(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

willting, yes intend to let him wear on that day. Juvius too? Haha they all got matching birthdy suits. But without the jacket.
gelato > basically she's unhappy over every little thing.she will nag and nag and complain and complain.day in day out.haiii...

jan > is my friend who gave me the idea of getting figurines from those capsules,haha.
seriously if not for u,i dunno who's pocoyo,haha

ladies >

any of u from jitterbugs swingapore?
willting, so nice it falls on a saturday. I'm celebrating his on next sun! Omg, it's so soon. Holding it at Hort Park. Too many relatives.

Our babies are turning 1....
so fast hor
me too...still one 1 and half month to go...

ask u all huh...pine garden what flavour cake is nice?
although not having any celebration for kyler but i think a cake still necessary la...or else i so "kiam"
gelato.. having mixed feelings! Happy that he gonna be ONE but a bit apprehensive too cos he's growing too fast.

how did you feel when your first child turned 1?

willting, im trying to stop gradually. Now he's drinking a bit of FM (like 60ml) in the day. Hope to increase that. But i still latch on at night and he still wake up for milk.

mercs, yes too fast. Kyler turning 1 in dec right...
mercs, i like their lychee martini and bailey's.
I think their non-alcoholic ones are as good. I have a list of the flavours somewhere.
chere: ya lor...kyler turning one too...so fast...
one moment cant wait...one moment want time to stop..wakakaka..

i want non alcoholic one leh...so that kyler can test test ma...
what flavours nice??
oh dear.. i'm getting the pocoyo virus.. eat pocoyo, sleep pocoyo, drink pocoyo.. oh no.... hot to get rid of the virus? i think i am the crazy one, not shyan leh
mercs: i heard they have one hazelnut crunch flavour, got very good reviews leh.. PG has nice to eat cakes, but decor lose out lah..
mgteo: ya i tried blackforest...not bad.. tot wanna try other flavours..

ni: hazelnut crunch sounds interesting..maybe i can get 1kg one...
Gelato > well...she's not that active,dun really like to mix around.

cakes >
tink pine garden service a bit poor.i called them,they say will send catelogue to me,till now still haben send.i give up.
hi all mummies, i email aimummy and Cupcake Divinity. all their cakes are booked on jan. So i am thinking of getting from PG. is there any gd cakes to recommend?

any SAHM here in the east/west?
chere : i can't rem exactly how i felt when my #1 was turning 1. BUT i rem EXACTLY how i felt when my water bag burst! haha...

Babystarlet : that's the main prob... my ex-colleagues & i once like to talk abt this topic.. guess when our kids grow up & no longer need us... we'll somehow feel lonely & unwanted... we even imagine how 'irritating' we'll become then... so we told ourselves to keep in touch... in order to hv company when we're old.
mgteo > txs for the price list,actually they promise to send me some pics also,they never email me.

gelato > i agree,but really kinda headache at times.she's now behaving like 3 yr old kid,need pampering etc
bbstarlet: could yr mum be going thru menopause? my mum once went thru menopause, was very irritating also..but now much better already. as long as kyler around, she anything also can..

gelato: yes yes! i also remember how i felt when waterbag burst! wahahaha...u ok la..dont have to go thru it again lor..unless u planning no. 4
mercsboy : ya, i m not going for #4, but i miss being pregnant! haha... maybe i shld become a surrogate mother! wahahaha...
gelato: #4 sounds good! hehe... surrogate mother can earn alot anot? if lil bit dun wan lah, preggie not easy leh, will go out of shape! omg...
ni : if we're RICH, then i dun mind hvg #4... for now, no resources (read : $$$$ & time)...

being a surrogate mother is juz a crazy thot only... hehe....
ni : so sad. me oso don like but my hubby so easily kena convinced. Arghhh. so we became their victim. suay suay... my hard saving $$ like that go down the drain....
hate it!
gonna keep using their photoshoot, hopefully they dont close down...
yes its 4figure digit. $3000++ lor.
the cheapest liao...
they actually first told us is $5000+.
my savings only $3000+++, like tat gone le...
xpink... like that one shot u deficit leh...

i think i will just stick to the one sperzz got for us. waiting for shyan to have abit more hair and can stand on her own then we will do the ps
xpink : $5000+ is bluff 1... if i rem correctly, my fren told me it's $2k+ or $3k+... u pd in full already? can cancel or not?
gelato: haha.. i dunno how it feels like to have water bag bursting 'naturally' cos mine was done by gynae. I rem the water gushing out was quite hot.

xpink, that's really very ex. What does it include? Many sessions and many printouts?
Ya, the actual fact is $3k+ lor. they purposely want cheat our $$ den prompt us $5k.
den i jitao say NO firmly and want to leave.
is my hubby la, stupidly believe their sales tactic.
stupid lor!
my hubby paid in instalment but becos credit limit burst and hubby din pay monthly, they send us lawyer letter and we still ignore. den they took my savings acct to pay the debts.

its a lifetime membership.
free annual photoshoot, coporate shoot, free 2 event shoot every 3yrs, free 2 times make up every yr...
mercs,gelato > nah,she has long past menopause,think older folks are like that,need constant attention.every little thing can trigger her temper.yest i lower her tv vol,she scolded me flat.den my hb was like" stared at her hard,why is she making so much noise again", so she ended up disliking my hb again,tis mornn my ear drums suffer again

jan17_mummy > txs,if u convenient,can send to my email: [email protected]

xpink > wah,heart pain sia.seldom gt hb sooooo easily convinced 1 leh.

photoshoot > i be gg to the babyu.com.sg. will feedback here when mine is done.
chere: mine waterbag also not burst naturally leh...i know i feel a gush of warm water coming out..wakakaka

bbstarlet: u only child rite...tats why bo bian yr mum got to stay with u...
my mum lagi funny...my sis shifted liao, supposingly she staying with her one...now she refused...so staying alone with my dad only..
dunno why she refused to stay with one of us..

bbstarlet: i agree leh, the older my mum gets, i find the more childish she becomes! wahaha. :p

xpink: its really alot siah.. i think even if i yearly go take photoshoots even with sean lau, also not so exp man...
