(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

i'm getting pimples outbreak too. today at forehead, then tmr at chin there. hai... think i'm starting to look like a ghost.

i'm on 7 days mc, started last fri. so gg back to work on fri. sian man

just came back from mum's place. at least over there got lunch to eat. i know if i stay at home, i would rather starve then go out to find food. even mum also complaining that i have been moving ard too much, despite being on MC. i didn't tell her i'm meeting my gf tmr night. if not i think she wll forbid me from gg out. no wonder doc make me rest at home. but i'm restless by nature. i can't bear to stay in bed and home the whole day. get bored easily. so what can i do? hai... i just can't REST!!

you mean there is a medicine for ms ah? hmm. how come my doc never give me? he prescribed me Dimenate. is that also for MS? so far i only took 2 or 3 pills and it was very long time ago.

nowadays i don't know why. when comes to evening, i feel so burpy and bloated. can't eat much for dinner. and then when lying down watching tv in the evening, i also feel very uncomfortable. liek this cannot, like that cannot. tried to sit up to watch tv also feel very uncomfortable. lie down also feel bloated. whatever i do just feel very bu-zi-zai. anyone experience this? is this part of ms?

sel, your next visit is so late in jul ah.. wah.. can tahan so long? so far i'm still seeing doc every 2 weeks. guess its because i'm only 8 weeks ba.

jo.. not only did i not put on weight, i lost abt 1/2 kg. doc says its normal during 1st tri due to all the ms and no appetite.

i wouldn't mind a tiny gathering after we cleared our 1st trimenster
looking forward!

rachel: so you enjoyed ur pregnancy all the way through lah. That's really good hor. tt's why having 2nd one now... keke ..haiz am sure most of us here are kicking ourselves for the abuse we did to our bodies when we were younger and more headstrong. The no guts no glory attitude when in our prime anyway. keke

buffet sounds good man. Hungry. constantly hungry...

suika: money is the root of all evil...yet it's a necessary evil. families fight over money

ok me off to facial liao
hope the therapist works miracles hahaha
janjan16: how about renting some dvds and watch at home? or play computer games? i at home many things to do one leh...food wise me also leh, if at home lazy to go out and tar bao..but heng la, coz opp got one coffee shop.
hi jo.. enjoy your facial. remember to tell the bautician that you are preggy so she will take extra care abt the shoulder and head massage part

agree that $$ is the root of all evil. everyday i just sit down here doing nothing but plan plan plan how to survive the days after baby arive.
last night i was oso very restless. ended up went to take a rest after dinner at my mum's place. really cannot take it. then later in the night eye big big can't fall alseep. hb saw me like that oso don't know what to do. then he pointed to my tummy and said: "notti notti". i ended up walking around the house in the dark and keep checking on my boy. nearly go crazy ar.
mercsboy - i don't like to watch dvd cos have to bring the dvd in from living room to bedroom and then fix it all over again. but i'm a great fan of channel 55 tho. in the day, the programme are mostly repeats of the night before's. so its kinda boring.

so sick of computer games. iow, i cannot sit still. surf net also can surf until sian. haha.. don't know wat will please me man. then everyday just want to take bus or mrt go out. so luckily every day landed at mum's place. at least got 2 little cute nieces to entertain me. but then when they sleep, i get bored again, cos i can't sleep.

my house downstairs no coffeeshop. need to walk at least 7 mins (normal human beings) and 12mins (now that i'm expecting). hai... so lazy to walk all the way there lor. super lazy.

rachel - thats what happened to me one of the nights last week also. just suddenly feel abit nauseas, then wake up to pee then cannot sleep liao. so i ended up msn at 3am. luckily still got one soul there to entertain me. else, bored man.
woah.. buffet sounds great! and can see some pretty MTBsss... count me in plsss.. =))

so excited. can see my tiny beanie tml... wonder whats the gender, so that i can start my shopping spreeeeeeeeeeee... hahhaha
i've not been waking up for the past 2 night to pee but having trouble getting to sleep

still got haf hr more to go before gg back...really here counting down time sia...can't wait to leave office now
NI... yeah! after u see remember to ask doc to print a photo of your little one hor. so exciting. for me, still a long way to go.

so fast can see gender alr?
janjan: gender is 20th week then can see ma...rite?

suika: i also leh...my trips to toilet to pee is more now...wait ppl tot i got bladder problem is it....always go toilet.
mercsboy: but these 2 days i no like go toilet wor...even go pee i oso lazy

alamak...i'm really a lazy mummy
cos NI says she gg to scan tmr mah. and she wonder if she can see baby gender or not. so i thought why so fast can see liao. hehe

i keep gg toilet in the early parts of the night. then from 1 or 2am onwards i can sleep thru till 6plus then wake up le.

really restless lor. sleep also so early wake up. don't know for what.
yes a gathering would be nice

i don't know if complexion glow is boy & pimples means girl. thought if belly rounded is girl & protruding is boy.

when had 1st boy not much symptoms, only vomitted twice throughout whole pregnancy, & didn't like the bumps on the roads when travelling. looked beautiful too (compared to pre-pregnancy lah).

but 2nd pregnancy (which ended at 14th week when heartbeat stopped) felt terrible. was faint most of the time, like to dress pretty, want to eat good food etc. Maybe i was too stressed at that time and too kan chiong due to my age.

this time round try to take things easy. rest most of the time. anyway got friend just gave birth last yr at 44, so I'm very much younger at 38 lah, haha. anyway *touch wood*, cannot be so suay again this time right?
janjan: me also leh...going for scan and oscar test tomorrow...

i also keep going toilet leh...sometimes wake up once to pee...sian lor...heng i can fall back asleep easily...
anyway, weekends i also cannot sleep too late, my small doggie will wake me up...
since i'm more "advanced" in preg stage (edd 1jan) maybe just share my symptoms:

pimples small one once in a while. at night usu hv to wake up to pee. appetite ok. doc say to take small frequent meals, but i sometimes take big meals then end up very bloated, esp by end of day tummy look much bigger than it's supposed to be. almost all bottoms can't fit already except for very loose pieces. as for nausea, so far not serious except will gag sometimes when brush teeth or have phelgm (had flu) or hungry.

i guess the most uncomfortable part is when i try to sleep & just can't seem to find the right position or feel like i can't breathe smoothly. then will sigh coz it seems to provide some relief but sometimes did it too loudly my husband thought i was in pain haha.

so 1st time mummies do relax & enjoy your pregnancy. when baby is inside you, it's still very convenient for you to go places or do things. When baby is out you'll have more things to take care of.

as for confinement, i've not decided what to do. with a 9 yr old schooling boy plus a newborn, i don't know how to cope yet. with mum working & MIL not in s'pore, maybe have to order tingkat & train son to do housework.

whatever it is, pregnancy is only 9 months of our life. let's hope everything turn out fine for all of us!
just woke up from my nap...yawnz..
i also started to hv pimples popping out.. there's one at my ear too... sadz...

his skills are nt bad la.. nt very painful.. the nurse says can sign the package when i go for the next visit le... nw just pray that the oscar test is fine lor... their fav phrase: no news is good news.. haha..

ya lor.. also think it's very long away.. bt guess thats the norm bah...
jo that's gd to know... i luv kway chap too!! Stick to the lean meats, tau kwa and tau pok for now lor... once in a while then indulge in the innards... i dun usually like liver, prefer kidney and intestines.. but they are just as bad i guess :p

wats wrong w eating foie gras except that it's inhumane?

trima i'm living in Toorak, not too far from East Malvern. Guess u were studying at Monash Caulfield campus?

yeah, a gathering is a gd idea

janjan I always feel bloated after eating.. usually after lunch, i'll feel full till evening, dun feel like having dinner. But have to cook for hubby so i eat even tho dun feel like it and then whole nite will just feel so stuffed.

I'll be lazy to buy food if it's not nearby... i guess in sg will buy some milk and cereals, or bread for the days that I dun feel like going out, esp in the hot sun walk to walk at least 15 mins.

wats the problem w massage during facial?

kellie dun worry, you'll be fine... maybe u can consider hiring CL to help out.

I have the same extra-big tummy after makan... find it hard to eat small frequent smalls leh, usually buy food can't eat half and leave the rest for later cuz wouldn't be nice, throw away also sayang.
suika: that's what gynae told me abt maxalon lor. sometimes it will afffect and to others it wont. maybe i'm one of those suay ones who kena lor

janjan: ya there is med for MS. actually there are various types in the market. There is also Dimente which makes a person sleepy and vomit less. doc now gave me Promethazine instead, and i have to take or else i cannot keep anything down and cant sleep.

me also the same. pee frequently and wake up in the middle of the nite to pee and then cant go back to sleep lio.

agree with some 2nd mummies here abt previous pregnancy just feels so great. i totally enjoyed my 1st & 2nd and can eat anything without feeling nausea or wanna vomit. and i hardly take mc. the most 1-2 days throughout the pregnancy due to flu etc. but this time round ah, so many things. nausea lah, giddy lah, vomit lah, spotting lah....dunno what is next?? choy choy. must learn to be more positive. looking forward to the 2nd trimester.

great idea to meet up someday. maybe go for high tea?
Yes yes... high tea!
(I sound very greedy hor?)

aiyah, i'm a first time mum. Tink i will have a lot of things to buy... so lost now.

I will be finishing my 12 weeks on this Friday, going for my oscar on Fri too. Now can only hope results will be ok. Hmm... tink i can resume my facial without running the risk of feeling nauseous halfway through.

deluxe, I think massage during facial is ok, but cannot use those equipment that generate those electrical pulses (dunno the right term) on your face?

janjan, i heard we can only know the gender after 5 months wor...

Kellie, i have the same problem as you. Couldn't find a good position to sleep in. Website says that the best position is to lie sideway on your left... coz you won't press on your organs or something like that.
<font color="0000ff">jo</font> sometimes lack of sleep will mess your head a bit and cause you to worry lor... Maybe can start signing up for those pregnancy yoga classes or get those home DVDs to help you relax more. Hehe... Whatever it is always think positive ya!

Ladies for me at 9 weeks when I went for the scan can see baby hands moving and waving le!
But when they print out the still picture can only see a bean bean, amazing...
Wish I can join you all for buffet and high tea but i'm in far away land maybe someone can update with pictures! By the way anyone set up blogs for your pregnancy, if have, do share!

Anyway hor at the moment think my stomach also cannot take buffets, only can eat small small meals. Sigh. Gone are th buffet days!
deluxe- guess i'm like you lor. bloated and by time its dinner time, no more appetite liao. but i still try to eat abit. cos hubby keeps encouraging me to eat more for HIS baby. walao. and then at night will feel worse. burp cannot burp, sleep also cannot find the right position to sleep. this morning i woke at 4am can't sleep liao.

not sure wat the rational about massage during facial. my beautician keep saying cannot anyhow massage. i also don't know. so i just follow wat she says lor

there's also saying that during 1st tri, if the tummy small small is a boy. if tummy grow big liao then is a girl. wonder how true... and some say when pregnant pretty is expecting boy. when pregnant and look pimply and ugly is a girl. hmm..
samval: at times my mood oso have a sudden change and be angry or very sad till cry...but lucky my hb had been more understanding now trying to take all my nonsense

i also having trouble finding the right position to sleep...some times can toss for hours esp weekends..think my bb wana have fun during weekends
yvonne: wah so fast gonna end 1st tri liao. good good, then u will feel better aft that with no MS. don worry abt the OSCAR results. i'm sure everything will be ok
usually 5 months is the most accurate to tell the sex lah. but now technology so advanced, some 12 weeks also can tell.

de_luxe &amp; janjan: my bloatedness is back aft2 weeks no have
now even drink a cup of milo will feel so bloated. especially aft lunch &amp; dinner, my upper tummy will feel so bloated and i look like 5 months preggie
suika: i'm also starting to have mood swings now and cannot tahan loud noises. yesterday over dinner i practically shouted at my 2 gals for misbehaving (or to me they are lor - maybe i'm too sensitive at this stage). sigh. hope by 2nd trimester things will be smoother.

jo: aiyo, how abt taking a hot towel and place near your lower back? if really cannot tahan, then take 2 panadol. or buy those japanese plaster and paste? me now having very bad headache and controlling myself from thorwing up all my breakfast, or i'll get bad gastric later.
samval: 12wks can tell liao meh? mi gonna rch 11wk liao....can't wait to pass 12wk n gone gone with MS

went to watson to get the stretch mark cream but can't find so i ask the salesgirl...think after dinner my tummy grow very big...she straight away brought me to the counter where the stretch mark cream for pregnant women and pointed to me...there it's here....hahahaha how she know that's the 1 i look for....my tummy too big? hahahaha
samval: if u feel that's coz of ur mood swing then u better explain to ur girls... if not later they'll be very sad...
I am into my 12wks today. But my MS seem to be getting worst. Yest evening after drinking a cup of Milo, my stomach become very bloated, and the whole nite I am like a frog keep on burping.
sel: great to know tat dr ang skills ok...but i think should be fine for me, coz i not scared of needles. sob....i can see $320 flying away already. Hopefully my results will be ok too...our EDD so close? maybe we will meet up at the hospital ya? hehe...u taking Mt A or TMC?
ya ya, i also realized after eating hor...the tummy so round and hard...yday i was pressing my hubby tummy, his soft soft &amp; bouncy one whereas mine hard hard one...hehe...

i also approaching my 12th week next week...hopefully nothing goes wrong.

any mummies here can see stretchmarks on the tummy already? do u all sometimes find the tummy area itchy huh?
de_luxe: at least hor...when u got nothing to eat u will think of cereals, bread all tat. u know all these food, i think already i feel bored lor...nt interesting one. end up i had crackers...yucks, its not healthy for the BB la...i think have to be like u, store some cereals at home. haiz
sperzz: u at least burping only...u knw me worse, after dinner, usually 5+, i start giving out "gas" ah...but heng still no smell yet...this goes on until maybe 8+ when my food digested...haha!! disgusting...
suika: ya lo, so itchy leh...my hubby did bought those itchy lotion for me la..maybe later i apply.

i forgotten who mentioned got philips sale huh??? is it until tomorrow??
mercsboy: i also keep letting out gas...in the office still ok coz i'm sitting at a corner but if outside then i'll have to be careful later got sound ppl will stare at me so paisey

u no buy stretchmark cream? itchy lotion no use 1

now got philips sales but until when i not too sure
suika: ya...my hubby bought me a few tubes at the motherfair tat day lor..bought the set which comes with itchy oil lotion. aiyoh...my letting out gas usually starts at 5+, paiseh man, heng no smell one. haha

tot of getting the avent breast pump if got sale ma...see later free or not, maybe i drop by...ok me going off to see my gynae liao...
mercsboy: yah my stomach and belly button and back area itchy. beta pile on the cream if not stretch marks.

samval: yah will do that. think will go for swim later to try stretch my back out. very xinku now. walk like old woman. seems like headaches very common hor. i find drinking water with a slice of lemon helps with nausea. dried cranberries oso.

the organic tummy cream from palmers abt 30 plus leh. very ex hor
just looked at my receipt again last nite.. it's 342 after GST... i will be gg to TMC bah..

i also hv loads of gas.. either keep burping or ***ting...

started wearing maternity pants today le...
sel: i just back from dr ang. he drew one tube only...he said coz my health check did test, so i today draw lesser 2 tubes...its not pain la, but little bit of blue black.
rachel: update please. my EDD changed to 7 Jan already.

today i managed to see my baby hands &amp; head leh...now the BB measured 5.49cm...and doctor confirmed that i am 12 weeks 1 day! Yeah....so happy...
<font color="0000ff">Hello ladies! Haven't posted for many weeks... no access from office and by the time i get home, I'm too tired. Today I tuang from work so can come in and visit!

I'm 9 weeks 3 days now and the past two weeks I have been experiencing all that early pregnancy has to offer... haha... nausea, bloating, gas (burping and farting), tiredness, vomiting, change in food preferences, strong sense of smell...

Can't eat big meals, will feel like puking. Have stopped drinking Milo (usually I take twice a day) because of the milk - contributes to my MS. Have stopped cooking cause can't take the smell of oil cooking in the pan. Usually take bland food, like bread or bee hoon soup, even chicken rice is out. Can't take oily or salty stuff - I lost all pleasure of eating fries - sob! I like to eat sweet stuff (maybe it's a girl?). At night, usually I will start sleep by propping myself up (because still feel like all the food has not gone down yet) but by the middle of the night usually can sleep normally. The tiredness is really killing me though, just feel like sleeping all the time.

Other than that, no cramping, no bleeding, no spotting, no headache, no backache, so am thankful.

Still wearing my usual clothes and my high heels - just make sure I hold on to the hand rail when I go down the stairs. My tummy gets bigger throughout the day and shrinks during the night, flat in the morning - read from the website that this is water retention and bloating - so weight fluctuates throughout the day, but i think i definitely have put on about 0.5 kg.

Next apptment with gynae is on Tuesday, 1 July. Will be 10 weeks 1 day by then, hope to see an active bb!

I will be going for amniocentesis, as advised by gynae. So i guess I will also know the gender early.
Hi all,
resting at home now.. Jus woke up.. Feeling slightly better today tho morning still want to puke..
About the pump, which is better? Avent or philips one?
mercsboy: when i visited gynae yesterday, my edd has also been pushed forward to 7 jan 09! Was exactly 12 weeks yesterday. Baby measured 5.5 cm.
Rachel, pls update for me, thanks!
But yesterday couldnt see baby v v clearly. Dr was pointing out to me oh here's the head, heart, hands, legs.. but i was a bit confused.. seems like the orientation has changed. Baby seemed to bave turned. Is it possible?
<font color="0000ff">mercsboy
amnio is to test for any chromosomal abnormalities, including Down's Syndrome. It is not a risk assessment, like OSCAR. Rather it is diagnostic. Means that it will tell you definitely if there is anything abnormal. OSCAR will only give you a risk factor, like say 1:250 and it is not 100% accurate, so no matter how small your risk is, the risk is still there, so it is up to the parents if they can accept the risk, whether big or small. Amnio will tell you once and for all.

I was advised to take amnio this time because for my first preg (which I miscarried) it was a down's baby (heartbeat stopped at 11 weeks because of the down's). There is always a risk, no matter how old or young you are, just a question of whether you are lucky or not. So the ultimate question is - does it make a difference to you lor. If it definitely makes a difference to you, then OSCAR is not enough. If you take OSCAR and the risk is low, and you are happy to accept that risk, then no need amnio lor. Ladies with previous Downs pregnancy and ladies over 35 and ladies with other chromosomal issues are advised to take amnio.

In amnio, the gynae will draw some fluid from the womb, which contains the genetic info, including the chromosome make-up, etc. So you can also tell the gender from this info. This is the amniotic fluid which the baby is swimming/living in at the moment.</font>

<font color="0000ff">blessedmum
Definitely it is possible. The bb now has maximum space to swim around, bounce around, etc. Enjoying himself!</font>
