(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


Ervin is opp. Dun like to drink milk now but wan solid.. Everyday i have to ensure he drink at least 600ml of milk loh. Headache..

Why cant kids just eat watever we give them..haha

I'm interested in Enfa. how many tins enfa u haf? If got 2 then can give me n pas.. if got 1, u give Pas 1st. I ask fr my PD.. she say no stk..

I recently switched from similac to enfapro. Found tat Summer love enfa.. Compared to the transition period w 50% similac n 50% enfa, she drinks much more milk now. Then she could down max of 3-4oz milk each time.. now she can easily down 5-6oz.. so happy. finally can stop changing milk powder.

Ash using NUK rite? wat size teat hole she using?
Med seems too slow, n large hole make Summer choke. she doesn't like. I got the hole puncher, n punch another small hole in the med size teats.. shld be ok rite???
Ok, the lady from Abbott called and she also feels that possibly Bryan cannot digest the new formula with the pro & pre biotics which could also be the culprit that causes his diahorrea. Her advise is not to give him any formula with pre & pro biotics at the moment and stick to the old formula till he is about 18mths old then slowly intro Gain IQ.

Wah lau, like tat i must go and hunt for the old similac and keep stock liao.

now NTUC have promo for the old similac buy 2 tins 900g and free 1 tin 400g gain iq. U can check it out.

Maybe Bryan stomach is not ready for the pro & pre biotics yet..
Thanks will go and check that out tomorrow night. If not will order online directly from Abbott since they provide free delivery if order hits $200.
xue, i onie got 1 can of enfa.. sorry!

ivy, joanne81 ask for the similac first, so give her instead..sorry!

Jess, u going to the Positive Baby trial tis weekend?? If yes, i'll pass to u.. the same for other mommies who is going.I'll juz bring everything along..haha

how come no baby drinking mamil gold?? hmm..
ya. i find her exchange rate abit high. plus gotta pay for domestic charges for her fren to help us mail back rite? wonder how much will tt add to.

my boi has been drinking 6 tins of d new advanced fm from similiac le. no issues so far. its much beta dan d old one. =)

my elder 2 girls drink Mamil Gold Step 4 ... I tried Similac and Gain for BOTH of them when they were younger but they had constipation .. so my friend recommended Mamil Gold. Actually not too bad, and cheaper too !! ..
jowin, iemik0

for these kind of decorations/party supplies .. easily can hit a decent amt .. just buy on your own no need spree lar ... I usually do it that way for all my girls' parties ..I love buying from Birthday Direct.com so nice their stuff.
hi jappooh
the cc rate just fluctuate la.. so far no 1.5 yet..
around 1.42 -1.45.

Ya.. 1 feed only lor. so i totally feed with the new similac liao

pas, ya.. most likely will ship to my friend house in US then ask her to send to me.

Ashlynne still taking medium size NUK teats. I change to the large teat, she choke also.. i pour water into it.. the flow is so fast... no wonder she choke lor... Good idea to punch a small hole to it.. The medium size seem too slow. i also find her suck abit harder now.. more effort to drink.. but then slow enough to make her drink n zzzz... hahahaha!!!
Kristalngel,shld have chech wit u.the prices is really much cheaper n true tat amt can get really high.

Bad experience at party joy.lady recomended n I said ok w/o confirmin the total fig.when made payment I got totally shocked cos I've clocked 500 plus w/o realisin.wanted to redo selection,the lady was nt happy. Managed to take away some stuff but she said no point doing, though was stil 400plus. N said can't help wit set up though she promised earlier. Totally pissed n wanna cancelled then only said ok wit set up.bad bad experience

that time i have stock up the old similac so i do not need to buy the new one liao. cant ahna my boy till he is 1yr old or slightly over 1 yr old liao.
wow gals,

all of u so hard working lei.. Doing so much for your kids birthday. I feel bad cos i didnt do anything. Just plan to buy a cake for him and celebrate with immed family nia. bad mummy
u koe how much to inflat the big mylar balloons with helium? 2ndbb mention to rent the tank is $50, but i might not want to rent to inflat...

OMG! so ex!!! wahh Partyjoy try to "carrot" u ahh...

NUK: i'm also using medium NUK teats. Large one the flow too fast...ok la, Kayson taking the medium flow one well enuff...

adel: bryan takes yogurt?? tt has probiotics also rite...

jappooh, thanks on the tip for mixing stage 2 & 3..which is better? alt feeds between stage 2 & 3 OR to mix?? actaull still 2 more mths to go, me KS mummy, checkin out the procedure first..
Bryan loves his yoghurt and he has taken both yoplait and heinz. So far no such problem thats why we are puzzled why he reacted so strongly to this. Now I'll have full tin of the new formula sitting on my counter liao 'cos I just opened the new tin on Monday. *sigh*.....
Hi pas
i m not sure but i will rent the tank. easier to blow other balloons too. then those plain balloons.. the kids can take home.. or let it out to the sky lor.. i love to see if FLY... siao mummy.. hahaha!!

tat parkway one is it?? Tat lady always blackface lor.. tat day ashlynne stood at the corner, gentle touching the airwalker, not even grabbing.. she stared hard at us.. we bo chap her... So no äi xin for children.. how to open a shop selling children items???
Jappooh, u r not the only 1 la......hee. I also just intends to buy a cake/ cup cake to celebrate w family only. Dun even intend to buy new dress for my gal for it.....hahaha....

But i got thou of what gift to buy la. Btw, what u all mummy intending to buy as gift for Baby's 1st year gift?
*WAVE*WAVE* i join u in the camp of nvr do anything mummy... :p


I thot partyjoy shld be ok leh...
ANG POW for her savings a/c... :p I am a practical mum... $ is best... even if i have party, i will most prob ask pple to give me things from the mint-factory... i.e. cash lar...
Joshua had diarrhea and fever after new FM too. But now he ok after seeing PD with anti-diarrhea medicine and diluting of milk.

He's taking the new FM well now.
Snowger, I'm thinking of buying a small gold bar lei....cos like v special n can keep ma. But hor, think now gold super x, cannot afford le
Did you ask the lady if it will be btr to intro pro-biotics (in milk) to Bryan when he's young? Build up his capacity for pro-biotics since u'll be letting him take GAIN? i.e. mix the old n new formula for him?

Esp u have one tin at home... might as well trial n error...
Jappooh/Snowger - I also joining both of u leh.. also not organising birthday party.. just celebrate with relatives and maybe invite some of my friends also.. Hv asked my sis to bake cupcakes and a small cake (for cutting).. oh I even forgot abt birthday gift for my gal.. :p

Jowin - I read abt this angbao guideline on the sunday times leh.. then the following monday i read the forum on straits times replying on this guidelines.. some people really jialat.. even commented that couples shld not expect guest to help cover the cost of the dinner if they cannot afford to hold their wedding dinner at posh hotels. There's 1 person commented that the amount of angbao he will give depends on how close he is with the couple. He can even give $20 angbao even if the dinner is held at posh hotels. Whoa, i feel like bashing this kind of person leh..
I think buying gold at this time is not worth it unless gold prices in future is like $60... So I rather just give her in cash (thou it's likely to be equally worthless in future due to inflation).
At least I dun have to worry abt where to keep it (safely)...

Back in my pri/sec sch days, gold was about 23-25 dollars, so gold is still affordable... Now I think it's just WAY over priced... But bo bian, oil price go up, gold oso go up. But when oil price drop, gold nvr drop leh...
me not joining positive baby this Sat, will probaby go ur place & collect ya...

actually i started daniell on mamil gold but after tat i switched him to nan ha2 after getting sample from my PD, but after tat realized tat nan ha milk powder so EX then i'm thiking to switch back to mamil gold lor after finishing the current tin of nan ha... but since u hav one tin to giv away so i;'ll let daniell continue drinking nan until all finish then only switch...

1st Birthday Party
wow i see u all so into it i start to kancheong liao coz din get or shop for anything yet!!! anyway i plan to buy locally liao coz easier laa since the item i wan actually not much saving if get from spree ler...

btw, can i ask if i can buy helium balloon from BP then bring to flowerist shop to ask them refill helium gas for me? coz i see if i get balloon with helium gas the price damn ex, but if i bring my own balloon to ask for fill up, anyone got idea how much it would cost???

ya ... if u buy yourself online, u know how much you're spending. I usually buy all the decor myself .. then use a caterer, bouncy castle, magician .. etc .. so far my highest spent for a birthday party all in was 1.4k .. for about 40 ppl.

ya both my 2nd and 3rd girls still drink formula. Mamil Step 4. sure, thanks!! send to me .. i PM u my address, thank you !! ..

aiya, i think I'm not doing anything for Calista's first birthday .. she won't know what's going on. waste 1k plus .. lol. wait till she's older. snowger,I think i'm just ordering a cake too and celebrate at home.

I was thinking of buying her a gold anklet for her birthday. actually I have like 3 .. but they belong to my other girls .. so that's why I thought get her one.
ya .. i think they carrot me
..cos my budget was only SGD150 .. i didnt know it will cos so much !! cos she ask me to buy this and tat ...and happily selecting cos it was like $4-$15 each ...didnt know it add up to SGD500 ... !

She also kept asking me to at least commit to 160 balloons, even when I told her that my place is small .. and no need to get so many balloons ..

She was super nice intially .. pushing me to take this and that ..and when i got a shocked and wanna redo- selection, she blacked face ..and said hurry, cos i'm holding the cashier for u .. I 'bo chap" .... then i said wanna cut this and that and cut to 60 balloons ..she said no point doing loh .. it wont be nice ..I'm damn angry and wanna back out already .. then i re-confirmed abt them doing the decor for me .. she said not sure when she promised me that they will do it .. I spent under duress leh .. ! i "xin tong" cos i find it really exp .. but pressured to buy when she kept saying I'm holding up the cashier ..

yes I've done that before ... $1 a balloon for the normal average sized latex ones. I bought the balloons from birthday direct.com ... and also the BIG metallic ones ... huge ones. cost me $8 for hte helium.

wa lau. that's bad leh. who on this earth needs 160 balloons ?!! to decorate 60 more than enough loh !!

that's such a horrible experience. now I know never to go to that store.
I used those party stores that used to be at the Concourse. But be careful - after u inflate the balloons .. very hard to transport back leh unless u have a van. I only had like 20 balloons .. and it was tough getting it into my previous vehicle. lol !!! My hubby couldn't see out any of the windows to check his blind spot etc. hahahahah !

me too thinking give cash to my boy acct.

yes pls PM me your address so i can post out to u when i on my way hm tonite.
i ordered a few helium filled foil balloons from babyterror, 1 for $5+. easier, dun need to go and inflate the balloons myself. will collect from her 1 day before the celebration.
Would u like me to post out the colostrum to u? If yes,email me ok?

1st B'day
i feel so bad cos i have not done anything to plan for Jordan's 1st bday le..
If held in a function room, still need to buy those party suppliers? Sam?

Milk Powder
Hmm...can i give Mamil All in One on top of the Similac Gain IQ for Jordan after he turns 1 year old? Or must i only choose one? Mommies plse advise? Thks!

Thks for posting out my RL today! Can't wait to receive them!
tt's what i've been trying to find out!! "how much to inflat" the balloons! thanks for the info, so its ave $1 per balloon & $8 for the bigger ones!! wahhh!!! i better re-count again tonite see if worth to buy locally for them to inflate for me OR i buy online n inflate myself.

Jowin, i didnt think i might get the helium tank as my celebration only at home. But i still want to deco up the place despite small party at home only.
wow tat's ex esp i intend to get big metalic one... siao, $8 for gas... hahaha!

ur $5 for 1 is normal latex balloon? $5 is the price for balloon filled with helium gas?

aiyo, all these balloons so ex, think i might end up not getting any balloon for b'day party, very hard to get myself pay so much juz for balloon... lol! last time my elder boy's 1st bday i also never get all these things one, not even a customized bday cake... his b'day cake juz a normal mango cake from bakerzin... tat's all... hehee!

is ok lar i see when i can get from u loh. I still have stock so not in a hurry to get from u. If not waste on postage lei..Hee
hi, I am from jan thread, but my gal was born in Dec. I getting balloons from oversea spree, bargain balloons, the price is cheap only abt US$0.56 depend on the design and size.

As for the Helium gas, I had make some reseach.
18" mylar is $1.50
31" mylar is abt $5

Hope these info can help u.

ya ... the party shop filled my balloons up with helium and tied curling ribbon to each one ... $1 per latex balloon for the helium and the ribbon lor. Cos my girl wanted a High School Musical themed party so I bought the stuff off Birthday Direct.com ... I also bought 2 HUGE 18inch mylar balloons .. the metallic ones .. that cost $8 to inflate.

Haha, I'm too lazy to wait and inflat and deco the balloon stuff so I just get Kidzparty to do everything for me. Total spent less than $200 for my boy's upcoming bday :p

thanks for asking Brad for me abt the promo.

sms me when u get the stuff. see if really takes a day or not. if it doesn't I'm going to call and complain and demand money back.

hehehe. $200 is reasonable
then u don't have to do anything. I remember we were rushing to the Concourse to inflate the ballloons .. stuffing them into our vehicle then rushing to The Patissier to get the cake .. damn siong man having a party. lol !!! then come home still have to wait till the function room is mine then can decorate. wa lau.
