(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

piyo: wad time u'll b home tonite? i drop by ur plc to get the stuffs...i might b gg to the sale on sat if got time....i'll call u if i'm gg...can help u get the stuffs

ju: where's the location for tolly sales har? stupid mi.... i post till i no copy down the add....
willting: u've got mail!

ju: me oso like bak gua. it's one of my well-like local food here. but i like the square one leh. coz it's thinner and i can tear bit by bit to eat. yummie! wah.. now thinking of whether to buy for CNY or not.

gelato: so exciting! keep us updated of ur bb yah!
My fren sent me tis - so funny yet so real...

RECESSION IS COMING TO TOWN!! (To tune of “Santa Claus is coming to Town”)
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you're careful or nice
Recession is coming to town!
It's worthless if you've got Shares
It's worthless if you've got Bonds
It's safe when you've got Cash In Hand
So keep Cash for Goodness Sake, HEY
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep Cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
High Notes are just confusing
Minibonds are just so vague
The Banks all make YOU bear the RISK
So keep out for Goodness Sake, OH
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep Gold
I'm telling you why:
Depression is just down the line!!
Miaiko : sure, i will.
heehee....good news for me....i've managed to mentain my weight since last mth n juz went to weigh....lost 200g....hahaha
gelato: think sperzz is on childcare leave today... so may/maynot b coming in today.

suika: yah lor, sometimes preg abit blur blur one... Tollyjoy Warehouse Sale @ Tollyjoy Building
29 Changi South Street 1, Changi South Industrial Estate, Singapore 486771
yanling: i didnt buy my mattress from kiddy palace. my playpen size is 26" x 38" so i bought 26" x 39" mattress at $33.00. i bought it at a shop at sun plaza. not those baby safe mattress ok...tat one will cost $120, i bought normal kind
Miaiko : the wash cloth can be used, washed, & re-used up to 1 mth isit? hv u seen the texture, will it be comfy for bb? do u know if it can be recycled? ie, throw into the recycle bin for re-processing...
miaiko: bak gua is must buy during CNY, usually give as gifts to PIL and parents. so can keep abit for meeself to comfort mee during the boring days of confinemt.. hee hee

aiyo! talk abt wt, i've put on 2kg again, now getting close to 15kg total liao... my tummy starting to feel the stretch liao. hb saw some stretch marks in the middle of my breasts area, i'm not sure leh, personally cannot see.

gd thing i cut my toes 2weeks ago. after falling down, cannot get knees to bend w/o pain... haiz... why so clumsy i also dunno.
cjteng : i m ok with both timing, tho 6.30 will give me more time to dilly dally... hehe...

suika : ur choice?

ju : oh, i thot sperzz on childcare leave yestd.. =)
gelato: i cut down alot on my food intake u noe.... supper i used to eat 4 pcs of bread sometimes even 5pcs....now i oni take 2pcs or no eat at all....coz u all saying 3rd trim weight gain all on mummy mah so i dare not eat too much :p n somemore i've already gained 15kg liao wor

ju: from wad time to wad time har?
gelato: yes the bb wash cloth can be used, washed, re-used. Last up to about 1mth depending on usage. It is soft enough when it's wet. like cloth. should be recyclable.
gelato: mi here. Bz clearing my things. Dun wan to left shit for my coll to clear so rushing with all the orders. Confirm I will get the R bec 1 of the manager talk to mi this morning. 2 manager talk to mi liao except my direct manager.
suika: hee hee... wat did i say abt pre mummies memories....

wat time? which event u r saying? the Tollyjoy sale? Tollyjoy sale is 11am to 7pm.
sperzz: wierd hor, other managers talk to u but not ur direct one. wierd... jus make sure the rertenchmt package is reasonable by law else u can sue them!
ju: ya....i remember i'm the 1 who posted up this here....but in the end i've forgotten the details now.... hahaha
suika: console mi. No package known yet.

ju: my direct boss always like this. She wont talk or inform anything till the final minutes. Thats y no close to her.
suika : i rarely take supper but still put on... boohoo....

oh, cjteng asking whether we wanna meet 6.15 or 6.30 @ Tiong Bahru... so, i asking for ur choice lor.. =)

Miaiko : Thanks, I'll get 2 pkts then. If can't get 80pkts, then no choice.. seems quite hard to achieve. hehe....

sperzz : oic... at least u r mentally prepared now. Do update us...
gelato: i bought my washcloth from PCC la...but i find the material is like disposable leh...can tahan for one month meh? majiam paper material u know, just thicker...
ni: haven ask him yet...forgotten...coz yday he came back late from class also. i check with him later and get back to u all...
if meet u at TP, should wait where and what time??
but u all will stay until what time at pinkie's house huh? coz if i am going, i must wait till my hubby finish his class at 10pm, then he can pick me leh...
gelato: dont fret la...u SURE can put on weight lor...i dont believe how fat u can be now lor...u so petite...unless u tell me u wear XL size now...
mercsboy: Im going with my hubby tomo. so maybe we can go home together? should be taking cab. want? then u dun have to wait for hubby so long lor.
suika/gelato: ok.so we set at 6.30. If any hb can make me, pls sms us early so that we can get prepare..hehe see u all tomorrow..
Any mummies interested?

Disposable Bb washcloth (10pc/pkt):

1) Miaiko (5pkt)
2) Sil (8pkt)
3) cousin (10pkt)
4) gelato (2pkt)
5) EmQ
mercsboy: good to hear that you are coming to the gathering...

sperzz: don think too much, join us at the gathering...last gathering b4 pop...
miaiko: i dont mind staying till 10+ la, if there are still mummies around....or else i take your offer and take cab back together la. but everything have to be confirm only tomorrow...must see my hubby free to come back to sembawang and fetch me to TP to meet Ni...tonite i will check with him, see he allow or not.
willting: no...i haven confirm...i can only go if hubby tomorrow can snake to come back to sembawang to fetch me to TP to meet ni...coz he dont allow me to walk too much...
mercsboy: pray hard that ur HB will allow u to go. u teh teh him abit lar, he so dote on u, sure allow one de. so if he allows, u can meet me at TP at 6pm, at the mrt station entrance, den we will pick babystarlet at 615pm at raffles place. anymore working in town wan to tumpang? still can accomodate 2 more...
merscboy : oic. I think I'll still use normal hanky at home, the disposable ones juz keep in diaper bags - cos sometimes i very forgetful, can forget to bring hankies out... hehe...

BTW, my weight now is the same as the time i gave birth to my gal... haha... so u can imagine lor...

suika : i already exchanged contact with cjteng & blessedmum. =)
btw, how much is the breastpads har? washable type.... mi oni bought the disposable 1 totally forgotten the washable type
mercs: gd tat ur hb dotes on u, at least can always use the "soft, whining" mtd to make him relent.

sperzz: package known later also never mind but if they never pay u 1mth notice n 4mths maternity entitlemt, can report company to MOM. ur boss may b trying to get all the benefits for u but then again, who's to know. anyway if u can go today then better still, no need to stay in the sad place.
ni: ya...i try to tell him, but also must see he got time to come back to sembawang to pick me or not ma...coz his office now shifted to alexandra, quite far...if he stuck with client or what, then i also bo bian.
gelato: i dun noe which brand yet ley....i rem last time u brought avent n pigeon rite.... u saying pigeon 1 better coz of the shape rite

EMQ, wow...you're efficient!!! Got everything ready for CNY liao

xpink, dun worry abt c-section. I went thru 2 c-sections and really enjoyed the process
Like what EMQ said, we can prepare earlier and we just admit into hosp like checking into hotel on the day of c-section.

sperzz, rem to fight for your right when they discuss with you abt your R package
