(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Ange, chorizo sausage... Yummy, I'm feeling hungry now...

Zill, if gynae never ask me to do amnio, I will happily forgo it! but I know how you feel cos so far I also feel like haven't done much, never do triple test or OSCAR, never do any blood test, etc. Every visit so far is normal stuff. So I'm feeling excited about amnio. At last something!! Haha, can find out some details about my bb.

I think you don't need a food warmer if your baby is going to be at home most of the time. Give bb fresh cooked food mah. For my kids, if we went out during mealtimes, I would pack porridge in a thermos flask.

Nice to feel baby kicking yah? I can't wait. Hope my bb is OK so far. Check up this afternoon. I'm 15+ weeks.

I look like 6 months pregnant already! At night I look like full term. Hahaha! No kidding. I had a flabby tummy to begin with.

pinkie pirate,
Yup, in-law relations are rather delicate. My hb's relationship with his mum is not too good either. She often says unkind things to him, and insults him or me with snide remarks. And she is rather interfering in our affairs, though already less so these days cos we bo chap her. We don't live together but we visit her at least once a week for dinner. For eg, there's a house warming party for my hb's cousin soon, and my hb casually asked his mum what she thought the cousin needed. His mum scolded him telling him no need to bring a gift cos she'll give on everyone's behalf (ie, my hb, and his 2 sisters and all our families!!!). We don't feel that's right cos we are a family unit ourselves. Why should she give a gift on our behalf? We can afford to give our own gifts and it's polite for us to give a gift if we're going to the party mah. But that's what my MIL is like lah. What to do? Sorry....just needed to rant a little
. :Anyway, I sometimes 'por' her by giving her gifts like mooncakes at mooncake festival, and CNY gifts. But she usually receives the gifts scornfully cos she can make all these things, and she thinks hers is better than anything you can get outside. *haiz*

Very good! I started off like you, 70 kg or so. But I think I've put on a lot of weight already. I feel SOOOOOOOO fat!
Ange, wow I wanted to get one of those, looks so comfy but in the end just bought a bolster. Actually the bolster takes up quite a lot of space, like having one more person in bed with us! Hahaha!
wow.. today topic is boobs ah.. haah mine also increase.. hb yesterday also say me.. wow increase leh.. make me feel so pai say!:p
Priviledged: I used to buy gifts for the in laws just like how I would buy things for my parents. Stuffs during CNY, mooncake festival, nice chocolates etc. Every single time, they'll tell me not to buy, not to waste money. Ok, I take it they're old and traditional and it's their way of saying thank you. The final straw was this CNY. I went to queue for Lim Chee Guan bak gua and when we gave them their share, my MIL was making a big fuss about how expensive it was during CNY and that they can have anytime of the year and even asked if we could return it for money. I mean.. COME ON! The other day, hubby was just counting how much bak gua to buy and who to give. When he included his parents, I said: they're not getting any from us. I told him honestly that was the last straw for me.
hmm, mine grew but not that much enuf to change bra size leh... hehe...

yah yah, meet up after the scan will be great... i'm having mine early sept..
pinkie pirate: oh... i tot u went thru triple test & all liao... then amino test do once the best! pay one time, know everything! somemore it's zun one!
Pinkie Pirate: Im really glad I went ahead with the pregnancy pillow. This big weird looking J shaped thingy. Hahaha Cos I do sleep much better now. Other than having to wake up to pee in the middle of the night. And ever since I got it, my hubby has been complaining about me snoring every night! Hahaha In the past, he was the only one snoring the house down. :p
dazed & priviledged: u guys so lucky lor... heavy side but gained so little..i also heavy side & gaining like nobody's business lor!!!
Your boobies will just get bigger and bigger! I went from 32B to 34D with my son and it was only then that I realised what a pain it was, literally, to have huge boobs. Made me wonder why people would even pay to get bigger boobs...

The sad, sad thing was after I finished breastfeeding, my boobs shrank to 34AA or even smaller, I think.

Hai, we suffer so much to have a baby while the males just carry on with their lives as usual!
Priviledged, hehe... but you tall boh? i pretty short leh, so my bmi is def not healthy... keke...

my mil is pretty nice lah... but sometimes too nice liao and very stubborn... like my tmc dr say no tonics for me... she die die must make still... haiz... i also see her once a week for dinner... but heng i already told her my mom will look after baby...
Zill: me also like you. sometimes tummy looks bigger and soemtimes looks like a bulge only. asked my gynae and she said that its ok so long as bb is growing healthily. so how big the tummy is doesnt mean a big bb. she said smaller better then not so clumsy at later stage. most of it is due to the wind and bloatedness and most of us have a tummy already to begin with lor. she said the most accurate is stick your tummy in, and if you still see a balance bulge, that's the bb.
Sorry to say hor, but yes, if you breastfeed, your boobies will sag also. So you can imagine mine lah, almost non-existent AND saggy. Damn jia lat.
i haven't been sleeping well too... will wake up several times at night and then hard time getting back to sleep... am using a normal bolster now... does the preg pillow help?
dazed (dazed) You so good. she still cook for u thing to eat..i only once in a blue moon to see my MIL.. as they already know that my mum will take care of me.. when i saw them.. they only ask me how was my work..etc..they dun even give me anything or what la.. only my mum will do for me. Guess it is a good thing for me ba. haha
Priviledged, yup very delicate! I and hubby always tell ourselves that we must must must remind ourselves to be good inlaws. When our kids get married, especially sons, we have to let go...hopefully we can keep that promise...

Ya, its good to bo chap most of the time, agree. So long as those things which are really important to you, you stand firm. For me and hubby, we are very quiet people, usually visit inlaws never very talkative, just smile and say nice things. That time when we argued with them was the first and only time we ever raised our voices to them in all the years we have been a couple. They were really shocked and scared hahaha. So now they know that we can tolerate and bo chap many many things but certain things we will not give way. Mutual respect la. Now everyone is happy cos we don't have these kind of issues of interfering.

Of course its easier cos we don't stay together... My SIL who stays with them, really admires what we did, but she said she can never do that herself, so she will just tolerate and suffer. Wah lau. But it works for her la. After hubby and I thrashed things out, actually things also became better for her. Guess the parents learned to let go more.

I must must must remember not to do this to my children!!!
Hi Mummies, my tummy is so definitely showing and getting heavier to move around too, at 20 weeks now and have put on around 4-5 kg...of which I read baby only accounts for 1 kg....
Body is stretching again like in 1st trimester, can feel the side cramps etc again. and of course also feeling fat... But feeling baby's kicks now kinda makes it all worth it.

For those who put on 20-30kg during pregnancy, apparently one of the common guilt factors is excessive DURIANS which is all carbo and goes to Mummy! So ladies...tahan as much as you can!
dazed: For me, the pregnany pillow helped. But I guess it differs from person to person. I have the pregnancy pillow on my left and a longish flat pillow on my right. :p I find bolsters abit too high and big to hug. But such things are very personal. Hehe
Pinkie Pirate: Yes, letting go. My dear in laws simply CANNOT LET GO. Especially the MIL. But ok, I'm gona stop the MIL bashing for today. Hahaha *happy thoughts*
ange: where did you get the pregnancy pillow and how much it costs? is it very bulky or the size of the normal bolster.

today i'm having terrible backache!!
Ange, ya agree actually I find the bolster is quite high. Hmm, maybe I should also change to pregnancy pillow... Hee hee. Another thing on the shopping list!
hi ladies......

i feeling quite panicky today dunno y...
suddenly worried abt something as i scroll to see some of u all taking the amnino test.

*smacking myself*
1 din care and have been eating raw fish from the start of pregncny till now... sigh... now worried about the baby now... sigh...
does anyone knows what are the cons of eating raw fish. cos i tot as long as the stomach no pain, and the raw fish is fresh, can consume. somemore mostly i eat with hot porriadge. only on occassions,i dipped sashimi...

*worried like hell now*

and HB still not back from reservist... how???
ChongBB: I paid about $200 sing. I know if it's available in SG it'd probably be much cheaper and I'd be banging my head for this purchase. But at that point in time, I was really quite frustrated from not sleeping properly and I took a gamble based on the reviews. So I'm thankful it's worked well for me.
i heard from collie today that there's this brand templer (dunno how to spell) that sells in singapore, but this is quite ex but can last many many years... other generic brands have also but not lasting...
Suika: I must admit, it's not the most value for money item I've bought la. Hahaha Impulse buys are like that. My only consolation, it gives me the rest I need. :p
dazed, Zill,
I'm quite short - only 1.60m. Used to be 50 kg after university, at wedding around 55kg. After 1st baby, 60 kg, after 2nd bb, 65++kg. Terrible hor? I swim every week and control my intake but still can't lose weight. I think it's the age catching up with me.
ange: you bot which type of pillow? there are a few in the link you gave leh.. thanks!

2_boys_mum: aiyoh.. i guess what's done is done. don't worry so much, since most of the time you took it with porridge. only ocassionally with sashimi sauce. what u can do now is to stop taking so much. i also take sashimi but in moderatiion. i think in spore quite safe lah. if i ate in other countries, i'd be worried. but try to control ok? i think no point worrying to much. you will be ok.
not sashimi sauce arhh... grr... yalor,wat's done is done...yup.
thanks thanks.
but will eating raw fish have abnormalities on the BB?
Ange: that's y i'm planning to BF as long as possible.....n of coz save $$ on powder as well...heehee
Pinkie, you're rite! Dr Chan will ask you to cut down your wt if you incr more than 2kg. Hehehe... Well, my boobs shrank to smaller than pre-preg after I stopped bfg.

ZiLL, my tummy is little bump in the morning but very huge after lunch. Hehehe

JS, my boobs didn’t incr much in size when I was having #2. After bfg, they shrank like peanuts.

Samval, do you carry your gal? This will cause backpain.

PVL, I very scared that I cant lost my wt after this preg leh. So I'm very conscious with what I eat now, don’t dare to have supper even though I feel hungry at nite.
sel: maybe we can see each other on 1st sept...let me know what u wearing la...hehe...
my tummy is obvious de lor....19th week liao leh...
