(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

hello mummies...

2 more days is my 12th week le! so happie. happie that lil peanut is growing happily. glad to see many mummies progressing into 2nd tri le!

oh ya. one qns to ask mummies here~

are u all doing ur confinement or hiring confinement ladies???

cos i think most of us, or rather all of us EDD will fall into CNY period. so more exp, are more diff to hire. but my mil dun wan to help me do. so no choice.

i was thinking either tingkat confinement food and do everything myself OR hire confinement lady. which is a better choice????
Miyuki1 : ya i very pantang one! so i don dare tell ppl im pregnant.

NI : i think i will do myself. or maybe my hubby will buy those confinement book and learn how to cook for me since i cant touch water all this.
if by that time we got our own flat den this will be the plan.
if we still staying at inlaw's place den will be my inlaw cooking for me i think.
NL: I will most probably engaged a confinement lady becos both our parents are unable to do it. I know there are alot of food that I dont eat especially Pork becos i hate that smell... so it will be better to engage someone else than having parents to do it.
Nl: CL very ex wor...got a friend ask the price was like 3-4k for that period

xpink: i think ur hb not able to do the cooking 1 la....he nids to work mah...at nite he can cook but lunch ley... u oso nid to eat 1 wor
NI: i will be doing confinement myself. most probably 1st week my MIL will come and help me, then my hubby works sales, so his timing quite flexible, so i think he can help me out as well. as for touching water, i think i will touch water lor, imagine after give birth then menses will come, how can tahan dont wash for 1 whole month?? the most, i will make sure i am dry and not let wind blow me when i am wet ba...
Nl: i will be doing confinement at my mum's place for the first week and thereafter will be by myself. most probably MIL will help to cook simple dish. prepare once a day and eat for lunch & dinner.
mercsboy: cheapest i think oso needs 2k+...but for CNY period sure alot of plus plus plus de

samval: how come 1st wk at ur mum's hse oni?
wah.. 3 to 4 k ar.. too ex liao la...

my mum will be doing confinement for me lo.. save the money... just give her an angpow to thank her...

thinking of taking 2mths no-pay leave after the maternity too.. must save up if nt hv to eat grass liao...
sel: if u can afford ok la, coz extra 2 months easier to breastfeed the baby lor...imagine u teach halfway then need to pump out...so troublesome lor.
i also wish to leh, but i think i cannot leave without 2 months no pay leh
I think if u r working for the gov sector, they will approve your no-pay leave, as they r encouraging pple to give birth....
Hello! How's everyone? I'm back in SG! So glad to have the first part of the moving over! The flight was delayed by 1.5 hrs by Qantas engineers' strike
so xian waiting at the airport... and service was so slow on-board. Waited for ages for makan and was so hungry!! Dunno why the past few days appetite has been very good, get hungry every 3-4 hours. I feel like a glutton, eating more than hubby!!

11wks now... 1 more wk to go! Can't wait to see gyne next mon..

ni thankfully my mom agreed to help me with confinement even tho she's vegetarian. phew! can save some $$$... my hubby doesn't understand the concept of wind, says singapore so hot, where got wind?? Alamak, how to explain xia.. And he made a face when i told him no shower and hairwashing for 1 month...

miyuki i've been taking pre-natal multi-vits b4 getting pregnent and m just continuing. They contain folic acid, calcium, iron, fish oil, plus other trace minerals and vitamins. I find it easier to just take 1 pill rather than several diff types. In sg, I bought from GNC (doesn't contain fish oil, which is sold separately) but there are a lot more options in Oz and it's also cheaper there, so I stocked up enuff to last the whole pregnency. BTW, supposed to continue the multi-vit when breastfeeding. As much as I hate taking pills and prefer natural way of doing things, I dun think my diet is good enough to provide all the vits and minerals that bb needs.

I haven't told many pple that i'm pregnant, cuz pantang, going to wait till get all clear from OSCARS before announcing. Will be meeting my cousins for lunch tmrw... I hope they will only think that i've put on weight and wouldn't think that i'm preggie.
Hey, can I ask if you all use chinese wine in cooking? I cook beef stew with chinese wine today, only 2 tablespoons with lots of water. After I ate, then I realised that it may not be safe and start to worry.

I think when you go out to restaurants, they use the chinese wine also to add flavour to the dishes. Can anyone advise if it is safe to eat such food during pregnancy?
kim using alcohol to cook is ok cuz the alcohol content will evaporate during cooking. Alcohol boils at a lower temp compared to water. Enjoy ur food, dun need to worry!
Kim: I read from some forum that alcohol if used for cooking usually safe for eating becos the alcohol content will evaporate during the cooking process. Check it out with your gynae for more assured answer.
Kim: now it's still ok to eat but they say during BF time have to cut down coz it'll be pass thru...was discussing that with my godmum last wkend on this issue too and we've agreed to have it during dinner time after BF den eat by morning should be ok liao
sel, i also thinking of taking 3 months no pay leave. cos i wan to put baby in infant care, but i think 3 months too young for infant care, at least 6 months, the immune system at least better than 3 months...

if can source for 2k CL, i will take CL, if nt more xinku on myself loh...all for the sake of lil peanut...
suika : dunno leh. last time confinement lady only $1.3k i alrdy hiam expensive liao when i had my first kid.
now increase to 2.5k i think its killing ppl sia.
or maybe dont do confinement cos i hate confinement except the pig trotter vinegar(my fav!)
xpink: coz it's CNY period everything oso increase and u must give them ang bao on top of the pay hor...it's gonna be very very expensive
ya lor...we be doing confinement during CNY...haiz...cannot even prepare for chinese new year...those late jan give birth one, still can have some new yr cheer, stock up food during chinese new year...i cant even go out to buy stuff...hubby sure dunno how to buy stuff one..
yah.. really gotta scrimp and save if i take no-pay.. thinking of taking extra 2mths to BF and to bond with the bb... lets say the edd is relatively accutate.. then, jan, feb, march will be our maternity.. den take apr, may no-pay leave.. den june will be sch holiday.. can BF for 6 mths bt only lugi 2mths pay... let the baby bonus be my pay lo...

just came back frm remedial class.. super tired...
hmm, i don think my boss will alloww extra 2-3 months off leh. cos i think the mothers here never practise that since history started (in my co). sian ah

from the website:
After you submit the forms to the birth registration counter, your forms will be delivered to MCYS. Upon receiving your properly completely forms, MCYS will verify your child's eligibility and notify you by post of the outcome within 3 weeks. The first cash payment will be credited into your nominated bank account within the 3 weeks if your child is eligible for Baby Bonus.
thanks sel!

i've heard there's a saving where u have to open up an acc under our bb's name and puts in a certain $$ and the gov will top up the $$....it goes something like that .... u heard of this?
no prob...

thats for the 2nd to 4th child..
called the CDA (Children Development Account).. gov will match dollar for dollar up to 6k for 2nd child.. and up to 12k for 3rd/4th child...
sel: so 1st child is only 3K lah...only 2nd-4th child they'll match dollar for dollar on the saving part...so meaning 2nd child onwards have to save then gov will give money la...but 1st child no need

yup.. 1st child is only 3k cash in 4 installments..
1. few weeks after submission of docs
2. 6mths
3. 12mths
4. 18mths
hi sel!
I also have the same thinking as you. Will be taking NPL for about 2months plus after my Maternity leave.. Dont intend to come back until the 2nd semester.. haha
REally gaining weight.. now some of my kids also noticed im getting FATTER!! AAHHH!!!
Going for nt scan tomroow
w also tour TMC to see hows its like

yeah.. going into 13th week tomorow!! cant wait to see baby again!
hehe.. hoping that the heads dun hv violent objections lo...

i also getting fatter liao bt more of being v bloated i think... tends to get v bloated after dinner... having scallop porridge for dinner tonight, hopefully nt so bloated...

going back in term 2 seems like nt 3 nt 4 liddat.. den hv to account for their results in SA1 after being with them for barely a few weeks, nt worth it la...

at least in term 3, nt that bad... can try to prepare them for SA2 for half a yr...
sel: exactly..
but i tink if you want to take NPL, they cant stop you from taking wan.. my clerk told me can take up to 2 years actually.. but usually pple take 6 mths b4 deciding if want to extend..
must really go calculate see when want to start NPL so taht wont lugi...
but i tink i will stop by jun hol... at least can resume pay in june... haha wont lugi the $$
i had the worst MS today. woke up at 12mn ystdy and since then couldn't really sleep. so this morning i went to work really late. took cab and reach at 9.45

then whole morning i felt so miserable. want to puke but nothing come out. the worst was when i was outside, lunchtime. even had to rush to the toilet. still nothing come out. until now my tummy still feel very wierd. i think its the kinda feeling we get from indigestion. oh dear.. i hope this will be the worst that will happen. hopefully the rest of my 1st trimester will not be as bad as today.

samval, thanks for clarifying. that means we have about 2.5 weeks to go before crossing over to 2nd trimester. seems like very long leh

now my only motivation is looking forward to fri. go for my checkup. see what's up with the little one inside me

as for confinement, my mum will cook and dad will deliver the food to me. so i intend to give them ang pow of $1k each to thank them instead. then i wll top up another $500 for the food. no matter what, i think it will still add up to be more economical then engaging a CL

i won't be taking NPL. cannot afford. Most likely will clear 2008 leave in Dec 08 then early jan ask doc to give MC to cover me till delivery. then followed by maternity leave 12 weeks. then will go back to work.
Wow... CL so super expensive. How to afford one??? Most prob will stay with my mum in the beginning then see how lo.
Dun think will take NPL unless necessary... If take then bonus sure to get a big cut one... LUGI...
MS still present... Wondering how soon will this be over... Pray!!!
<font color="0000ff">Sel</font>: wow 9 mths huh, but I tink I will start eating after my first trimester. My good friend already started eating since her first trimester but because she is a second time mum, she already have experience knowing her body...
My sis in law also in the teaching profession, she took a total of of i year off including her maternity for her first kid and now 6 months for her 2nd baby, she says just save more before the baby is delivered and also dun spend unwisely during the leave period then can be comfortable. Now she is going back to work after the June holidays she really missed the SAHM period!!!

Ya <font color="0000ff">Samval</font>, I also read that watermelon and pineapple have good source of vitamins, plus the weather is so warm now, watermelon is the best!

<font color="0000ff">Miyuki</font>, actually I read from a book that, pregnant mummies should eat 1 egg a day cause its a very good source of protein! Unless you have family history of high cholestrol and that sort of stuff otherwise its good to eat eggs daily!

<font color="0000ff">de_luxe</font>, can shower during confinement leh, nowadays they have herbs where you can ask your mum to help you boil during the confinement then you use it to shower. But only the herbs water no water at all so no rinsing after the herbs water!

<font color="0000ff">Kim</font>, yesterday I read from "What to expect when you are expecting" apparently if you steam or cook the alcohol for more than half an hour then its safe to eat cause the alcohol will be evaporated only leaving the taste so cook your food more than half an hour should be save le!
janjan: poor thing
i hope you are feeling better today. my MS seems to be getting better, but i think its cos i take the anti-vommitting pills lah. i try to cut down to once a day instead of 3x a day. tahan ok: we have 2.5weeks more to go.

met: welcome. you how many weeks now?

suika: you still taking the med for MS? i also scared to keep taking med, but i cant keep anything down if i dont take. so i take once a day lor. how abt u?
<font color="0000ff">Samval</font>, I also have the MS medicine prescribe only took for 2 days then I started to do the 6 times a day small meals and avoid all those food that irritates me and it does somewhat helps a little bit. But when I go out into the hot weather, I will still puke no choice. But the amount of vitamins in me really puts me off medicine! Sigh...

on MC for today and tml... having some rashes breakout...

seen a GP, my family doctor, he knows i am preg, so juz very mild med....

anyway a good time to get away frm work as well. bonding time with my lil one =)

have a good day mummies
