(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

de_luxe: i think still can eat outside food, but try to avoid those oily/deep friend ones lor. eat those bland noodles & soup like that.

hi ladies...
can update me into ur data... gee, joining you all to be the JAN mothers!!

EDD 26thJan. Glen E. Dr Lee Keen Whye.


now my biggest worry is the CL. my past 2 pregnancies are by MIL...she cooks well,but do not stay with me,thus horrendous experience!! giosh....but seems that the expenses are REAL high to engage one, especially CNY period...

2boys_mum: haha me just posted a msg for u in Feb thread. so nice to see you here again. me probably will delivery around 23rd Jan or same time as u ba. going to induce at ard 38 week plus.
samval: thanks...i will try to be happy...but yday night i had bad cramps at 4am!! and pain until i was rolling on the bed, jump to the toilet and see any spotting or not...but heng dont have....then tried to sleep but cant...then end up went toilet and see anything to put out or not...after put put, feels much better and guess what!! I was hungry!! in the middle of the nite, having biscuits in the bed!! Faint!! then this morning my MS feeling finally come...want to vomit but nothing comes out....now freaking tired lor, almost wanted to take mc, but next week will be taking, so better dont...
de_luxe: for me, usually i will cook during the weekends only...weekdays no time then no choice have to eat outside..but i tried nt to eat those oily, or fried stuff...i think rice or wat should be ok for u...maybe when u have yr own house, then u cook to make it up?
morning ladies, back to work today...so sianz....I think I might be Dec mama....Dr told me usually will give birth earlier the EDD for 2nd BB and furthermore if I opt for C-sect, Dr said ask me give birth at 38 weeks. I prefer Jan BB.....

I had been eating out everyday....I cannot cook during weekend bec I cannot tahan the oily smell. Worst is that I still continue eating spicy stuff as this is the only taste I prefer....
sel: thanks for the explaination :) i think most likely will buy some to store at home...in case nothing to eat still have that

samval: i've been on med for MS to bring down the feeling....if not all the food intake is like all stuck at the throat there...very xin ku lor but i try not to keep taking med coz no good mah

mercsboy: i've woke up at 4am yest too....but not cramps la...is to go wee wee...recently it's like my baby likes to wake me up at 4am and last time it's 6am and i'm so tired so i told myself, aiyo wan then wake up earlier la...6am neither here nor there coz 6.30am hv to get up and who knows i'm waking up at 4am now.......hahaha so funnie

i've been taking alot of curry lately for dinner....nothing seems to tempt me esp chicken rice which used to be my fav but now a super NO NO coz last wkend i puke 3 times in the middle of the nite...all the chicken rice out...eeekkkkk
sperzz: same here my GP told me to take light food coz of my MS but i can't think of anything to eat and my mind juz told me....tom yum, curry chicken & veg, laska etc.... :p
worst still...french fries & KFC hahaha
sperzz: early jan then c-section cannot ma?

then u go where find so many kinds of spicy food huh...everyday chilli duo duo??
suika: aiyo...1st time leh...its really uncomfortable...made me like a zombie now...so sleepy...i tot wat happened....then tis morning keep wanting to vomit...maybe BB telling me he/she still there, not to worried..hehe...
If you've gone through a c-section before, mostly likely your gynae will rec it again because like redrain said, there is the chance that the wound will split open during a natural labour. Also, if you want a vaginal delivery after a c-section, you will NOT be allowed to take any form of pain relief during labour. This is because you must be able to feel every single moment of pain to 'know' if your old c-section wound is splitting open. Sounds gross right?

Regarding CL, I did not have one with my first son and did just fine. No maid either. It was just my husband and I for the first two weeks then I was on my own. I catered confinement food from Natal Essentials for the whole month and plan to do so again this time round as I really like their service, portions and food. The portions are big enough to feed two people!

For this baby, I don't intend to get a CL either. I'm a very ti ki person lah, I don't like someone else telling me that I cannot bathe, cannot do this lah, cannot do that lah. I will most probably go crazy if I have to live with her for a month. Also, CL during the CNY period tend to be very grouchy because they can't spend time with their family or do their prayers even if you're paying them $3000+.

As for bathing, I bathed every single day after birth and washed my hair on alternate days, just like what I usually did before I birthed. I was breastfeeding and definitely did not want my baby on a dirty body coupled with smelly hair. It's rather unhygenic, if you ask me.
I'm also having this thing for spicy food, MUST have green chillies! McDonald's chilli sauce also can.

But my MS soooooooooooo horrendous. First thing I do when I wake up is to go to the toilet to throw up. Afternoon is my happy hour where I'm feeling okay. When evening rolls by, it's back to the toilet again, or I just sit around and feel miserable because I constantly feel the sour gastric juices at the back of my throat.
JS: i heard from ppl that doctors would advice us to bath and wash hair to keep ourselves clean coz of our close contacts with our baby....for me i think it's ok to bath ba juz make sure we do it quick and must blow our hair dry dry so we won't fall sick so easily should be ok liao rite?
Yep, just make sure you close the windows, doors, etc when you bathe and blow dry your hair.

I did just that and am perfectly fine. I did not fall sick easily after I had my son too. Life just went on as usual.
mercsboy: i'm oso real tired...will used up all my energy and once off work i'll da bao home to eat and by 7.30pm i'll be snoozing in my sofa till 9pm when my hb comes back and he'll let me sleep till 10 or 11pm then wake me up go bath n go sleep again....hahahaha like a pig hor can say i sleep almost 11hrs daily sia

JS: me MS even worst coz i've gastric issue for more then 10yrs and now pregnancy has made it worst so morning i'll take gastric pills and nite med for vomit coz that helps me get to sleep if not i won't get to rest at all
JS: hmmm, i think i will also be the same situation with u. maybe i wont cater confinement food la, its not cheap too...just get my MIL to cook for me, then hubby go take for her or wat...i also cannot take it one whole month nvr bath leh...maybe 2 days still ok, the most, have a quick one, wipe dry and blow dry hair ba...
suika: today then i got the terrible feeling of something stuck at my throat there, then feel like vomitting but nothing comes out...and my head is heavy!! haiz...
I'm not sure if it was just me but after birth, I sweated and sweated buckets even with the air conditioner and fan turned on so I just HAD to bathe. I really pei fu those mummies who did not bathe for the whole month...

I mentioned before that my MIL doesn't give a damn about me, so cannot depend on her to cook anything for me. mercsboy, you are a lucky girl to have such a caring MIL! For my own mother, I'm too lazy to go to her place to collect the food, so I will cater. I LOVE the soups from Natal Essentials!

Do take care of your gastric issue. I do not have that problem, but this MS allows me understand what you've gone through these past 10 years!
haha me also confinement i bathe everyday and wash hair.

my MS subsided aldy and hope to stay that way. but sometimes feel like throwing up but nothing come out. i'm still very sensitive to smell lor.

how many of you here taking OSCAR ah? cos i dunno shld go or not. cos if results turn out not so good (touchwood) then we have to face with a very difficult decision. so i'm still thinking . what u all think? any advice?
JS, did you bathe with those herbs, or just as per normal?

And for the confinement food catering, can i order for say 1 week only? Haiz, i checked out 1 CL but she told me she needs to go back to malaysia for about 10 days during my confinement period, so i will have to find an alternative source of food during the 10 days.

Samval, my folic acid is prescribed from doctor and the label seems to indicate that there are some vitamin components added into the pill. But not sure what components those are.

i will be finishing my 12 weeks by end next week. Can feel the MS slowly subsiding. But i am also constantly hungry... anybody has the same feeling???

sperzz, ya, same here. I cannot stand the smell of cooking food too (esp when it involves frying). Unfortunately, my downstairs neighbour love to cook and at 9 pm plus too! Whenever i notice them starting to cook, i will close all my windows. Better to suffocate than to suffer from nauseousness. :p
merscsboy, y not juz go n take sick leave, go home n rest. If not will be b very torturing for urself...

last confinement, I bath n washhair everyday. Cannot tahan..
I'm taking OSCAR next week... ya, i'm also worried of the results, but then, if there is really something wrong, it's better to know early than late.
JS: forget to ask u these few days u better already? my friend lor, she can dont bath for one whole month, dont let the fan blow her, wear long sleeved clothes in order not to let the wind enter her body etc....very discipline hor..

ya...my MIL is really nice...treat me like daughter like tat....and she makes yummy soups also..she is never stingy on the ingredients..heng i am fortunate to have such a MIL...
samval, I not going for the OSCAR test, but I will go for the ultrasound test done in the TMH, the result will be 85% accurate, will be more than enough. And I think is better to get prepared than give birth then u know something wrong(touch wood) with the BB.
mercsboy: at first i oso like that then later starts puking after eating and later puke till so bad that i'll have the burning feeling on my throat coz of all the acid

JS: same here my MIL oso no even give a damn at me...last wk my gastric was so bad that i puke out a whole lump of gastric yellowish in color.....heehee
yvonne, i will be taking the oscars test as well as requested by my hubby....

suika: exactly...now i think i will vomit all the gastric juice. just tat dunno office who shit until toilet bowl got shit, i see liao...even more feel like vomitting...yucks
hi all, been feeling hungry pangs every now and then.. now trying to chew as much as i can, as slowly as i can, so that i can feel full faster and not eat too much..

My MS seems to have subside considerably by now... only in the morning and night time..once in a while

samval: same as sperzz, im goin for the NT test, not oscar test at TMC on 1st july. Been in a dilemna which to go, oscar is really v v ex. so was thinking since NT got 85%, and no matter what happens (touchwood), as wat my hubby says, its still our baby.. so..
really hope my baby will be due in jan, not in dec..usu its like tat for first time ? usually not earlier?
mercsboy: use other toilet la...alamak

yvonne: i'm not sure wad test i'll be taking but when i ask my gynea on that he says when times up they'll arrange everything for me
sperzz: i almost wanted to take MC one...but next week taking ma, so tot of not taking this week, wait boss not happy how...but my head is really heavy....maybe later lunch time i take a short nap
mercsboy: ur boss knows that u r pregnant? i'm waiting for my increment now so it's very critical now to take mc...last week took 1 1/2 days only think he not too happy liao so now have to tahan...that's y by the time i reach home already battery flat sia
suika: my office only gt 2 toilets leh...the other one usually used by "BO" colleagues...so very smelly one...aiyo...troublesome me...my boss didnt know i am pregnant leh....so want to vomit also must hide...
mercsboy, u wan to consider telling your boss first? Sometimes, they will be more understanding on our actions if they know we are pregnant. Like when i took the day off, my boss was very understanding (quite lucky coz my boss is a female).
yvonne: u r lucky yr female boss understanding leh. my boss is male one...never mind, maybe later i try to see can puke out or not...
suika: yes im seeing him. Next appt is 0n 3rd july. Changed to every 3 weeks liao.. urS? also at CCK?

sperzz: haha.. aiyah if not got chance to bump into u.. my 1st july appt is v earlY!!! 830am!! Nurse told me.. its v packed liao.. tats the only timeslot

Been feeling v crampy these few days... really v sian... anyone experiencing the same thingy?
we are stil decicing whether to go for OSCAR or not. but i tot the NT scan is only 65% accurate? no meh?

i also dare not take too many MC, scared affected the appraisal. but my boss assure me it wont.
blessedmum: me also feeling very crampy. sometimes on the rite, sometimes left, sometimes middle. dunno leh. dunno issit cos i run aft the bus
blessedmum: me lo...crampy very badly yday at 4am! jumped to the toilet and see any bleeding or not...end up went put put...

samval: ya lor...i also heard from my gynae that NT scan is 65% accurate...oscars test around 90% rite or 85%?
thats weird... if i rem correctly, my gynae told me NTscan 85%.. oscar around 90%..

mercsboy: i also get a bit panoroid... go toilet check if got any bleeding at times.... feelin cranky and crampy..
blessedmum: i'll be seeing him again on 23rd nxt mon...how many wks now? i oni at 8th wk so maybe still 2wks see him ba...must let him know my GP says my blood pressure abit low...

mercsboy: at least u still can hide in the toilet to puke ley...my side girls likes to keep gg toilet can't let them know yet too....i so worried on my increment so cannot let any1 know now till i get that stupid letter
mercsboy & blessedmum: u still have stains till now? if not i think can no need to worry so much liao la....i've stopped having the brown stains for 1wk plus liao till now
ya lor my gynae also told me its only 65% accurate leh. now i feel like puking, but trying to tahan.

suika: you take the med got make you sleepy or not?
blessedmum: i not getting too paranoid, just that never had tat kind of pain, and i remember must check see if spotting or not, if no spotting then might be the uterus expanding. so i went toilet and check end up put put...
then this morning i MS, all along dont have one ma, then i was joking with hubby that bb telling me he/she is fine...so creating havoc now...

suika: i dont have stains leh...since i finished my duphaston. only initially when 5-6 weeks time have slight spotting..
