(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng: in case you're interested, can chk out the websites: http://www.mothersenvogue.com/ & http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/

Giggler: My #1 is 6yo & #2 2yo. Next year gonna be stressful... cos #1 going to P1, #2 going to play grp, & me going to give birth...hehe...

belacan : you can go for 1 more boy to form 2 "hao". =)

piyobaby : at least you fire your boss, my fren kena fired when the co found out that she's pregnant. It's true that MOM can't do much... anyway, if $ is not a big issue, then take a break - rest are good for babies' developments oso mah...

As for r/s with ILs, dun think too much abt it. Now that we're preggie, our temperament is oso affected by hormones... it's perfectly normal if you feel sour over certain things... take a day at a time hor...

As for the ML, i seriously think more MTBs will kena fired or discriminated agst - IF the entitlement is increased to 4 mths...

Pinkie_Pirate: so far we only owned 1 "Braun" ear thermomether. It has served us well, since 2002. i'm not sure how much does it cost tho, cos hubby used the 'pump-petrol-points' to exchange for it. we've not tried other brands, so can't compare.
Piyobaby, hmm well I hv a friend who also does sales for medical line, she had two babies and now still working. Maybe I can ask her if any opening? Hopefully not the same company as your present one!! Anyway, for now just rest and relax la, enjoy ur pregnancy - already almost halfway to the finish line!
This thread is seriously moving too fast, can't keep up unless i'm logged on all the time.

2boys mum raw fish in itself doesn't cause any harm. Only to avoid cuz potential of food poisoning via raw food is much higher than cooked food. There are also fears that if the mum gets food poisoning, bb may get it too - but this is only in very rare and serious cases lah. Also i presume that u haven't been eating too much tuna and salmon (not more than 2 portions a wk), cuz of the potentially high mercury levels.

zill as long as u bf, milk will not run out cuz the stimulation will make the ducts continue to produce milk.

ange if u are gg to mix the smoked salmon w scrambled eggs, it's ok, just make sure to cook it long enuff. Food poisoning is the reason to avoid eating smoked salmon, but if it's used for cooking, eg in scrambled eggs or hot pasta, then it's ok.

gelato welcome.. wow u managed to bf for 1 yr while working.. hats off!

piyobaby sorry to hear abt ur job / supervisor.. since HQ is pro family, can't u go all the way up to the top to fight ur case?
Gelato...trying my luck still for a perm position which is rather tough so far so worst scenario will be to go for temp job...wif Baby on the way, gonna be tough on single income...=)

pirate...just my luck to meet such a superior lor...would greatly appreciate ur help to check on behalf...thanks ya...=p

deluxe...mayb beta luck coming my way...haha...even truthful talk to HR have not yield any positive outcome so far...but even if escalating the case means dat I could stayed on working wif her again then guess I'm beta off trying my luck in the market unless of course there's other job postings in the organization...thanks for ur concern ya...=D
Ok piyobaby, have checked with my fren. Her company is Waters and they have vacancy for sales but not drugs. They sell to pharma company. If u want, I can pass u her number and u speak to her lor.
Giggler, thanks 4 the news.. where did u hear will have 4 mths maternity leave? am thinking of quitting my job but if its true Ill hang on..

Piyobaby.. sorry to hear that.. I read abt those stories of discrimination in the papers too and was horrified. is urs an SME?
piyobaby...so your other colleagues aware of the difficulty you are in and the reason you are leaving?

You have any exit interview with HR? Perhaps you can highlight the reason and see if there are other vacancies in other positions that can put you in.

This year economy will slow down and companies will be very selective when coming to hiring.

Do not be stressed at this point as no good for pregnancy. Take it in your stride and take your time to prepare for the arrival of your baby.
just find out from my doctor today that i am having a girl.. on 29/08/08 will go to the detail scan at TMC..
pirate....dat would be great...is she aware of my pregnancy...doesnt matter...perhaps I will communicate wif her directly...u happen to have my contact? try to PM u lata....thanks ya...=)

sus...surprisingly it is an US MNC....it's my direct superior who finds fault...not so much the mgmt...

Jade...not all of them are aware and she's going ard telling ppl I left bcos I could cope wif the job scope due to the pregnancy...had my exit interview done which I decided to bring justice to myself & my Baby thus pouring all out...no other suitable vacancy at the moment....thanks for ur concern...=)
gelato (gelato) thanx alot for the info.

NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87) Cong!!mine DS will be same as your at TMC! what time is your?? mine is around 9pm+..
Hi ladies,jus back from my gynae checkup.now in my 16+ weeks.
baby was sleeping sideways,so cannot tell e gender yet.
gynae says no obvious signs of boy's private parts,but still cannot confirm is a gal leh.
a bit disappointed.

Pinkie Pirate: is e philips sale having sale for avent products?usually hw much percentage?
9pm? u mean ur scanning will be at 9pm? mine is in the morning.. so thinking of going to the hospital tour.. as this is my first time staying there.. but see alot of mummy saying there is very nice.. so wan to go see with my own eyes.. haha.. is this ur first baby? cjteng(cjteng)
hi fiona87: congrats!

EMQ: hope things are ok and don't bother so much abt MIL. actually i'm just like u too. I will outright tell her "off", but in a diplomatic way and let her go and figure out on her own.

Piyobaby: sorry to hear abt your job. can you go to higher management in US? or is there any ethic officer/policy in your company?

giggler: my elder gal is 7 years and 2nd gal is 3 years old.

actually alot of things happening in my family now, and my dad was just diagnosed with kidney failure, my mum has diabetes which seems out of control even though she's on med to bring it down. doc said she could be under stress cos of my dad's condition. i feel so lousy. and next year gonna give birth and my folks say they wanna take care of bb, but with my dad condition, which he has to be in and out of hosp, i really dunno how they gonna manage. they said they wanna spend their last moments with their grandchildren... what shld i do??
de_luxe : thank you. As for bf, gotta sacrifice work performance a bit lor... boss & colleagues not happy when i disappear to express milk...

piyobaby: wish u all the best, who knows u find a better job than b4. Sometimes, blessing comes in disguise. Actually my hubby went out of job when i was preggie with #2, we cld only live ea day in faith. Finally he found a job & started work 5 days aft bb was borned - & it's a much better job than his previous... at least better boss lah... so, press on, & stay optimistic...

cjteng : you're welcome. =)

Samval : so sorry to hear abt what's happening in your family. Do take care.

Currently, who take care of ur older kids? Is it possible to get a domestic helper to look after the kids, but place them at your parents' place, while you're at work?
samval: did engaging a maid for your parents strike your mind? at least maid can look after bb & your parents...
ZILL & gelato: currently my elder gal taken care by me. she goes to school (morning sessions) and aft school, she will go to the aft school care centre. my younger gal being taken care of by my mum. they don't wan to have maid. i ever mention to them but they don't agree... sigh..
samval: sometimes no choice 1...some old ppl juz no like the idea of getting a stranger (maid) to the family
samval....even if I did...would u rather believe the words of a 4 mths old employees versus 10 yrs old employee? can only attributed it to bad luck on my side lor...thanks ya...=) discuss the best options u can work out for ur parents...im sure things will be fine...take care of ur health meanwhile okie...=)

gelato...thanks for ur well wishes...guess I need lots of them and lots of luck...anyhow hope dat tomorrow will b beta...=D
piyo: no worry...i believe ur hubby will support u
at most later after delivery den look for job lor
i received a letter from MT A, pre-admission letter, and a few pamplets... one of which is for the antenatal classes, cost abt $100+ for 6 lessons.... and the MT A tour, i think i gng to go for the tour after my DS scan... =)
samval: yah my mum also dun want maid, say maid gives her stress.. r u staing with them. If u say get the maid for urself, would they oppose? then during ur confinement got more help?

all the best piyo!
hi all,
thanks. will discuss again with my stubborn folks

piyo: i can understand what you mean. i also work in a US MNC firm, and you are right to say that the management will usually listen to the longer working employee rather than those who work only for awhile. nevertheless, i think justice shld be done. for my company, if management cannot help us, we will go to the ethics officer in USA and they are neutral, as they do not know the employees here. all the best and i'm sure you have made the right choice to quit. lesser stress.
samval: sorry to hear ur parents health condition. My mum is also on dialysis now but doing it at home at nite so we sister rotate days to do dialysis, worst is that she seem to be getting lao ren ci dai zhen...and now in the day we send her to the day care for elders n nite come home. My dad eye sight is not so gd and also cannot walk for long....Mayb u can still put ur BB at their hse but employ a maid to help them, it can lessen ur mother work load.....
samval: ya.... agree with sperzz cos my parents also dun like maids one but my dad kenna mild stroke in june & i insisted then they now bo bian also... they're not complaining also... so why not?
Zill: u just call them to book the date n time with them will do....no need $$ n they'll give u some free gifts n magz n their price list as well...will bring u to delivery room n wards....wards will depend on where is available for viewing....
Hi everyone,
Back from gynae yesterday. No gender yet, baby was sleeping with back to the ultrasound. So have to wait for the detailed scan next month.

You must share with me where you get clothes. Since I had my first kid, I haven't been able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. But since I'm a SAHM, I don't really have to dress 'up' very much, so I don't mind. I have a couple of nicer outfits that fit nicely and I look reasonably good in, but beyond that, I don't know where to get clothes that flatter! Always feel depressed when I try to shop for clothes. And I'm not the type who will spend a bomb on clothes, and I'm not a shopper. I HATE shopping. I like to buy cheap and good looking clothes, and comfortable ones. Any ideas?? My hips are super-sized. I'm thinking of sewing my own dresses, but with kids around the house, no time leh.

At least you're tall. I'm like a big pao.

Aiyah, you're so slim, no worries for you lah! I too control my eating quite a bit. Sometimes hungry, I also will restrain myself.

Welcome. I'm also with #3 now. (Trying to keep up with my gynae, who has 7! Hahaha!) My #2 was also due 1st day of CNY in 2007. My gynae and I were both hoping for a CNY baby, but alas he chose to appear on CNY eve. Hehehe. I breastfed my 2 for 18 months each. So I too will be glad to share experiences, particularly beginning breastfeeding.

have 3 lah. You'll find that having 2 is so fun cos they play so well together. Having 3 is 3x the fun! Hehehe.

Children are a blessing. They'll never be underprivileged. Don't worry. Having less doesn't mean they have nothing. They have your love and the love of their siblings. They would never want anything more if we don't offer or tempt them with all sorts of things

Pinkie Pirate
I just use my Osim ear thermometer, but it's hard to take temp for a nb cos their ears are so small. I hardly took bb's temp leh. Bb never got sick anyway, so I was fortunate.

So sorry to hear about your dad and mum. Pray and see how things turn out lah. Diabetics can live a 'normal' life with medication and control of diet. With your dad, I'm sure things will slowly settle down. He might have to go for dialysis or some regular treatment, and it will become routine. Does he qualify for a transplant? Don't worry. Things will turn alright in the end. You'll find a way.
<font color="0000ff">Giggler</font> hee hee, wanted to ask you whether GlenE will give anything when we leave hospital after delivery? Heard that nowadays they don't give the bb Tshirt anymore (the one that says I'm a Gleneagles baby). Do they give the glass bottles for breastmilk, diaper bag, diapers, etc? Wondering whether I need to bring anything...
suika...would still be looking ard to relieve the expenses in the household...hee

thanks samval for your kind words...all the best in your family issues too...=)

pirate...just checked gmail...dun have lei...can I trouble you to send to my other account [email protected] thanks alot!
Pinkie Pirate (pinkie_pirate) wow.. sound so good .. got t-shirt saying I m Gleneangles bb.. Dun think TMC will have that .cos have the t-shirt is so meaningful leh!
any mummies delivered @ TMC b4? I'll like to find out if (1) the environment is good (quiet) (2) the nurses there are pro-breastfeeding?
Zill: went liao....when i went for NTscan earlier...TMC n MtA tour...heeheee u taking 1bedded? expensive wor....but nice nice....it's like hotel room feeling like that....actually TMC oso not too bad esp if u get the renovated rooms.......juz like i've mentioned earlier....TMC's like a MAZE to us so we no like n the parking very troublesome....velet parking hv to wait min hf hr to collect ur car...waste $ there but MtA got season parking at abt $5.50 per day for daddy to park...multi-entries n nurses there more friendly....but i feel TMC's delivery room nicer den MtA 1 la.....heehee that's my view on the 2 plcsc....u shd go see see
cjteng (cjteng) juz got a call just now.. saying that 29/08/08 fully booked.. haiz.. sad.. going there on coming friday 22/08/08.. 10am.. wan to go for the hospital tour.. anyone go the hospital tour before? got gooddy bags? haha.. heard for my friends saying that the hospital tour got gooddy bag to give.. den 1pm must go back to Dr Ang for check up again.. den take the package already..
Babystarlet, er... I dunno abt the Philips sale discount... I never shop for bb stuff before! Hahaha!

Oh btw, Avent has announced that they will be releasing BPA-free bottles later in 2008. Currently their bottles are not BPA-free altho I think some of their other products are BPA-free.
suika: ya taking 1 bedder cos i want hubby to stay with me...&amp; also to learn how to carry the bb...he scared this scared that... let him be trained in the hospital! anyway, i've already decided on Mt A no matter what cos 1. i was born there, 2. gynae said Mt A's better than TMC &amp; 3. everything's convenient there, it's nearer to my parents' place too.
NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87) you have not book your DS date ah? actually they should book for you in advance.. I nt sure got godddy bag..as i dun went for the tour. maybe after the dS I will ask the nurse that I want to go for a tour.
Zill: if u ok with the price at MtA den ok....i oso like MtA better...the whole environment feeling most imptly...heeehee u can top up at $75 if not wrong to cater for his meals there too if not he'll hv to eat outside himself

Fiona: TMC n MtA both got goddie bags....MtA i've got bb's fork n spoon...TMC nothing much more like some samples
Zill: ur gynae say Mt A better than TMC? did he/she elaborate? isit due to medical facilities, nursing staff, or other reasons?

Zill &amp; Suika : last time when my hubby stayed with me @ Mt A, we pd addl ($65 or $75, can't rem) for the sofa bed (for hubby to sleep) &amp; meals.
