(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

hello Mich,

welcomed to this ttc big family.


the diff between IUI and SO-IUI is that so-iui can end up with lots of egg meaning chances for mulitples r high.


ur hse got dog? OMG i very scared of dog leh. how?

hi mich,

Poor ger... it's Saturday. Better hurry finish up and go home take a good rest.

Yes...let's hope all of us here will have a Mickey or Minnie soon. =)
Hi All

Got a few qtn to ask, anyone experience can gv me an ans

After D&C ,
1) is there still stains and pain ?
2) how long to rest then can TTC ?
3) must take confinement food ?

i just had my D&C on Thurs , but I still had the bleeding and the pain. (dunno is it normal)

Hi Cally, after D&C, there will be some bleeding, cos the sac has been removed from the wall of the uterus so there is a small wound there which will bleed a little, until it heals. there may or may not be some pain, but not a lot. You should have been given some medication to deal with this?

For me, my D&C was done quite well and my body healed very quickly so the bleeding lasted only a few days and there was very very little pain.

for food, there is no must. just try to keep your womb warm, like take more warm drinks, don't take things that are too cooling. but generally, not to worry too much. i guess if you are more eastern-thinking than western-thinking, you might want to do a mini-confinement, but my gynae never mentioned anything like that. He just told me to rest and the most important is to recover emotionally, because otherwise you may be slow to recover physically. He even told my husband privately to keep an eye on my state of mind, make sure i don't get depressed.

as for ttc, generally you should wait at least one full cycle. You need to make sure that you are starting to ovulate again, that your body hormones have gone back to normal. gynae may advise you to monitor for 1-3 cycles?

Hi butterkiss..

apparently, a miscarriage is also known as spontaneous abortion. Not sure if you mean induced abortion??

I think if induced one.. deliberate act. Not very nice lah. Brings about a connotation of killing to me lah. But I think if fetus not compatible for life then I think different issue lah.
hi bunnipet,

Thanks for the reply. I am just curious and wondering.... =)

I guess, sometimes due to circumstances, one has no choice but to choose this route ===> abortion. Especially for those who are young and not married or bf left them...
btw.. anybody used babydust HPT and showed +ve?

Hmmm... I just tried and is -ve. Today CD 26.
I can't remember which brand I bought the last time, from malaysia, around 10 plus and it could pick up on CD 25. Having pretty similar symptoms now. Think have to wait for a couple more days before testing again....

argghhh..... the agony of waiting!!! Was just telling my DH, maybe should just go for rampant BD man!!! BTW.. does anybody know whether it is ok to BD during TWW?
Yup.. Butter..

it is tough on the young and reckless ones. Actually, I quite like the advert about leaving the
kids for adoption. At least, those who are willing to carry thru could offer their child a lease of precious life!

However, the stigma for these pple are kindna difficult to erase. quite sad too.
Yes! I agree... the agony of waiting... =(
Let's hope my AF won't come during the 1st week of March... crossing my fingers...
But then again, don't think I will be so lucky to strike the jackpot during 1st time of trying... =(
i'm getting lost with the short terms like AF, AHT, DH, BD, D&C, etc?

I had a miscarriage in Nov 2007, and the gynae at TMC told me to "evacuate it", cause the embryo's heartbeat has stopped beating, and no further movements are detected thru a virginal scan.
ladies - BD just now using doggie style... feeling very good n less sperms will flow out
Hi Cheeky Monkey, welcome to the TCC family here!!

Wow, snow got mood to BD now, kekek.. Good good!!

All the best to mum wannabe, purin & A&E!!
A&E this month no choice as I could not get +ve OPK using the babydust one so did not BD lah .. I try 3rd one so cannot anyhow ham tam ... so now I wish my AF comes next week then I can TTC again ... me this time round going to buy clearblue lah .. though exp but hope it helps ...
storeberry - heehee... actually was not in the good mood lor... fight with DH in the early afternoon then end up BDing heehee...

A&E - maybe u O late... i nt using OPK lor.. mafan n stress.
Hi Bunnipet/Storeberry,
Think my AF will be coming next week.

Hi Joy,
What is the procedure for IUI and SO-IUI? My gynae has given me clomid.
bunnipet... BD during 2WW is no problem la...
I also BD during 2WW and got pregnant. So i think it shdnt affect fertilization process

You can contitnue to enjoy yr BD session k...hehe
Hi all, i'm new here, nice to meet u all.

Does anyone has experience spotting after a week AF ends? I wonder if is ovulation sign or even implantation spotting? Thanks in advance for all expert replies!
Thanks a lot. In fact, i am better. Able to get over and discuss abt my MC without any tears. Will recover my health first, before I start TTC after my first AF.
Piyobaby! Congrats dear... Can TTC very soon... Praying for your AF to come sooner! =)

Hi Cheekymonkey & princessjJ! Welcome to the big family!

Pinkie... I love schnauzers!!! I am so thinking of getting a white MS wor... But still trying for baby dunnoe can handle 2 dogs and 1 baby the next time...=(

Cally, when my sis in law did a D&C, she had a 2 weeks confinement. My mum look after her and made her confinement food as well, I guess it depends on you. But I felt that maybe 1 week is enough for my sis in law, especially emotionally. Cause when she goes back to work, she doesn't brode over the D&C as much as she was when she was at home...

bunnipet, what is TWW?

butter... hoping mine too... this month first month actively trying so crossing our fingers too!

sheryl, my friend was saying also the more you talk about it, the better it is to get over...

IUI cycle normally only involve artificial insemination. This is normally done when there is no female factor infertility involved. Whereas the aim of SO-IUI as the name suggest superovulation ... it carries the aim to induce more eggs to be produced. But unlike IVF, the aim is to produce about 2-3 eggs max. Anything more, its either abandon cycle (too high risk for high order multiples) or convert to IVF totally. In order to stimulate 2-3 number of eggs in one cycle, either clomid or injectibles will be given.

Clomid and injectibles are totally different thing. Clomid has a lower chance of producing multiple mature follicles. It work by raising both LH and FSH. Not all people respond to clomid (I am one of those who may not, thats why at that time I switch to so-iui). Whereas injectibles is actually injecting FSH which is the key hormone for stimulating and growing follicles into substantial size for ovulation (without also raising LH which is already higher in PCOS patients)
In a SO-IUI cycle, the gynae normally won't let you ovulate naturally due to LH surge, its normally done when close monitoring of the follicles sizes and quantities, when the right size and quantity occur, a profasi (hcg) jab is given to induce ovulation in a controlled manner. Then IUI is performed. After which is the 2ww.
Good Morning Poohy,
I have taken one cycle of clomid. Don't think it works cos my cycle is 32-34 days. Today is CD30 and AF not here yet. When I went for scanning at CD 12, no signs of ovulation.

The gynae gave me double dosage of clomid for this coming cycle.

Do you think I should ask for SO-IUI? By the way, and idea if clomid and injectibles can be given together?

i also waiting like u... hoping that 1st week of march AF dun come. i am CD 23 now so just keep fingers crossed lor.... wish us luck !
saro, butterkiss,
im at CD16, but dunno whether O or pass O alredi. my cycle is regular abt 29 days,does it mean i O 14 days before the next AF start? but i find my EWCM was the most on CD10/11.
im not using any OPK or just hamtam onli. just hopin AF dun visit me ard 8mar.this is our 1st mth seriously ttc, not easy to strike one on 1st time,rt?
hi elina..

my cycle is also regular 28-30days. i thin my O might be at CD 17 where i found most EWCM... i also not sure, like u seriously ttc-ing from this month onwards.. i also think not so easy to strike on first time but keeps my fingers crossed...

i think everyone O at different times, so u hantam more times from CD10-CD20lo... maybe higher chances ?? hehe..

Hope out AF dun come in MArch !! Mine shd be from 3rd march onwards...
miffy CD11 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD11
Smallgirl CD12
Blitz CD13
Elina CD16 (Bukit Batok)
Snow CD17(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Spicegal CD18 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD19
Mei Lik CD19
Novakido CD19 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD21 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD23 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD24 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Bunnipet CD27 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
A&E CD27 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Andreanie CD28
BettyBoob CD34
Purin CD30 (LCB Member, Feb)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Butter DPO4 / CD24 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO4/CD25 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DPO8, CD24 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO11, CD26 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO11 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Ylang Ylang DPO14
mumwanabe DPO17
Justmum CD21
TeddyBear DPO22

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
Thanks Mrs Yap. Already BD... hehe!!

Ylang ylang... thanks. What about ovulation kit?

Nova: TWW - two weeks wait between ovulation and next AF
Nova, Thanks for the info. I did take some confinement food for few days, but only take pork.

Do anyone know , how long then can drink DOM ?

Hi All TTC
I am very new here hope I can join ur big group here. I having been ttc for around 10months le ba however no news have actually tried clomid for last cycle and also did not got news so gave up.Haiz.Can anyone also advise when is the best time to take pregnancy test as I kind of itchy hands go test le BFN . My AF will be due tom. So I guess chances of conceive is 0% le ba. As I read from the instructions that u will actually get positive from 7-14 days when u conceive. meaning u will get positive if u are reali pregnant u need not wait till u miss ur AF rite?
PLs help some Expert out there. THANKS A MILLION. Sorry kind of long winded.
Hi ladies, am in office working (now is Sunday, 8.30 pm). Upsetting.

Anyway, just to update, my Ovulation seems to have been delayed (although my cycle is not that regular in the first place). Combination of two factors - last week was estimated to be Ovulation week but I was sick (inflamed throat) and had insufficient sleep (yes, mahjong till wee hours of the morning... asking for it, I know) and secondly, WORK STRESS - lots of work piling up on my desk and deadlines this coming week.

Fertility monitor LOW LOW LOW all the way so far. Temperature chart has been unreliable because I was sick and because I was not sleeping normal hours (Friday night played mahjong till 6.30 am... oops).

Have not been BD-ing, for the same two reasons above.

Sigh... just hoping that I have not missed the egg and will still ovulate this cycle. Gotta hurry up and clear my work so that hopefully my body will release my egg... COME ON, BABY!!!
pirate - good luck to you!

last mth i was very stressed at work n fever thus my AF haywire lor... tis mth i tried to relax although still very busy at work.. MIL back home but tmr i nd to half day to accompany my AUnt for surgery... suddenly diagnosed with Tumor in the Cervix(zhi gong) correct mah?? i was weeping this afternoon.

She wasn't married and we stayed together for 23years... feel so sad..
Hi Pinkie pirate
Wow so late still in office ah.Thanks for ur info ya me very kan jio spider wan always itch hands before even AF report I test le haha . Now got abit of cramp think its coming soon. So sick of all this . U take Care.
Sorry to hear that hope ur auntie will get well soon.

Lets Jia you together for the next cycle ba.
hihi all again...

thanks for the explanation, bunnipet!

Lol, "BD" is a cute term.

I guess i'm waiting for my ovulation cycle, cause AF jz ended. And mine's a 28-30 day cycle. so, shld b ovulation ard this week.

lol. keep fingers crossed!

u need to discuss your concerns with your RE/gynae. yes, clomid and injectibles can be taken together. In kkh, sometimes the first cycle of SO-iui starts with clomid then injectibles.

miffy CD12 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD12
Smallgirl CD13
Blitz CD14
Elina CD17 (Bukit Batok)
Snow CD18(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Spicegal CD19 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD20
Mei Lik CD20
Novakido CD20 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD22 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD24 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD25 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
Bunnipet CD28 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
A&E CD28 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Andreanie CD29
BettyBoob CD35
Purin CD31 (LCB Member, Feb)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Butter DPO5 / CD25 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO4/CD26 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DPO9, CD25 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO12, CD27 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO12 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Ylang Ylang DPO15
mumwanabe DPO18
Justmum CD22
TeddyBear DPO23

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
