(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hello all mummies! How's all your little ones doing? I have not posted for very long! Time really flies, from the time of our pregnancy, labour, the month long confinement and now our darlings are turning One!!

I am one mummy here who is doing nothing for my Baby's first bday. Parties are definitely fun but guess i will not be hosting one. I have decided to pack my whole family to the zoo on Cayenne's bday and we will have a mini lunch gathering there.

We took the mornin slot (1st session) so I get to deco the place from 9am hehehehe.....aim 12.01am, click and book....super kiasu right? hahahaha

ya I managed to book my function room and the lounge (ask my neighbour to book) .. so oops, ya I decorated the LOUNGE and not the function room. The lounge is smaller and has a tv etc. the function room in my condo is a bit big with a high ceiling .. cannot let the balloons just drift up ... cannot retrieve it later. lol !! And cannot really decorate .. not enough decorations. lol!.

sigh, I used to do that too .. then the management felt it was an unfair advantage to those with computers and internet at home (like duh, who doesn't have a PC at home nowadays with internet access) and stopped online booking. Now, must go to the office. How outdated man. SO what ppl do is QUEUE early in the morning and wait for the office to open. Cos only can book one month in advance.
Oic Sam...Okie... when will u celebrate calista's 1 bday?

Hello Chantelle!
Welcome back! How hv u been?
Actually I am thinking if i should throw a bday party for jordan or just a small family dinner will do...but too bad la, my MIL already invited some of HER friends so we hv no choice!!
seriously, I really dunno WHETHER to have a party or not.

If have then it will be the weekend before the 30th of Nov lor I guess. 28th or 29th?

still haven't decided. sigh. ex leh ... catering .. deco .. cake. sure at least 1k. can buy a nice handbag. LOL.

ya lar. stoopid rite? .. everything used to be online .. booking facilities, tennis courts etc .. now no more. for some years aldy. back to old school paper and pen. how dumb and inconvenient.

It could be also they don't want to pay for it. I think it's dumb lor. It's to make people's lives easier now everything must head to the office. che.
If i had a choice I dun wan a party lor, at least not before Jordan turns 2 years old...80% confirm to have a b'day celebration for Jordan on 28 Nov (Sat) at Singapore Swimming Club..but not yet placed deposit le, they merely hold the venue for me, must faster faster go n put the deposit this weekend!!

But they r nice enough la, called me whenever there in anyone interested in it...
I have decided (more or less) on catering (going to use Rasel and Neo Garden)and cake (PG) BUT have not gotten round to ordering anything yet haha. Actually my headache is too many relatives so I have to split into 2 weekends, no choice. I wanted to have it on a Fri evening and Sat lunch but then hor, my mum warn me i might end up with alot of leftover food. Very siong on my pocket but since we did not really have a one mth celebration, will have a one year old party.

Gold price is at a all time high now, so i guess jewellery will not be cheap.
jappooh, lol. ya

yogi, will mail off your RL stuff tmr. need to go buy envelopes.

okie... gotta run gals .. need to drive my girl for her ballet class. tty later !!!
Anyone know the artscow they now got a promo they say Offer 1: 8pcs Free 20-paged 8” x 8” Photo Books meaning ( you will be accredited with 8 free hard cover photo books) Whats 8 free hard cover photobooks? and is it add 8 more pages more? but the problem is i try to add 8 pages more cannot leh. is either 23 or 31.... anyone know mah? thanks
topid.. so hard to understand their website what they saying.. or maybe im just so topid.. arghz.. and im like so happy that i got 8pages more! hahahha
i'm also using medium NUK teats too. onli yesterday try with stage 2 medium hole. Never try the large one before.

wat do you mean by punch a small hole. Got sell this type of puncher???
he only finish the new tin of FM and then we switch back to the old one becos we bought the 2+1 Gain IQ package. (I only realise today it's old version) Hee hee
DUN key in the promo code yet, the last day to key in is 31st Oct. The earlier u key in , the earlier ur dateline.
"Photo books credit expires 30 days after initial validation"

U going on sat? so i can bring ur frisco.
by thw way,R our bowls here ah?

mine was Never online booking lor! Have to go to the management office to fill up form & book! haha so its like urs!

ya lor i go validate last day then see got time to do. That time the free 5book 20pages and 39pages i didnt have time to do now expiry liao.

So busy no time for photobook liao
yes yes i wan ur nan ha2 too, can i? pass to kath & i'll collect from her... thank Q!!

sam, pastillies,
same here... my side also dun hav online booking one, and also can only book one mth in advance (but last time no such rule one), so i got to make sure i dun forget to go n book...
i let you know on friday.. anyway i already key the promo liao.. but im trying to rush my book within this week.

eh but i dun understand.. so what they mean 8 free 8 x 8? so meaning i can order 8 photobook and its the price of 1???

about the bowls.. my supplier told me that the courier service(royal mail) having alot of problems now.. so she fed up using another courier to post to us.. cus i compliant to her that time that it really take very long already! hope to get all the bowls asap.. and from the last time that we contact she told me that this tuesday she will mail out all the bowls again. So will see how again ba.
fab, no lar.. meaning u get 8 books of 8x8 for free... each book u hv to pay for shipping charges onie. Shipping is abt US$7 and if u order 2 books at one go, u pay accordingly lar
fabbie, I wanted 25 pgs for the photobk also cant so its either 23 pgs or 31 pgs.

Party : I ordered balloons, deco, cake, buffet.. all except venue. Haha.. cos can only bk function room one mth in advance. And so silly must go down personally to book. If its popular slot, then must reali go down super early and queue. First come first served basis. Ade, yr side to bk function room online is so convenient.

Sam, yes yes, birthday direct has lots of variety. I ordered fr there too.

NUK teats: I started gal on L size since 4 mths old. Till nw she is still taking L size. If got XL teat hole, will be better. Haha.
2nd baby,

i thought NUK teats size L is for thicking liquid? Eg: milk add cereal? Cos M size is for fm, and small size for water. So i also use Msize even for my elder boy.

My baby use stage 2 M size. but my elder one like stage 1 M size. baby like slim bottle, gor gor wan fat bottle. Headache.
Jappooh, my gal can take it leh. Somemore she using L size to drink BM which is more fast flowing. Oops..

Anyway, my gal finally takes FM after 1 mth of trying. Can start to wean her off from BM soon.
The spree's organiser told me if she places order now and will get it around mid nov.
But too bad that my order is below USD65 and need to pay USD6 domestic from BD to her friend place if I want her to place order now. The free shipment is apply for above USD65, so still waiting for some more orders to reach USD65 then place order.
If u want it by 22nd Nov maybe a bit rush and risky.

Hi ladies,
I bought the Metallic balloons at $7 for 50pcs in one of the birthday supplies shop near middle road. Here is the design I may use for my boy 1st birthday party and the balloons are air filled.

Luthadel and gals
i think Ashlynne might have the same problem as Bryan for the new improved version of Similac.

as i mentioned, i started her 2 days ago, which is monday morning. Mon night, i saw some diaper rashes. Ashlynne NEVER had diaper rashes b4. Reason why i did not thought that it might due to FM, is because, i thought i had changed her to L size diaper on Sunday, which may caused her abrasion. I changed her diaper back to M size immediately and the rashes also subsided yesterday too.

But tonight, i saw some rashes back again, although i changed her diaper size.

Seriuosly, i need to monitor again. I only gave her 1 feed a day. Maximum 2 feed if she wants more milk milk..


If not suitable for her, i gonna change back to old FM and wasted on the newly opened tin.

May i know, the rashes is abit spotty? Ashlynne is like small pimples and reddish... She never had any food allergy b4
Is your granny getting better?
My boy is on similac and have the same thinking like u not changing to new version coz will change to stage 3 gain IQ in anothers 1.5 months time so no point to take the risk.
Pas.. Ashlynne no have diaper rash b4.. so its not diaper rash, its red red spotty.. it fade off 1 day after i applied desitin on her.. today, its back again abit..
NUK teats: Rachel is using wide neck. Stage 2 medium hole. But I cant find new bottle that come with Stage 2 medium hole. Anyone have any idea where to buy? BTW how frequent you gal change bottle?
little rabbit
their balloons r reali cheap! seems like good deal. hehe.

any mummies got any idea where can rent helium tank? need for company function. =p
Bryan's was spotty near the anus where he poos and 'cos he also had diahorrea, the surrounding about 6 cm from the anus were red, like as though someone slap him real hard on the butt.

We put him on isomil since yesterday and will continue until all his redness disappear. Since switching, his poo is back to normal and the rashes and redness are really faint now.
iemiko. for rental of helium tank, u can try party city at holland v or raffles city. $30 for helium tank which can inflate 35-40 latex ballons. They have bigger tank too. Holland V: 64626011.

Jo, shd be able to get the figurines on 7 nov?

To inflate w Helium: Most charge at this rate:
12" latex balloon: $0.90
18" mylar balloon: $1.50
Jumbo ballons: $4-$8
Walking balloons: $2
Gals, I'm still down wif runny nose n very high chance not able to make it to the trial on Sat. The tap keeps leaking. Haha.. Nose oso wanna falloff alr.
If I can't make it, anyone wanna take over my place, PM me ok. I dunno the details though..
iemiko, i sms u last evening regarding abt the wet tissue, i havent collect from you. are u free today? i ask my hb come collect from u?

2ndbaby, so ma fan.. think i rent the helium tank better... hee hee... if go to the shop, one by one blow... put all in the car.. no need to drive liao..=P

blow up all the balloon n let it into the ceiling...

LOL... how fun..
