(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Yay the tapping works! Bb moved after I tapped.. Phew!

U all also be more careful ok? Think now our balance is poorer.. must walk slowly like ah-em now.
sus: thank god ur bb is fine. be more careful next time ok?

good news ladies! Mercsboy's hb has allowed her to come for the gathering. i will be picking her and babystarlet! =) Woohhoo!!!
ni: mercs can come..that's good!yappi!!

sus: great that your and bb is okie..pls take care and be careful
Any mummies interested?

Disposable Bb washcloth (10pc/pkt):

1) Miaiko (5pkt)
2) Sil (8pkt)
3) cousin (10pkt)
4) gelato (2pkt)
5) EmQ
thanks dears for being so sweet =)
I just got an sms from Mt A that my booking is confirmed!

gelato went to see bb already izzit? never see her today.

mercs, glad ur hubby allow u to go =) enjoy urself!
hugz. be calm.
I am sure after ur confinement, u will be able to find a better job. Just take a break and concentrate on bringing your ger to full term.
hey ladies...im back...it's a freaking super duper hot day...1st thing I did was dashed for my shower...

suika...im oreadi home..let me noe wat time u wan to pop by...beta wif ur hubby cos quite alot of stuff and rather heavy....sms mi...

sus...gota be more careful okie esp in the bathroom where it's wet...take small steps...

sperzz....hope dat all goes well for ur pkg...
sperzz: gd luck

sus: u alrite now? must monitor the little one k...

willting: i put up in punggol, i will pm u my hp no

sus/pvl: for birdnest , do u eat in morning or empty stomach or b4 u sleep?

my mummy made me barley water w/o sugar to drink, she say its the same concept like coconut.. cuz last tri we r very heaty so must cool down, can poo poo better, clear bb of the white mucus.. mummies here can try

what are the thermo flask for? I have an airpot for hot water already. is the thermo for the red dates tea?

sus, you fell? be careful! I also very scared nowadays cos not very good with balancing with big tummy in front. walk slowly hor...

pinkie: I also work in raffles place. can I collect the milk bags from you? initially I thought can meet bbstarlet. but since the bags are delivered to you... ma fan ni le.. thanks!
flo..mi started taking bird nest around 16 weeks...accordingly to the medical hall ppl...they recommend taking before sleep but mrs wong recommend taking in the morning...

kamy..thermo flask shd b just a flask to keep water hot, can used to store red date tea oso...smaller capacity type can bring out for bb's milk. some others can store food to keep it warm, they have a variety.
flo: birdnest, I try to eat in the morning on empty stomach so can absorb better =)
good idea about the barley water! cos I realize with GD I cant take coconut too sweet, so I can try barley w/o sugar.

kamy, thanks.. take care too
hi mummies,
I'm a Jan MTB too... edd 15 Jan, altho #2... gynae said possible will come early, anytime after 27th Dec (38 wks)

Nway, visited ur thread yesterday to look see

sorry to hear abt ur big R... but hor, just wondering, any chance to make noise cos they R you while u are pregnant? Like in the US, they will sue the co for discrimination alrdy lah...but in SG, usu ppl don't sue so easily.
I dunno if u can be bothered to look into it but maybe there's some like labour law or sthg? Cos ah.. the co dun have to pay ur 4 mths ML leh... alot of difference u know? I just asked my hubby, he also said he remembered reading sthg abt not being able to retrench u within how many months of ur due date...

ah...see this:
See the laaaast paragraph on the extreme right... Provided u met the conditions to qualify for the maternity benefits (e.g length of employment etc), since u are in last 3 mths of pregnancy, ur employer shd have to compensate you for ur maternity benefits too!! If they never, can make noise. Nway, sorry hor, din mean to be kaypo or anything... just dowan another mummy to get cheated in case ur employer was indeed trying to cheat you. Hope this helped
sperzz....take it dat u are having early ML...anyway oreadi so called paid ML....take ur time to look ard after confinement...shd not be dat tough by then....cheer up & enjoy urself tomoro ya...
suika > more or less.for bb wipes,me bought tollyjoy,carrefour brand.bec nt
sure which brand she suitable.i haben buy my disposible panties.

me usually drink bird nest in the night.actually mrs wong says mornn take bird nest is good.but my mum says night better
Stephanie: thanks for the concern. u r not kaypo. The company is giving me the 4mth ML pay so they nvr break the MOM rules. So no way I can fight or sue them. Is juz that the rest of the package is not attractive as in 1yr they paid u 1 mth.
babystarlet: i'm getting J&J 1 if got good price...coz NB skin more delicate la...but after that i'll finish up all the wipes n stick to carlson....i find that 1 cheap n good esp no hv smell unlike kodomo 1 got a smell mi no like....i've not tried pigeon or J&J but heard these 2 r so call the better wipes

sperzz: cheer up....dl skype at home la den we can chat s usual

i'll bring the wipes for u tml n the PJ as well....any more things anot har? i nearly forgotten to pack in the PJ...heheee

those who wana see the $5 PJ from chinatown can show u gals
sperzz: yes, sure u can dong bang tmr, together wif wilting. wat time shall we meet? can u sms me ur address?

sus: oh dear falling is no joke. really hope is only external injury. continue to monitor bb movements ya. be careful when u go toilet. me fell during first trimester outside office toilet before too. lucky was no big deal. take care gal.

cjteng: hehe, my appt is as usual 12 30pm on sat, last patient. hope after that our appt are more frequent already leh
Hi all mummies,

I have been reading this thread for a while. I am a Jan MTB too. Due date being 30 Jan 09. Have been too shy all this while to write anything. Finally picked up the courage to say hi.

To every single one of you, thank you for sharing and being so encouraging - even as a 'by stander', it never fails to bring a smile and brighten my day when i read your posts....

I wish all MTB's blessings.....
Due to many clients frm SMH forum emails we received requests ( 2009 MTB ) Our Postnatal Jamu Retreat Promotions will be extended to end February 2009. Complementary of telon oil, pradasari milk scrub, cloth binder and ginger slimming creams for all package. Visit our website malaypostnatal.blogspot.com or SMH BIZ THREAD for more info about the promotion. Tks and wish all MTB could have an easy delivery.
Hi MTBs, do u have any idea if the 20% discount at John Little or Robinsons includes Breast Pumps? Any MTBs actually bought their pumps at these outlets with discounts? The previous Robinson's sale, I managed to get some medela accessories with 20%. Yesterday I wanted to get the Avent, was told it's Nett. Sianz
Good Morning, everyone.

sus : r u alright now? my heart skipped a beat when i read abt ur fall, sounds really bad... pls be more careful, wear a pair of anti slip slippers b4 entering the bathrm. If u feel unwell, go & see a doc immediately. If there's any nauseous or vomitting, go to A&E right away. If everything is ok now, then u may want to apply some Zam buk on ur 'baluku', it's very effective for my xiao bao bei. Take care huh.

DaddyToBe : I bought my avent pump @ The First Few Years with good discount. If KKH is convenient for u, u may want to call & ask if the promotion is still going on : Tel: 6 296 8280
DaddyToBe: BTW, i bought some Avent accessories @ 20% off recently - @ OG. They normally hv store wide 20% off when there's a public hol. I'm targetting the Hari Raya Haji hol for another 20% off - hopefully it materialises. =)
I went for my checkup yestd, asked doc abt donating my cord blood. He says he can do it for me at no addl cost, but he cautioned me that I may bleed more... cos I'll be delivering by c section, the womb will be cut opened... if he's going to take another min or 2 to retrieve the cord blood for me, there's a possiblility that i may lose another 300-500cc of blood. (sounds scary to me now....)

I oso asked abt post natal massage. He says it's ok to do massages, but the tummy area shld be avoided until 1 mth later... hmmm... i m not too sure if massaging aft 1 mth is still effective?....

He has oso given me a range of dates to choose for my c section. It's btw 12/1-20/1, tho he highly recommend 12/1-16/1. So, my initial plan of 23/1 cannot be carried out. He says he'll let me decide if i really choose 23/1, but it's very likely that i'll go into labour b4 tis date. Well, he did emphasized that he's not a prophet, juz speaking fm experience lor... gotta seriously think abt it now....
gelato: seems like he gave u the dates at his own convenience ba. 12/1-16/1. if 23/1 you 38 weeks rite? means he wanna deliver earlier at what? 37 weeks?
Gelato:Thanks for the info! Don't mind dropping by at KKH if the discount is worth it. Yesterday at JL, even the Avent accessory (some plastic breast shield) was nett. Will keep a lookout on OG. Another place near Baby's kingdom or baby's palace (can't rem which), there's 10% on avent pumps. Didn't get it in the first place because I thought Robinson's / JL's 20% was more worth it. End up no discount.

Talking about cord blood, do U mean you'll be donating the cord blood for general use or extracting your baby's cord blood for the baby's cord blood storage?
Morning Ladies!!

TGIF!!!!!yappi...can't wait to go for tonite gethering!hehe..

Pat:ya lor.hope this comming sat,the nurse will told me on that.heheh..can't wait to see my boyboy liao....

Yesterday I finally wash all the bb cloth liao..until no place to handle...haha:p

Samval : no, my EDD is 26/1, so on 12/1 - i'll be 38 weeks. He actually allow me to choose 23/1 if i insist, but he told me to standby my hospital bag in case i go into labour b4 that, & he says it's likely to happen.

DaddyToBe : I bought my Avent Manual @ $59.90, if i rem correctly - discount is good.

I m not banking the cord blood myself, so i was thinking of donating it to the public cord bank. I guess it's for storage ba?
