(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

iemiko, air walker - $8 ; under jumbo balloons.

Thx Joanne81!

Jo, I not sure hw the shipping charges are calculated. Actually if u intend to buy balloons, can just get fr kidzpartystore or bbterror. Cos price abt the same for balloons with helium. But for party deco, buy from birthday direct would be much much cheaper.
iemkio, np: i should be paiseh..so long havent collect from u..keke

u ladies really v hardworking leh, i haven't done any research or studies on the birthday party..my venue is also not confirmed yet..still waiting for my bro to get confirmation if he managed to get chalet..else will either hold at my place or my office clubhouse...

but will it be a bit wuliao to hold birthday party at office clubhouse?

As for the cake, will order from baker's world instead. for others who want to order from pine's garden, they have a new flavour out, bailey cream cake, i tried it and better than lychee martin, more like chocolate and cream cake.
gals, u noe hor, Zach is turning so yellow that i began to worry!
It is so obvious even under the sun.. apparently he had carrot n pumpkin everyday for the longest time ever n when I found out, too late liao. Now he stopped taking them alr aft i told his bbsitter not to feed him with yellow stuff.
Wonder how long will he turn back to normal.
ok, thanks ya!

serious??? u check with ur PD? really caused by these yellow vegie?? omg, i put carrot in daniell's porridge EVERDAY ler... wow better try to cut down from now on...
emma also turned yellow for a while. our PD pointed out when we brought her there for check-up. we were giving carrot and papaya very frequently. once we stopped, after about a week, she returned back to normal colour.
i didnt answer you before meh? aiyo you look at my previous post told you gals that....

Posted on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 10:43 pm:
about the bowls.. my supplier told me that the courier service(royal mail) having alot of problems now.. so she fed up using another courier to post to us.. cus i compliant to her that time that it really take very long already! hope to get all the bowls asap.. and from the last time that we contact she told me that this tuesday she will mail out all the bowls again. So will see how again ba.

btw wana ask u all a topid question hahah so if i order 2 photobooks i dun have discount hor?! haha must die die order 8 then got discount ah?? lol
when you say eat frequently, u mean Emma eats the carrot rite? Cos I cook carrots in her stock and so far my girl seems fine lor...

I think office clubhouse is ok lar... it's still a place mah... As long as it's accessible can liao lor...

My ger oso got a little bit of red spots on her buttock area and sometimes on the front area. But usually is v mild cos it goes away aft putting desitin. I nvr thot it could be a problem with the formula lor. I thot it's because of the overnite wet diaper. me not giving her similac when this happened.

Her condition quite wierd cos will have a bit of "peel"-ing effect aft I put the desitin cream for her... *HMMMM....*
yup, she is actually eating the carrot. i guess if you just use it for stock, it should be fine. although I think for emma, she was eating more papaya than carrot, which caused the yellowness. but PD said it's no harm to your child if s/he is a bit yellow, just that won't look so nice, that's all.
Cake: keke.. me havent order lah..but they told me they charge per kg lor..no artist charge. As for design, i ask the boss who is also the designer, Patrick San, he say that best is to tell him the theme and age and he will do the design accordingly. He got abit those tao or shld i say artist's mood, he say he dun like those tell him to do what or what to do..keke. for me i will order 2 kg of chocolate cake altot i wanted durian alot..1kg is abt $33 for normal cake and for durian and ny cheesecake is $36/38 per kg. No website, we go to his store at Jln Riang at serangoon park. quite wulu place.

Snowger, keke..u know my office, of cos accessible. Just that will it be weird to have it at office premise? keke..haha

Carrot: My boi also eat carrot everyday leh..with his porridge.
2nd baby
thanx for d info.

i called up party city. hehe.

one airwalker = 7 latex balloons
2 x 18" mylars = 3 latex balloons

now wondering if i shud rent helium tank or get kidzpartystore to do it. hehe. they sell airwalker veri ex. =p but for company event sure rent tank. kekez.
if he doesn't look yellow, then should be fine la. emma was eating 2 types of Vit A foods, papaya and carrot. kath's boy also ate 2 types of food, that's why turned yellow. i think if only one type, and not a lot, should be okay..
ehloo Mummies,

have anyone tried giving baby finger food ( eg banana pancake, fried banana, sweet potato fries ... ) cut into small cubes - baby tumb size and serve as breakfast or finger food?

wanna try on Evan but wondering if food with too much oil will cause indigestion for them .. any advise ?
I bake them so not too much oil
(for sweet potatoe & butternut squash). Pancake I just use non stick pans or very little canola oil.

u can order up to max 8 books, & it's free. Only need to pay shipping of $7.99/book.

VitA/carrots: me too, Kayson takes carrots almost everyday leh...ops..

i dun quite understand still wat u mean by front area..in any case, monitor her condition...same like snowger, it nv cross my mind that it's got to do w FM..so far only had 1 super seriour diaper rash tt's when Kayson was sick....he poo a lot alot alot...which i suspected is the medicine..either tat or just his own system clearing the toxics??
then 2 wks back when he had fever n sick again, he also poo alot...& almost had diaper rash again..why i say almost bcos this time round we notice his butt turning red & quickly apply doc's cream before it got any worse. so i sort of concluded that sick & on medication = diaper rash..
if no carrots in the soup hor, like lack the sweet taste... haha... :p

Eating anti-b will increase bb's possiblity of getting diaper rash... Plus ur boi poo alot and tat may oso cause diaper rash if the area is always wet lor...

the front portion refers to the genetial area where u can see once u strip off the diaper lor...

Pat pat i thot is the whole genital area?

the pancake u refer to those ready made frozen ones?
I make it from scratch 'cos i want to add in his milk to the mixture and sometimes i'll sprinkle some cinnamon into the mixture. At time i use gluten/wheat free flour to make the mixture thats why i don't use the ready made frozen ones due to the preservative used.
Echo, my pd oso pointed out to me. I din notice u Noe!! I always tot cos he's fair but 3 weeks ago when he was wif me we went out quite often n he got tanned n the yellowness became quite obvious till the corner of his eyes n nose is yellow. Worse than when he got jaundice during new born.

He takes carrot n pumpkin squash daily leh n I tink tat's too much Liao. Gosh.. I hope he recovers soon else I'll hv to bring him for sun tanning n I'll get sun tan myself
hi kath
i see.. cannot take carrot n pumpkin daily. its too much already. same for butternut squash. Ashlynne took quite alot too but then recently i also afraid , so i thought of mee suah, chicken porridge etc.. For a change lor..

hi maureen
Yes.. the part.

Today i see, no more rashes.. all subside. back to normal
yah i agree with luthadel, better not to give those ready-made/frozen stuff, cos of the preservatives.

why don't you just give non-fried food as finger food? for home-made finger food, i give my girl steamed carrot or pieces of soft fruit (ripe pear, watermelon).
I also realised too much carrot and pumpkin for my gal too. Maid likes to mix with either carrot or pumpkin daily. Somemore the stock also consists of carrots.
vote for Hayden for fun!! haha.. Jo.. the top voted pic got 1133 votes liao wor... her village damn big sia..

Kath.. it should fade away after a few days..when i was teaching.. there was a french boy that is vegetarian.. so his mummy give him carrots everyday as snack.. his fingers were yellowish..

hayden hates pumpkin n butternut squash.. funny boy.. haha.. he likes tomato, tofu, broccoli and carrots.. keke.. not really he like la.. more like i only cook such things for him.. haha.. tell u gals a good news.. (to me la!!) hahaha.. hayden is FINALLY teething.. his teeth is finally cutting thru.. piangz.. ur kids some got 4-8 teeth liao.. my bo geh finally got 5% of a tooth.. then the mummy siao siao so happy.. kekeke
daniell also teething already (finally), but only cut thru a bit... i discovered this few days ago & i'm also damn happy... wanna take the photo of his 1st teeth but he refused to open his mouth... hahaha!
haha.. jes.. ya lor.. so happy hor.. kekeke.. my grandma came to stay with me last wk.. and she commented that hayden is like a doggie.. coz he crawls like one and sticks his tongue out the whole time maybe coz of his gums lor.. and funniest part is he keeps "barking" by saying "eh" damn loudly... hahaha
Ya la.. tat boy have 1133 votes.. huge sia.. They hack into the system or wat.. LOL

congrats to hayden to join the 1st tooth club!!
faints.. rachel!! it applies for all who havent receive unless i have told you that yours have receive. alamak! now im waiting for my supplier to doble confirm have she send out the bowls already to another courier.
haha... hayden so cute!!

btw, daniell finally crawl last week, VERY SLOW HOR... already 10mths then learn crawling, but a bit slow la & he dun really like to crawl, he prefer standing or walking while holding onto something, sometimes he can stand (with support to sofa) for more than hour & refuse to sit down... weird... hahah!

jowin, phyl,
i kepo go n see that boy tat has 1000 over votes!!! wow, how on earth he can get SO MANY VOTES??? his parent's network must be very very strong.. lol
Thks for clarifying....think Fabbie misunderstood my question!

Can just tell me, DID I order the bowl from u? I cant rmb if I ordered from u...
I oso dun wan to give her frozen one... cos pancakes got use eggs as ingredients. So i just use the normal pancake receipe, instead of whole egg i use egg yolk oni?

If u notice the disclaimer says that the no of votes on the website now is not the final tally. If I am not wrong hor, if u key in ur IC more than once for jowinbb/phyl, it should go thru. So aft contest close, they will take out the NRIC votes that are repeated... :p Just my guess lar...
snowger, add some milk to it lah. I actually bought egg replacer under Orgran for some bakes for bryan 'cos I still dun wan to intro any egg whites yet.

cannot go through, I vote for Jowin using my IC. THen now i try to use mine ic for phyl it reject. So i use my hubby ic for phyl. Can only use once for 1 IC no.
