(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sel: Detailed scan will be carried out at week 20 at hospital itself. its included in the package, but still have to pay $107.00 leh...probably the machine fee ba.

Suika: for my gynae rite, NT Scan is included in the package but not oscars. NT scan no need to top up money. oscards need too.

congrats novakido on a bb boi!!!! i guess for boys easier to detect bcos of the lil birdy... hehehe... start ur shopping for bb stuff =)

i got an instinct that its a ger.. anyway boy or ger, also ok, as long as healthy, isnt it???
suika, I juz beck from my NT scan. U going nxt week rite? The nurse will ask u to pay a package for the NT scan and the detail scan (on the 20th wk), it cost S$192.60 (after GST).

Samval, detail scan is differnet from the Oscar test, at deatail scan they will show u the BB fingers, hand, legs and counted them to let u know that the BB physically. I tink those that went for Oscar test will still need to go for detail scan, correct me if I am wrong.

I am relieve now as I was told that my BB is at low risk for down syndrome. The test result will send to the gynea so need to confirm the result with him next wk again. And is now abt 7cm but still cannot tell the gender.
talking about confinement, ladies do rest well whether u hv CL or DIY. it's an important period for mothers to recuperate. my health deteriorated after 1st baby coz too kan cheong & didn't rest well during confinement (though that time i got CL).

lie down (not just sit) whenever u can & try not to touch water too much, esp ice water! sometimes must listen to old people advice coz it affects our health & well-being, & we only got this one body to last us the whole life.

of coz now we're in modern s'pore & washing / air-con unavoidable lah. doc also request to wash ourselves clean to avoid infection. do take extra care though. if possible, use water with white wine added when washing hands / wiping body. if bathe / shampoo, get herbs from chinese medicinal hall.

me lor sor hor, talk abt confinement practice so early. but guess this time i try to make do with tingkat if can't find good CL. my sis had to send her CL back b4 contract finish, & I heard this happen quite frequently.
samval my breast pain and tenderness started fading ard wk 9 or 10. Now in wk 11, haven't been having any MS.

nova great u can find out bb's gender so soon!

suika that's right.. govt wants more kids, so need to provide incentive for pple to have more than 1 mah.. if u chose not to do the savings for 2nd child onwards, then will just get lesser money lor.

kellie i heard nuh has done singapore's 1st water birth. As for the other hospitals, i think they dun allow water birth, only have hot tub for u to soak in but once the contractions intestify they will ask u to come out to prevent water birth. Dunno why they dun allow. Me think the docs here prob dunno how to handle water birth??

sperzz gd that the test turned out ok.. how long does it take for the test results to be out?
like that sure kena cny unless give birth christmas or earlier. maybe those of us v early jan one got chance. but they will charge cny rate coz book with edd rite? anyway with newborn baby difficult to go visiting also leh
de_luxe, I think the result is out instantly once the test is finished. Is juz that we dont noe how to read it so need the doctor to explain. HT elast NT test is done by the gynea so on that day I know the result instantly but this time rnd is done outside so need to go back to doc to know the answer.
for nt scan, you'll see 1:n as your actual reading. if this is smaller than 1:300, that is, n is larger than 300, then you're considered low risk. you might also see another number of 1:x which is the estimated risk based on your age.
Hi Chere, agree with you, hub & I are also very comfy with Dr Wong. Well I'll probably talk to her again during next visit and will probably make the switch if her leave year end is truly confirmed. She told me,"You sure you ok with it?" cos I was YAYA to take the risk to continue with her knowing she may not be around.

Of course after thinking through, it's probably wise to switch. After all, we are paying so much for service and need assurance that gynae is around when in time of need.
Reading up the comments on Dr Khi, I'm pretty confident she is also a very nice lady with good experience & expertise so I'm not so worried.

You do check with her at your next visit ya.
MTBs, i kenna flu from hubby. by 4pm i cannot tahan liao, so decided to call it a day and go to the gynae's instead of waiting till fri. got two days MC, but doc forgot to prescribe me flu tablets. and i was too lazy to go back to get it. anyway, the less medicine i eat the better. just rest more will recover faster

at 9W6D could see little limbs and baby shape. so cute. asked doc abt water birth. he said not encouraged unless baby and mother are both super strong and healthy and really firm believers of NATURAL birth. but can soak in water tub to relief pain if i want.

not so good news: got diabetes and high blood pressure. so not allowed to eat sweet and salty stuff. oh dear. i have problem eating, and now no sweet and salty stuff. i think i will have more problems finding the right food to eat.

and because of these 2 conditions, doc says that my baby is very likely not able to wait till 31jan. most likely will come ard early jan. that means i may still be on time for mickey/minnie

for the first time, i puked this morning. and because i haven't had the chance to eat anything yet, i puked all the water that i drank this morning. and felt much better after that. could gobble the egg mayo sandwich that i made for myself. and for the first time in weeks, i got so hungry just now that i ate one whole plate of rice with lotsa veg, steam egg, potato and chicken. a decent meal at last. but i still got ms tdy.
sperzz that's good then.. at least it prob won't be a nerve wrecking wait for the results.

Did u do the blood test as well?
Hi, sorry to intrude. I'm selling three books produced by Thomson Medical Centre, written by lactation consultant Mrs Wong Boh Boi. Titles are Childbirth, Childcare and Breastfeeding. Books are brand new, selling as I have an extra set. Very informative for new mothers especially the content is written in Singapore context. Pls send me a PM if interested. Thanks!
<font color="0000ff">Rachel</font> Ya, so wierd how you just teared! It just flow naturally... Never expected it...

<font color="0000ff">Trima</font> Is yours covered by the company? We do have insurance so thankfully all are covered, if you don't have it prolly cost about $10k usd to have a baby apparently with all the tests, lab fees, delivery fees etc.

<font color="0000ff">Ni</font> Thanks dear! Ya boy or girl doesn't matter, most important baby's healthy and when the sonographer says "normal normal normal" you'll feel so relieve. That's what all parents would want to hear!

<font color="0000ff">sperzz</font> Baby 7cm! How many weeks? My baby only 6.51cm but daddy and mummy both very short hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Kellie</font> Ya, I read from the book too that 14weeks is the start of 2nd trimester! I was like, sigh 2 more weeks to go!!!
suika, the test is like normal ultrasound and took arnd 15mins only.

de_luxe, I no do any blood test yet, but I think the gynea going to do those HIV blodd test for me for the next visit.

novakido, I am 12wk 6days already. Both hushand n me also short...
i went to see gynae today.
blur and kan chiong spider me, remembered the date wrongly, suppose to be 3rd july but i went to gynae today on 2nd july. LOL
but since im there so i insists on visit the gynae today and want them to slot me in.
i saw the baby keep kicking my tummy but dont have the 'feeling' yet. very active!!!
my gynae nv tell me how long is my baby leh.
ya lor. my gynae also never tell me baby is how big.

but now baby has been labelled foetus instead of 'embryo'. yeah!
Yup, I can go on long leave as long as I tell my management my plans early. It helps that my boss is very pro family so she doesn't blink an eye when you say you want to go home early to take care of your baby. Love her for this!

There are some gynaes who will do a water birth for you, but they are very, very rare. And besides the gynae, you also need to look for a hospital who will let you do that. S'pore still quite 'old fashioned' in this area so most gynaes and hospitals frown on water births.

$2.9K for confinment during the CNY period is quite the norm. But do be prepared for grouchy CL or sudden disappearances because they 'need' to go home. You must remember that they also want to celebrate CNY, but because of you, they cannot because they are 'dirty'.
According to the ultra sound, I'm currently 9 weeks. But going by LMP, I'm 10 weeks. Still no sign of MS abaiting.
Yes, I will ask for medication already, it's literally draining the life out of me...
janjan: poor thing you kena flu ah? sigh this morning i woke up my throat so pain. i think gonna fall sick cos also got a bit of cough. i'm very prone to tonsilitis and the fever will set in later. so worried. anyone like me who has tonsilitis too?? your boss so good. mine wait long long... your diabetes only started since preg or you had since before preggie liao?

may i know at how many weeks do we ask doc to test for high blood pressure and diabetes? or do they auto test for us?

sperzz: i'm confused. the actual scan is at 20 weeks rite (the detailed one). then those mummies who can see the gender of bb is what type of scan?

mercsboy: NT scan is included in the package? then why still need to top up cash leh? then the $107 is for what ah?

JS: ya me too. according to ulta sound, i'm 9 weeks 3 days today. but if count by LMP, i'm 10 weeks liao. doc said cos some women ovulate late so they count by ovulation, and not by LMP. confused .... ya ya, better go and take med. me also trying not to take so much, but maybe instead of 3x a day i take 1 every alternate days. now thinking of taking half morning, half at nite.
I thought at every appoointment they check for high blood pressure and sugar/protein in the urine? I get checked every time I go to Dr. Ho, including my weight.

Samval, what the name of your med? Does it make you drowsy?
sperzz: ur NT is inclusive...so good! mine is not and my gynea advice me to take both as package so got discount.

samval: the med try not to take esp if u're at home...not feeling too good juz go puke, that's normal but if we keep taking the med it won't be too good oso

juz recovered from flu yest and now it's my hb's turn, sneezing away the whole nite. This morning then i realised that my flu came back again....haizzz
samval: the NT scan is included in my package. if i opt for the NT scan dont have to pay extra, but i opt for oscars so must top up. then the detailed scan will be carried out at the hospital, tat is should be the hospital charge ba...i checked and my friend said pay another $107. other gynaes i am not sure how much to pay already.
Eh, then you just go and say hello to your baby at every appointment only ah? Not even weight is checked?
JS: the med i'm taking is promethazine. yes its drowsy one. i got another one, maxalon, but it makes me hyper active and out of control!

suika/JS: mine also never check any weight/urine too leh

mercsboy: i see. but if we choose OSCAR, then no need NT scan rite? will the NT scan be omitted from the package if we choose OSCAR? or still can take NT scan since its in the package and OSCAR, but we pay extra?
Samval, for those who know the gender is when visit the Dr at the routine check-up and happen to scan and see the gender of the BB
JS: bascially u can put it that way. told him that my GP found out my blood pressure's rather low...... he says it's like that de....it's normal...only checked my urine once last visit...my height n weight no taken be4....think my gynea's oni concern is on my bb not the mummy

samval: we visiting the same gynea rite? that's y same treatment ba..heehee
sperzz: i see. i tot its those more detailed scan that needs to be taken at 12th weeks. thanks for the clarification.

suika: i decided to stick back to dr. caroline khi instead of adrian cos not so comfy with him. but he is very experienced and even my gynae told me that he was quite senior in KK that time. have you asked him why never take weight/urine? i asked my gynae and she jsut said ok next time will start to take.

JS: can also take dimente, but that one is only to prevent vomitting. if you want something to prevent vomitting AND nausea, then its promethazine.
suika: my package is $550, but the initial payment will be deducted from the package wor...

samval: i also not too sure abt the NT scan, but i think the gynae also did it, coz he was measuring the neck of the bb, but i think the % for down syndrome is lesser than oscars test. oscars is just like double confirm. there are ppl who are younger and they nvr do oscars test.

my gynae every check also check weight leh...even my 1st trip also take weight. but for urine test, my 3rd trip there then take urine test.
Wah, now I know why Dr Ho's fees are so expensive, every visit also check urine, pressure and weight...and that urine test stick costs $8!
mercaboy: your package is so reasonable.

have you gotten the results for the OSCAR yet? how long will it take? i'm also thinking shld do or not. cant decide yet.
mercsboy: my package is oso $550 but my NT is not inclusive

samval: maybe i visit him very early stage ba so he no bother....last visit they tested on my urine so i'll see what else he does for my nxt appt other then the blood test which i'm trying to avoid...heehee

JS: ur urine test $8? that's very expensive wor....mayb that's y my gynea no keep testing? heehee
mercsboy : huh is it? printed on the photo? i see from the photo it measure up to 8cm.
dunno real anot leh.

my package is $1.2k leh.
how come u all only $550?
Yah lor, no wonder he keep on testing, lol.

Your package is quite costly! What does it include?
JS : consultation fee + medicine + ultrascan photos from 3months checkup till last checkup only.
it doesn't include blood test or any other scan.

very costly sia!!!
xpink_xuanx, the package all depend on the gynea to charge. And as for ours, the gynea is consider one of the cheapest....
but do u all get back any small amount after delivery?
cos my #1, i paid 1.2k but after delivery, they send me a cheque and return me back $550.

xpink: i only know to keep all the receipts and upon delivery when we submit up can include these receipts for claims....but can claim max how $ i'm not too sure on that
