thin...after that she still latched on. then sleep for 2 hrs and latch again.
ya, not to worry... me oso 1st time mummy.. & normally we get advise from experienced mummies like joannelim, spicegal, mummyo, priviledged... etc.. or mummy w lotsa knowledge--> Sandy.

fyi, my bb poo once a day, occassionally twice & sometimes none for few days. like wat joannelim mentioned, if u r TBF, not to worry. there was once Breana didnt poo for 5days. lucky saro queenie reminded me that whatever we eat goes to the baby. her boy poo frequently a day cos she eat alot of fruits & veg. after, i ate a banana.. baby poo 3x or at least once a day. nvr beyond 5 days now.

the pooh flowerhill very nice right?! the color is so vibrant. the pic will look very nice if u take ur boy on it.
regarding thawning... think u leave in chiller 1st & use a warmer or leave it in a cup w hot water, just like how u thaw ur storage milk. for me, i will do it this way...

Mummies, any better or correct method?
i scare sweet, tats y i add more BM..

when i add 50ml, it was really very thick, so i add more BM. partially, i m afraid the taste will be sweet or too strong as i myself cant take it.. i cant stand the strong smile of vanila & milk..

later i try again... 20g + 50ml :p

i think rice cereal shldnt have added sugar if it doesnt contain FM?? if its pure rice cereal, shld be tasteless (other than rice taste)..so the only sweet taste comes from BM..but i know frisocreme is sweet because it has FM. if urs no FM shld be tasteless..hee hee..i can imagin Breana's smily face when she eats kke
u use the green pear. china pear not supposed to give until they are older cos quite cooling

the method to do green pear n apple puree is the same.
1) cut the pear/apple into small pieces, i normally quarter them.
2) core them(take out seed)
3) put them into steamer n steam around 10 min or until the pear/apple is soft when u use a fork to poke.
4) leave it to cool
5) remove the skin
6) u can use grinder, food processor or blender to make puree. IF u dont have any of the above, u can simply use a knife and chop them up until it is very very fine.. no lump to be found.
7) if u cook only little, u can serve right away. normally one pear i can make into 3 Oz to serve for 3 days. 1 day 1 oz pear n 1 tbsp = 3 tsp of cereal. gradually u can increase to 4 tsp. u can also feed the puree on its own, then u dont follow 1oz , u can give much more.

do solid food replace milk feed? NO, not at this time.. u continue with milk feed then supplement with solid food until they are around 7 months(some recommend one yr). once after 2 weeks of solid food, u can increase the number of feed, NOT THE AMOUNT. from one feed, u can increase to 2 then 3. all not replacing milk feed.
And the varietion of food as well.. slowly introduce them, and do take note some food is best to start after 6th mth or 9th mth. things such as meat, fish, lentil, brocolli, ikan billis powder etc. and remember egg yoke only can start after 9th mth and egg white after 1 yr old. btw u no need to forever feed rice cereal, u can switch around with porridge, barley cereal n oatmeal cereal when they are older.

thawing food, u can use microwave to reheat the puree if your container is microwave safe. or u can put it in a steamer or if your container is small, u can leave it in a cup of hot water. remember to thaw them first then warm it with hot water. if u just left the food in fridge not the freezer, u can feed direct(if your baby like cold food) or leave at room temperature for a while.

phew.. hope this will clear all the doubts. as usual your parents or caretaker might have their own methods.. mine is just the method i felt more comfortable using after reading quite a number of them from the internet.
Hi Mummies

Didn't get a chance to post after thursday's gathering. That very night i slipped and fell at home and fractured my ankle. Had surgery and is wheelchair bound now. Very depressed cos can't breastfeed baby for 3 days cos need the drugs used during the operation to clear my body.

Now dunno how to take care of my 3 kids. Really worried.

Doctor says will only be back to normal after 6 months. Will go back in 2 weeks time to remove stitches and put on a cast!

Only consolation is lucky i wasn't carrying baby when i fell. If not, really dunno how.

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear of what happened! I hope you won't feel too depressed... And I hope the kids' grandparents can help some. Since we live so close by, let me know if you need anything...

Do take care!

Do take care, my dear! If you need any thing or any help at all, just let us know ok?

Is anyone helping you with the kids now?
hello mummy o sorry to hear tat... hope tat u r ok...do let me koeif u need help..

hello joanne n lemon my gal loell finally bigtime poo LS..overflow n very sticky...is it teething tats y like tat...she usually poo at least 3x a day.. this time nothing 3 days.. then give us big hugh over flow tat we have to rise her using shower head kena my help t-shirt...!!!
oh ..im going get the pear ..thank you so much...btw may i check if its gd to give bottle food? is it out if convenience? nutrition is it the same ...if we puree fruits hw long can i keep in fridge?? ive got the baby cubes to store is it correct??
Hi Mummies

Thank you for your kind words.

I'm still ok. At least now weekend the grandparents can help out. The swelling is very bad so it still hurts. Also cos I'm allegic to certain painkillers and breastfeeding as well so I can't take any.

My husband is trying to work from home as much as possible so taking one day at a time.

Thing is this ankle has been giving me some problems for a while, now i guess it just got pushed over the edge with my falling and got fractured.

Now I'm just waiting for the swelling to go down and removing the stitches in 2 weeks time. Then they will put me in a cast. Will have to learn how to move around with the crutches.
Hi Sandy..what's the diff in getting a booster seat and a high chair. Is booster seat comfortable for bb and does it comes with a feeding table? Went Taka and let bb tried on graco high chair and he looks comfortable as it can be reclined..also height adjustable.

Any mummies got more recommendations on high chairs or booster seat???
hi aidan's mom,

the fisherprice booster seat is strapped to the dining chair. high chair stands on its own. here is the booster seat http://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fisher-price.com%2Ffp.aspx%3Fst%3D2002%26e%3Ddemo%26pid%3D27475&ei=Sr9hSs_FDNeptgeqv9z9Dw&usg=AFQjCNEBtxbJQsMxBQ7QiZv9a6F237HaPg&sig2=cM21DlioJrYBjFygm9kSMg

theres no padding for the seat so compared to other high chairs with padding, might not be the most comfy one ..but im after the advantage of strapping onto our existing dining chairs, portability n less one furniture
oh dear mummyo...

hope u get well real soon & pls dun be depress... if u r comfortable w us, let us know if u need any help... me westie SAHM mummy, can pick up hb's car anytime.. here's my beep 83220404..

meanwhile, u take care & hear from u soon!


LOVE U!!!! wahhh thank u for ur detailed method, i m going to ask hb to print out for this forgetful & blur mummy :p

with ur method, i shld be preparing hmmm... probably carrot for a start next week
Nestle Rice Cereal is w/o FM. earlier, i prepared 20g+60ml BM... guess what? Breana finished all!! i was so suprised! instead of giving her water, i spoon her BM, approx. 30ml.. then i bathe her, let her watched her "Wheels On The Bus", latch on & she been sleeping from 730pm till now.
OMG! take care!....

Re: Removing Fibriod surgery
More or less confirm operation on next thurs, unless i fail my blood count test.
Will kana 10 MC.
Seriously if i am the boss, i will be pissed at an employee who has been missing nearly half a year of work. Not forgetting i still have nearly 30 days of AL to be cleared.
Plus, one colleague (out of 3) from the sg team quit so now only 2 person. i think my overseas bosses are freaking out liao.
Bb Sarah also got enzema. She also keeps on rubbing her eyes. Got enzema on neck, face, arms and thign. So sad.

Bb Sarah is eating about 2 teaspoons of cereal. But feed until beri messy. My MIL say she is growing a tooth but I can’t see it yet. She say can hear “kiak kiak” when the spoon hit her gum. Hmmm…..Giving a frozen teether and she seems to enjoy it.

Rice Cereal with milk>
What is the right amount of milk to mix with 2 teaspoon of cereals?

please take good care of that ankle. when reading your post, i cant help but recollect my accident too. i now have 2 metal plates in my left ankle with scars of 19 stitches. but sometimes i think it looks darn cool. haha.

back then, i had to go for weekly physio sessions for 6 mths until the last session which was just 2 weeks before my wedding day. i had fractured across the entire ankle cos i fell from the sky (while para-sailing). but now i can wear 3 inch heels and sometimes run on them.. hehe.. the only problems are that i dun dare to roller-blade in the near future, and after carrying baby for long, i will start to limp a bit.

I can imagine your worry becos you have 3 boys to attend to. But dun worry, concentrate on getting well! I pray that you will get back in great shape very soon! =)
Dear Mummyo,

Let me know if u need any help...im staying in the west too. Time will pass fast, 2 weeks will come swiftly and u will feel better when the stitches are out by then. Do rest well and dun overexert yrself! Stay strong and happy..then u will have happy bm for bb. All will be well soon!
SY: oh our gal so poor thg.. i hp they get over this asap. even i apply cream also scare she eat it, wen she sleep she wil go rub too. lik jus nw goin asleep she sudly hands cm.! alamak i hav to change her mittens.. 1thg stil wearing mitten wen she asleep esp is bcos of this rubbing. scare she poke her eye. tdy she nearly did tt wen i remove it n dint pay attention to her

Take care and get well soon!!! Dont be sad, you need to be positive so that you will recover real soon ok? Do let us know how we can be of help to you...


Indeed like what lemonT says, I need to print that out haha... was abt to ask how to make apple puree again, because i am intending to make apple puree tmr! thanks gal!

take care n get well soon!!!

lemont, sandy, joanne,

Thanks for the information on thawing bb food...

me oso feeding bb hayden nestle rice cereal without milk one... she is eating 4 teaspoon with added abt 45ml of milk... not very watery loh...
mummyo, u r a very strong mummy and a very strong woman in first place. it is a very unfortunate accident, bt i am sure u will overcome this. as i am overseas i will not be able to offer a prompt help bt if there is sth i cn ever do in the long term please do let me know as well. take care of urself. hope u recover soon..

joanne, my girl also doing this fake cough, and moreover for the past one month. even when i am typing these lines, she is coughing. bcoz i have been carrying her, and just now put her in the cot. she starts to cough even more if i leave her alone in the room. at first we were even scared that she might have asthma. bcoz the cough is accompanied by choking sounds as if like she can not breath. and she fixes her eyes at one point on the ceiling. it was really scary initially. bt wen we observed, we found out tat she behaves tat way only for attention. i even have some videos of her like tat to show her when she grows up how she used to scare her mummy..
Mummyo, wat a nasty fall, take care and get well soon!! Hugs!!

Kris, wah the 6 mth gathering so long ah 10am to 10pm...12 hours leh...haha...dun think I can make it though, will be bringing my #1 for a play on that morning at 11am.
Hi Joanne, where can i get this munchie grinder you mention? got pic to show?

lonerunner... the feb mummies max out the 26 jul weekend slot, when i called, the organiser said 24jul fri slot has about 4-5 mummies.. so i sign up.. not sure abt how many they have now..

mummyo.. you take care!
Iceblue and SY,

Pd says Naomi also has a mild form of eczema. No rash but she also always rub her eyes. Rub a little will be so red like got punched in the eye.

Kris, u mentioned u changed shower gel. Is it to the aveeno? Cos naomi also changed to aveeno thats y no rash but easily gets red if rub or touch her face.
seems like tis eczema is quite common among babies. my bb also has eczema behind her ears. doctor asked me to wipe dry well after i bathe her and gave a desonide lotion. it was very effective actually after a few uses only and gave protection for a long time. bt yesterday i noticed tat she started to have tat flaky and red type of skin, so i started to apply the lotion again. i myself also have eczema problem, and it will repeat once in a while. hope it will not last too long and be repetitive for our babies

olively, u also take care.. i dont know whether fibroid removal is a serious operation, bt dont be stressed out, esp. regarding ur work issue. nothing to worry abt as health always comes first!

i didnt know bb will fake cough... because when my bb lie on the bed, he will cough and cough then stop when we pick him up.. hb says he fake cough, but i say how can tat be... now i know haha
hi all
wow today my son really tortured me.. i guess last night he is overstimulated in my friend's house because of all the children playing. so last night he woke up 5-6 times... waaaaaa i nearly screamed. even my older son kept having nightmares.. talking n crying in his dream.. jialat.

aiyo.. dont print out lah.. just a sharing of info n experiences..

this is the picture of munchkin baby food grinder

and as for avent bottle, my son is using teat 3 already for quite a while.

wow tat is really a big fall. yea if u need anyhelp, feel free to call, we will gather n go over to help. meanwhile u take care n have a good rest.
Hi mummies

Thanks for your kind words and positive thoughts!

Good luck for your operation!

Gracie gal
Thanks for your encouragement. I too will need to go for physio once the cast is out. This will be a long road to recovery but will have to take it one day at a time.
bottle food is good too, but do check that some brands might have added sugar. just for some facts : a sugar found in food not necessary written there as sugar. It can come under names like gluscose, sucrose and fructose. if i am not wrong, some of them contain more starch too.
bottle food is indeed more for convenience. but what can beat giving your baby fresh puree? hehe
i didnt really start my son on bottled baby food, mainly also because the portion is quite big.. i like to mix puree with the rice cereal, so a bottle is a bit too much to be finished within 2 days for a starter. cos still only 1 feed per day.

as for keeping puree in fridge, it can keep up to 48 hours.. for more information, u may like to refer to this link : http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/FreezePage.htm

hello joanne thks for advice... saw the pic of the blender will go get 1 they sell in robinson, tangs? the website very informative tq so much have a pleasant weekend

hello mummyo hope tat u feeling beta today...which part west u stay...; let me koe if u need any help.. can sent my helper over
