(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

de_luxe: yup, i also find egg maternity clothes ex leh. have u tried shopping at spring maternitt? they have a big branch at suntec city. and they have discounts for citibank and dbs card members if i am not wrong. $140 for a pants is freaking ex leh! i bought my black pants at $66, already find ex, but its kindof trendy lor...something like zara pants i think. but i did bought a tube top from egg maternity also la, but now i realize its ex lor, $40+ leh, just a plain tube top.

the weighing scale he bought at harvey norman or best denki, philips one, i remember around $50+, u can check it out ya...

samval: great that u have made a choice on the delivery hospital, i will probably take a tour when i go TMC for my detailed scan then decide ba, i was thinking just stick to TMC lor, coz tats where ny gynae from.

anyway, i am still using nasonex regularly, it helps with my sinus la, i try to cut down from using every 2 days to maybe using every 3 days.
hi babystarlet: welcome! keep coming in ya and share your experience. Oh oscars test is for testing down syndrome, but some of them managed to scan and see the little birdy...
Babystarlet: welcome
hi deluxe - thanks for all the links. will go read thru them when i'm feeling better.

samval, my blocked nose is very jialat type lor block until whole night cannot sleep. never had such bad flu before. i guess i'm so overwhelmed with my blocked nose that i didn't notice any ms these 2 days. perhaps its time for the ms to subside?

i haven't been to any hospital tours. somehow i always prefer Mt A. Most likely will deliver my baby there.

hang in there, MTBs... we should all clear 1st tri in 2 weeks' time!
yeah all mtbs, hang on... 1st trimester will be over soon!

janjan: once u go to Mt A tour, update us ok?

babystarlet: welcome!
Got some bad news just now, MIL has been diagnosed with cancer, a type of leukemia, dunno exactly which type and the prognosis. But she's going for treatment followed by chemo. HB has been rather down once getting the news..

mercs I shall check out Spring Maternity, haven't been there yet. I dun really know where the maternity clothes shops here are, have never really paid attention to maternity and baby stuff. Too bad, dun have citibank or dbs cards, only ocbc and uob debit. I saw Bellysima (http://www.bellysima.com) has a package of 5 items (2 tops, 1 pants, 1 skirt and 1 dress) for $229, still debating if shld get it.
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morning ladies,

babystarlet: welcome!

mercsboy: me and you have the same type of weighing scale. hubby got it for me but then ah, weigh aldy seems heavier than the one at gynae's clinic leh.

janjan: how are you and hope you are feeling better and recovered from flu? my flu much better today but the throat very irritating and keep coughing. to clear the blocked nose, try to our hot water into the sink and then put 2 drops of the axe oil brand medicated oil or the eucalaptus oil, take a towel and cover your whole head and breathe in the steam. prefereably do it at nite before bed. hope it helps. and take more vitamin C.

de_luxe: sorry to hear abt your MIL case. its understandable that your hubby will feel very down. during this stage, try to do things more on your own so that hubby will not be too stressed also. most importantly, take care of your health ok dear?

ladies, whole weekend keep vomitting. dunno why. today feel much better. i started wearing maternity wear to work today liao. cos i cant fit into my other clothes oredi
its either very tight or a bit tight, then aft a meal will be super tight, so in order not to make myself suffer, i wear maternity clothes lor. and my tummy seems like 5 months preggie like that. i asked doc how come this time around so fast, and she said "this one is number 3 mah". sigh. my 1st preg i started to wear maternity clothes 5 months onwards. 2nd preg was aroudn 4 months, and now 3rd one seems to be 10 weeks plus start wearing liao. hmm...

anyone started to wear too?
samval: you're up early
Me not wearing maternity clothes yet. But some jeans and tight tshirts pack away le. Morning wake up only small bump above pelvic. By the end of the night look like 4 months pregnant. Hips definately widen but only put on 1kg at most...

de_luxe: Am sorry to hear abt you MIL. Samval's right about doing more of your own things now. Please take care of your health
de_luxe: sorry to hear about your MIL case...hope she gets better.

oh...i also haven check out other maternity clothes...but i tot of getting some when i go BKK next month. confirm will be cheaper.

today, my BB got monday blues again!!! i vomitted!! haiz...and was really sad in the morning, coz i cant fit in my clothes! now maternity wear seems too big for me too...so headache of what to wear everyday to work leh...sad..
samval: tell u hor...ever since i am pregnant, i never used the electric weighing scale liao leh...coz i still cannot stand the fact that 40+ become 50+...so its collecting dust at home....but maybe coz u eat already then go see gynae then will be heavier or vice versa...i find the scale quite accurate leh
jo: so nice .....u haven start wearing maternity clothes...i also tried but now today seems very hard lor, most of my normal clothes i cant fit in liao...cannot zip...and i was screaming away in the morning at my hubby lor...
samval: you're up early
Me not wearing maternity clothes yet. But some jeans and tight tshirts pack away le. Morning wake up only small bump above pelvic. By the end of the night look like 4 months pregnant. Hips definately widen but only put on 1kg at most...

de_luxe: Am sorry to hear abt you MIL. Samval's right about doing more of your own things now. Please take care of your health
hello ladies..

Monday blues again.
Not been working since last Monday. Finally back at work… sianz.

Any MTBs here experienced difficulty to sleep at nite?
Last nite I cant seem to find the rite position to sleep.
Lie on the back, back pain.
Lie on the side, abit cramps…
In the end toss till 2am before falling to sleep.. now so tired.
NI: ya...same here...my BB monday blues...made me so moody today...now hungry.

me so far had been sleeping very well leh, just middle of the night will wake up to pee at least once...
hi morning everyone.. happy youth day..!!

sorry to hear abt ur MIL's condition. Do take care of urself.

RE: maternity clothes
started wearing it 2 wks ago liao.. cant be bothered to sqeeze into the normal clothes and feel so restricted.. bought one ugly triumph maternity/nursing bra yesterday.. dunno why ugly things can be so expensive... anyone knows where to get not-so-ugly maternity/nursing bras?? realised that even the brasize also kenna upgraded..

vomited yesterday bt only alot whitish liquid and one longan... getting so breathless nowadays also.. little bit of walking will make me start panting... machiam very weak liddat..
hey sel, happy youth day too!!

sel, me same as u, started wearing maternity clothes last week. pants yes... tops not yet... for bras... me havent bought maternity/ nursing bras yet.. only bought bra extensions.. so far so good..
u take care... me also find myself walking slower and slower... machiam like old ah ma like tat...

de_luxe, sorry abt ur MIL's condition, u must still take good care of urself...for ur baby's sake..

to the rest of the MTBS, so good to hear some of u know the gender liao... not for me yet! cant wait for the next appt!!
NI: I am now experiencing the same as you... I have difficulty in sleeping at nite too. I am usually right-hand sleeper and lately I just couldn't get to sleep... not straight; not left; not right and I even tried to put pillow besides my left and right when lying straight.
has anyone told ur boss abt the pregnancy liao?? wondered when is a gd time to knock on the P's door to formally inform her abt the pregnancy leh...

take a short snooze later during lunch break lo... think all my heels can keep liao.. heard the feet's size will also upgrade.. gotta get more flats...
btw, when's ur next appt? mine's on 23rd jul.. maybe got chance to see u.. hehe..
sel: mine also on 23rd leh...wat time is yours? mine is 6.20 but i can only reach around 6.50pm, the nurse said ok to come late wor...

ya lo...later lunch time i going to take a short nap...
Morning ladies.....

de_luxe: sorry to hear abt ur MIL....

Nl: i oso had monday blues today....almost puke at my desk....lucky i'm early so no one noticed me....dashed inside toilet n puke out my breakfast

I oso slept late yest...couldn't find the right position....

Any of u have breathing issues? i've noticed that every morning and night, i'll be breathing very hard and need to take very deep long breaths to feel better
sel: doctor got ask me whether wants afternoon or not...but better not coz i took 2 days MC end june ma...then august going to take 3 days leave...so must auto abit la. but hor...i think 6.50pm i got to wait quite long...

I have lightly used Medela Swing pump (used for only 1mth+) for sale. The pump come with Medela Cooler Carrier and 4 bottles. Pictures as attached.

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sel: I've already told me boss abt it coz now busy time for me and I need to take leave this thurs for NT. So have to give him a very good reason for taking leave.....heehee now i take MC he oso dare not say too much, but cannot keep taking MC oso la....now on MC i'll work from home instead lor
Ladies, thanks for ur kind words. Hubby said he'll definitely go to Germany to see his mom during the year-end sch hols. Initally, we planned to go for X'mas then cancelled cuz i'm preggie. Now, really must go. I hope the gyne will let me fly at that time too. I'm not close to my ILs cuz of language barrier, but they are very very nice pple and always go out of their way to make me feel at home when we visit. Really hope that the cancer is still at early stage and that the treatment will be successful.

samval i dun have any maternity clothes to wear, cuz haven't buy any yet. Will be looking ard this week. I still have some tops to wear but bottoms are all getting tight and uncomfortable.

jo yah, my tummy is extra big at night too. I just measured my waist cuz I wanted to buy a dress online, grown by 3 inches liao!

ni has ur bleeding stopped?

sel have u checked out Moms in Mind nursing bras?
Hi all

May i know wat is NT? I supposed to take NT test too but dunno what is it? Is it detailed scan, oscar or blood test? wen are all these tests supposed to be taken?
sel: me also feeling very breathless and will pant like siao if walk a bit faster. feel so unhealthy.

nl: me also having difficulty sleeping at nite and cant find the rite position. then fall alseep and shortly later wake up to pee and cant sleep. by the time wanna sleep again its already time to wake up to go to work!!

mercsboy: hope you are feeling better? aiyoh seems like your bb dont like mondays huh? cos you always get MS on mondays. now very nice to sleep cos raining.

i'm also a bit grouchy today, and worse aft coming out from meeting with my boss & dept colleagues. now my team mates all so moody too....sigh... we have a funny boss.
suika: you going for NT scan issit? did you gynae also recommend that on top of NT scan, go for blood test at 4 months?
just came back frm lunch with hubbie... think my MS coming back again... puked my lunch straight after i came back...

shall check out moms in mind when i hv the chance/time.. thanks..
sel: we funny hor...this week is 14th week liao...but i am puking...

samval: ya lor, my bb got monday blues la, for the past 4 mondays, i had been vomitting lor...sad leh....
de_luxe, thanks for your concern. bleeding has stopped on that actual day already. but still a lil paranoid.

just came back from MT A, came back frm an injection.
Hi Ladies

New to this forum and abit overwhelmed by the numerous threads.

My baby's EDD is 8th Jan 2009.

I'm still in the midst of getting used to the changes that pregnancy brings. And honestly quite blur about being a mum. Will welcome any feedback on dos and donts!
anyone who knows where to get pre-natal massage?? I have called rustic but they have rejected me becos I am less than 5th month pregnant.

My back, head and body is aching just hope to find a place to relax.
hi miyuki
i saw your post after i put up my previous post. i did my prenatal massage at Qi Mantra (they have 3 branches, you can google it), and they can do up to 1 month before your EDD. but DO tell them that you're preggers. i also continued to do foot massage at serenity cove, holland village until 3 days before i delievered. although one friend's gynae discouraged foot massage since he said it might trigger contractions, my gynae was fine with it, so i went ahead and didn't have any complications

hope that helps!
thanks for the welcoming,u gals really move very fast in this thread.

mercsboy and janjan16,try to take more vitamins C during normal days.however vit C will only prevent,it does not cure sinus.i have sensitive nose and have sinus,used to sneeze a lot in the mornn,nowadays my situation much better.so prevention is better than cure.normal days take some vit C and multi-Vit to build up your body immune system.

i have toured TMC's delivery suite,have yet to tour Mt A,still comtemplating which 1 to choose,i prefer Mt A,but TMC is nearer and i heard TMC confinement food is good,hee.

i have not wear maternity clothes yet,but yest night i started to pack those clothes that i cannot wear liao,esp jeans.now i usually wear skirts to work as i have not buy any bigger pants,still thinkn if i shld buy those bigger size pants or maternity pants.

de_luxe:sorry to hear of your MIL.i kinda same situation as u,my FIL have lung cancer(another smoker case),but since last yr,now going thru chemo.

Time to go home liao,hee....
samval/babystarlet, thanks. i went to see co doc tdy, and was given mc tdy and tmr. doc gave me lotsa vit c and say that he medicine she prescribed are safe for preggers. and i was thinking i'll take it only when i still feel very bad tonight. otherwise, i'll just leave it. meanwhile i'll just take the vit c and my other supplements.

sel, i started wearing loose clothings since 3 weeks ago. haven't had the mood to shop because of the ms and flu. i think i wil start shopping after the 1st trimester and when i kick ms out of my life. haha. luckily still got enough loose clothes and dresses to wear, otherwsie i wouldn't know wat to do. me super vain
hi all

long time nvr post le...
how r you all doing??

Mi juz back from gynae check up... felt slight stomach pain, so went to consult her... luckily everything is fine, she said maybe i walk or doing house chores too much... heheh...

BB now 12w3D. around 5.9cm. crossing legs when scanning (tink was sleeping) so can't see gender
Anyway, m going for OSCAR test on Wed. Hope can see boy or girl by then...
janjan: get more rest and plenty of fluid. did your gynae give you chloramine, the small yellow pill? i think that's ok but will make you feel drowsy, so just take and go to bed. sure sleep very well wan
deluxe..sorry to hear about your MIL. Hope she will recover soon. Take care.

My tummy usually a bump when wake up in the morning. but when the day progressess, the bump becomes bigger, especially after lunch or dinner.

I have started to wear maternity skirt and bought maternity pants on standby. Normal skirts and pants are too tight and uncomfortable when tummy expands.

Due to spotting in the early stage and past miscarriage, I do not have any intention to travel overseas at all.

Still experiencing full day MS.

Went for my Oscar last friday. Now am in my 12th week already. Nurse told me 2nd trimester only kicks in from the 15th week, sigh, thought its from the 12th week onwards. 3 more weeks T.T

Anyway my bb notti notti during the oscar test, refuse to go into the right position, in the end i was sent out twice by the sonographers to walk around so that bb can turn to the right position for the scan.Walked 45 minutes in total. Luckily 3rd try was ok. Heard from the sonographers, the worse case scenario is the mtb has to walk for the whole afternoon.
