(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

piyo: he thought its a new plc to play...but who knows we left him there quite long n sat at the living room...then he started his cries

WillTing: 4in1 means 1)cot 2)playpen 3)sofa type 4)junior bed

pinkie: no nid to worry on the mattress...all sales will say like that 1 then u'll go back buy from them again mah
sperzz....dr adrian charging GST? have check wif him regarding calcium supplement which he said calcium is included in his pre-natal vit thus not necessary....fish oil selling at KKH cheaper then if he charge $32.10
mercsboy is certainly the mst well prepared now....im not even near that mark as yet...stop at steriliser till now...haha

pirate...u are much more prepared in more items than mi...im worst off..hee

suika...guess so cos initially he's so happy inside then become so poort thing like dat staring at u all....haha
sperzz: i buy the calcium from my gynae. so far searched in pharmacy but cant find. its chewable and orange flavour, 90 tablets for $20 plus like that.
suika...high chance he forgot abt the fish oil le....mayb u can check wif him instead cos usually it's recommended to start at 2nd tri...unless u have no intention of consuming...
Suika, oh no I'm not worried abt it, just mentioned to piyo and Ni abt the size cos topic was whether the cot is standard size or not so they can buy bedding.
suika: mine is cot and playpen.. 2in1...haha...

sperzz: Is Dr Adrian recommend you to take calcium supplement and fish oil or you wanted to?
Piyobaby, I only have cot and steriliser and bb monitor and changing mat. No clothes no diapers no toiletries no breast pump no stroller no carseat... Hahaha... Dunno whether I will get any hand me downs cos I'm having a boy but my frens mostly had girls and their babies still very young. Still haven't told ppl abt my pregnancy yet so no idea abt hand me downs.
guardian pharmacy sells liquid calcium. $29 something.
but per serving is 300mg only.

pinkie, breast pump can get later.
i done my research. i will be getting medela PIS instead of avent isis duo.
suika & WillTing: actually he no recommend me to take fish oil and calcium. Fish oil is I asked the nurse then they sell to me bec I see most of the MTB buy and as for the calcium is yest I asked him for it, he told me not necessary bec multi-vit had already but I wanted more but when the nurse said need extra $, then I no take....
The clinic juz charge GST on 1/9
piyo/suika: the gathering on 19th hor, got 12 mummies already...so shall we go ahead with that day??

my gynae also said dont have to eat extra tablets leh...he said as long as got drink milk, eat bread, fish, then no need extra calcium/fish oil leh. but anyway, i dont want to pop too many pills also la.
piyo: ya la, i so kiasu, more or less prepared liao, that day i just packed into the cupboard, but still untidy. when i buy some baskets and pack liao then i take more pics and post at multiply...
Thanks gelato for the recipe.. gelato and suika: did the tonic help? my mum says she heard pregnant cannot eat dang gui?

Got Sept mummies pop up even 4 weeks b4? Is that considered premature? Will be quite exciting when all of us start popping hor hee
mercsboy: 19th even better for me coz my hubby working that friday so i wun feel bad dumping him alone for dinner :)
bread will have calcium? mi almost every nite eat 2 pcs of bread wor....till my hb starts screaming at me.....but what to do, my bb every nite wan eat wor
Thanks gelato for the recipe.. gelato and suika: did the tonic help? my mum says she heard pregnant cannot eat dang gui?

Got Sept mummies pop up even 4 weeks b4? Is that considered premature? Will be quite exciting when all of us start popping hor hee
hihi good afternoon everyone.. very tired ar.. yesterday whole day can't sleep.. until around 4 something den can slp.. i also start counting the days already.. started my shopping already.. brought most of the things.. but dun knoe i left with wad still haven't buy.. alot of clothing all giving by friends.. but CNY still need to buy new clothes for baby anot huh?
sus: i oni know ginsen cannot take so much...other then that i think the normal stuffs for boil soup is ok....i bought oni the normal things for chicken soup...don't go to those neighbourhood stall, those ppl might ask u buy alot of things esp those 'an tai' med pls dun buy....so go to 'fu hua' better...they know the things well...
If my BB come out at the 38wks, then the full mth will b arnd 1st day of CNY....do u think I need to bring BB out to relative hse?
sperzz: sure. i justleft message with my gynae to call me back. i will need to ask her first if i can buy from her for others or not. if she says ok then i will get. so i will let u know later once she call me can? btw, my appt on 17/9.
sus : It's not dang gui, it's dang shen.

For me, it helped during my last pregnancy. In fact, even when not preggie, i take tis occasionally aft 'gd fren' goes hm.

popping 4 weeks earlier will be ard 36weeks gestation. Babies are considered full term when borned at 37 weeks onwards. However, if prematured baby's weight is 2.3kg & abv, still considered healthy. =)
fiona: u've bought new clothes liao rite...juz keep 2 sets for CNY shd b enuff....CNY it's to wear new clothes mah no say must buy during that time....
suika: me also 19th sept will be better coz hubby got class, then wont like leave him alone at home lor. my gynae said bread will have calcium, even better than taking supplement. so go ahead and eat bread la.

sperzz: since u dont take those, u better take supplement.
sus & suika : i oso buy such stuffs fm "Fu Hua", sometimes fm "Zheng Zhong Ping". Some of them can answer queries & give advices oso. =)
fiona: ya lor, just keep 2-3 sets la, one set for full month, 2 sets for CNY lor. but most likely i wont be bringing baby out during CNY la, if i give birth on 11 Jan, my confinement last till 11 feb, so i cant go out also during CNY ma...
merscboy : i din know bread got calcium oso, i thot it's juz carbo... then i muz eat more bread liao, since i rarely drink milk... =)

=> 1 more excuse to go subway more often *wink*
samval, can help me get chewable calcium?
my tummy is weak, very prone to gastric.
big chunky pills or swallowing many supplements give me stomach pain.
chewables or softgels are suitable for me.

gelato, some bread are enriched with high calcium.
mercsboy: coz till now i still cannot take much milk so i bought the milk bread....more expensive den normal bread la but no choice lor

gelato: me too....i find the staffs at 'Fu Hua' knows what's good n what's not good for us....not pushy oso

sus: btw....white fungus oso not bad... u cook with longans n red dates as deserts eat lor...or use it to cook soup oso can.....if lazy 'Fu Hua' got sell ready made 1...i think 1 bottle $5...i feel not worth buying la although not ex but cook urself it's cheaper mah
cheekygal : oh ok, so it's selective ones only.... i wonder is subway bread enriched with high calcium as well? hehe...
gelato: my gynae said one leh, coz i was asking him my SIL the gynae gave her calcium pills, fish body oils, how come i dont need. then he said as long i am eating, bread, drink milk & eat fish, he said is more than enough and is even better than those supplements lor.
mercsboy: it's true...coz it's always better to get the minerals n vits we need directly from food intake rather then popping in so many pills
merscboy : sounds great! i veli scared of taking so much supplements oso... esp my gynae's calcium - taste like toothpaste. Then i hv an idea liao - I'll go buy a tub of ice cream or gelato & a loaf of bread which is enriched with high calcium.... & i shall eat gelato wrapped in the bread..... *yummy*...
cheekygal: sure no prob. will ask my gynae if she allows me to purchase more or not. will let you and sperzz know. still waiting for my gynae to call me back.
gelato: yee...so bad...where to gelato..u see la u see la, always tell me gelato until i feel like eating leh.
calcium pills taste like toothpaste meh??? like tat i think i also go buy bread and have for breakfast. u think wholemeal one better or those white bread better huh??
pirate...mi only have steriliser and manual breast pump plus a few pcs of rompers...the rest still waiting to collect from handowns hopefully....=)

mercsboy...im fine wif 19 so no issue...=) looks like i have lots more stuff to prepare...mayb gota rush those ppl giving the handowns but abit paiseh o rush them for it lei...

suika....so far oso no milk for mi otherwise will puke...im snacking on bread so much it seem to be my staple food now...everytime hungry sure go for bread de...dun wish to snack on junk food which cant fill mi up oso...
Thanks gelato and suika.. will go 'fu hua' and do my shopping hee... suika: white fungus also helps to 'bu xue' is it?

Cheekygal: have you tried to order the Usana fish oil from the ebay contact? but I hope u wont have problem eating the supplement since ur tummy is weak.. best you try to eat from natural sources like sardines and salmon although must be careful of the mercury levels in these fish.

haha gelato in bread sounds really yum! I like it too hehe
haha.. actually i dun wan to buy de.. cuz i scare later got ppl come my house.. i wan to buy the mini air con.. so can put at my room.. i very scare of hot one.. last time when i was staying in my husband house got air con.. now my house no air con.. scare cannot tahan.. even now the fan always blow at me.. confinement cannot blow fan.. i heard from my friend tat she never do confinement de.. go out still n never eat confinement food.. she say she eat pizza hut.. she tell me she will do the same after she give birth to the 2nd one..
sus, haven't order yet. very lazy. hehe
i will order just 1 bottle to try out.

gelato, u are making me hungry. i like gelato in bread too esp the pink or green color bread. hehe

i dread the thought of confinement. cannot imagine myself being confined at home for 1mth.
anyone feel the same?

preg cannot eat dang gui, those usual ones... but i heard can have dang gui tou, those that is huge and sliced thinly... btw, thot the recipe is for dang shen?
