(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

Hi Hopetbf
thanks for the info however I wonder if my husband dun go will it affect the result?
Oh Saro u saying in jurong?
My mummy is staying in jurong too.
Hi HopeTBF,

Hee hee...I m as 'senior' as your wife :D

Btw juz wanna tell u tat I think it's vy nice of u as a husband to play an active role in TTCing too, think u will make a gd daddy :D

Thanks for giving us hope here too :D
Hi Mrs Choo
Thanks for ur info guess will make app for that and see how it goes. Will keep all ladies updated.tHanks
Caca, try to make appt a week ahead coz his appt is quite pack at times
caca, i stay in Queenstown, working in Jurong.. hehe... i read on the flowerpod thread that is good for FTB to take vitamins such as zinc complex and vitamin b...

caca, i heard from SIL that my DH cousin previously ttc-ing for 1 yr but no news n they went to see TCM, i am not sure which.. but soon she got preggie and now preggie with no.2 !! And one of my fren's fren also went to TCM, i think in Marine Parade and after 1 visit, strike also !!!

So gals, dun lose hope.. i am also approaching the Big 3 !! So i wanna hurry to !!!
Babydusts to all !
Thanks I think I will call to book app.By the way do we have to take med or get poke or so.Cos abit scareof needle wan.Haha. And do we need to go every month or how frequent do we have to visit? Sorry ah so many que.Thanks for everything.
Hi saro
Oh so u stay in Queenstown nice place. Oh I kind oh like scare I cant get preggy .As I have been like trying for so long cos previous I have inserted IUDS. After giving birth to my gal I inserted that to prevent preggy .So dunno will it affect me to get preggy now.Abit scare.Haiz every time see AF reported also sian. So will u be gg to visit Dr TAn
if my AF report in March, due next week then most likely i will go see Dr. Tan... What about u ?

How old is ur gal now ? At least u have 1 already lor....

Er...TCM is like tat 1 pah, ha ha. Be brave for your bb.

I dunno abt what Dr Tan will give u but I need to take med almost everyday after each visit (pill be O & those powder form after O) & need get poke juz b4 O too

Visit once per week
Hi All,

I strongly encourage that you go with your DH. It definitely helps Dr Tan to 对症下药. Cos you never know, it may be the guy who has problem.

I went with wife for all visits and both of us did accupunture on 1st visit.

The chinese medicines are all in crystal forms. No need brew. Just add water and Viola! But, please prepared to drink "15 in 1" (i.e. 15 small packs into 1 cup) hor.
waaa... hopeTBF....

15 in 1 .. no joke man... i am no fan of Chinese med... oh dear.. its gg to be tough.. but i think my DH shd be accompanying me la, he is ok one..

but hor.. acupunture ah... i think both of us will jump... keke...

==== hope AF dun come !!!! ===

Is Zinc complex n Vitamin B really good for DH ?
cos i gg to buy folic acid later so tot at the same time buy for DH also...

What's the recommended dosage for folic acid , btw ?

Thanks ya
juz pop one 5mg of folic acid everyday will do.
normally most docs will prescribe this amount, thou some others might prescribe more.
ok, i will look for folic acid of this dosage in 1 tablet...

cos previously, i believe each tablet is either 2mg or 4mg...
Hope TBF, Vitamin E ah... hmmm... i read from the flowerpod thread u posted just now that its good for guys to take zinc complex n vit b so i asked.. hehe
hi bunnipet,my o strips i did not buy frm babydust,i bought frm a usa web,it green in colour and bigger wide then those frm baby dust can see better..so far so good and accurate detecting my o,cos when i see two dark line on the strip,i will use clear blue digital to double confirm,so far accurate leh....and my af will come two weeks frm the first opk stripe postive,very zhun one cannot escape..think i oso ttc until so stress and going crazy already,so tireing
my gal is already coming 3yrs old tis march so kind of worrie wait gap very big no close.Somemore I dun wa onli 1 kid as my hubby and I love kids.Oh ya by the way I already call to book for my app will be next week tue evening as the person say must mense over than go just nice lo.

Thanks for ur info maybe I will just give a try see how it goes if reali dun work than just let fate be lo.Thanks for all the info
nova & saro - i just checked my EYS packet of barley... it's called "raw & cooked china barley" and it's $2.65 for a big packet. If you can't find it let me know lah... can buy for u n bring to the gathering... oh yeah, sorlee nova... if u really want i can mail to u lah!
hi thenun

THANK U ! *hugz*

i actually went to EYS to buy just now.. Once again based on the barley+duno wat to tell the lady there n say its UTI.. she asked me in Chinese but i duno.... haha... so she said is to clear the "niao guan" so i guess shd be correct n since $2.65, even salah also can boil n drink ma... so i bought n boil 1/2 of it le... now share with DH.. hehe... n then i also went to unity to buy folic acid ... 5mg per pill !! 100 tabs, 2plus only wor ! woohoo... i shd be in good condition to ttc again !! keke
hey saro, did the salesgirl give u instructions how to boil? cannot boil too long hor, abt 15-20 mins and at low low fire... boil too long will backfire n become heaty!

my aunty colleagues teach me one.. hee hee

alamak... i think i boil over 20mins leh... cham liao la....how how ?

butter, UTI is urinary tract infection....
saro, thanks...

And, I think you posted something like you will wash up after BD. Hmm.... I read somewhere that it's better not to... Coz due to gravity, sperms might come downwards and get washed away. Better to lie down with a pillow at hip area so as to air the sperms to "flow down".
saro...the folic acid u bot at unity is cheap man....i bot 50 tabs for 2.75 @ watson....dbl the price of urs....terrible lei...
butter, yeah i asked that...

ya lor, i tot also better not to wash after bd in case wash away the sperms... but then again nv wash scared kena UTI.. alamak... very cham...

yeah i didnt know so cheap.. very affordable !! cos the folic i taking now is passed down by my fren, i think is abt 8 per btl of 100tabs.. which i tot affordable la, then duno read where that cheapest is at unity and when asked if there is any diff bet brands of folic, apparently is no.. so buy from unity lor !! keke 100 tabs can eat for 100 days wor ! i also bought the Obimin, also suppose to be good.. i haven take yet, buy first then i check if its ok to take during ttc or not.. keke
alamak, obimin seems to be more for preggie woman... hmmmmm... so must wait until strike then can take le....
saro, then maybe u can lift up ur hip and wait for 30 mins before washing. I read this from the website too... hee hee...

Nova recommend me to get the folic acid from this shopping mall inside the airbase. I paid USD4 for 60 tablets. I thought very cheap liao... never think that still got cheaper ones!
butter, lift up 30mins ah... by the time sleepy n lazy liao still need to wash up ? muahahaha

I can send u some unity folic !! hehe

Let me know if u need ya

butter, we need wait 1 more week... but i having PMS symtoms... sigh....
Hi caca, no probs, can try again next mth, jia you!!

Just saw gynae tonight, blood clots is still there... Haiz....
So fustrating! When I told him today still bleed brown blood, he asked me if I am working. Told him yes & immediately he said, cannot work for the rest of the week. Rest at home, rest & watch TV! I really really hope that the blood clots will disappear! So sianz!
Hi any ladies gt pregnant during house renovation?
I thought of ttcing but will be getting my new hse keys soon, nw staying with my in-laws...isit advisable?
that time my SIL was pregnant and my brother decided to renovate their house (to welcome the 2nd baby). They shifted out to a hotel. Just making sure that my SIL was not involve with the renovation.
Thank u ylang_ylang again! U r right! The spotting was only for 2 days, so i guess that 2 days was fertile period?

Congrats to Hope dad to be, u r so sweet to be reading up all these women talk. U must be a very good hubby and daddy to be. All the best!
Thenun, you so sweet! Thanks, wish I won't kanna UTI before June then I can go to the medical centre to get that Chinese Barley drink! =)

Butter, did you get the pre natal vitamins or just folic acid? The pre natal vitamins includes other vitamins as well, Vit B6 very impt too, seems will help in the first trimester for nauseous.

Saro, what i do is, just after BD, lift up butt about 10mins, then go pee, my doc told me that not necessary need to wash, but we do need to pee, coz the bacteria might be climbing up the tract, so pee will flush them out. *winks* Btw, I feel like 10mins not enough hehe, S still dribble out, xian, maybe must hold longer so as not to waste precious S. Haha...
the folic acid I gotten is EXTRA one (it's called Folic Acid Extra). It comprises of Vit B2, B6, B12 and Choline.

Eh... Need to pee after BD one ar?? I normally don't. Ha ha... Oh, I read from the webby that it's better to let the sperm retain in the body for at least half an hour!
<font color="ff0000">Morning dearies!</font>

The 1st time I bought my folic acid from the GP.. den it's like 30pills for $7 loh! -faint- den the 2nd time i bought in Polyclinic,den i one shot buy for 5 months supply.. keke... den it's like also $7+ for 140 pills.. den after i bought liao, den heard the gers here saying they got it at the NTUC unity there like 100pills for $2+ onli loh.. faint...

everytime after BD I also will wan to pee de loh...

Hope TBF,
wah! Such a sweet DH u are! also will read up ttc stuff... hehe... My DH simply boh chap wan.. -sian- jia you! Keep up the good work...

<font color="aa00aa">So how's our gathering? date confirm as at 9th March?? Venue? Time? Must faster decide wor, cuz it's only next Sunday le!! haha... I'm so looking forward to the gathering... </font>
Thanks alot will be gg to see Dr Tan see how it goes.If reali cant than I think fated ba.The lucky thing is I have a gal le.
Think u need to drink lots and lots of water it will help to clear up.That is wat my GP told me last time. And I think if I dun remember wrongly prune juice will also help.

As long as u are not in the place when reno is in process.I guess it will be fine.
saro...does the unity folic acid cums in loose tabs form or sterile in its foil packaging...

storeberry...the blood clot will disperse by itself w/o any med?...watch TV at home...dats his fav advise...

carine...now we understand how GP profits beam...my last batch was given by gynae...thou it's FOC but reflected on the bill as 14 tabs for $2+....
ladies - i found out that it is ovaries cancer... ytd afternoon she removed 2 of the ovaries.. i was there the whole day.... today very exhausted n fall sick again... going dwn in the afternoon...
haiyo! so ex... *shake Head*

*hugs!* nowadays cancer is very normal, like my FIL, also got cancer ealier on mahz... stay in the hospital for weeks, operation liao, now recovering althought he's still very weak.. keep vomit... But at least will heal de.. Dun worry ok?? *jia you!*

PMS symtoms ah.. like the bust a bit swollen feeling, then all the time hungry ? hahaha....

the ntuc unity packaging is individually packed in the foil packaging n put into a box type, n each tab is 5mg...

bubble, ya, one of the ladies advised that the barley drink is for UTI and the EYS lady also confirmed that can clear the "niao guan" so i guess shd ok

snow...wishing ur aunt a speedy recovery...=) u take care of urself too as it could be taxing on u as well....

thanks saro...will purchase from unity after finishing mine....
