(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi mummies,

all your kids look like taking alot.. I thinl ervin took little food loh.. Sigh..

Milk always drink 120 to 150ml nia.

ya. fondant looks real nice! so tempted. haha. but scare hb scold. coz my elder boi had fondant cake from aimummy & all don like d cake. end up like waste money lor.

little victoria
my boi bdae at end nov. hehe. my fren borrowing my mini figurines from disney store one. i still tinkin wan d jumbo mickey anot. looks so nice. tink they still got stock wor.

yes, my gg also like to suck her thumb. hb say is bec i did not give her pacifica. think is bec of teething as well.

at first also only when going to sleep. sometime as and when. if she is not going to sleep, we will pull her thumb out loh and she got very angry.. haa..haa.

my gg also take very little food. only 125 ml per feed, sometime not finish still. she want to eat but do not want to feed hershelf
u ship by ??

wahh i see all ur bb take > 200ml of milk...i havent increase to tt much leh..max 180ml for my boy...in fact sometimes 120ml , sometimes 150ml..

actually the items arrived like blardy 2 weeks ago .. but when they first delivered, I wasn't in .. and they din leave the notice behind .. only a week later, then I received a reminder about the failed delivery .. then only I was aware that my stuff had arrived ... finally arranged for re-delivery today. stupid vpost.
I think I very "kan cai" (aka dun really bother) with regards to my ger's food intake.

Her milk seldoms hit 180ml and her intake hovers around 120ml mostly. But if tat's all she's willing to take and is still growing and happy, I leave it liao lar. So does enjoy her solid food thou... So I am happy...

Somemore, her physical milestone developments are pretty good... She likes to play with other kids and people... Smiles back at strangers who smile to her... points at things she is curious about... loves to hand over things she's playing to the adults (which includes her tutu).

Plus currently she is still being BF by me (2 out of 3 milk feeds), so can't expect her to expand overnite... :p

my ger oso take 1 HT food jar. I will mix it with a little bit of carbo (e.g. pasta/cereal). In fact she prefers it without bits of stuff... Lazy eater lar...
oh.. this is Ashlynne intake

whenever she wake up = 180ml FM
1200 = 1 bowl porridge/mee suah or 4 tablespoon cereal + 70ml puree
1500 = 180ml BM
1730 = 70ml fruit puree
1930 = 1 bowl porridge + 1 cod/ngoh fish
2300 = 180ml BM

Lately, she want milk milk before she nap. so this is ad hoc.

consider alot???
cook mee 1st.. then throw in fish to boil..then i remove the soup.. smash it into pieces n feed lor..

Basically its tasteless.. but the fish is nice la.

she quite like it.
Jo, 11 pm is last feed rite?? U mean aft tat she still want?

Zach's last feed is 9pm or 9.30pm n if he sleep late like 1am, he'll not drink still. But I always wake him up for milk at 6am. Haha
sounds good... tis weekend can try giving her mee sua instead... HAHA! :p thanks for the tip! :p

Wonder if can give her bi-tai-bug... u noe those fish ball noddles type... oso made from rice one...
Kath, last feed at 11pm. Ya.. after tat normally she zzzzz till morning.

Mi Tai Mug.. like this? or Lao Xu Fan ( cantonese)
I think its abit too sticky and hard to smash up.. beside its oily too.. like kuey teow
ooh icic, wah i tot how come ur RL stuff only now then arrive.. i got mine also 2 wks ago. Exciting hor, like opening xmas present..

tat's a good tip on cooking the mee suan..i was also thinking how to give noodles stuff..
what time does Ashlynne sleeps?? & what time does she wakes up?

snowger, i havent tried mee suan yet...lazy mummy also..i thot porride & pasta easier..hee i just tried cheese last wkend..phew luckily no prob...so kayson have been trying out baked cheese pasta the last few days..
Yup as long as nicole is reaching her physical milestones, tts good enuff le!

Kayson's schedule is:
5-6am BF
9am FM 180ml (if wkends will be FM 150ml + cereal)
* 11+am Lunch:porridge 1 bowl
* 1+pm FM 180ml
430-5pm FM 180ml
7pm Dinner: Porridge 1 bowl + fruits sometimes
9pm BF + FM 90-120ml.

* the order is switch when i feed him during wkends..
In between will give snacks if we go out during wkends.

Read the FIRST FOOD book that bb 9-12mths we can start cooking panfried stuff (like fish/ rice) with butter...anyone started / tired? dunno will it be too oily??
Pas, I gave zach French toast week before last. Pan fried but without butter. Haha.. Abit dry n bland. Mabbe can add dome butter or cheese to fry. I'll try cheese toast tis weekend

lol :p me too. I bf so I have no clue how much milk she is taking but so long as she is happy eating solids and poops and pees regularly .. I am easy going abt it.

Kath, frenchtoast?? i.e got egg?? u let Zach tried egg le ah?? wahh if can eat egg, a lot of things can eat...
by the way, how u let zach eat french toast?? he can chew the toast??
pas, zach takes egg yolk once every 3 weeks. That was the first time i tried with whole egg cos he was tested twice for egg white for allergy and he pass..so i gave him wholemeal toast..haha.
He's been eating wholemeal bread for quite some time liao. I dunno if he can chew or not leh but i cut the toast into bite size pieces and he can put the whole thing in his mouth and bite n swallow. Now is the time to let them practise their chewing capabilities (that explains y he likes to chew on my nipple..haha)
Hi 2ndbaby
i saw u join the spree above. Sorry. i haven confirm my own spree with birthday direct

Perhaps i join the spree or buy myself and get it send to my friend house in USA, cos bday direct do not allow to ship international as well as to freight forwarder.

morning ladies

birthday direct onli ships to US?? anyone has idea?? my cousin staying in New York. wondering if she can accept parcel & help mi ship back to sg anot. =p
Hi ladies,
Has anyone of you tried the new improved Similac follow-on formula recently?

After switching to the new improved formula, Bryan started developing very bad diaper rash and when I switched him to Isomil 2, his bottom cleared and became ok.

Then i thought to give the new formula a go again and yesterday evening his diaper rash was so red that he cried when we bath him and he had diahorrea.

We never have this issue with Similac follow-on until the recent improved version. Anyone with similar situation????

i didnt give Ervin the new improve formula i stick to the old one. Was thinking since now he already 10mths + another 1mths plus he gg to change formula again so i just stick to the older version loh.

Maybe u wan to get Bryan the older version till he is 1 yr old?
*sigh* the new formula smells really nice and the consistency of the powder is very fine, very different from the old verion. We thought it should be ok since he was alright with Similac all the while and now with immunified added, it should be better. who knows he gets such bad diaper rash.... :S

Anyone tried the new formula and have the same reaction?
good morning
Last 2nites, bb has been waking up regularly and at 3am will refuse to sleep. She will keep crying and what is strange is she poops at this hour!! Really out of her norm. Is this a cause of concern? The texture is normal. She can poop up to 4x per day with once or twice big loads. Should I relook it her meal times or portion or sequence etc?? Any advise pls. TIA.
Ade, I've bn gvg the new formula. No such reaction. Had finished the 2nd or 3rd tin. Her recent outbursts at nite are unlikely due to the FM switch and texture remains similar to the previous too..
Me too same as Jappooh didnt gaive Rachel the improve version. Partly still have stock , partly think that 2 more months she will be changing again
We ran out of stock for the old one and i just thot new advance formula should be better lor. Going to call abbott now to see what they say.

oic.. If u want o get the older version i think NTUC is havng offer for that. and i think buy 2 900g tin free 1 400g gain iq.

i also have stock so not changing for Ervin. Abbott fm is getting more and more ex..
Actually we are quite taken aback by his skin reaction to the new formula. So currently we gave him isomil 2 and his diahorrea stopped and his rashes are subsiding.

Wonder what did they add to the new formula that could cause such a reaction. There was no problem with the old version at all. I tried to contact their hotline and all the incharge for similac NOT THERE!!! Left my number and will see how long they take to return call. Buay tahan, spent so much and yet problem *sigh*
Hi Adel
I received a pamplet from similac that the new FM shd not be switched totally. Such that it shd be 2 feed old FM then 1 feed new FM, then 2 feed new, 1 feed old and gradually changed to new FM totally.

As i started Ashlynne with 1 feed of FM already. I started her the new similac FM just yesterday n no see any effect. For last month, Ashlynne taking old FM.

Wanna call abbott?

that is usually the method ppl use to switch gm. For me i very lazy one usually i dun do that. I just switch loh. So far so good..
hi iemiko
Same, either i m going with the spree or send it to my friend house in houston.

I went to several shops in SG to see. Do not have things tat i want.

The spree in SMH hor.. the exchange rate is at 1.5? She going to adjust? Cos recently the exchange rate is at 1.42 only.
Hi Jappooh
I did not get to switch like this as Ashlynne only taking 1 feed FM per day. Unless her BM feed is not enough to reach 180ml, i will mix in additional FM to reach 180ml for her.

Now i see babies with such effect here.. wah. must really monitor.

BTW, in 1.5months, thEy changing to GainIQ already.
Hi gals,
I oso want to let my ger try Similac (the new version)... But then if she is already on one version of FM, is it ok to just switch her totally? Or have to do the titration thing?

now exchange rate at 1.42 only har.. So good?
When i use my cc is still at 1.45 lei. What card u use?

Ya maybe cos yours only 1 feed. ya 1.5mths they going to change to gain iq already. Our kids turning 1 yr old. So fast..hee
So one feed no need to do titration uh??? hehe... hmmm... mayb aft she finish the jap milk powder I will let her try the similac (new version).

They put in the immunifortis I think is acutally the probiotics thingy... a bit like drinking yakult where there are cultures. Not sure but it might change they pooping patterns and even the acidity of their poop...

maybe that's y got diaper rash? I got one tin of opened similac (old version) sample... My ger din like it so I kept it in the cupboard. Looks ok to me. U wan? I can bring on saturday...

Then u can do the titration thing...

my ger oso pooped this morning while going to my MIL's place. My hb almost fainted... Cos she dun usually poop so early in the morning. I heard her pass wind this morning aft feeding... But she still on 2 BM feeds out of 3 milk feeds.
Bryan was ok with the 1st tin of the new formula but as he gets to the 2nd tin, his diaper rash started coming. When i put him on Isomil 2, his diahorrea and diaper rash disappear and his bottom back to nice and smooth. Thats why we knew it could be related to the new formula.

Better intro it slow 'cos Bryan never has any allergy issues before until now. I'm still waiting for the people at Abbott to return my call.
I have brand new tins of similac, enfapro, nan ha and mamil to give away.. given by Zach's PD.Don't tink he wil hv the chance to try them cos another 1.5 mths to go when he turns 1 yrs old n the fm is not suitable liao. He's still on BM and onie drink goat's milk occasionally..any takers?
Kayson used to take the old version of similac, then i change to enfa as found similac like a lot of bubbles leh...recently saw the new improved version of similac still was thinking whther wan to try or not..wahh now hearing wat u mention, i guess i'll stick to enfa.
Hope Bryan diaper rash is ok n doesnt come back...i very scare of bb getting diaper rash...had a hell time when kayson had bad bad diaper rash few mths back.

Jowin / iemiko , same. I was thinking whther to do my own spree on the balloons fm US or to get them locally (at least they inflate w helium if i get here)...

anyone koes how much those florist / balloon shops charge in SG to inflat w helium a bouquet of balloon(eg 18" & 21" foil)..

snowger/ jappooh,
does it mean in 2 mths time when we change the FM to next stage, we still give back the 2nd stage n slowly mix in the 3rd stage FM??
paisay i dun quite understand, cos when i started on FM, kayson still on BM. now he still on BM for morning n nite..

for the FM yes some ppl is give 1 feed stage 3 and 2 feed stage 2 then slowly change over. Some ppl mix like 1 scoop of stage 3 to the stage 2 to slowly change over so depends loh. So far i heard these 2 methods.

For me lazy lar i just direct change loh. didnt slowly change lei..

Zachmommy,can I have the sinilac?
Jake is still drinking milk,don like porridge,actually eating cereal,
But nowadays only want milk!
