(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sus : i think caden sleeps very little in the day, that's why it's easier to make him sleep in the night... aft spending some time with caleb last nite, i went to the other rm to bring caden to my rm... i think he knows i m going to nurse him to sleep...he waved bye bye to MIL - who was in the hall... soooo funny..

he's still crawling all over the place.. i hope he stay in this stage as long as possible.. if i rem correctly, the GD book says when the bb is crawling.. some parts of the brain is actually developing.. cortex? or whatever.. i can't rem... =P

i better go & pump now... meeting big boss later (stressed...)... sus, catch up with u later - if u r still here. =)
morning ladies. its friday

yesterday took half day and declared it as ME DAY! haha. went to do rebonding and cut my hair short. nice and so happy and fresh today

ni/dazed: i'm thinking of getting the tuxedo romper. but not sure should get size 80 or 90? any idea? Zac is quite chubby though...
gelato: ok see you! =) Caden is so cute, waving.. clever boy!

How much does Caden sleep a day? Caleb doesn't sleep that much too. At night he only sleeps about 9 hrs, and in the day about 2-3 hrs. Today maybe about 12 hrs at most. Quite little right?

Samval: hihi! Me day is cool! Hehe
Samval : when i was in the nursing juz now... i was thinking... time to do sth to my hair... it looks horrible... haha... then when i came back to my desk, i saw ur post.. an 'affirmation' for me... =D
sus : caden sleeps abt 1-2 hrs in the day.. at night, he sleeps 8-9 hrs... so i think adds up to be the same as calebee, or even lesser... =)
sus, jh also will roti prata, flip all over the place before he visit lala land. and also needs quiet and darkness for him to doze off faster. else he very hong sim one...

he sleeps around 2 hrs in the day and night will be about 10 hrs, usually about 9+ to 6+ am.
gelato: I thought babies need about 14 hrs at their age.. I thought that was why Caleb not big size.. dunno sleep enough hehe
When you were bf, did you get ur periods back? Im wondering if petite pple dun get menses when bf.. losing weight too.
dazed: hmm so it seems normal for our babies to sleep 12 hrs or so.. hee.. Caleb's routine is about the same. 2 day time naps. Night from 10+ to 7+ =) But JH grow so big size leh =)
sus: supply dwindling **sob sob** Have also pass my PIS to my friend who will be delivering soon. Can't get used to the mini I am using. Anyway, it's also time to rightfully claim the ownership to my boobs. haha....
Caleb's sleep looks ok to me. Aedan also sleeps abt 9-10 hours in the night and could only manages abt 2-3 hours for his naps. Aedan still wakes up to look for his pacifier, which irks me.
yawn~~kyler yday dont let me have peace...wake up at 2.30am man...fed him milk liao he still dont want to zzz...

dink: me too...supply reduce alot ever since da yi ma visited me...
jan: i not so hao ming lah. not gng KS sale today, working leh. maybe tml... see how. but think sure alot of pple siah, if u gng, update me whether got good buys anot kk???

dink: me supply also dwindling! by alot. now only enuff for 3 feeds...
thinnk i gotta buy milk powder soon! so far, haven buy milk powder, been using complimentary 400grams one..

sus: i still bf-ing but my mens returned like 3 months ago. mayb i not pettite! hahaha.
sus : calebee looks very big to me wor... hehe.. i think partly due to genes? cos' mummies small size, so our babies can't be very big... =P

weight wise, i m gaining... at 1 time my weight dropped to 39kg, nowadays i juz can't stop eating (due to stress, i think...) so i think i put on at least 2 kg. =D

ya, my mens came back last mth... i was very very sad... it came with side effects some more - breakouts , bloated tummy... sianz...
ni, mercs: me barely make up 1 feed now. Moo moo cow will officially retire soon. Going now to the supermarket to look for FM. Here the FM very cheap wor....900g cost A$20 plus.

gelato: 39kg!!! that's feather light!
gelato/ni/dink/mercs: menses come back milk ss will drop drastically? will put on weight suddenly a not?

gelato: previous times u bf did menses come back? how many milk feeds is caden on nowadays? My weight is less than urs.. feather light hor.. how come stress? ahh... I dun want breakouts..
sus: so far i nv weigh myself yet, dun dare leh. but i never put on weight, pple ard me say i lose weight, dunno is to make me happie only.. hahaha.

gelato: u are really light! i was never 39kg! sus even lighter!!!
ni: yah I saw ur photoshoot on FB, also think u lost weight, looking really good =) I also think Im too light.. will blow away by the wind.

mercs: when menses go away, the period in between, ms dont go up again ah?
dink : bcos i hv light bones & fats only - no muscles... haha...

sus : my supply did drop a bit, but so far still producing more than enough for caden. no sudden weight gain tho... for #1, my mens came back @ 14mths... #2, came back at 12 mths... #3 is the fastest... but based on 'surveys' with colleagues, it seems to be a "norm" for mens to come back earlier for subsequent kids.

aiyo, you're so light... muz eat more leh... i think the weather may play a part oso? cold cold weather makes u burn more? me ahhh.. work stress...
ni : ya, i oso think u lose weight. i m no longer 39kg anw. at least 41 now. haha.. but light weight doesn't mean slim lor... my colleague is soooo lean & same height as me, but she's 47kg... hers is muscles & dense bones... mine is light bones & fats... haha...
sus : missed ur qn on the milk feeds.. caden take 2 milk feeds in the day + 2 solids... if i work late, then maybe he'll take a 3rd milk feed with bottle. then fm his sleeping time to morning 6+ - he got free flow of milk fm his milk source... i dunno how much he drink tho... =P
ni: i tot u wanna go. since like dat no motivation to go KS sale liao :D i rather rot somewhere else. if not wait eye spoilt, see things want to buy again. then spend $$

graduates of BF club, congratulations on your graduation.

my mense returned when shyan was 6 months old lor. zhun zhun one. and the moment it comes back my ms drop drastically. so i graduated from BF club a month later. and my breasts return to me liao, but very sad lor. after 6 months of latching on, now become soft soft and even smaller than before!!! so sad! now i rather reserve them for my babes.. cos can have bigger Bs
emq: haven come yet. tonite gng to fetch her. crossing fingers tightly. my fren told me not to be too kind anymore. must have some authority over them.
Ni: Yup. We can be kind but must remain firm. No need to abuse, but need to show them who is boss & who is maid. I think this is easier to achieve with Indos who are more submissive & willing to comply compared to Filos. They have more self discipline too. Hope yours turn out well!
tgif mums!

bbstarlet: I stay with my parents during weekdays. my hb can get along with my mum, no prob. basically my mum and hub are both very easy-going people. is your hub having issues? if yes, you will be sandwiched in the middle. try to put in good words on both sides to 'moderate' ya..

about bf, yah supply has dropped a lot.menses has also returned. always felt sad when I saw no more milk bottles in the fridge. and my boy likes bm more than fm. sometimes he won't sleep if we give him fm... but I think we have all done a great job to hang on till now!
hey, just want to ask, any of your babies like to bang the head against something, floor, mattress, our chest/shoulder? my boy does that often. first he likes to nod his head hard, then he will bang against something... i'm scared that he will hurt his head or brain damage leh...
sus: for me ever since menses come back..i never get the same amount that i used to get last time..

kamy: ya i agree when i open the fridge and see like 1/2 or 1 bottle of BM left, i also feel very down. i still have frozen supply in the fridge but i got to like give half frozen half fresh then he will drink...yday i started giving him 1 feed of FM le...no choice.
kamy: my girl likes to kick the wall when she sleeping. and she likes to scratch the wall also. cos her bed is next to the wall and this wall is actually the aircon cover.. so when she scratch, got sound de. i think she's fascinated by the irritating sound.
mercs: at least u got balance in the fridge, i got no more milk in the fridge! wahaha.

emq: yesh crossing fingers this one can work out!
Good Morning...TGIF...

I going to stop bf when Juvius one year old or end of the year...supply very low too, only 1.5 feeds per day for Juvius...
ni: ya i still got some balance in the freezer, but he dont like it leh...
really hor...after menses come, supply will drop...
mercs: ya, agree with ni, at least you still have frozen ones. did you try it first? the taste is very very fishy. I used to have and my boy doesn't like it too. so funny that we threw away milk last time and now we don't have enough..
and yah, once menses return, supply drops. maybe that's the natural way of weaning off...

janjan: haha, I realise babies like to scratch things to make funnie sounds, like banging things too. hmm..think my boy is the odd one cos he bangs his head. keke..
kamy, not odd lah... my son does that too... and yes scratch until his papa buay tahan... bed headboard and car panels
kamy: there was one period kyler like to hit his own head...but now wont le.
ya the frozen ones is very fishy...thats why i mix half fresh half frozen lor. but i think he still know it...cos tough to feed him with that..
dazed: i long ago no more frozen one. kyan likes milk, so regardless of fresh ebm, frozen ebm, or fm, he all sup finish!

kamy: my son also like to scratch bed headboard, and hit the wall with his hands!
i oso graduated since Oct due to super low supply as menses returns..

my boy likes to bangs his head oso lei... and he likes drum...
dink, congrats on your graduation!

mercs, luckily i still have alot in the freezer so still can tahan. So is Kyler feeding well on FM? Which brand you give?

sus, Katie also likes to roll and crawl in her playpen (bed) but then it's her habit/routine, after a while she will fall asleep. And yes, I also totally turn off the lights and she sleeps better too.

willting, good that you can BF till one year old. Jia You...

gelato & sus, you gals are so light...Champs! Is it in the genes? I never have that kind of weight in my life! The lightest I hit was 45kg but that was many many years ago...haha..
mgteo:i still have frozen milk...but kyler dont seems to like it leh...
yday i gave FM, he seems ok. but i scared he heaty, so i used barley water to make FM. he is on mamex gold...i still have a few tins of the 400g one lor.

heard tat step 3 will be much cheaper rite??
ni/gelato/mgteo: I also got light bones and all fats lah.. no muscle one.. Caleb too heavy for me soon liao.. I cant even carry him with one arm now.

mgteo/gelato: So your baby roll around then will fall asleep by him/herself ah? Wont cry? Mine will make a lot of noise leh

kamy: Calebee likes to bang his head and mouth on the floor too!
good morning everyone... dink me too! milk supply dropping!!! hehe... thking of which formula to start for night feeds

sus caleb L falls asleep and still rotate here and there... till he finds a good spot, before sleeping also twist and turn very hard to sleep, so we just be very queit and still to simulate no more play activity then after a while he will calm down and go to sleep... oh and i just got my menses cause i thk caleb had been sleeping thru i read somewhere that if you skip a 2 to 3am (sometime along the line) your period will come back! which is true in my case!

and u ladies are right! after menses milk ss drop! yesterday night caleb was so tired he didnt finish his dinner had some milk and went to sleep, normally he can last but woke up in the middle of the night hungry!!! i latch him still not enough!!! he was crying then became screams! Inconsolable until i figure out he was hungry but no formula at home so i fed him bread and latch him on a while more before he fell asleep again! quite poor thing!
mgteo: haha...we jia you together...

mercs: yes, step 3 is cheaper than step 2...i planning to change milk powder after Juvius 1 yr old...

mercs: yes FM will cause heatiness but you only giving once a day right...then should be ok. I wonder if FM can mix with BM or not? Like that it won't be so heaty right? Yes step 3 will be cheaper and step 4 will be the cheapest.

sus: ya Katie will roll, roll and then fall asleep. Mmmm...she will make a bit of noise but for a while only.
