(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Ange: heehee i oso worries on that problem....but they say sure to have milk 1 n so long take more fish during confinement will have alot of milk....so remember to take more fish
giggler: long time no see u liao!!! ya...i'm gonna explode now...my stomach feeling very tight now!!!! arrggghhh!!!

priviledge, dazed: i'm 1.65m but still like what my hubby calls me now, KING KONG BUN DEE!
bluen16: i also put on 4kg leh...currently at 19th week...i remember the last trip to the gynae he told me my baby is 100g only leh....
suika: my confinement lady told me to start drinking fish bone soup now. But... my MIL cooked it twice for me and it's like SO FISHY! Totally unbearable. I told her I dun wanna drink liao. Hahaha
suika: i heard, the more u breastfeed, the more milk u'll have...i'm gonna breastfeed till i become smaller than my pre pregnancy weight & till i no more milk!!!! cannot take it man...
Hi MTBs,

I'm very new to tis forum thingy.. hope to join in ur discussion here... I'm expecting my 3rd kid, EDD 26/1/09 (1st day of CNY). =)
welcome gelato!

ange: which website u got it from? before i got preggie, i love to eat fish and seafood. my tastebuds have changed, i don't like eating fish now, not even cod or snow fish.
2boys_mum : i read abt ur concern on eating raw fish. I've been eating sashimi as well. In fact, my gynae allows me to eat that, the only food that i was asked to avoid are : smoked salmon & soft cheese. Hence, i believe it's fine - as long as the food is not contaminated. It shld be alright. =)
gelato: oh, we're supposed to avoid smoked salmon? Was almost tempted to get some smoked salmon to mix with scrambled eggs. But I was afraid it'd be too fishy for my tastebuds now, so I dropped the idea. :p
gelato: welcome!!!! wow your 3rd one already!!! maybe you can give us some good advise too cos if u notice, we're filled with endless questions!
Ange: Yes, that's what my gynae told me. He told me it's a new finding. When i was expecting my #2, he didn't tell me tis.
ZiLL: Thanks.

Altho it's my #3, i m still learning... so we can learn fm 1 another. =)

I've breastfed my 2 kids for 1 year (ea), so I'll be glad to share my experience in this area. =)

It's a very very tiring journey for a wkg mum, but I've no regrets thus far. =) incl the smaller boobs...hehe...
ZILL: i think should not lah. its not like you eat like 100kgs worth of raw fish all at one go mah. don't worry too much. everything will be ok.
Im hoping my boobs don't drop to even smaller then pre pregnancy size after breastfeeding...*keeps fingers crossed*
Ange: Me too. I was a fish person... Now, i'm only interested in steamed fish & sashimi... cook it any other way - i won't touch...
hihi gelato!!
very "qiao" lei.
i having my 3rd one too! EDD also 26jan. gee,but i din BF so long for the 2.
so now ur 3rd one's gender?
most likely the bb will come out before 26 jan rite since the earlier 2 came out a week & two earlier also...
wow... so excited to find another mother of three~!!! very rare nowadays lei. how do u feel? u planned for this? gog for a 4th one?

gosh,pai sey... bombarding u with soo many qn
gelato, welcome... I'm also expecting my 3rd bb.

ZiLL, you ate too much during lunch? Now I try to control my food intake cos I put on 4kg!!!

Ange, sad to say my boobs decr to smaller than pre-preg size, think now only A-. Hahhaa....
2boys_mum : Hi! Thank you!

really ah? really very qiao...

The gender not confirmed, but during the Oscar scan, doc thinks that it's likely to be a boy.

Yes, my delivery date will definitely be earlier since I hv to go thru C-section (1st 2 already gone thru that)...

Me too, also very excited to find 'kaki'..nowadays pple stop at 1 or 2... even when i announce to my boss that i'm preggie, he asked me if it's planned or accident...haha... It's planned, but we striked only when we sort of given up lah...hehe... 4th 1? dun think so, old liao, & no $$$...hehe...

no prob abt the qns.. i can feel ur excitement. hehe...
giggler: no... i only ate 1 plate of chicken rice & 1 plate of beansprouts.... dat's all.... small plate of rice nia.... i also controlling...
Samval & Giggler: Wow, sooo happy to find so many 3rd time mothers here! So there's hope that our country's population will hit target of 6m. hehe..
Wow.. so many mums expecting their 3rd child. My hubby wants three. I want to stop @ two. We haven't reached a consensus on that one. Hahaha
Ange: maybe u or ur hubby will change ur/his mind later... aft ea delivery, i tell my hubby "this shall be the last 1", but we still hv #3...haha...
wah....u guys are fantastic man! after going through this one, i REALLY don't know whether i'll continue with #2 or not lor...
yep.me too i told my hb shall stop at 2 cos dun want them to become under-previleaged... cos too many then have to divide more things among themselves... mmm... but still 3rd one pops up.

giggler... oh u MO3 also yeah ... *hi 5*

hey ladies...
ay any civil servants here... woonder wat is the bb package to be announced hor... any news???
welcome gelato...=)

EmQ...I realli advise your tolerance to accept & invite ur in laws to ur place despite the unhappiness....I have been telling myself I shd b more open abt it however it bringing mi to the point of depression and to the extent I hate to return home even if it meant strolling aimlessly outside...

pirate...i see wat u are driving at...we used to have very good r/s when we are not staying together even though unfair treatments given to us....I ignore it..the last straw was after our wedding...their other son sold the hse...I was nice enuff right then to offer them my spare room even though there's only one and they complain lots abt my location and hw much they dun like staying in this area which is fine for mi cos they would rather rent their son's fren's room....bcos of this brought so much headache for us on the arrangements for our wedding....ignore that still...din help on our wedding + kick a big fuss over our weddg dinner in front of our guests. After the weddg...insist in shifting in to our place saying temporary but no time frame given which could be for like the next 10 yrs or as long as they are ard. Due to indifferences and living habits concerning personal hygiene, I cant tolerate totally and wif my pregnancy....hubby and I frequently quarrel even to the point when I wanted to shift out...after 3 torturing mths, they shifted out and I regained peace in my hse. Till now I have not bothered to ask abt them nor hear anythg concerning them, no intention to visit over CNY as well. I may sound like an evil DIL but not gonna change my mind or bother myself wif these issues are this moment of time. Sorrie for being so lorso.

cheekygal..mi too..used to have fish daily for dinner but bb reject it so have not been having fish for ages le....

my boobs are still rather sore and need to change to bigger bra le....but so scare of size changing again at lata stage then will be wasting $$$ buying new ones again...any advise?
hi gelato!

piyo: no matter how u no like ur MIL see her u still hv to put up a nice front lor....dun further sour the r/s must still think of our hubby mah
piyo: u never tried the bra extensions ma? i am still using tat la...but dun think can last too long...so i tot of getting those cheaper bras...like sorella, they always have promo...those maternity bras are ugly man...u knw BKK got 1 shop sell maternity wacoal bra bras leh...about $650 baht per pc
mercsboy: wacoal singapore don't sell maternity bras liao. I just checked. And maternity bras are yucks la. And I can't wear em. The nipples stick out when I wear clothing over. Sigh.
ohhhhhh...this MIL thingie sounds so scary... i'll never be able to understand cos i don't have a MIL, passed away when hubby very young....
suika...understand dat..but now I prefer to be an ostrich and avoid totally cos still feeling sore deep inside since it was only 2 mths back...

mercsboy...will bra extension help cos I feel my boobs squashed in the bra so I thot might need bigger cup...can give it a try though and if fail then buy new ones....maternity bras are ugly + expensive...too early to get nursing bras oso...so u din buy from BKK?
ange: in BKK still have leh...alot of choices somemore...should have bought a few back...nice and looks comfy to me...singapore ones are old fashion lor...even the nursing bra...aiyo...i dunno how to wear tat
piyo: coz usually i dun buy half cups bra...i usually buy fuller cups bra, so till now still ok for me...the extra meat still inside the cup. haha...wat a description..

i bought 2 wacoal normal bras during the sale 50% leh...one pc about $15 only...and nice one lors...the maternity ones, i regretted didnt buy, coz was almost closing time, so didn want to try, just bought the undies only.
ange...cos maternity or nursing bra usualli no padding which I feel uncomfy too...mayb shd try sum soft bras w/o underwire....

zill...for my case is both in laws...actualli FIL worst then MIL....
mercsboy....wat a cute description.....after a day's wearing...can feel my nipple sore wif many lines....guess mayb buy full cup which can last longer....wah...so cheap ar..my last trip there no good promo and tose dat I like dun have my size so din get any....see anybody going there again...mayb can help to buy...hee
Piyobaby & suika: Thanks.

Re issues with ILs, maybe i m luckier cos' i don't stay with them (tho i see them almost everyday)& they're not difficult pple afterall. Nevertheless, humans & humans sure hv conflicts 1, if i hear sth that i dun like to hear, i pretend not to hear it, or act blurrr... if i m not happy with ILs, i complain to my hubby... but i dun expect my hubby to take side with me or whatever, i only expect him to listen & let me vent it out. After complaining, get over it...

I do agree ea family hv it's own problem, try to take it easy... =)
piyobaby: I found half cups were no longer comfortable after my boobs grew. So i wear 3/4 cups now. They seem to hold everything in better. :p
Dear MTBs,

hows the arrangement to go yoga together??sorry i havent been reading much of the previous thread..Have any mtbs arrange anything?? i m very keen..but better still have kakis like u all..sure fun right...

Thnks all

piyo: no worry...time will washes everything away, nxt time sees them juz pretend nothing happen lor

gelato: at least ur hubby listens n let u vent out....mine can dares say i bias against his mum...F*** lor if u all noe what she've done u would not say so liao lor
