(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Ni : Okay, Good idea! I'll bring my Bumbo too, but no tray! I'm looking for a 2nd hand tray. Oh you got the book too? It's basic, easy to read and very useful, cus I know nuts about preparing baby's food.

Pluff : May I know where do you stay? If its convinient, can a hitch a ride from you? So that I don't have to ask hubby to fetch me there, since its quite far!

emq, dun worry about echo, cos once aircon is on, and pple around, no more echo... empty so sound bounce of wall that's why echo... no need so many chairs lah, sit on playmat can liao.

changing mat? was in those bath use type huh? i can bring lor.
Ni: Good idea... actually, whatever that can make bb comfortable la... but we'll still need the playmats even if bringing bumbo - safer for bb ma... can put bumbo on table or chair, not so safe. Actually, strollers are good too... they can be seated in them or lying if asleep...
Dazed: Really? I'm only afraid the noise gets bounced back... it's just 1 big room...

My dear girl... if you coming alone with bb, how to lug so many stuffs? Provide ur HB coming along & driving la...

I've the pigeon/ tolley joy (air bubble) type, but think the Ikea/ Mothercare type better if placing on hard surface (shelve top)...

Also thinking to set up a temp shoe rack outside the room, so we can consider taking off shoes.. then cleaner inside. Will get maid to mop floor with hot water & detol before the event.
emq, oh, got the bubble one good enuf mah... mine is the totally flat one. haha... if oni this mat is ok mah... of course if need bring playmat then will get driver lah... haha...

i agree with take off shoes...
mummies : i went for the GAP sales @ Isetan yestd. not very happening tis time round... unless u r looking for warm clothing... i din get anything.
Shann, Ni, EMQ, Merscboy,

Thanks for welcoming. My boy was born on 5th Jan under Dr Lawrence Ang. This is the photo taken together with his cousin who is 12 days younger.


My boy, Aiden is the one on the left.
Hi Pat
I was at Vivo yesterday and went to check the nursing room near GV. That black thingy above the couch, I don't think is a camera. I happened to see the cleaning auntie there so I asked her is that the camera and she said, "no camera here, camera there." (pointing to me the camera at the lift lobby) My hubby also said is not a camera. I think the best is to call and speak to the management.

Re: 6th Month Bash
It seems happening! So many of you are going. I hope I can join too but Sat is out for me cos that's the only day me and hubby have more time to do some domestic stuff for our home reno. Hope to join the next gathering.
precious, hehe, yah i know the feeling, cant stop buying things

Today we went to united sq after church. ELC having sale, some of their toys are up to 50% discount. Bought a few stuff for Ashley
I really like their bigger toy sets will buy them for Ashley next time when she is older. Ashton got a new pair of shoes today, no more toys for him.

Pat, u may want to check it out as I saw some some toys to be used in the bath.

willting, Juvius still has a lot of hair!! Handsome boy

Emq, thanks for thinking thru all these logistics! Agree that taking off shoes will be better think everyone will be more comfy too
weiyao (weiyao) ,,

Your bb really look like the older cousin even though 12 days older. hahahahahaa

mgteo (mayteo)
Thanks for confirming

Precious_bb (precious_bb) ,

I stay at Bedok Reservoir areas..You near by?? Not a prob..
Ladies..Finally able to log in here..hehe now I m at my mum place and will be staying here for a wks cos my dad gg to china..haiz..so many ting to bring over..today I also bring Jovan to Hwaxia for a hair cut..will try to load the picture shortly.
hello mummies!

Can I ask why does the dragon fly on the FP jumperoo looks 'dead'???
How to make it 'fly' huh?
Tot i read that some mummies here did something to make it fly.
dazed: did the doctor say anything about your boi weight? I think yours should be ok since you're total bf...bf is feed by demand....

Juvius didn't poo for 6 days but the GP said it ok, try to massage his stomach...GP said his gum is swell, is teething so i bought the dentinox teething gel...
Precious: It's hard to get a 2nd hand tray so I just bought the bumbo tray from kiddy palace. They are having a 20% sale for members.. so after discount.. i've got it at 19.92.

ni: After I brought the first food book home, I told my maid that she would have to prepare when LeAnn is 6 months. Hee! Then she took it and read it as her bedtime storybook.
willting, u can ask your mum to hold juvius legs and cycle

kelly, your maid is v on
good that she is so nice to LeAnn. I just realised that my maid is really inefficient. My sil came to my plc today and we were chatting about her filipino maid. She has time to look after the baby, clean the house and cook dinner. Her maid wakes up at 5am to clean the house and sleeps at 11am. Can improvise and save time by preparing stuff in advance, help her to save money by using washing powder to wash toilet instead of jif. My maid cant even finish the laundry at times even though in the day she only has to look after my gal as my son is in cc. She doesnt need to cook even her own lunch as it is prepared by mil's maid. Super inefficient and my jif, detergent flies off the shelf faster than anything else. In a way, glad that she is leaving in Sep.
sus thanks for the list on nursing rooms. It is indeed useful.

Re: Constipation
If baby is on TBF, it is fine if baby did not poo regularly. My girl did not poo for 11 days. This time worse, today is the 18th day she did not poo poo. Jia lat....but she's ok don't have hard stomach or feeling unwell. Hope she poo this week.
kelly: your maid so good!

wau! i am sooooooo mad now!!! i think i am the best employer in SG liao. yet i get the worst maid. i give her 2 off days a month (contract states no offdays!), give her $400 a month, sometimes she overspends i will advance her pay. and now she is giving me headache!!

today is her off day, so she went out at 11am, till now not back yet...!! and just now she sms me at 830pm, say she got problem ,will be late. i sms her back what time? what problem? she say, she is in the police station, just now went to meet her boyfren at the hotel, and police check, so kena caught back to the station!!! WTF right? go hotel wif man during off day! she is really testing my limits! i confirm want to change maid man!

now, my hb say u wan change maid change loh. he abit relunctant, cos he thinks our maid v gd now, can speak canton, can take care of bb! but i think that checkin in the hotel wif a man is the last straw! i dun wan her to bring back unwated dieseases, scarly pass to us or bb how?!

damn damn damn damn pissed!!!
mgteo: thanks for checking it out. i also tot they shld nt hv cam in nursing room, just not right. dat was y i called the mngt immediately dat day but the stupid gal told me yes is cam! i tink she dunno wat she talking abt. gave me such a scare i did not pump in the end. anyway, let's all b cautious just in case n always open our eyes and look around whichever nursung rms we go nxt time

precious: yes the bumbo is v useful. u shld just get the tray fr kiddy palace, hard to wait for wts. i used my vouchers n just got it instead. john can sit there even longer now after i put a tray toy to amuse him. he wil use his hand to turn the rotating toy again n again.

cherryale: elc? dats the name of the shop? i hardly venture in united sq. i bought a set of baby einstein aqua activity balls fr toys r us. quite interesting, can float n also magnetic forms a chain in the water. since john prefers to sit, now he sits in the bath tub n enjoys watching n kicking the floating toys
hi mummies,

Do yr bb sleep on their own when put in the bed? My bb can never sleep when i put her in her bed and pat pat her. Even i carry her till she falls asleep, then put her on bed, she will wake up in a short while.
ytd i went to vivo... but super crowded..... i managed to take a quick look outside the room as long q... tat's not a camera. more like a sensor....

keke... me also elc fan... their stuff cute...

wah... ur maid so daring... hmmmm...
cherry: Thanks for the warm welcome. It's nice to find another mummy who has a son 2.5yrs and daughter born this yr! hee..interesting to get to know u!

to all mummies: this is really happening thread.
welsie: Do you leave the lights off or on? I found out after my 2nd bb that it helps to have the lights out. I just place her down with pacifier and lights out, walk away and do my stuff, n she dozes off on her on.

My first child, had lights on, n rocked him yo yo him in sarong.....took ages to get to sleep! Till now, he is always a difficult boy to put to sleep.
Not sure, but for me i believe simply offing the lights helped =) Especially since now I dont have the time or energy to pat or rock as I've always got something that needs to be done around e house or with my older child =)
Welsie (welsie) ,

My bb does not want us to pat does not want us to carry her till she sleep unless bF.

She sarted being like this at 3.5 mths.. she wana be left alone sucking her thumb and let it fall out when she sleep. hubby did not know pat her to sleep she cry and cry. till he got fed up , dnt know why she cry , stop patting her.. Goodness me then st away she slept.. I think she more like cry "daddy pls stop, You patting is not allowing me to sleep.."Hhahahahahaha!

M_iNt (m_int)
I pm you
autumn leaft, pluf: during day time when i put her in bed she will never fall asleep, she will play play then she will cry. Night time i always need to carry her till she sleep then i put her in bed. Was thinking how to train her to sleep on her own, cos sending her to ifc. She wont have so much attention, so i thought is good to train her.
do u wan to book the KTV rm? I can ask my bro to book but not sure available or not, I know the room there are like hot cakes.
Cos I celebrated Adler full mth @ the KTV rm and my bro standby @ midnight to book thru the net once it opened for booking which was 1 mth before the date.
blessedmum :saw your facebook..wowo..u bring cayden for photoshoot..cayden looks photogenic in the photo...keke..the photo was took at where?me plan to bring jovan for photoshoot after 6 month.
my gal is showing the symptoms of all the side effects from Prevnar jab (i got this from http://www.drugs.com/prevnar.html)

Less serious side effects include:
mild soreness, redness, swelling, or a hard lump where the shot was given > she has a hard (big) lump on her leg
weakness, tired feeling > she is very inactive today and yesterday
crying, fussiness > cry alot tonight, and very fussy yesterday and today
drowsiness, restless sleep > yes, drowsy, but wake up easily, very short nap..
low fever (102 degrees or less) > she has fever but i druged her milk, so her fever never exceed 38degc
vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite > loss of appetite!!
mild skin rash > on her face

should i keep her at home or still let her go to school tmr. her fever is gone though.. she still has alot of phlegm and mucus from her nose wo.. worried..

btw the more serious side effects are (also copied from the same website):
high fever (103 degrees or higher);
seizure (convulsions);
easy bruising or bleeding; or
severe pain, itching, irritation, or skin changes where the shot was given.
<font color="0000ff">Hey Hey! How's all? Hope all had a great weekend.

Some mummies starting semi-solids already? Wow! Sounds like fun! Ryan is only coming to 4 months end of next week, and I am thinking of waiting till at least 5-6 months before starting. He is still on TBF now. Going to see his PD on Saturday so I'll check with PD first.

Took Ryan swimming at HwaXia today. He loves it so we try to go every weekend, then have dinner at VivoCity or Harbourfront.

6-month Gathering sounds like good fun! Thanks to EmQ for doing the legwork!

Re: fever after jabs. My nanny told me from her experience, those who go to private PD to get their jabs seldom get fever after jab. Which is true for Ryan - he goes to PD and he has never got a fever. Maybe the PD jab is not so strong. Dunno how true la.</font>
pat, its Early Learning Centre, name of the shop. think they have branches at Forum and Tanglin Mall too. Their toys are of v high quality, even my usually stingy hb agrees

fluffy, their gals toys v v nice hor?? I saw some doll houses and this mushroom house thing which are soooo cute. I bet you must have lots of these stuff at home for your gals.

Moonbaby, there are quite a number of mummies in this thread that have children in the 2+ age and babies borned in Jan. Some of my 2007 thread mummies are in our Jan 09 thread too

ni, u must SACK your maid!! Anyway, wat will the police do to her?? Better send her away before she gets pregnant.
precious, realised I never reply on the cradle style question. Ashley used to do that but now she doesnt, so I can still carry her cradle style. Of cos, sometimes she will want me to carry upright, then she will wriggle and arch her back to signal that she doesnt like it. Actually one of the reasons why I stopped latching my son last time was I find it rather embraressing for him to keep searching for the nipple whenever I carry him, regardless of wat style.
Welsie (welsie) ,

My gal will cry when I disturb her like play and play with her.. she will play with me first then like over-stimulated cnt sleep then cry her eyes out.. And then I latch her to quieten her down and give the miracle drug .. breast milk she sleep.

Well you may wish to give her a soft pillow som/thing that she feels secured with.. My bb /coz a huge oversize pillow that acts as her comforter.. It was daddys "cho cho" I always tell her daddy that she fainted becoz of his smelly head ahhahahahaha!

well at 2 mths I realize she needed thatto sleep even in hot weather , so whatI did was cover her leave her legs out .. like to cool her down.. kekekke slowly i shorten the time the pillow on her. now she dnt sleep with the pillow at all , but out of habit at night I lay it on her..Now her legs very strong so pillow become leg rest.Hahahahhaa!

Hope it helps, yea bb to cry all in infant care very poorthing.. Yea yea mz train her.. but then again mine in Nanny , kekeke I also dnt know if she cry her eyes out but when I came back never see red eyes.. Touch wood
cherryale: saw you looking for preloved bumbo seat. me too.
heard so many mummies with good reviews about the seat. have you gotten yours? I'm still looking out tho. I scared my boy doesn't want to sit in it, so looking for cheap ones...
blessedmum: yah, just saw your baby on facebook. quickly showed my hb and said so cuuuute!! where did you take it? thinking of bringing my son later too!
cherryale: yes the ELC toys r v good haha! Love browsing the shop in United Square

cjteng: thanks! cayden enjoyed it lah
it was taken at united square

ni: u mus really sack her! Thats really the ultimatum liao! will be more problematic next time.. my cousin's maid did that and after that even ran off with her so called BF!

pinkie! u also brought ryan to hua xia @ harbourfront~? im bringin cayden next sat! maybe w bump into u then?

fluffy: i was also at vivo yesterday woh! yes super crowded.. managed to take a quick look outside the room too .. yar think its more like a sensor....

willting: juvius looks soo charming!! i love his big black eyes!

precious_bb: how much amount did u feed ur bb? what brand r u using too? im abit lost, cos pd suggested 1 teaspoon in milk feed.. and the one i bought which is frisocreme goes by 3 tablespooon with 100ml of water? HELP!!
kamy:ya better look for cheap one..my naught boy..dun like to sit at the bumbo seat leh..he prefer to walk now.."faint"!
bbstarlet: long time never talk to you. hey, i rem your girl is exactly 4 months yesterday right? you brought her to hwaxia for haircut? hwa xia at harbourfront? I'm thinking of giving my son haircut at 4 months too. thinking of places in the west. now very scared of travelling long distance. going back to KKH for review. dunno can have haircut earlier or not. must it be 4 months exactly?
cjteng: wow, your boy so advance already, can walk! heehee... thanks for the advice. i thought many babies I see here like the bumbo. I saw blessedmum's cayden, so happy in the bumbo. so cute.
blessdmum:u also give cayden took the swimming lesson from hua xia?after jovan finished his hair cut..hb and i go look at those bb swimming at the tub then funny hb took the booklet and see..and I thought he plan to let jovan took the swimming lesson..end up he say..wowo pan..I rather put jovan in those bath tub and let him swimming on it..y waste money.."faint"!
kamy: thanks!! yeah cayden enjoyed it too!
but he sure tired, ko immediately after his photoshoot!

cjteng: yes i brought him there for swim.. my hubby didnt want to buy bath tub
so.. sigh.. goin to bring him there this sat again, hopefully he can enjoy his swim n kick kick kick away!! hehe
kamy:No he cant walk la..can see some bb like to seat at the bumbo...nt like mine..when we put him sit on it..he will act like ach his back trying to get out from the seat...nowaday I hold him and put him like walking..and he so happy..so u see la..angry rite!!(Not yet lean to walk..yet wan to run lioa)
bunny:at first I cal them..they wan me to go PS leh..but is far for us cos after that we need to go to my mum place that's y we go HF there.
cjteng: i usually go HF. today i went massage around there so decided to pop by. heehee. my boi loves to swim. maybe one day i'll bump into u at HF
