(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

halo everyone...

been bust at work lately... haven had time to come in .. hope everyone is doing well!

PInkie - wah, u sound really stressed tis cycle.. but since ur monitor hasnt show HIGH, theres stil a chance there.. try to sleep earli these few nights..

good morning ladies.....

thanks nova....im getting all excited now....=)

cally...if u are not on antibiotic or medication...shd b alrite to consume DOM....i did abt 2 weeks post D&C till now....cant realli get used to it cos it feels so warm after consumption....
good morning ladies ... yawn.

Aileen, thanks. Yeah, this cycle lots of stress but not about ttc, all work stress.

My temperatures are high so looks like I already ovulated - upset that the monitor may have played me out. Did not BD at all! Not sure yet, because haven't been sleeping well, so will monitor my temps for a few more days before making a conclusion.
snow... be strong for your dear aunt... best wishes.

Pinkie, I think my O also very wierd this month! Maybe because I had UTI as well... Been seeing EWCM every other day for the past 4 days and having lower abd pain and its Day 20 already! I think next month must really get the fertility monitor you ladies have been using!
novakido, well i'm a bit upset with my monitor at the moment, so can't say good things about it... haha, still waiting to see if it decides to do its job properly.

Snow, so sorry for your aunt. Try to keep her spirits up. Good to hear your MIL is ok.
morning ladies...

nova, i also got UTI i think.. quite irritating , get it during ttc period... agrh....

plus seems like i getting PMS signs.. oh dear... i hope not.. =keeps fingers crossed=
morning ladies... i cant seem to wake up properly on monday mornngs.... zzz

snow - hang in there!

pinkie - tink ur ovulation is delayed due to stress lah... u could suddenly get a peak fertility without the high fertility alert just like me, so watch out!
morning thenun! yah, still watching out for it, but my temps have gone up and my CM has disappeared so doesn't look very hopeful.

Last night I slept early but for some reason woke up at 3.30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. So there goes another unreliable temp.

Good news is that if i did ovulate, then i ovulated around CD16 which is a good time for egg maturity and health, so hopefully next cycle will also be the same.
hey, just to let u girls know that EU Yang Sang has a chinese barley drink that's good for clearing UTI. Comes in a packet with two types of barley and another herb thingy that I can't remmeber what it's called...
Cloudme, yah, with all the stress at work, maybe it's good that I didn't ttc this month. Won't be able to concentrate on my work. God knows what's best for me.

However, as this is the second cycle with the monitor, and the first cycle had no probs, I was not expecting the fella to play me out. So I'm not happy with it. har har.

Did your monitor behave itself after the first cycle?
thenun, really ah ? Thanks for the info, then later must go buy liao... it very uncomfy..

I think mine is mild(no burning sensation) but sometimes keep having want to go to the loo...

hey pinkie... i also had probs sleeping last night... stressed abt big mtg this afternoon... sigh*... so silly right?

could ur elevated temp be due to ur throat infection?

er.. tink i will be ks n use both the monitor n babydust's OPKs to play it safe, man...
pinkie: finally the forum is ok...

well my monitor behave very well after the 1st cycle...and i strike on the 3rd cycle...i solely rely on my bbt and monitor...CP(cevix position) not that much
ladies...let mi rant abit...supposed to have meeting tis morning which email was sent last week...endup my 'dear superior' is not in the office and who noes where she is....not even an sms to indicate dat meeting is off since she's not in....*&^%$$&*%@#!
ya, down for some short periods here n there, guess they doing some maintenance...

its a super blue monday !! i wanna go back home ASAP ! have to go Eu Yan Sen to buy Chinese barley n groceries to cook...

intending to cook this week, cos my DH got slightly high cholesterol.. tot home cooked food better to bring down his chlesterol
hi piyobaby..

can understand ur frustrations.. hehe.. then is the meeting still on ??

TWW is really tiring .. haha.. how i know all the ladies stress when waiting.... i got another 7days to go .... boring....
Hi Poohy,
Thanks for the explanation. Will check with the gynae if I can have 2 together to increase the chance.

Hi Ladies,
So sian. On mc today after watching the Black Knight's performance near SAF Ferry Terminal yesterday. Think kenna heat stroke.
saro! I hated the UTI feeling, feel like placing your butt on the toilet bowl the whole day! i think mine wasn't severe but I had the burning sensation too. drank lotsa water and cranberry juice to flush them out! apparently if you boil green beans and make sure you dun overboil them, just boil for a while and it's very "liang" for UTI too... But I find it taste kinda yucky... =(

Thenun! thanks, I am so gonna stock up on that barley drink thingy the next time I m back coz I have like UTI at least once a year!

Purin, drink more water!
saro...no idea cos i went out shortly...till now neber recd any sms...neber hear a word abt the MIA meeting...koaz!

ladies...mi used to get UTI quite often too....a few things perhaps to watch out for e.g. cleaning after peeing (to clean from front to back)....after BD to wash & pee would be good other than dat sumtime it boils down to not drinking enuff water and holding pee for too long....
HI gals,

I depressed as well.
Been having the PMS symptom but no menus yet & to date, I have missed it for over a week already.

Have high Body temp & cramping occasionally.
tested the HPT on last fri => result "-" ve so I presummed menus late .. but jz hope it will come soon if I not preg , rather than keep in suspense and on false hope - It's so unbearable !!

Help me - on the verge of giving up hope for TTC
hi nova,piyo

me also long time cleared of UTI liao, then suddenly while ttc-ing kena... sianz lor... argh..

like wat piyo said i practise the cleaning after peeing, after BD wash n pee... duno y kena ?

During ttc-ing time, if we pee n wash immediately after BD, will we "pee n wash" away the sperms ? hehehe... just curious, sorry for the illustration.... Any differences in the chances of conception ?

Pls enlighten me !!!

Dun despair n dun give up... Maybe u should try again sometime later this week ? For all u know, u might get a BFP ?? Cos ur mense also never report ... cramping is also a sign of pregnancy ma.. so dun give up !!

Jia you !!

Me keeping fingers crossed for AF not to come.. but i am experiencing PMS symtoms....
Teddybear, take it easy.
When there is a will, there is always a hope.
Maybe delay, maybe take a bit longer...
i can understand how you feel.
All of us are here...going thru..supporting each other
some pple conceive more easily...

Jia you
To all TTC ladies,

I have been a silent reader for months and would like to share our story.

Wife and I have been TTCing for months w/o success. Tried the infamous JE TCM and a fertility specialist..but still no results.

In December 2007, we decided to try out another TCM @ Clementi. After slightly more than 1 month of treatment and accupunture to "tio" our bodies, wife tested BFP on 14 Feb using clearblue & watson HPK (tested 3 times! Very KS! haha!).

Just returned from Gynae appointment today and confirmed that dear wife is now 6W5D pregnant with our 1st bb. We were both so excited when the gynae let us hear the bb's heartbeat! Strong and powerful!
But oso a bit worry that our bb is so tiny...only 0.75cm.

So, IMHO, If you have tried for months w/o success, no harm trying out TCM treatment.

Best of luck and Babydust to all!!!

A proud father to be!!
Thanks Gals for the encouragement.
I actually tested the HPK alone wo my hubby's knowledge coz I dun wan to dash his baby hope.
When e result came out - ve , i was so sad though i know the chances is not high since I having the PMS symptom but still find the result hard to accept.
My hiubby has been asking me each day whether my AF has reported & whether we still stand any chance on conceiving but I told him, I quite sure the chance is low though i do hope deep down inside if i can convieve this time.

Two of our firends convieved on their first & second tries so initially, we thot it will not be a problem for us since we fall on the same age group as them. However, it seems harder than we thot & now I really regretted not TTC any earlier. Should I visit those gynae clinic, jz to check on my body to see if I am suitable for preggie ? jz afraid I have flybroid or cynst that prevent me to convieve normally & also on my hubby's sperm count if he falls on the healthy range.
any good clinic /gynae to recomm
Hi HopeTBF,

Congrats :D

Yup, has been gng to Dr Tan for 3mths liao but we r not as lucky as u

Mayb we r really to old (mid 30 liao) for him to help...sob sob
Hi Storeberry
thanks for you r encouragement. However Very Sian AF just reported last nite.

Hi Saro queenie
Can I have the address. By the way if I just go alone without my hubby going izzit ok. Cos he is those type dun belive in all this.Haiz.

Aiyo just feel the earthquake. Did any one of u feel it.I am at bugis.Thought I dizzy man due to AF hahaha
wa.. y so many earthquake.. scary boy... and now HDB building taller n taller flats... Just wondering hor, are our flats built to withstand tremors or not ??
caca, i in jurong

didnt feel it ... I experienced few earthquakes
when i was in Japan... not tremors... hehe

but we have so many tall buildings in Singapore... so very scary....
