(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercsboy: yah super crowded man the clinic. and not her patients. Good that u have the gynae u very comfortable with.

jo: very funny hor? i honestly think if you are comfy with adelina wong, just go and directly ask the nurses is there a reason why cannot see her since you are ex-patient of doc sim. i tot we have the rite to choose our own gynae leh.
samval: i ask le. Dr Wong declined.
She say not nice thing to do. That's why I think they close friends. Haiz never mind lah her loss.....
NI: try and ask for another week of MC when u are back on monday la. can relax at home...i think dont move too much will be better.

hmmm....my bb nvr wave hands at me leh...when i was there last week...i think he/she is sleeping la, coz doctor pat my tummy abit when he was doing the scan.
jo: agree. btw, you said you gonna see another gynae at Thomson Plaza. is it a private gynae? private can deliver in SGH?

Mercsboy: thanks for the info on the scan thing. i will think properly whether i going for OSCAR not. will discuss with hubby.

suika: is your MS better now? you how many weeks already? me still have on off but getting better. ask you, did you always take the med when you were having bad MS that time? oh ya, all my gynae receipts hubby aldy submit to his company to claim leh. so how to claim medisave? think cannot aldy.
samva;: yah the one at thonson plaza is private. The SGH one was my old gynae before i got pregnant. He's head of OB & GYN department in SGH. But he very very busy. wanna see him with appt oso gottta wait 2 hours.

miffy: thanks for the link.
Hi samval, my next visit with Dr Wong is end July so I'll see her 1 more time, talk to her abt the switch 1st before deciding. I am pretty hesitant too cos i really feel comfortable with her. She was so funny to ask..."I'll probably be on leave end Dec...can or not?" I said, "Aiya is it ok if I say cannot cos I need you around my EDD" - we just laughed. Gynaes also have families so I anticipated the possibility of her taking leave. Wat to do, my family planning timing bit didn't account for major public hols!

Thanks for your sharing on Dr Khi, will hope to establish good relationships with her...sometimes gynae / mummy this kind of thing is really LUCK.

At every visit the nurses take my weight and blood pressure, not urine test. But I just signed up the package and it includes the urine tests from my next visit onwards.

Hi Jo, good luck, bounce off thoughts and concerns with your hubby..if he has no reaction...haha then right, just have him pay the bill!
suika: i agree, must find a suitable one for chinese physician. cannot anyhow grab one to see. at first i went to a jurong east one, very popular & many friends seen her oso give gd comments. but after almost 1 year with her i decided to give up. just not suitable for me.

got a friend studying TCM recommended one of her professors to me, & this is current one i'm seeing. quite ex but i think quite suitable for me.

u know the korean drama "da chang jin"? when she was learning, she made a mistake of generalising 2 different cases coz they had similar symptoms, even with her intelligence & knowledge. so scary hor?

i think chinese physician is also kind of a "luck" thing, whether u get someone who knows your body constitution instead of jumping to conclusions.

about "an tai" medicine, my mother long ago warn me not to take. i not comfortable too. all those yucky herbs that we're not familiar with. but this physician only build my health generally, she said her medicine not "an tai" but will make me stronger which will help me nourish baby better. then i also got excuse to prevent my MIL to brew any yucky herbs for me, coz see physician already can't take other herbs mah, haha.
samval: i'm at 11wk now...my MS is still there but not as bad as before oni now morning keep vomiting out all my gastric gaseous ba....

any1 got good tried tingkat now? i'm looking for a nice 1 coz not able to stand there so long to do cooking now....
Kellie: maybe becoz of that case now i'm more cautious on these stuffs....hahaha to the extend i dare not anyhow take herb stuffs in case take wrong harm my bb then how....can't afford that lor
sperzz: coz of my flu so i'm forced to drink more water.....other then last few days most of the time each day i think not even to 4 glasses
sperzz: ya ya, i feel thirsty always leh...now i go out also bring one small water bottle...and hubby cannot share with me coz not enough..
bluen16: agree that sometimes its due to luck on gynae and us lor.

sperzz: me cant drink water cos will throw up. but i do get thirsty.

anyone feel out of breathe? i just walk to bit faster to beat the traffic light from turning red and i think it was my face that turns red red cos i was panting like hell!
anyone knows how the gynae will tell if we have water retention? of how do we see ourselves? i only know how to see towards the end of preg when i feet will swell up
Hi all,

I went for my OSCAR test yesterday and managed to see my baby's lil birdy. So it's a boy. If based on the chinese calender, it should be a gal gal lor. But anyway, both me and hubby are happy as long as the BB is healthy.

I paid $390+ yesterday for Oscar and blood tests plus the detailed scan supposedly to be done during 20-22 weeks. Oh, i've signed up for the SBI. So the amount tht i paid was after getting 10% discount.

I managed to engaged a CL at $2500 + 2 ang pows. Anyone knows how much to give for the ang pows?
suika: i think if we drink more water, we will pass urine more, thus will flush out the water retention from our bodies. if we don't drink enuff, then our bodies will retain water for us, resulting in water retention. how i donno how to tell if got water retention or not.

puppylove81: wow & congrats on your boi boi
puppylove81: really ma...u did the detailed scan is it? they said boy easier to see leh...coz of the birdy...

wah...$390...heartpain hor..
puppylove81: congrates! u're the 2nd 1 to know the gender

samval: like that must start to drink more water liao lor if not later look so bloated wor
samval: so if we drink lots of water and always pee...means wont have water retention i.e. swell on the feet? i always go toilet leh...until i scared people think i got bladder problem
mercsboy: that's what the gynae told me lor. ppl got misconception that dont drink water so won have water retention. but i gonna ask her how do we know that we have water retention? maybe from the swelling on feet, hands. dunno.
suika, mercsboy: ya samval is right. if drink not enough water body will retain what little there is. if drink more will flush out system together with "dirty" stuff. also will not get constipation so easily.

but there is a limit i think. maybe 8 glasses to 10 glasses a day. if drink so much still water retention then consider cut down a little bit. cut down salty food too. now go toilet often is normal lah.
samval: ur gynea told u to drink more water to reduce the chances of water retention? like that i must try drink more water from now on....

if not wrong, if our body swells up means water retention liao lor....like all of a sudden u cannot fit in ur shoes...that's a sign too
Kellie: recently i go toilet lesser liao wor but water intake more den last few days ley....like that then how?
suika: yes me too avoid herb stuff unless necessary. started to see physician only after miscarriage in 2006, coz want to know my body weak in which part. all along only dare to take my nutritional immunology products coz they are foods & not herbs or medicine. but self diagnosis a bit difficult. so got professional (chinese physician) to help out. she quite impressed with my immune system too, hahaha. after i give birth will likely stop seeing her liao.
Kellie: i try not to take too much herb stuff coz scared later too heaty mah....coz my friend's wife think take alot then when she delivery her bb whole body reddish...think too heaty liao
oh yes forgot to mention, for water retention, don't count coffee, tea, coke etc as "water" that u drink. coz the caffeine will actually make u lose water instead of replenishing your system.

suika: haha i don't know leh. maybe now your bladder not so cramp or hormone level adjusted so no need to go toiet so often.
suika: yes i heard must take a little cooling stuff but only late in 3rd trimester, otherwise baby prone to be too heaty or jaundice. also the mother might not be able to tahan 1 mth heaty confinement food if all thru preg only take heaty stuff.

i recently also too heaty coz i kay kiang. that time went korea bought ginseng powder the tour guide say not heaty but good for general health so i believed him, drink everyday wor coz almost expire already i scared wasted. then my mother & chinese physician both ask me to stop say too heaty. in the end really lor, nose bleeding & rashes.
continued...the chinese physician say lucky got rashes & nose bleeding to expel the heat by myself. otherwise the baby skin will not be good. i say my hubby skin also not good maybe can be hereditary. she say no lah nothing to do with hubby but to do with what i eat
<font color="0000ff">Trima</font> Wow how come your company insurance like dat? Then its better to deliver in S'pore than come over cause the medical expenses are really high over here and it takes forever to book an appointment. When I was back in SG and I see my gynae, I feel that they know more about asians and our lifestyles plus they pamper us! But Trima if short visits won't it be tiring on you to travel to and fro US? I hated the travelling part cause its so long! But also you might want to buy your own insurance from other companies to see if they cover you? But now that you are pregnant not sure if it is going to be expensive charges from the insurance company also...

<font color="0000ff">deluxe</font> I think can do stationary cycling (in the gym) but not mountain biking and outdoor cycling especially if you go over hills and bumps.I went Pulau Ubin to cycle before I must say some routes are pretty tiring!

<font color="0000ff">sperzz</font> I also always get thirsty all the time.

<font color="0000ff">samval</font> My gynae advise me to drink sips of water everytime throughout the day instead of gulping down a glass or half a glass and I find that it helps with the vomitting and keeps me well hydrated! Samval, water retention very easy, you just use a finger and press gently into your skin it should be elastic enough and not create any dent in your skin. Water retention skin takes a while to "spring" back to after being pressed. Most of the time water retention can be seen on your feet, when you stand for too long.

<font color="0000ff">puppylove81</font> Congrats!!! When the sonographer told me its a Boy I dunnoe why my heart just skip and I teared! Very happy to know ya?!

<font color="0000ff">suika</font> Me also going to the toilet less now! Cause as you approach the 2nd trimester, your uterus grown and move upwards away from pressing unto your bladder unlike in your first trimester and the last! So be happy!

Ladies, try not to take too much tom yam soup and that sort of stuff, baby may come out jaundice wor!
morning ladies.

suika: i laughed when i read abt how we cant fit into our shoes

kellie: you mean you seeing a chinese physician now issit? what does she do for you? care to share?

novakido: i tried to press down but i'm pressing my fats ah. or me very thick skin. haha
samval/deluxe - thanks. ystdy the flu got so bad that i got headache. and then i even puked out the precious porridge that took me alot of effort to get into my tummy. then after that i puked again, this time, its the yellow juices. eew!! and i flip her flip there just cannot sleep. felt really awful.

everytime i go for my check up, the nurse will make me do a protein test. so that day i went, did the test, and found that the test stick changed colour. then they did a blood test and found out that i am diabetic. i wasn't diabetic or high blood before pregnancy. thank god doc says this is temporary. after delivery will be gone.

i really dread food now. for one, i am getting bad ms all the time and got no appetite, for two, i really wonder wat i can eat that contains no sugar and salt. hai...

Sperzz - I always have a bottle of water beside me wherever i go, even when i'm home. usually i will have to refill my bottle at elast 3-4 times if i'm alone at home. eversince preggy i also have this bottle with me at night. i will sip sip whenever i wake up to pee. cos i feel very thirsty and 'dehydrated' all the time. so at night also must drink water.

I feel so awful!! gosh.. how am i gg to get thru another day???
kellie - thanks. been drinking lotsa water, but still feel dehydrated. hai... i feel my lips are swollen like sausage like that.

i heard that pumpkin is good. my dad has diabetes and high blood. so my mum always make him eat pumpkin and cook brown rice for him. but i cannot tolerate brown rice leh.

the past two days i eat really bland food lor. ystdy ate porridge and super bland beehoon at mum's place. then whole day abit of stomach pain also. pain until at night. keep gg to shit, but nothing much come out. then dinner hubby cooked super plain porridge. i swallow the porridge jsut like that, with a bit of the preserved lettuce, and its really abit only. feel so miserable. then after that puke out everything. hai...

i've already lost 2.2kg in this 3 weeks. oh dear... wonder how much more weight i'm gg to lose. i don't have much weight to begin with
janjan: i heard that later part when u approaching 2nd trimester will gets better, coz that is the time when bb is absorbing more things for developing. so just eat whatever u can ok, dont force yourself for now..

u lost 2.2kg...i gain 2 kg already!! sob....i cant fit into my loose jeans already...
merceboy: tho i lost 2.2kg, i have stopped wearing my office pants and skirts 4 weeks ago. have been wearing dresses or those t-shirt material type of skirts. more comfy. my tummy is kinda showing. i think thats the bloatedness ba.

really hope that it will get better as 2nd tri comes. hai.. now i want to eat oats also scared to put too much sugar.

feel hungry now and yet scared to eat.
janjan: not to worry...things will get better when u approaching 2nd trimester, tats why called "honeymoon period" ma...so nw just eat whatever u wants, dont force yrself...eat little but many meals..
janjan: i also know how you feel. i also at one stage very very scared to eat. i lost 1.5 kgs.

ladies, any idea how much pumpkin we can take? cos heard that it contains high vitamin A which is not good. same as liver.

tmrw is my check-up. i'm excited yet nervous.
hello mtbs...

just woke up, complete bedrest is quite tiring also. feel so 'bedridden'... whole body aching after lying down for so long...

anyway, jus log in to say hi. take care MTBs. weekend is here=)
mercsboy / samval.. thanks.. i ate one tiny slice of sara-lee just now. then gulp down alot of water. hope to wash away the sweetness. haha.

k.. i will hang on, for the sake of the little one. now that i know my conditions, then i will make preparations for premature arrival and scrimp even more now to have enough $$ for delivery later on

Jiayou all MTBs!! Together we shall get thru this tough 1st tri and get into our socalled honey moon stage!
morning ladies...

cannot take tom yum soup ar?? why leh?? wat other things cannot take?? i already eat tomyum a few times liao.. and curry too...

dun worry... it'll get better soon lo.. i hate that period when there's no appetite for food.. dun feel like eating anything right?? mi lost 3kg during the 1st trimester.. bt seems to be fatter..
sel: cannot take tom yam soup meh??? i be going Bangkok next mth leh...then i love the tom yam soup there...and i have been eating curry fish head leh...those sour sour stuff tempts me...

u still got lose weight during 1st trimester...i gain weight lor...btw, how is your oscars result? i am normal leh...
dunno why cannot take.. saw in nova's post mah..
so i ask lo...
eh.. he didnt call me leh.. no news means good news right?? why urs so fast de??
ya lor cannot take tom yum soup? I love it and have been taking curry as well.. Basically i have been gaining weight haha...
saw baby yesterday.. doc said she is resting / sleeping cos my hubby commented she didnt move or bounce as much as tues when we went for NT scan

janjan, just rest well.. it will get better

sel: i dont care, i going to take when i in bangkok..the tom yum soup is yummy there lor.
i called up actually yday to ask about the results, although no news la, but just double confirm lor.

blessedmum: can see bouncing one meh? then i think my bb sleeping, coz doctor pat my tummy a few times when he was scanning.
